392 lines
8.8 KiB

This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file Common.cpp
* @author Alex Leverington <nessence@gmail.com>
10 years ago
* @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
* @date 2014
#include "Common.h"
#include <random>
#include <cstdint>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
10 years ago
#include <libscrypt/libscrypt.h>
#include <libdevcore/Guards.h>
#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
#include <libdevcore/FileSystem.h>
#include <libdevcore/RLP.h>
#include <secp256k1/secp256k1.h>
#include "AES.h"
#include "CryptoPP.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::crypto;
#ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1
struct Secp256k1Context
Secp256k1Context() { secp256k1_start(); }
~Secp256k1Context() { secp256k1_stop(); }
static Secp256k1Context s_secp256k1;
static Secp256k1PP s_secp256k1pp;
bool dev::SignatureStruct::isValid() const noexcept
if (v > 1 ||
r >= h256("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141") ||
s >= h256("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141") ||
s < h256(1) ||
r < h256(1))
return false;
return true;
Public SignatureStruct::recover(h256 const& _hash) const
return dev::recover((Signature)*this, _hash);
Address dev::ZeroAddress = Address();
10 years ago
Public dev::toPublic(Secret const& _secret)
#ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1
bytes o(65);
int pubkeylen;
if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_pubkey_create(o.data(), &pubkeylen, _secret.data(), false))
return Public();
return FixedHash<64>(o.data()+1, Public::ConstructFromPointer);
Public p;
s_secp256k1pp.toPublic(_secret, p);
return p;
10 years ago
Address dev::toAddress(Public const& _public)
return right160(sha3(_public.ref()));
10 years ago
Address dev::toAddress(Secret const& _secret)
Public p;
s_secp256k1pp.toPublic(_secret, p);
return toAddress(p);
Address dev::toAddress(Address const& _from, u256 const& _nonce)
return right160(sha3(rlpList(_from, _nonce)));
10 years ago
void dev::encrypt(Public const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
bytes io = _plain.toBytes();
s_secp256k1pp.encrypt(_k, io);
11 years ago
o_cipher = std::move(io);
10 years ago
bool dev::decrypt(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plaintext)
bytes io = _cipher.toBytes();
s_secp256k1pp.decrypt(_k, io);
11 years ago
if (io.empty())
return false;
11 years ago
o_plaintext = std::move(io);
return true;
void dev::encryptECIES(Public const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
bytes io = _plain.toBytes();
s_secp256k1pp.encryptECIES(_k, io);
o_cipher = std::move(io);
bool dev::decryptECIES(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plaintext)
bytes io = _cipher.toBytes();
if (!s_secp256k1pp.decryptECIES(_k, io))
return false;
o_plaintext = std::move(io);
return true;
10 years ago
void dev::encryptSym(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
// TOOD: @alex @subtly do this properly.
encrypt(KeyPair(_k).pub(), _plain, o_cipher);
bool dev::decryptSym(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plain)
// TODO: @alex @subtly do this properly.
return decrypt(_k, _cipher, o_plain);
std::pair<bytes, h128> dev::encryptSymNoAuth(h128 const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain)
h128 iv(Nonce::get());
return make_pair(encryptSymNoAuth(_k, iv, _plain), iv);
bytes dev::encryptAES128CTR(bytesConstRef _k, h128 const& _iv, bytesConstRef _plain)
if (_k.size() != 16 && _k.size() != 24 && _k.size() != 32)
return bytes();
SecByteBlock key(_k.data(), _k.size());
CTR_Mode<AES>::Encryption e;
e.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), _iv.data());
bytes ret(_plain.size());
e.ProcessData(ret.data(), _plain.data(), _plain.size());
return ret;
10 years ago
catch (CryptoPP::Exception& _e)
10 years ago
cerr << _e.what() << endl;
return bytes();
bytes dev::decryptAES128CTR(bytesConstRef _k, h128 const& _iv, bytesConstRef _cipher)
if (_k.size() != 16 && _k.size() != 24 && _k.size() != 32)
return bytes();
SecByteBlock key(_k.data(), _k.size());
CTR_Mode<AES>::Decryption d;
d.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), _iv.data());
bytes ret(_cipher.size());
d.ProcessData(ret.data(), _cipher.data(), _cipher.size());
return ret;
10 years ago
catch (CryptoPP::Exception& _e)
10 years ago
cerr << _e.what() << endl;
return bytes();
static const Public c_zeroKey = toPublic(Secret());
10 years ago
Public dev::recover(Signature const& _sig, h256 const& _message)
Public ret;
#ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1
bytes o(65);
int pubkeylen;
if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact(_message.data(), h256::size, _sig.data(), o.data(), &pubkeylen, false, _sig[64]))
return Public();
ret = FixedHash<64>(o.data()+1, Public::ConstructFromPointer);
ret = s_secp256k1pp.recover(_sig, _message.ref());
if (ret == c_zeroKey)
return Public();
return ret;
10 years ago
Signature dev::sign(Secret const& _k, h256 const& _hash)
#ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1
Signature s;
int v;
if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_compact(_hash.data(), h256::size, s.data(), _k.data(), Nonce::get().data(), &v))
return Signature();
s[64] = v;
return s;
return s_secp256k1pp.sign(_k, _hash);
10 years ago
bool dev::verify(Public const& _p, Signature const& _s, h256 const& _hash)
if (!_p)
return false;
#ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1
return _p == recover(_s, _hash);
return s_secp256k1pp.verify(_p, _s, _hash.ref(), true);
10 years ago
bytes dev::pbkdf2(string const& _pass, bytes const& _salt, unsigned _iterations, unsigned _dkLen)
10 years ago
bytes ret(_dkLen);
if (PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC<SHA256>().DeriveKey(
reinterpret_cast<byte const*>(_pass.data()),
) != _iterations)
10 years ago
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CryptoException() << errinfo_comment("Key derivation failed."));
return ret;
10 years ago
bytes dev::scrypt(std::string const& _pass, bytes const& _salt, uint64_t _n, uint32_t _r, uint32_t _p, unsigned _dkLen)
bytes ret(_dkLen);
if (libscrypt_scrypt(
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(_pass.data()),
) != 0)
10 years ago
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CryptoException() << errinfo_comment("Key derivation failed."));
10 years ago
return ret;
KeyPair KeyPair::create()
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
KeyPair ret(FixedHash<32>::random());
if (ret.address())
return ret;
return KeyPair();
KeyPair::KeyPair(h256 _sec):
if (s_secp256k1pp.verifySecret(m_secret, m_public))
m_address = toAddress(m_public);
KeyPair KeyPair::fromEncryptedSeed(bytesConstRef _seed, std::string const& _password)
return KeyPair(sha3(aesDecrypt(_seed, _password)));
h256 crypto::kdf(Secret const& _priv, h256 const& _hash)
// H(H(r||k)^h)
h256 s;
sha3mac(Nonce::get().ref(), _priv.ref(), s.ref());
s ^= _hash;
sha3(s.ref(), s.ref());
if (!s || !_hash || !_priv)
return s;
mutex Nonce::s_x;
static string s_seedFile;
h256 Nonce::get()
// todo: atomic efface bit, periodic save, kdf, rr, rng
// todo: encrypt
Guard l(Nonce::s_x);
return Nonce::singleton().next();
void Nonce::reset()
Guard l(Nonce::s_x);
void Nonce::setSeedFilePath(string const& _filePath)
s_seedFile = _filePath;
Guard l(Nonce::s_x);
if (m_value)
// this might throw
Nonce& Nonce::singleton()
static Nonce s;
return s;
void Nonce::initialiseIfNeeded()
if (m_value)
bytes b = contents(seedFile());
if (b.size() == 32)
memcpy(m_value.data(), b.data(), 32);
// todo: replace w/entropy from user and system
std::mt19937_64 s_eng(time(0) + chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> d(0, 255);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
m_value[i] = (uint8_t)d(s_eng);
if (!m_value)
// prevent seed reuse if process terminates abnormally
// this might throw
writeFile(seedFile(), bytes());
h256 Nonce::next()
m_value = sha3(m_value);
return m_value;
void Nonce::resetInternal()
// this might throw
writeFile(seedFile(), m_value.asBytes());
m_value = h256();
string const& Nonce::seedFile()
if (s_seedFile.empty())
s_seedFile = getDataDir() + "/seed";
return s_seedFile;