# all dependencies that are not directly included in the cpp-ethereum distribution are defined here
# for this to work, download the dependency via the cmake script in extdep or install them manually!
# by defining this variable, cmake will look for dependencies first in our own repository before looking in system paths like /usr/local/ ...
# this must be set to point to the same directory as $ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR in /extdep directory
string ( TOLOWER ${ CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME } _system_name )
if ( CMAKE_CL_64 )
set ( ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extdep/install/${_system_name}/x64" )
else ( )
set ( ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extdep/install/${_system_name}/Win32" )
endif ( )
# setup directory for cmake generated files and include it globally
# it's not used yet, but if we have more generated files, consider moving them to ETH_GENERATED_DIR
include_directories ( ${ ETH_GENERATED_DIR } )
# custom cmake scripts
find_program ( CTEST_COMMAND ctest )
message ( STATUS "ctest path: ${CTEST_COMMAND}" )
# Dependencies must have a version number, to ensure reproducible build. The version provided here is the one that is in the extdep repository. If you use system libraries, version numbers may be different.
# TODO the Jsoncpp package does not yet check for correct version number
find_package ( Jsoncpp 0.60 REQUIRED )
message ( " - Jsoncpp header: ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - Jsoncpp lib : ${JSONCPP_LIBRARIES}" )
find_package ( json_rpc_cpp 0.4 REQUIRED )
message ( " - json-rpc-cpp header: ${JSON_RPC_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - json-rpc-cpp lib : ${JSON_RPC_CPP_LIBRARIES}" )
# curl is only requried for tests
# TODO specify min curl version, on windows we are currently using 7.29
find_package ( CURL )
message ( " - curl header: ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - curl lib : ${CURL_LIBRARIES}" )
find_package ( OpenCL )
if ( OpenCL_FOUND )
message ( " - opencl header: ${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - opencl lib : ${OpenCL_LIBRARIES}" )
endif ( )
find_package ( CUDA )
message ( " - CUDA header: ${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - CUDA lib : ${CUDA_LIBRARIES}" )
endif ( )
# find location of jsonrpcstub
find_program ( ETH_JSON_RPC_STUB jsonrpcstub )
message ( " - jsonrpcstub location : ${ETH_JSON_RPC_STUB}" )
if ( APPLE )
link_directories ( /usr/local/lib )
include_directories ( /usr/local/include )
endif ( )