JMP=0x50,///< Rx - sets the index pointer to the value at Rx
JMPI,///< Rx Ry - if Rx != 0, sets the index pointer to Ry
IND,///< Rx - sets Rx to the index pointer.
EXTRO=0x60,///< Rx Ry Rz - looks at the contract at address Rx and its memory state Ry, and outputs the result to Rz
BALANCE,///< Rx - returns the ether balance of address Rx
MKTX=0x70,///< Rx Ry Rz Rw Rv - sends Ry ether to Rx plus Rz fee with Rw data items starting from memory index Rv (and then reading to (Rv + 1), (Rv + 2) etc). Note that if Rx = 0 then this creates a new contract.
DATA=0x80,///< Rx Ry - sets Ry to data item index Rx if possible, otherwise zero
DATAN,///< Rx - sets Rx to the number of data items
MYADDRESS=0x90,///< Rx - sets Rx to the contract's own address
SUICIDE=0xff///< Rx - destroys the contract and clears all memory, sending the entire balance plus the negative fee from clearing memory minus TXFEE to the address