This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
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/** @file OurWebThreeStubServer.cpp
* @ author Gav Wood < i @ gavwood . com >
* @ date 2014
# include "OurWebThreeStubServer.h"
# include <QMessageBox>
# include <QAbstractButton>
# include <libwebthree/WebThree.h>
# include <libnatspec/NatspecExpressionEvaluator.h>
# include "MainWin.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace dev ;
using namespace dev : : eth ;
OurWebThreeStubServer : : OurWebThreeStubServer (
jsonrpc : : AbstractServerConnector & _conn ,
WebThreeDirect & _web3 ,
Main * _main
) :
WebThreeStubServer ( _conn , _web3 , make_shared < OurAccountHolder > ( _web3 , _main ) , _main - > owned ( ) . toVector ( ) . toStdVector ( ) ) ,
m_main ( _main )
string OurWebThreeStubServer : : shh_newIdentity ( )
KeyPair kp = dev : : KeyPair : : create ( ) ;
emit onNewId ( QString : : fromStdString ( toJS ( kp . sec ( ) ) ) ) ;
return toJS ( kp . pub ( ) ) ;
OurAccountHolder : : OurAccountHolder (
WebThreeDirect & _web3 ,
Main * _main
) :
AccountHolder ( [ = ] ( ) { return m_web3 - > ethereum ( ) ; } ) ,
m_web3 ( & _web3 ) ,
m_main ( _main )
connect ( _main , SIGNAL ( poll ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( doValidations ( ) ) ) ;
bool OurAccountHolder : : showAuthenticationPopup ( string const & _title , string const & _text )
if ( ! m_main - > confirm ( ) )
cnote < < " Skipping confirmation step for: " < < _title < < " \n " < < _text ;
return true ;
QMessageBox userInput ;
userInput . setText ( QString : : fromStdString ( _title ) ) ;
userInput . setInformativeText ( QString : : fromStdString ( _text ) ) ;
userInput . setStandardButtons ( QMessageBox : : Ok | QMessageBox : : Cancel ) ;
userInput . button ( QMessageBox : : Ok ) - > setText ( " Allow " ) ;
userInput . button ( QMessageBox : : Cancel ) - > setText ( " Reject " ) ;
userInput . setDefaultButton ( QMessageBox : : Cancel ) ;
return userInput . exec ( ) = = QMessageBox : : Ok ;
//QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_main, "authenticate", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection, Q_RETURN_ARG(int, button), Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(_title)), Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(_text)));
//return button == QMessageBox::Ok;
bool OurAccountHolder : : showCreationNotice ( TransactionSkeleton const & _t , bool _toProxy )
return showAuthenticationPopup ( " Contract Creation Transaction " , string ( " ÐApp is attemping to create a contract; " ) + ( _toProxy ? " (this transaction is not executed directly, but forwarded to another ÐApp) " : " " ) + " to be endowed with " + formatBalance ( _t . value ) + " , with additional network fees of up to " + formatBalance ( _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " . \n \n Maximum total cost is " + formatBalance ( _t . value + _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " . " ) ;
bool OurAccountHolder : : showSendNotice ( TransactionSkeleton const & _t , bool _toProxy )
return showAuthenticationPopup ( " Fund Transfer Transaction " , " ÐApp is attempting to send " + formatBalance ( _t . value ) + " to a recipient " + m_main - > pretty ( _t . to ) + ( _toProxy ? " (this transaction is not executed directly, but forwarded to another ÐApp) " : " " ) +
" , with additional network fees of up to " + formatBalance ( _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " . \n \n Maximum total cost is " + formatBalance ( _t . value + _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " . " ) ;
bool OurAccountHolder : : showUnknownCallNotice ( TransactionSkeleton const & _t , bool _toProxy )
return showAuthenticationPopup ( " DANGEROUS! Unknown Contract Transaction! " ,
" ÐApp is attempting to call into an unknown contract at address " +
m_main - > pretty ( _t . to ) + " . \n \n " +
( _toProxy ? " This transaction is not executed directly, but forwarded to another ÐApp. \n \n " : " " ) +
" Call involves sending " +
formatBalance ( _t . value ) + " to the recipient, with additional network fees of up to " +
formatBalance ( _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) +
" However, this also does other stuff which we don't understand, and does so in your name. \n \n " +
" WARNING: This is probably going to cost you at least " +
formatBalance ( _t . value + _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) +
" , however this doesn't include any side-effects, which could be of far greater importance. \n \n " +
void OurAccountHolder : : authenticate ( TransactionSkeleton const & _t )
Guard l ( x_queued ) ;
m_queued . push ( _t ) ;
void OurAccountHolder : : doValidations ( )
Guard l ( x_queued ) ;
while ( ! m_queued . empty ( ) )
auto t = m_queued . front ( ) ;
m_queued . pop ( ) ;
bool proxy = isProxyAccount ( t . from ) ;
if ( ! proxy & & ! isRealAccount ( t . from ) )
cwarn < < " Trying to send from non-existant account " < < t . from ;
return ;
// TODO: determine gas price.
if ( ! validateTransaction ( t , proxy ) )
return ;
if ( proxy )
queueTransaction ( t ) ;
// sign and submit.
if ( Secret s = m_main - > retrieveSecret ( t . from ) )
m_web3 - > ethereum ( ) - > submitTransaction ( s , t ) ;
AddressHash OurAccountHolder : : realAccounts ( ) const
return m_main - > keyManager ( ) . accounts ( ) ;
bool OurAccountHolder : : validateTransaction ( TransactionSkeleton const & _t , bool _toProxy )
if ( ! m_main - > doConfirm ( ) )
return true ;
if ( _t . creation )
// show notice concerning the creation code. TODO: this needs entering into natspec.
return showCreationNotice ( _t , _toProxy ) ;
h256 contractCodeHash = m_web3 - > ethereum ( ) - > postState ( ) . codeHash ( _t . to ) ;
if ( contractCodeHash = = EmptySHA3 )
// recipient has no code - nothing special about this transaction, show basic value transfer info
return showSendNotice ( _t , _toProxy ) ;
string userNotice = m_main - > natSpec ( ) - > getUserNotice ( contractCodeHash , _t . data ) ;
if ( userNotice . empty ( ) )
return showUnknownCallNotice ( _t , _toProxy ) ;
NatspecExpressionEvaluator evaluator ;
userNotice = evaluator . evalExpression ( QString : : fromStdString ( userNotice ) ) . toStdString ( ) ;
// otherwise it's a transaction to a contract for which we have the natspec
return showAuthenticationPopup ( " Contract Transaction " ,
" ÐApp attempting to conduct contract interaction with " +
m_main - > pretty ( _t . to ) +
" : <b> " + userNotice + " </b>. \n \n " +
( _toProxy ? " This transaction is not executed directly, but forwarded to another ÐApp. \n \n " : " " ) +
( _t . value > 0 ?
" In addition, ÐApp is attempting to send " +
formatBalance ( _t . value ) + " to said recipient, with additional network fees of up to " +
formatBalance ( _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " = " +
formatBalance ( _t . value + _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " . "
" Additional network fees are at most " +
formatBalance ( _t . gas * _t . gasPrice ) + " . " )
) ;