85 lines
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10 years ago
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
10 years ago
#include "JitVM.h"
#include <libdevcore/Log.h>
#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
10 years ago
#include <libevm/VM.h>
#include <libevm/VMFactory.h>
#include <evmjit/libevmjit/ExecutionEngine.h>
10 years ago
#include "Utils.h"
namespace dev
namespace eth
extern "C" void env_sload(); // fake declaration for linker symbol stripping workaround, see a call below
bytesConstRef JitVM::execImpl(u256& io_gas, ExtVMFace& _ext, OnOpFunc const& _onOp)
10 years ago
using namespace jit;
auto rejected = false;
// TODO: Rejecting transactions with gas limit > 2^63 can be used by attacker to take JIT out of scope
rejected |= io_gas > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.gas)>::max(); // Do not accept requests with gas > 2^63 (int64 max)
10 years ago
rejected |= _ext.gasPrice > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.gasPrice)>::max();
rejected |= _ext.currentBlock.number > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.number)>::max();
rejected |= _ext.currentBlock.timestamp > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.timestamp)>::max();
if (rejected)
cwarn << "Execution rejected by EVM JIT (gas limit: " << io_gas << "), executing with interpreter";
m_fallbackVM = VMFactory::create(VMKind::Interpreter);
return m_fallbackVM->execImpl(io_gas, _ext, _onOp);
10 years ago
m_data.gas = static_cast<decltype(m_data.gas)>(io_gas);
10 years ago
m_data.gasPrice = static_cast<decltype(m_data.gasPrice)>(_ext.gasPrice);
m_data.callData = _ext.data.data();
m_data.callDataSize = _ext.data.size();
m_data.address = eth2llvm(fromAddress(_ext.myAddress));
m_data.caller = eth2llvm(fromAddress(_ext.caller));
m_data.origin = eth2llvm(fromAddress(_ext.origin));
m_data.callValue = eth2llvm(_ext.value);
m_data.coinBase = eth2llvm(fromAddress(_ext.currentBlock.coinbaseAddress));
m_data.difficulty = eth2llvm(_ext.currentBlock.difficulty);
m_data.gasLimit = eth2llvm(_ext.currentBlock.gasLimit);
m_data.number = static_cast<decltype(m_data.number)>(_ext.currentBlock.number);
m_data.timestamp = static_cast<decltype(m_data.timestamp)>(_ext.currentBlock.timestamp);
m_data.code = _ext.code.data();
m_data.codeSize = _ext.code.size();
m_data.codeHash = eth2llvm(sha3(_ext.code));
auto env = reinterpret_cast<Env*>(&_ext);
auto exitCode = m_engine.run(&m_data, env);
switch (exitCode)
case ReturnCode::Suicide:
case ReturnCode::BadJumpDestination:
case ReturnCode::OutOfGas:
case ReturnCode::StackUnderflow:
10 years ago
case ReturnCode::BadInstruction:
case ReturnCode::LinkerWorkaround: // never happens
env_sload(); // but forces linker to include env_* JIT callback functions
io_gas = m_data.gas;
10 years ago
return {std::get<0>(m_engine.returnData), std::get<1>(m_engine.returnData)};