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This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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/** @file BlockChain.cpp
* @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
* @date 2014
11 years ago
#include "BlockChain.h"
11 years ago
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <libethential/Common.h>
#include <libethential/RLP.h>
#include <libethcore/FileSystem.h>
#include <libethcore/Exceptions.h>
#include <libethcore/Dagger.h>
#include <libethcore/BlockInfo.h>
#include "State.h"
11 years ago
#include "Defaults.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace eth;
11 years ago
#define ETH_CATCH 1
namespace eth
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, BlockChain const& _bc)
string cmp = toBigEndianString(_bc.m_lastBlockHash);
auto it = _bc.m_detailsDB->NewIterator(_bc.m_readOptions);
for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next())
if (it->key().ToString() != "best")
BlockDetails d(RLP(it->value().ToString()));
_out << toHex(it->key().ToString()) << ": " << d.number << " @ " << d.parent << (cmp == it->key().ToString() ? " BEST" : "") << std::endl;
delete it;
return _out;
BlockDetails::BlockDetails(RLP const& _r)
number = _r[0].toInt<uint>();
totalDifficulty = _r[1].toInt<u256>();
parent = _r[2].toHash<h256>();
children = _r[3].toVector<h256>();
bytes BlockDetails::rlp() const
return rlpList(number, totalDifficulty, parent, children);
std::map<Address, AddressState> const& eth::genesisState()
static std::map<Address, AddressState> s_ret;
if (s_ret.empty())
// Initialise.
for (auto i: vector<string>({
s_ret[Address(fromHex(i))] = AddressState(0, u256(1) << 200, h256(), EmptySHA3);
return s_ret;
BlockInfo* BlockChain::s_genesis = nullptr;
bytes BlockChain::createGenesisBlock()
RLPStream block(3);
auto sha3EmptyList = sha3(RLPEmptyList);
h256 stateRoot;
MemoryDB db;
TrieDB<Address, MemoryDB> state(&db);
eth::commit(genesisState(), db, state);
stateRoot = state.root();
block.appendList(13) << h256() << sha3EmptyList << h160();
block.append(stateRoot, false, true) << bytes() << c_genesisDifficulty << 0 << 0 << 1000000 << 0 << (uint)0 << string() << sha3(bytes(1, 42));
return block.out();
11 years ago
BlockChain::BlockChain(std::string _path, bool _killExisting)
11 years ago
if (_path.empty())
_path = Defaults::get()->m_dbPath;
11 years ago
if (_killExisting)
11 years ago
boost::filesystem::remove_all(_path + "/blocks");
boost::filesystem::remove_all(_path + "/details");
11 years ago
ldb::Options o;
11 years ago
o.create_if_missing = true;
auto s = ldb::DB::Open(o, _path + "/blocks", &m_db);
s = ldb::DB::Open(o, _path + "/details", &m_detailsDB);
// Initialise with the genesis as the last block on the longest chain.
m_genesisHash = BlockChain::genesis().hash;
m_genesisBlock = BlockChain::createGenesisBlock();
11 years ago
if (!details(m_genesisHash))
// Insert details of genesis block.
m_details[m_genesisHash] = BlockDetails(0, c_genesisDifficulty, h256(), {});
11 years ago
auto r = m_details[m_genesisHash].rlp();
m_detailsDB->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)&m_genesisHash, 32), (ldb::Slice)eth::ref(r));
// TODO: Implement ability to rebuild details map from DB.
std::string l;
m_detailsDB->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice("best"), &l);
m_lastBlockHash = l.empty() ? m_genesisHash : *(h256*)l.data();
cnote << "Opened blockchain DB. Latest: " << m_lastBlockHash;
cnote << "Closing blockchain DB";
delete m_detailsDB;
delete m_db;
11 years ago
template <class T, class V>
bool contains(T const& _t, V const& _v)
for (auto const& i: _t)
if (i == _v)
return true;
return false;
bool BlockChain::attemptImport(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _stateDB)
import(_block, _stateDB);
return true;
catch (...)
return false;
void BlockChain::import(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _db)
// VERIFY: populates from the block and checks the block is internally coherent.
BlockInfo bi;
catch (Exception const& _e)
clog(BlockChainNote) << " Malformed block (" << _e.description() << ").";
auto newHash = eth::sha3(_block);
11 years ago
// Check block doesn't already exist first!
if (details(newHash))
11 years ago
11 years ago
clog(BlockChainNote) << newHash << ": Not new.";
throw AlreadyHaveBlock();
11 years ago
11 years ago
// Work out its number as the parent's number + 1
auto pd = details(bi.parentHash);
if (!pd)
11 years ago
11 years ago
clog(BlockChainNote) << newHash << ": Unknown parent " << bi.parentHash;
// We don't know the parent (yet) - discard for now. It'll get resent to us if we find out about its ancestry later on.
throw UnknownParent();
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
// Check it's not crazy
if (bi.timestamp > (u256)time(0))
clog(BlockChainNote) << newHash << ": Future time " << bi.timestamp << " (now at " << time(0) << ")";
// We don't know the parent (yet) - discard for now. It'll get resent to us if we find out about its ancestry later on.
throw FutureTime();
clog(BlockChainNote) << "Attempting import of " << newHash << "...";
u256 td;
// Check transactions are valid and that they result in a state equivalent to our state_root.
// Get total difficulty increase and update state, checking it.
State s(bi.coinbaseAddress, _db);
auto tdIncrease = s.enactOn(&_block, bi, *this);
td = pd.totalDifficulty + tdIncrease;
// All ok - insert into DB
11 years ago
lock_guard<mutex> l(m_lock);
m_details[newHash] = BlockDetails((uint)pd.number + 1, td, bi.parentHash, {});
11 years ago
m_detailsDB->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)&newHash, 32), (ldb::Slice)eth::ref(m_details[newHash].rlp()));
m_detailsDB->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)&bi.parentHash, 32), (ldb::Slice)eth::ref(m_details[bi.parentHash].rlp()));
m_db->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)&newHash, 32), (ldb::Slice)ref(_block));
catch (Exception const& _e)
clog(BlockChainNote) << " Malformed block (" << _e.description() << ").";
11 years ago
// cnote << "Parent " << bi.parentHash << " has " << details(bi.parentHash).children.size() << " children.";
11 years ago
// This might be the new best block...
11 years ago
if (td > details(m_lastBlockHash).totalDifficulty)
m_lastBlockHash = newHash;
m_detailsDB->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice("best"), ldb::Slice((char const*)&newHash, 32));
clog(BlockChainNote) << " Imported and best. Has" << (details(bi.parentHash).children.size() - 1) << "siblings.";
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
clog(BlockChainNote) << " Imported but not best (oTD:" << details(m_lastBlockHash).totalDifficulty << ", TD:" << td << ")";
11 years ago
11 years ago
void BlockChain::checkConsistency()
ldb::Iterator* it = m_detailsDB->NewIterator(m_readOptions);
for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next())
if (it->key().size() == 32)
11 years ago
h256 h((byte const*)it->key().data(), h256::ConstructFromPointer);
auto dh = details(h);
auto p = dh.parent;
if (p != h256())
auto dp = details(p);
assert(contains(dp.children, h));
assert(dp.number == dh.number - 1);
11 years ago
delete it;
bytesConstRef BlockChain::block(h256 _hash) const
if (_hash == m_genesisHash)
return &m_genesisBlock;
11 years ago
string d;
m_db->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)&_hash, 32), &d);
lock_guard<mutex> l(m_lock);
swap(m_cache[_hash], d);
return bytesConstRef(&m_cache[_hash]);
eth::uint BlockChain::number(h256 _hash) const
return details(_hash).number;
BlockDetails const& BlockChain::details(h256 _h) const
BlockDetailsHash::const_iterator it;
11 years ago
bool fetchRequired;
lock_guard<mutex> l(m_lock);
it = m_details.find(_h);
fetchRequired = (it == m_details.end());
if (fetchRequired)
std::string s;
m_detailsDB->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)&_h, 32), &s);
if (s.empty())
11 years ago
// cout << "Not found in DB: " << _h << endl;
return NullBlockDetails;
11 years ago
11 years ago
lock_guard<mutex> l(m_lock);
bool ok;
tie(it, ok) = m_details.insert(std::make_pair(_h, BlockDetails(RLP(s))));
11 years ago
return it->second;