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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
id: editRoot
10 years ago
property string value
10 years ago
property string defaultValue
10 years ago
property bool readOnly: !boolCombo.enabled
10 years ago
height: 20
width: 150
10 years ago
10 years ago
onReadOnlyChanged: {
boolCombo.enabled = !readOnly;
function init()
value = value === true ? "1" : value
value = value === false ? "0" : value;
value = value === "true" ? "1" : value
value = value === "false" ? "0" : value;
if (value === "")
boolCombo.currentIndex = parseInt(defaultValue);
boolCombo.currentIndex = parseInt(value);
boolCombo.enabled = !readOnly;
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
10 years ago
property bool inited;
10 years ago
inited = true;
id: boolCombo
anchors.fill: parent
10 years ago
if (inited)
10 years ago
value = comboModel.get(currentIndex).value;
model: ListModel
id: comboModel
ListElement { text: qsTr("False"); value: "0" }
ListElement { text: qsTr("True"); value: "1" }