This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
cpp - ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
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/** @file TransactionQueue.h
* @ author Gav Wood < i @ gavwood . com >
* @ date 2014
# pragma once
# include "Common.h"
# include "Transaction.h"
namespace eth
class BlockChain ;
* @ brief A queue of Transactions , each stored as RLP .
class TransactionQueue
public :
bool attemptImport ( bytes const & _block ) { try { import ( _block ) ; return true ; } catch ( . . . ) { return false ; } }
bool import ( bytes const & _block ) ;
void drop ( h256 _txHash ) { m_data . erase ( _txHash ) ; }
std : : map < h256 , bytes > const & transactions ( ) const { return m_data ; }
void setFuture ( std : : pair < h256 , bytes > const & _t ) ;
void noteGood ( std : : pair < h256 , bytes > const & _t ) ;
Transactions interestQueue ( ) { Transactions ret ; swap ( ret , m_interestQueue ) ; return ret ; }
void pushInterest ( Address _a ) { m_interest [ _a ] + + ; }
void popInterest ( Address _a ) { if ( m_interest [ _a ] > 1 ) m_interest [ _a ] - - ; else if ( m_interest [ _a ] ) m_interest . erase ( _a ) ; }
private :
std : : map < h256 , bytes > m_data ; ///< Map of SHA3(tx) to tx.
Transactions m_interestQueue ;
std : : map < Address , int > m_interest ;
std : : multimap < Address , std : : pair < h256 , bytes > > m_future ; ///< For transactions that have a future nonce; we map their sender address to the tx stuff, and insert once the sender has a valid TX.
} ;