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/** @file PeerNetwork.cpp
* @ authors :
* Gav Wood < i @ gavwood . com >
* Eric Lombrozo < elombrozo @ gmail . com >
* @ date 2014
# include "PeerServer.h"
# include <sys/types.h>
# ifdef _WIN32
// winsock is already included
// #include <winsock.h>
# else
# include <ifaddrs.h>
# endif
# include <set>
# include <chrono>
# include <thread>
# include <libethsupport/Common.h>
# include <libethsupport/UPnP.h>
# include <libethcore/Exceptions.h>
# include "BlockChain.h"
# include "TransactionQueue.h"
# include "PeerSession.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace eth ;
// Addresses we will skip during network interface discovery
// Use a vector as the list is small
// Why this and not names?
// Under MacOSX loopback ( can be named lo0 and br0 are bridges (
static const set < bi : : address > c_rejectAddresses = {
{ bi : : address_v4 : : from_string ( " " ) } ,
{ bi : : address_v6 : : from_string ( " ::1 " ) } ,
{ bi : : address_v4 : : from_string ( " " ) } ,
{ bi : : address_v6 : : from_string ( " :: " ) }
} ;
PeerServer : : PeerServer ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , BlockChain const & _ch , unsigned int _networkId , unsigned short _port , NodeMode _m , string const & _publicAddress , bool _upnp ) :
m_clientVersion ( _clientVersion ) ,
m_mode ( _m ) ,
m_listenPort ( _port ) ,
m_chain ( & _ch ) ,
m_acceptor ( m_ioService , bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : tcp : : v4 ( ) , _port ) ) ,
m_socket ( m_ioService ) ,
m_key ( KeyPair : : create ( ) ) ,
m_networkId ( _networkId )
populateAddresses ( ) ;
determinePublic ( _publicAddress , _upnp ) ;
ensureAccepting ( ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Id: " < < toHex ( m_key . address ( ) . ref ( ) . cropped ( 0 , 4 ) ) < < " Mode: " < < ( _m = = NodeMode : : PeerServer ? " PeerServer " : " Full " ) ;
PeerServer : : PeerServer ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , BlockChain const & _ch , unsigned int _networkId , NodeMode _m , string const & _publicAddress , bool _upnp ) :
m_clientVersion ( _clientVersion ) ,
m_mode ( _m ) ,
m_listenPort ( 0 ) ,
m_chain ( & _ch ) ,
m_acceptor ( m_ioService , bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : tcp : : v4 ( ) , 0 ) ) ,
m_socket ( m_ioService ) ,
m_key ( KeyPair : : create ( ) ) ,
m_networkId ( _networkId )
m_listenPort = m_acceptor . local_endpoint ( ) . port ( ) ;
// populate addresses.
populateAddresses ( ) ;
determinePublic ( _publicAddress , _upnp ) ;
ensureAccepting ( ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Id: " < < toHex ( m_key . address ( ) . ref ( ) . cropped ( 0 , 4 ) ) < < " Mode: " < < ( m_mode = = NodeMode : : PeerServer ? " PeerServer " : " Full " ) ;
PeerServer : : PeerServer ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , BlockChain const & _ch , unsigned int _networkId , NodeMode _m ) :
m_clientVersion ( _clientVersion ) ,
m_mode ( _m ) ,
m_listenPort ( 0 ) ,
m_chain ( & _ch ) ,
m_acceptor ( m_ioService , bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : tcp : : v4 ( ) , 0 ) ) ,
m_socket ( m_ioService ) ,
m_key ( KeyPair : : create ( ) ) ,
m_networkId ( _networkId )
// populate addresses.
populateAddresses ( ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Id: " < < toHex ( m_key . address ( ) . ref ( ) . cropped ( 0 , 4 ) ) < < " Mode: " < < ( m_mode = = NodeMode : : PeerServer ? " PeerServer " : " Full " ) ;
PeerServer : : ~ PeerServer ( )
for ( auto const & i : m_peers )
if ( auto p = i . second . lock ( ) )
p - > disconnect ( ClientQuit ) ;
delete m_upnp ;
unsigned PeerServer : : protocolVersion ( )
return c_protocolVersion ;
void PeerServer : : determinePublic ( string const & _publicAddress , bool _upnp )
if ( _upnp )
m_upnp = new UPnP ;
catch ( NoUPnPDevice ) { } // let m_upnp continue as null - we handle it properly.
bi : : tcp : : resolver r ( m_ioService ) ;
if ( m_upnp & & m_upnp - > isValid ( ) & & m_peerAddresses . size ( ) )
clog ( NetNote ) < < " External addr: " < < m_upnp - > externalIP ( ) ;
int p = m_upnp - > addRedirect ( m_peerAddresses [ 0 ] . to_string ( ) . c_str ( ) , m_listenPort ) ;
if ( p )
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Punched through NAT and mapped local port " < < m_listenPort < < " onto external port " < < p < < " . " ;
// couldn't map
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Couldn't punch through NAT (or no NAT in place). Assuming " < < m_listenPort < < " is local & external port. " ;
p = m_listenPort ;
auto eip = m_upnp - > externalIP ( ) ;
if ( eip = = string ( " " ) & & _publicAddress . empty ( ) )
m_public = bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : address ( ) , ( unsigned short ) p ) ;
m_public = bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : address : : from_string ( _publicAddress . empty ( ) ? eip : _publicAddress ) , ( unsigned short ) p ) ;
m_addresses . push_back ( m_public . address ( ) . to_v4 ( ) ) ;
// No UPnP - fallback on given public address or, if empty, the assumed peer address.
m_public = bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( _publicAddress . size ( ) ? bi : : address : : from_string ( _publicAddress )
: m_peerAddresses . size ( ) ? m_peerAddresses [ 0 ]
: bi : : address ( ) , m_listenPort ) ;
m_addresses . push_back ( m_public . address ( ) . to_v4 ( ) ) ;
void PeerServer : : populateAddresses ( )
# ifdef _WIN32
WSAData wsaData ;
if ( WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD ( 1 , 1 ) , & wsaData ) ! = 0 )
throw NoNetworking ( ) ;
char ac [ 80 ] ;
if ( gethostname ( ac , sizeof ( ac ) ) = = SOCKET_ERROR )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Error " < < WSAGetLastError ( ) < < " when getting local host name. " ;
WSACleanup ( ) ;
throw NoNetworking ( ) ;
struct hostent * phe = gethostbyname ( ac ) ;
if ( phe = = 0 )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Bad host lookup. " ;
WSACleanup ( ) ;
throw NoNetworking ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; phe - > h_addr_list [ i ] ! = 0 ; + + i )
struct in_addr addr ;
memcpy ( & addr , phe - > h_addr_list [ i ] , sizeof ( struct in_addr ) ) ;
char * addrStr = inet_ntoa ( addr ) ;
bi : : address ad ( bi : : address : : from_string ( addrStr ) ) ;
m_addresses . push_back ( ad . to_v4 ( ) ) ;
bool isLocal = std : : find ( c_rejectAddresses . begin ( ) , c_rejectAddresses . end ( ) , ad ) ! = c_rejectAddresses . end ( ) ;
if ( ! isLocal )
m_peerAddresses . push_back ( ad . to_v4 ( ) ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Address: " < < ac < < " = " < < m_addresses . back ( ) < < ( isLocal ? " [LOCAL] " : " [PEER] " ) ;
WSACleanup ( ) ;
# else
ifaddrs * ifaddr ;
if ( getifaddrs ( & ifaddr ) = = - 1 )
throw NoNetworking ( ) ;
bi : : tcp : : resolver r ( m_ioService ) ;
for ( ifaddrs * ifa = ifaddr ; ifa ; ifa = ifa - > ifa_next )
if ( ! ifa - > ifa_addr )
continue ;
if ( ifa - > ifa_addr - > sa_family = = AF_INET )
char host [ NI_MAXHOST ] ;
if ( getnameinfo ( ifa - > ifa_addr , sizeof ( struct sockaddr_in ) , host , NI_MAXHOST , NULL , 0 , NI_NUMERICHOST ) )
continue ;
// TODO: Make exception safe when no internet.
auto it = r . resolve ( { host , " 30303 " } ) ;
bi : : tcp : : endpoint ep = it - > endpoint ( ) ;
bi : : address ad = ep . address ( ) ;
m_addresses . push_back ( ad . to_v4 ( ) ) ;
bool isLocal = std : : find ( c_rejectAddresses . begin ( ) , c_rejectAddresses . end ( ) , ad ) ! = c_rejectAddresses . end ( ) ;
if ( ! isLocal )
m_peerAddresses . push_back ( ad . to_v4 ( ) ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Address: " < < host < < " = " < < m_addresses . back ( ) < < ( isLocal ? " [LOCAL] " : " [PEER] " ) ;
freeifaddrs ( ifaddr ) ;
# endif
std : : map < Public , bi : : tcp : : endpoint > PeerServer : : potentialPeers ( )
std : : map < Public , bi : : tcp : : endpoint > ret ;
if ( ! m_public . address ( ) . is_unspecified ( ) )
ret . insert ( make_pair ( m_key . pub ( ) , m_public ) ) ;
for ( auto i : m_peers )
if ( auto j = i . second . lock ( ) )
auto ep = j - > endpoint ( ) ;
// Skip peers with a listen port of zero or are on a private network
bool peerOnNet = ( j - > m_listenPort ! = 0 & & ! isPrivateAddress ( ep . address ( ) ) ) ;
if ( peerOnNet & & ep . port ( ) & & j - > m_id )
ret . insert ( make_pair ( i . first , ep ) ) ;
return ret ;
void PeerServer : : ensureAccepting ( )
if ( m_accepting = = false )
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Listening on local port " < < m_listenPort < < " (public: " < < m_public < < " ) " ;
m_accepting = true ;
m_acceptor . async_accept ( m_socket , [ = ] ( boost : : system : : error_code ec )
if ( ! ec )
try {
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Accepted connection from " < < m_socket . remote_endpoint ( ) ;
} catch ( . . . ) { }
bi : : address remoteAddress = m_socket . remote_endpoint ( ) . address ( ) ;
// Port defaults to 0 - we let the hello tell us which port the peer listens to
auto p = std : : make_shared < PeerSession > ( this , std : : move ( m_socket ) , m_networkId , remoteAddress ) ;
p - > start ( ) ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " ERROR: " < < _e . what ( ) ;
m_accepting = false ;
if ( ec . value ( ) ! = 1 & & ( m_mode = = NodeMode : : PeerServer | | m_peers . size ( ) < m_idealPeerCount * 2 ) )
ensureAccepting ( ) ;
} ) ;
void PeerServer : : connect ( std : : string const & _addr , unsigned short _port ) noexcept
connect ( bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : address : : from_string ( _addr ) , _port ) ) ;
catch ( exception const & e )
// Couldn't connect
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Bad host " < < _addr < < " ( " < < e . what ( ) < < " ) " ;
void PeerServer : : connect ( bi : : tcp : : endpoint const & _ep )
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Attempting connection to " < < _ep ;
bi : : tcp : : socket * s = new bi : : tcp : : socket ( m_ioService ) ;
s - > async_connect ( _ep , [ = ] ( boost : : system : : error_code const & ec )
if ( ec )
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Connection refused to " < < _ep < < " ( " < < ec . message ( ) < < " ) " ;
for ( auto i = m_incomingPeers . begin ( ) ; i ! = m_incomingPeers . end ( ) ; + + i )
if ( i - > second . first = = _ep & & i - > second . second < 3 )
m_freePeers . push_back ( i - > first ) ;
goto OK ;
// for-else
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Giving up. " ;
OK : ;
auto p = make_shared < PeerSession > ( this , std : : move ( * s ) , m_networkId , _ep . address ( ) , _ep . port ( ) ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Connected to " < < _ep ;
p - > start ( ) ;
delete s ;
} ) ;
bool PeerServer : : sync ( )
bool ret = false ;
if ( isInitialised ( ) )
for ( auto i = m_peers . begin ( ) ; i ! = m_peers . end ( ) ; )
auto p = i - > second . lock ( ) ;
if ( p & & p - > m_socket . is_open ( ) & &
( p - > m_disconnect = = chrono : : steady_clock : : time_point : : max ( ) | | chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) - p - > m_disconnect < chrono : : seconds ( 1 ) ) ) // kill old peers that should be disconnected.
+ + i ;
i = m_peers . erase ( i ) ;
ret = true ;
return ret ;
bool PeerServer : : ensureInitialised ( BlockChain & _bc , TransactionQueue & _tq )
if ( m_latestBlockSent = = h256 ( ) )
// First time - just initialise.
m_latestBlockSent = _bc . currentHash ( ) ;
clog ( NetNote ) < < " Initialising: latest= " < < m_latestBlockSent ;
for ( auto const & i : _tq . transactions ( ) )
m_transactionsSent . insert ( i . first ) ;
m_lastPeersRequest = chrono : : steady_clock : : time_point : : min ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
bool PeerServer : : sync ( BlockChain & _bc , TransactionQueue & _tq , Overlay & _o )
bool ret = ensureInitialised ( _bc , _tq ) ;
if ( sync ( ) )
ret = true ;
if ( m_mode = = NodeMode : : Full )
for ( auto it = m_incomingTransactions . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_incomingTransactions . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( _tq . import ( & * it ) )
{ } //ret = true; // just putting a transaction in the queue isn't enough to change the state - it might have an invalid nonce...
m_transactionsSent . insert ( sha3 ( * it ) ) ; // if we already had the transaction, then don't bother sending it on.
m_incomingTransactions . clear ( ) ;
auto h = _bc . currentHash ( ) ;
bool resendAll = ( h ! = m_latestBlockSent ) ;
// Send any new transactions.
for ( auto j : m_peers )
if ( auto p = j . second . lock ( ) )
bytes b ;
uint n = 0 ;
for ( auto const & i : _tq . transactions ( ) )
if ( ( ! m_transactionsSent . count ( i . first ) & & ! p - > m_knownTransactions . count ( i . first ) ) | | p - > m_requireTransactions | | resendAll )
b + = i . second ;
+ + n ;
m_transactionsSent . insert ( i . first ) ;
if ( n )
RLPStream ts ;
PeerSession : : prep ( ts ) ;
ts . appendList ( n + 1 ) < < TransactionsPacket ;
ts . appendRaw ( b , n ) . swapOut ( b ) ;
seal ( b ) ;
p - > send ( & b ) ;
p - > m_knownTransactions . clear ( ) ;
p - > m_requireTransactions = false ;
// Send any new blocks.
if ( h ! = m_latestBlockSent )
// TODO: find where they diverge and send complete new branch.
RLPStream ts ;
PeerSession : : prep ( ts ) ;
ts . appendList ( 2 ) < < BlocksPacket ;
bytes b ;
ts . appendRaw ( _bc . block ( _bc . currentHash ( ) ) ) . swapOut ( b ) ;
seal ( b ) ;
for ( auto j : m_peers )
if ( auto p = j . second . lock ( ) )
if ( ! p - > m_knownBlocks . count ( _bc . currentHash ( ) ) )
p - > send ( & b ) ;
p - > m_knownBlocks . clear ( ) ;
m_latestBlockSent = h ;
for ( int accepted = 1 , n = 0 ; accepted ; + + n )
accepted = 0 ;
if ( m_incomingBlocks . size ( ) )
for ( auto it = prev ( m_incomingBlocks . end ( ) ) ; ; - - it )
_bc . import ( * it , _o ) ;
it = m_incomingBlocks . erase ( it ) ;
+ + accepted ;
ret = true ;
catch ( UnknownParent )
// Don't (yet) know its parent. Leave it for later.
m_unknownParentBlocks . push_back ( * it ) ;
it = m_incomingBlocks . erase ( it ) ;
catch ( . . . )
// Some other error - erase it.
it = m_incomingBlocks . erase ( it ) ;
if ( it = = m_incomingBlocks . begin ( ) )
break ;
if ( ! n & & accepted )
for ( auto i : m_unknownParentBlocks )
m_incomingBlocks . push_back ( i ) ;
m_unknownParentBlocks . clear ( ) ;
// Connect to additional peers
while ( m_peers . size ( ) < m_idealPeerCount )
if ( m_freePeers . empty ( ) )
if ( chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) > m_lastPeersRequest + chrono : : seconds ( 10 ) )
RLPStream s ;
bytes b ;
( PeerSession : : prep ( s ) . appendList ( 1 ) < < GetPeersPacket ) . swapOut ( b ) ;
seal ( b ) ;
for ( auto const & i : m_peers )
if ( auto p = i . second . lock ( ) )
if ( p - > isOpen ( ) )
p - > send ( & b ) ;
m_lastPeersRequest = chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) ;
if ( ! m_accepting )
ensureAccepting ( ) ;
break ;
auto x = time ( 0 ) % m_freePeers . size ( ) ;
m_incomingPeers [ m_freePeers [ x ] ] . second + + ;
connect ( m_incomingPeers [ m_freePeers [ x ] ] . first ) ;
m_freePeers . erase ( m_freePeers . begin ( ) + x ) ;
// platform for consensus of social contract.
// restricts your freedom but does so fairly. and that's the value proposition.
// guarantees that everyone else respect the rules of the system. (i.e. obeys laws).
// We'll keep at most twice as many as is ideal, halfing what counts as "too young to kill" until we get there.
for ( uint old = 15000 ; m_peers . size ( ) > m_idealPeerCount * 2 & & old > 100 ; old / = 2 )
while ( m_peers . size ( ) > m_idealPeerCount )
// look for worst peer to kick off
// first work out how many are old enough to kick off.
shared_ptr < PeerSession > worst ;
unsigned agedPeers = 0 ;
for ( auto i : m_peers )
if ( auto p = i . second . lock ( ) )
if ( ( m_mode ! = NodeMode : : PeerServer | | p - > m_caps ! = 0x01 ) & & chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) > p - > m_connect + chrono : : milliseconds ( old ) ) // don't throw off new peers; peer-servers should never kick off other peer-servers.
+ + agedPeers ;
if ( ( ! worst | | p - > m_rating < worst - > m_rating | | ( p - > m_rating = = worst - > m_rating & & p - > m_connect > worst - > m_connect ) ) ) // kill older ones
worst = p ;
if ( ! worst | | agedPeers < = m_idealPeerCount )
break ;
worst - > disconnect ( TooManyPeers ) ;
return ret ;
std : : vector < PeerInfo > PeerServer : : peers ( ) const
const_cast < PeerServer * > ( this ) - > pingAll ( ) ;
this_thread : : sleep_for ( chrono : : milliseconds ( 200 ) ) ;
std : : vector < PeerInfo > ret ;
for ( auto & i : m_peers )
if ( auto j = i . second . lock ( ) )
if ( j - > m_socket . is_open ( ) )
ret . push_back ( j - > m_info ) ;
return ret ;
void PeerServer : : pingAll ( )
for ( auto & i : m_peers )
if ( auto j = i . second . lock ( ) )
j - > ping ( ) ;
bytes PeerServer : : savePeers ( ) const
RLPStream ret ;
int n = 0 ;
for ( auto & i : m_peers )
if ( auto p = i . second . lock ( ) )
if ( p - > m_socket . is_open ( ) & & p - > endpoint ( ) . port ( ) )
ret . appendList ( 3 ) < < p - > endpoint ( ) . address ( ) . to_v4 ( ) . to_bytes ( ) < < p - > endpoint ( ) . port ( ) < < p - > m_id ;
n + + ;
return RLPStream ( n ) . appendRaw ( ret . out ( ) , n ) . out ( ) ;
void PeerServer : : restorePeers ( bytesConstRef _b )
for ( auto i : RLP ( _b ) )
auto k = ( Public ) i [ 2 ] ;
if ( ! m_incomingPeers . count ( k ) )
m_incomingPeers . insert ( make_pair ( k , make_pair ( bi : : tcp : : endpoint ( bi : : address_v4 ( i [ 0 ] . toArray < byte , 4 > ( ) ) , i [ 1 ] . toInt < short > ( ) ) , 0 ) ) ) ;
m_freePeers . push_back ( k ) ;