476 lines
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#pragma once
This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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/** @file KeyAux.cpp
* @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
* @date 2014
* CLI module for key management.
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/trim_all.hpp>
#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
#include <libdevcore/FileSystem.h>
#include <libethcore/KeyManager.h>
#include <libethcore/ICAP.h>
#include "BuildInfo.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::eth;
using namespace boost::algorithm;
#undef RETURN
class BadArgument: public Exception {};
string getAccountPassword(KeyManager& keyManager, Address const& a)
return getPassword("Enter password for address " + keyManager.accountName(a) + " (" + a.abridged() + "; hint:" + keyManager.passwordHint(a) + "): ");
string createPassword(std::string const& _prompt)
string ret;
while (true)
ret = getPassword(_prompt);
string confirm = getPassword("Please confirm the password by entering it again: ");
if (ret == confirm)
cout << "Passwords were different. Try again." << endl;
return ret;
// cout << "Enter a hint to help you remember this password: " << flush;
// cin >> hint;
// return make_pair(ret, hint);
pair<string, string> createPassword(KeyManager& _keyManager, std::string const& _prompt, std::string const& _pass = std::string(), std::string const& _hint = std::string())
string pass = _pass;
if (pass.empty())
while (true)
pass = getPassword(_prompt);
string confirm = getPassword("Please confirm the password by entering it again: ");
if (pass == confirm)
cout << "Passwords were different. Try again." << endl;
string hint = _hint;
if (hint.empty() && !pass.empty() && !_keyManager.haveHint(pass))
cout << "Enter a hint to help you remember this password: " << flush;
getline(cin, hint);
return make_pair(pass, hint);
class KeyCLI
enum class OperationMode
KeyCLI(OperationMode _mode = OperationMode::None): m_mode(_mode) {}
bool interpretOption(int& i, int argc, char** argv)
string arg = argv[i];
if (arg == "--wallet-path" && i + 1 < argc)
m_walletPath = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "--secrets-path" && i + 1 < argc)
m_secretsPath = argv[++i];
else if ((arg == "-m" || arg == "--master") && i + 1 < argc)
m_masterPassword = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "--unlock" && i + 1 < argc)
else if (arg == "--lock" && i + 1 < argc)
m_lock = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "--kdf" && i + 1 < argc)
m_kdf = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "--kdf-param" && i + 2 < argc)
auto n = argv[++i];
auto v = argv[++i];
m_kdfParams[n] = v;
else if (arg == "--new-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::NewBare;
else if (arg == "--import-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::ImportBare;
else if (arg == "--list-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::ListBare;
else if (arg == "--export-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::ExportBare;
else if (arg == "--inspect-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::InspectBare;
else if (arg == "--recode-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::RecodeBare;
else if (arg == "--kill-bare")
m_mode = OperationMode::KillBare;
else if (arg == "--create-wallet")
m_mode = OperationMode::CreateWallet;
else if (arg == "--list")
m_mode = OperationMode::List;
else if ((arg == "-n" || arg == "--new") && i + 1 < argc)
m_mode = OperationMode::New;
m_name = argv[++i];
else if ((arg == "-i" || arg == "--import") && i + 2 < argc)
m_mode = OperationMode::Import;
m_inputs = strings(1, argv[++i]);
m_name = argv[++i];
else if ((arg == "-i" || arg == "--import-with-address") && i + 3 < argc)
m_mode = OperationMode::ImportWithAddress;
m_inputs = strings(1, argv[++i]);
m_address = Address(argv[++i]);
m_name = argv[++i];
else if (arg == "--export")
m_mode = OperationMode::Export;
else if (arg == "--recode")
m_mode = OperationMode::Recode;
else if (arg == "--no-icap")
m_icap = false;
else if (m_mode == OperationMode::ImportBare || m_mode == OperationMode::InspectBare || m_mode == OperationMode::KillBare || m_mode == OperationMode::Recode || m_mode == OperationMode::Export || m_mode == OperationMode::RecodeBare || m_mode == OperationMode::ExportBare)
return false;
return true;
KeyPair makeKey() const
KeyPair k(Secret::random());
while (m_icap && k.address()[0])
k = KeyPair(sha3(k.secret()));
return k;
void execute()
if (m_mode == OperationMode::CreateWallet)
KeyManager wallet(m_walletPath, m_secretsPath);
if (m_masterPassword.empty())
m_masterPassword = createPassword("Please enter a MASTER password to protect your key store (make it strong!): ");
if (m_masterPassword.empty())
cerr << "Aborted (empty password not allowed)." << endl;
10 years ago
catch (Exception const& _e)
cerr << "unable to create wallet" << endl << boost::diagnostic_information(_e);
else if (m_mode < OperationMode::CreateWallet)
SecretStore store(m_secretsPath);
switch (m_mode)
case OperationMode::ListBare:
for (h128 const& u: std::set<h128>() + store.keys())
cout << toUUID(u) << endl;
case OperationMode::NewBare:
if (m_lock.empty())
m_lock = createPassword("Enter a password with which to secure this account: ");
auto k = makeKey();
h128 u = store.importSecret(k.secret().asBytes(), m_lock);
cout << "Created key " << toUUID(u) << endl;
cout << " Address: " << k.address().hex() << endl;
cout << " ICAP: " << ICAP(k.address()).encoded() << endl;
case OperationMode::ImportBare:
for (string const& input: m_inputs)
h128 u;
bytes b;
b = fromHex(input);
if (b.size() != 32)
std::string s = contentsString(input);
b = fromHex(s);
if (b.size() != 32)
u = store.importKey(input);
if (!u && b.size() == 32)
u = store.importSecret(b, lockPassword(toAddress(Secret(b)).abridged()));
if (!u)
cerr << "Cannot import " << input << " not a file or secret." << endl;
cout << "Successfully imported " << input << " as " << toUUID(u);
case OperationMode::InspectBare:
for (auto const& i: m_inputs)
if (!contents(i).empty())
h128 u = store.readKey(i, false);
bytes s = store.secret(u, [&](){ return getPassword("Enter password for key " + i + ": "); });
cout << "Key " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << " UUID: " << toUUID(u) << ":" << endl;
cout << " Address: " << toAddress(Secret(s)).hex() << endl;
cout << " Secret: " << Secret(s).abridged() << endl;
else if (h128 u = fromUUID(i))
bytes s = store.secret(u, [&](){ return getPassword("Enter password for key " + toUUID(u) + ": "); });
cout << "Key " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << " Address: " << toAddress(Secret(s)).hex() << endl;
cout << " Secret: " << Secret(s).abridged() << endl;
cerr << "Couldn't inspect " << i << "; not found." << endl;
case OperationMode::ExportBare: break;
case OperationMode::RecodeBare:
for (auto const& i: m_inputs)
if (h128 u = fromUUID(i))
if (store.recode(u, lockPassword(toUUID(u)), [&](){ return getPassword("Enter password for key " + toUUID(u) + ": "); }, kdf()))
cerr << "Re-encoded " << toUUID(u) << endl;
cerr << "Couldn't re-encode " << toUUID(u) << "; key corrupt or incorrect password supplied." << endl;
cerr << "Couldn't re-encode " << i << "; not found." << endl;
case OperationMode::KillBare:
for (auto const& i: m_inputs)
if (h128 u = fromUUID(i))
cerr << "Couldn't kill " << i << "; not found." << endl;
default: break;
KeyManager wallet(m_walletPath, m_secretsPath);
if (wallet.exists())
while (true)
if (wallet.load(m_masterPassword))
if (!m_masterPassword.empty())
cout << "Password invalid. Try again." << endl;
m_masterPassword = getPassword("Please enter your MASTER password: ");
cerr << "Couldn't open wallet. Does it exist?" << endl;
switch (m_mode)
case OperationMode::New:
tie(m_lock, m_lockHint) = createPassword(wallet, "Enter a password with which to secure this account (or nothing to use the master password): ", m_lock, m_lockHint);
auto k = makeKey();
bool usesMaster = m_lock.empty();
h128 u = usesMaster ? wallet.import(k.secret(), m_name) : wallet.import(k.secret(), m_name, m_lock, m_lockHint);
cout << "Created key " << toUUID(u) << endl;
cout << " Name: " << m_name << endl;
if (usesMaster)
cout << " Uses master password." << endl;
cout << " Password hint: " << m_lockHint << endl;
cout << " Address: " << k.address().hex() << endl;
cout << " ICAP: " << ICAP(k.address()).encoded() << endl;
case OperationMode::ImportWithAddress:
string const& i = m_inputs[0];
h128 u;
bytes b;
b = fromHex(i);
if (b.size() != 32)
std::string s = contentsString(i);
b = fromHex(s);
if (b.size() != 32)
u = wallet.store().importKey(i);
if (!u && b.size() == 32)
u = wallet.store().importSecret(b, lockPassword(toAddress(Secret(b)).abridged()));
if (!u)
cerr << "Cannot import " << i << " not a file or secret." << endl;
wallet.importExisting(u, m_name, m_address);
cout << "Successfully imported " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << " Name: " << m_name << endl;
cout << " Address: " << m_address << endl;
cout << " UUID: " << toUUID(u) << endl;
case OperationMode::List:
vector<u128> bare;
vector<u128> nonIcap;
for (auto const& u: wallet.store().keys())
if (Address a = wallet.address(u))
if (a[0])
cout << toUUID(u) << " " << a.abridged();
cout << " " << ICAP(a).encoded();
cout << " " << wallet.accountName(a) << endl;
for (auto const& u: nonIcap)
if (Address a = wallet.address(u))
cout << toUUID(u) << " " << a.abridged();
cout << " (Not ICAP) ";
cout << " " << wallet.accountName(a) << endl;
for (auto const& u: bare)
cout << toUUID(u) << " (Bare)" << endl;
default: break;
std::string lockPassword(std::string const& _accountName)
return m_lock.empty() ? createPassword("Enter a password with which to secure account " + _accountName + ": ") : m_lock;
static void streamHelp(ostream& _out)
<< "Secret-store (\"bare\") operation modes:" << endl
<< " --list-bare List all secret available in secret-store." << endl
<< " --new-bare Generate and output a key without interacting with wallet and dump the JSON." << endl
<< " --import-bare [ <file>|<secret-hex> , ... ] Import keys from given sources." << endl
<< " --recode-bare [ <uuid>|<file> , ... ] Decrypt and re-encrypt given keys." << endl
// << " --export-bare [ <uuid> , ... ] Export given keys." << endl
<< " --kill-bare [ <uuid> , ... ] Delete given keys." << endl
<< "Secret-store configuration:" << endl
<< " --secrets-path <path> Specify Web3 secret-store path (default: " << SecretStore::defaultPath() << ")" << endl
<< endl
<< "Wallet operating modes:" << endl
<< " -l,--list List all keys available in wallet." << endl
<< " -n,--new <name> Create a new key with given name and add it in the wallet." << endl
<< " -i,--import [<uuid>|<file>|<secret-hex>] <name> Import keys from given source and place in wallet." << endl
<< " --import-with-address [<uuid>|<file>|<secret-hex>] <address> <name> Import keys from given source with given address and place in wallet." << endl
<< " -e,--export [ <address>|<uuid> , ... ] Export given keys." << endl
<< " -r,--recode [ <address>|<uuid>|<file> , ... ] Decrypt and re-encrypt given keys." << endl
<< "Wallet configuration:" << endl
<< " --create-wallet Create an Ethereum master wallet." << endl
<< " --wallet-path <path> Specify Ethereum wallet path (default: " << KeyManager::defaultPath() << ")" << endl
<< " -m, --master <password> Specify wallet (master) password." << endl
<< endl
<< "Encryption configuration:" << endl
<< " --kdf <kdfname> Specify KDF to use when encrypting (default: sc rypt)" << endl
<< " --kdf-param <name> <value> Specify a parameter for the KDF." << endl
// << " --cipher <ciphername> Specify cipher to use when encrypting (default: aes-128-ctr)" << endl
// << " --cipher-param <name> <value> Specify a parameter for the cipher." << endl
<< " --lock <password> Specify password for when encrypting a (the) key." << endl
<< " --hint <hint> Specify hint for the --lock password." << endl
<< endl
<< "Decryption configuration:" << endl
<< " --unlock <password> Specify password for a (the) key." << endl
<< "Key generation configuration:" << endl
<< " --no-icap Don't bother to make a direct-ICAP capable key." << endl
static bool isTrue(std::string const& _m)
return _m == "on" || _m == "yes" || _m == "true" || _m == "1";
static bool isFalse(std::string const& _m)
return _m == "off" || _m == "no" || _m == "false" || _m == "0";
KDF kdf() const { return m_kdf == "pbkdf2" ? KDF::PBKDF2_SHA256 : KDF::Scrypt; }
/// Operating mode.
OperationMode m_mode;
/// Wallet stuff
string m_secretsPath = SecretStore::defaultPath();
string m_walletPath = KeyManager::defaultPath();
/// Wallet password stuff
string m_masterPassword;
strings m_unlocks;
string m_lock;
string m_lockHint;
bool m_icap = true;
/// Creating/importing
string m_name;
Address m_address;
/// Importing
strings m_inputs;
string m_kdf = "scrypt";
map<string, string> m_kdfParams;
// string m_cipher;
// map<string, string> m_cipherParams;