# pragma once
# include <libdevcore/Exceptions.h>
namespace dev
namespace eth
// information to add to exceptions
typedef boost : : error_info < struct tag_field , std : : string > errinfo_name ;
typedef boost : : error_info < struct tag_field , int > errinfo_field ;
typedef boost : : error_info < struct tag_data , std : : string > errinfo_data ;
typedef boost : : tuple < errinfo_field , errinfo_data > BadFieldError ;
struct DatabaseAlreadyOpen : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct NotEnoughCash : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct GasPriceTooLow : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct BlockGasLimitReached : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct NoSuchContract : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct ContractAddressCollision : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct FeeTooSmall : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct TooMuchGasUsed : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct ExtraDataTooBig : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidSignature : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
class InvalidBlockFormat : public dev : : Exception { public : InvalidBlockFormat ( int _f , bytesConstRef _d ) : m_f ( _f ) , m_d ( _d . toBytes ( ) ) { } int m_f ; bytes m_d ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Invalid block format: Bad field " + toString ( m_f ) + " ( " + toHex ( m_d ) + " ) " ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
struct InvalidUnclesHash : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidUncle : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct UncleTooOld : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
class UncleInChain : public dev : : Exception { public : UncleInChain ( h256Set _uncles , h256 _block ) : m_uncles ( _uncles ) , m_block ( _block ) { } h256Set m_uncles ; h256 m_block ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Uncle in block already mentioned: Uncles " + toString ( m_uncles ) + " ( " + m_block . abridged ( ) + " ) " ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
struct DuplicateUncleNonce : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidStateRoot : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
class InvalidTransactionsHash : public dev : : Exception { public : InvalidTransactionsHash ( h256 _head , h256 _real ) : m_head ( _head ) , m_real ( _real ) { } h256 m_head ; h256 m_real ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Invalid transactions hash: header says: " + toHex ( m_head . ref ( ) ) + " block is: " + toHex ( m_real . ref ( ) ) ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
struct InvalidTransaction : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidDifficulty : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
class InvalidGasLimit : public dev : : Exception { public : InvalidGasLimit ( u256 _provided = 0 , u256 _valid = 0 ) : provided ( _provided ) , valid ( _valid ) { } u256 provided ; u256 valid ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Invalid gas limit (provided: " + toString ( provided ) + " valid: " + toString ( valid ) + " ) " ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
class InvalidMinGasPrice : public dev : : Exception { public : InvalidMinGasPrice ( u256 _provided = 0 , u256 _limit = 0 ) : provided ( _provided ) , limit ( _limit ) { } u256 provided ; u256 limit ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Invalid minimum gas price (provided: " + toString ( provided ) + " limit: " + toString ( limit ) + " ) " ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
struct InvalidTransactionGasUsed : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidTransactionStateRoot : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidTimestamp : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
class InvalidNonce : public dev : : Exception { public : InvalidNonce ( u256 _required = 0 , u256 _candidate = 0 ) : required ( _required ) , candidate ( _candidate ) { } u256 required ; u256 candidate ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Invalid nonce (r: " + toString ( required ) + " c: " + toString ( candidate ) + " ) " ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
class InvalidBlockNonce : public dev : : Exception { public : InvalidBlockNonce ( h256 _h = h256 ( ) , h256 _n = h256 ( ) , u256 _d = 0 ) : h ( _h ) , n ( _n ) , d ( _d ) { } h256 h ; h256 n ; u256 d ; virtual const char * what ( ) const noexcept { return ( " Invalid nonce (h: " + toString ( h ) + " n: " + toString ( n ) + " d: " + toString ( d ) + " ) " ) . c_str ( ) ; } } ;
struct InvalidParentHash : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidNumber : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;
struct InvalidContractAddress : virtual dev : : Exception { } ;