This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
cpp - ethereum is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
cpp - ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
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/** @file ClientModel.cpp
* @ author Yann yann @ ethdev . com
* @ author Arkadiy Paronyan arkadiy @ ethdev . com
* @ date 2015
* Ethereum IDE client .
// Make sure boost/asio.hpp is included before windows.h.
# include <boost/asio.hpp>
# include "ClientModel.h"
# include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QQmlContext>
# include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
# include <QStandardPaths>
# include <jsonrpccpp/server.h>
# include <libethcore/CommonJS.h>
# include <libethereum/Transaction.h>
# include "DebuggingStateWrapper.h"
# include "Exceptions.h"
# include "QContractDefinition.h"
# include "QVariableDeclaration.h"
# include "QVariableDefinition.h"
# include "ContractCallDataEncoder.h"
# include "CodeModel.h"
# include "QEther.h"
# include "Web3Server.h"
# include "MixClient.h"
using namespace dev ;
using namespace dev : : eth ;
using namespace std ;
namespace dev
namespace mix
class RpcConnector : public jsonrpc : : AbstractServerConnector
public :
virtual bool StartListening ( ) override { return true ; }
virtual bool StopListening ( ) override { return true ; }
virtual bool SendResponse ( string const & _response , void * ) override
m_response = QString : : fromStdString ( _response ) ;
return true ;
QString response ( ) const { return m_response ; }
private :
QString m_response ;
} ;
ClientModel : : ClientModel ( ) :
m_running ( false ) , m_rpcConnector ( new RpcConnector ( ) )
qRegisterMetaType < QBigInt * > ( " QBigInt* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QVariableDefinition * > ( " QVariableDefinition* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QList < QVariableDefinition * > > ( " QList<QVariableDefinition*> " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QList < QVariableDeclaration * > > ( " QList<QVariableDeclaration*> " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QVariableDeclaration * > ( " QVariableDeclaration* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QSolidityType * > ( " QSolidityType* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QMachineState * > ( " QMachineState " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QInstruction * > ( " QInstruction " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QCode * > ( " QCode " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QCallData * > ( " QCallData " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < RecordLogEntry * > ( " RecordLogEntry* " ) ;
connect ( this , & ClientModel : : runComplete , this , & ClientModel : : showDebugger , Qt : : QueuedConnection ) ;
m_client . reset ( new MixClient ( QStandardPaths : : writableLocation ( QStandardPaths : : TempLocation ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
m_ethAccounts = make_shared < FixedAccountHolder > ( [ = ] ( ) { return m_client . get ( ) ; } , std : : vector < KeyPair > ( ) ) ;
m_web3Server . reset ( new Web3Server ( * m_rpcConnector . get ( ) , m_ethAccounts , std : : vector < KeyPair > ( ) , m_client . get ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( m_web3Server . get ( ) , & Web3Server : : newTransaction , this , & ClientModel : : onNewTransaction , Qt : : DirectConnection ) ;
ClientModel : : ~ ClientModel ( )
m_runFuture . waitForFinished ( ) ;
QString ClientModel : : apiCall ( QString const & _message )
m_rpcConnector - > OnRequest ( _message . toStdString ( ) , nullptr ) ;
return m_rpcConnector - > response ( ) ;
catch ( . . . )
cerr < < boost : : current_exception_diagnostic_information ( ) ;
return QString ( ) ;
void ClientModel : : mine ( )
if ( m_running | | m_mining )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( ExecutionStateException ( ) ) ;
m_mining = true ;
emit miningStarted ( ) ;
emit miningStateChanged ( ) ;
m_runFuture = QtConcurrent : : run ( [ = ] ( )
m_client - > mine ( ) ;
newBlock ( ) ;
m_mining = false ;
emit miningComplete ( ) ;
catch ( . . . )
m_mining = false ;
cerr < < boost : : current_exception_diagnostic_information ( ) ;
emit runFailed ( QString : : fromStdString ( boost : : current_exception_diagnostic_information ( ) ) ) ;
emit miningStateChanged ( ) ;
} ) ;
QString ClientModel : : newSecret ( )
KeyPair a = KeyPair : : create ( ) ;
return QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( a . secret ( ) . ref ( ) ) ) ;
QString ClientModel : : address ( QString const & _secret )
return QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( KeyPair ( Secret ( _secret . toStdString ( ) ) ) . address ( ) . ref ( ) ) ) ;
QString ClientModel : : toHex ( QString const & _int )
return QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( dev : : u256 ( _int . toStdString ( ) ) ) ) ;
QString ClientModel : : encodeAbiString ( QString _string )
ContractCallDataEncoder encoder ;
return QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( encoder . encodeBytes ( _string ) ) ) ;
QString ClientModel : : encodeStringParam ( QString const & _param )
ContractCallDataEncoder encoder ;
return QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( encoder . encodeStringParam ( _param , 32 ) ) ) ;
QStringList ClientModel : : encodeParams ( QVariant const & _param , QString const & _contract , QString const & _function )
QStringList ret ;
CompiledContract const & compilerRes = m_codeModel - > contract ( _contract ) ;
QList < QVariableDeclaration * > paramsList ;
shared_ptr < QContractDefinition > contractDef = compilerRes . sharedContract ( ) ;
if ( _contract = = _function )
paramsList = contractDef - > constructor ( ) - > parametersList ( ) ;
for ( QFunctionDefinition * tf : contractDef - > functionsList ( ) )
if ( tf - > name ( ) = = _function )
paramsList = tf - > parametersList ( ) ;
break ;
if ( paramsList . length ( ) > 0 )
for ( QVariableDeclaration * var : paramsList )
ContractCallDataEncoder encoder ;
QSolidityType const * type = var - > type ( ) ;
QVariant value = _param . toMap ( ) . value ( var - > name ( ) ) ;
encoder . encode ( value , type - > type ( ) ) ;
ret . push_back ( QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( encoder . encodedData ( ) ) ) ) ;
return ret ;
QVariantMap ClientModel : : contractAddresses ( ) const
QVariantMap res ;
for ( auto const & c : m_contractAddresses )
res . insert ( c . first . first , QString : : fromStdString ( toJS ( c . second ) ) ) ;
return res ;
QVariantList ClientModel : : gasCosts ( ) const
QVariantList res ;
for ( auto const & c : m_gasCosts )
res . append ( QVariant : : fromValue ( static_cast < int > ( c ) ) ) ;
return res ;
void ClientModel : : setupState ( QVariantMap _state )
QVariantList stateAccounts = _state . value ( " accounts " ) . toList ( ) ;
QVariantList stateContracts = _state . value ( " contracts " ) . toList ( ) ;
QVariantList transactions = _state . value ( " transactions " ) . toList ( ) ;
unordered_map < Address , Account > accounts ;
std : : vector < KeyPair > userAccounts ;
for ( auto const & b : stateAccounts )
QVariantMap account = b . toMap ( ) ;
Address address = { } ;
if ( account . contains ( " secret " ) )
KeyPair key ( Secret ( account . value ( " secret " ) . toString ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
userAccounts . push_back ( key ) ;
address = key . address ( ) ;
else if ( account . contains ( " address " ) )
address = Address ( fromHex ( account . value ( " address " ) . toString ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! address )
continue ;
accounts [ address ] = Account ( qvariant_cast < QEther * > ( account . value ( " balance " ) ) - > toU256Wei ( ) , Account : : NormalCreation ) ;
for ( auto const & c : stateContracts )
QVariantMap contract = c . toMap ( ) ;
Address address = Address ( fromHex ( contract . value ( " address " ) . toString ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
Account account ( qvariant_cast < QEther * > ( contract . value ( " balance " ) ) - > toU256Wei ( ) , Account : : ContractConception ) ;
bytes code = fromHex ( contract . value ( " code " ) . toString ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ;
account . setCode ( code ) ;
QVariantMap storageMap = contract . value ( " storage " ) . toMap ( ) ;
for ( auto s = storageMap . cbegin ( ) ; s ! = storageMap . cend ( ) ; + + s )
account . setStorage ( fromBigEndian < u256 > ( fromHex ( s . key ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) , fromBigEndian < u256 > ( fromHex ( s . value ( ) . toString ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ) ;
accounts [ address ] = account ;
vector < TransactionSettings > transactionSequence ;
for ( auto const & t : transactions )
QVariantMap transaction = t . toMap ( ) ;
QString contractId = transaction . value ( " contractId " ) . toString ( ) ;
QString functionId = transaction . value ( " functionId " ) . toString ( ) ;
u256 gas = boost : : get < u256 > ( qvariant_cast < QBigInt * > ( transaction . value ( " gas " ) ) - > internalValue ( ) ) ;
bool gasAuto = transaction . value ( " gasAuto " ) . toBool ( ) ;
u256 value = ( qvariant_cast < QEther * > ( transaction . value ( " value " ) ) ) - > toU256Wei ( ) ;
u256 gasPrice = ( qvariant_cast < QEther * > ( transaction . value ( " gasPrice " ) ) ) - > toU256Wei ( ) ;
QString sender = transaction . value ( " sender " ) . toString ( ) ;
bool isContractCreation = transaction . value ( " isContractCreation " ) . toBool ( ) ;
bool isFunctionCall = transaction . value ( " isFunctionCall " ) . toBool ( ) ;
if ( contractId . isEmpty ( ) & & m_codeModel - > hasContract ( ) ) //TODO: This is to support old project files, remove later
contractId = m_codeModel - > contracts ( ) . keys ( ) [ 0 ] ;
TransactionSettings transactionSettings ( contractId , functionId , value , gas , gasAuto , gasPrice , Secret ( sender . toStdString ( ) ) , isContractCreation , isFunctionCall ) ;
transactionSettings . parameterValues = transaction . value ( " parameters " ) . toMap ( ) ;
if ( contractId = = functionId | | functionId = = " Constructor " )
transactionSettings . functionId . clear ( ) ;
transactionSequence . push_back ( transactionSettings ) ;
m_ethAccounts - > setAccounts ( userAccounts ) ;
executeSequence ( transactionSequence , accounts , Secret ( _state . value ( " miner " ) . toMap ( ) . value ( " secret " ) . toString ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
void ClientModel : : executeSequence ( vector < TransactionSettings > const & _sequence , std : : unordered_map < Address , Account > const & _accounts , Secret const & _miner )
if ( m_running )
qWarning ( ) < < " Waiting for current execution to complete " ;
m_runFuture . waitForFinished ( ) ;
m_running = true ;
emit runStarted ( ) ;
emit runStateChanged ( ) ;
m_client - > resetState ( _accounts , _miner ) ;
//run sequence
m_runFuture = QtConcurrent : : run ( [ = ] ( )
vector < Address > deployedContracts ;
onStateReset ( ) ;
m_gasCosts . clear ( ) ;
for ( TransactionSettings const & transaction : _sequence )
std : : pair < QString , int > ctrInstance = resolvePair ( transaction . contractId ) ;
QString address = resolveToken ( ctrInstance , deployedContracts ) ;
if ( ! transaction . isFunctionCall )
callAddress ( Address ( address . toStdString ( ) ) , bytes ( ) , transaction ) ;
onNewTransaction ( ) ;
continue ;
ContractCallDataEncoder encoder ;
//encode data
CompiledContract const & compilerRes = m_codeModel - > contract ( ctrInstance . first ) ;
QFunctionDefinition const * f = nullptr ;
bytes contractCode = compilerRes . bytes ( ) ;
shared_ptr < QContractDefinition > contractDef = compilerRes . sharedContract ( ) ;
if ( transaction . functionId . isEmpty ( ) )
f = contractDef - > constructor ( ) ;
for ( QFunctionDefinition const * tf : contractDef - > functionsList ( ) )
if ( tf - > name ( ) = = transaction . functionId )
f = tf ;
break ;
if ( ! f )
emit runFailed ( " Function ' " + transaction . functionId + tr ( " ' not found. Please check transactions or the contract code. " ) ) ;
m_running = false ;
emit runStateChanged ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ! transaction . functionId . isEmpty ( ) )
encoder . encode ( f ) ;
for ( QVariableDeclaration const * p : f - > parametersList ( ) )
QSolidityType const * type = p - > type ( ) ;
QVariant value = transaction . parameterValues . value ( p - > name ( ) ) ;
if ( type - > type ( ) . type = = SolidityType : : Type : : Address & & value . toString ( ) . startsWith ( " < " ) )
std : : pair < QString , int > ctrParamInstance = resolvePair ( value . toString ( ) ) ;
value = QVariant ( resolveToken ( ctrParamInstance , deployedContracts ) ) ;
encoder . encode ( value , type - > type ( ) ) ;
if ( transaction . functionId . isEmpty ( ) | | transaction . functionId = = ctrInstance . first )
bytes param = encoder . encodedData ( ) ;
contractCode . insert ( contractCode . end ( ) , param . begin ( ) , param . end ( ) ) ;
Address newAddress = deployContract ( contractCode , transaction ) ;
deployedContracts . push_back ( newAddress ) ;
std : : pair < QString , int > contractToken = retrieveToken ( transaction . contractId , deployedContracts ) ;
m_contractAddresses [ contractToken ] = newAddress ;
m_contractNames [ newAddress ] = contractToken . first ;
contractAddressesChanged ( ) ;
gasCostsChanged ( ) ;
auto contractAddressIter = m_contractAddresses . find ( ctrInstance ) ;
if ( contractAddressIter = = m_contractAddresses . end ( ) )
emit runFailed ( " Contract ' " + transaction . contractId + tr ( " not deployed. " ) + " ' " + tr ( " Cannot call " ) + transaction . functionId ) ;
m_running = false ;
emit runStateChanged ( ) ;
return ;
callAddress ( contractAddressIter - > second , encoder . encodedData ( ) , transaction ) ;
m_gasCosts . append ( m_client - > lastExecution ( ) . gasUsed ) ;
onNewTransaction ( ) ;
m_running = false ;
emit runComplete ( ) ;
catch ( boost : : exception const & )
cerr < < boost : : current_exception_diagnostic_information ( ) ;
emit runFailed ( QString : : fromStdString ( boost : : current_exception_diagnostic_information ( ) ) ) ;
catch ( exception const & e )
cerr < < boost : : current_exception_diagnostic_information ( ) ;
emit runFailed ( e . what ( ) ) ;
m_running = false ;
emit runStateChanged ( ) ;
} ) ;
std : : pair < QString , int > ClientModel : : resolvePair ( QString const & _contractId )
std : : pair < QString , int > ret = std : : make_pair ( _contractId , 0 ) ;
if ( _contractId . startsWith ( " < " ) & & _contractId . endsWith ( " > " ) )
QStringList values = ret . first . remove ( " < " ) . remove ( " > " ) . split ( " - " ) ;
ret = std : : make_pair ( values [ 0 ] , values [ 1 ] . toUInt ( ) ) ;
return ret ;
QString ClientModel : : resolveToken ( std : : pair < QString , int > const & _value , vector < Address > const & _contracts )
if ( _contracts . size ( ) > 0 )
return QString : : fromStdString ( " 0x " + dev : : toHex ( _contracts . at ( _value . second ) . ref ( ) ) ) ;
return _value . first ;
std : : pair < QString , int > ClientModel : : retrieveToken ( QString const & _value , vector < Address > const & _contracts )
std : : pair < QString , int > ret ;
ret . first = _value ;
ret . second = _contracts . size ( ) - 1 ;
return ret ;
void ClientModel : : showDebugger ( )
ExecutionResult last = m_client - > lastExecution ( ) ;
showDebuggerForTransaction ( last ) ;
void ClientModel : : showDebuggerForTransaction ( ExecutionResult const & _t )
//we need to wrap states in a QObject before sending to QML.
QDebugData * debugData = new QDebugData ( ) ;
QQmlEngine : : setObjectOwnership ( debugData , QQmlEngine : : JavaScriptOwnership ) ;
QList < QCode * > codes ;
QList < QHash < int , int > > codeMaps ;
QList < AssemblyItems > codeItems ;
QList < CompiledContract const * > contracts ;
for ( MachineCode const & code : _t . executionCode )
QHash < int , int > codeMap ;
codes . push_back ( QMachineState : : getHumanReadableCode ( debugData , code . address , code . code , codeMap ) ) ;
codeMaps . push_back ( move ( codeMap ) ) ;
//try to resolve contract for source level debugging
auto nameIter = m_contractNames . find ( code . address ) ;
CompiledContract const * compilerRes = nullptr ;
if ( nameIter ! = m_contractNames . end ( ) & & ( compilerRes = m_codeModel - > tryGetContract ( nameIter - > second ) ) ) //returned object is guaranteed to live till the end of event handler in main thread
eth : : AssemblyItems assemblyItems = ! _t . isConstructor ( ) ? compilerRes - > assemblyItems ( ) : compilerRes - > constructorAssemblyItems ( ) ;
codes . back ( ) - > setDocument ( compilerRes - > documentId ( ) ) ;
codeItems . push_back ( move ( assemblyItems ) ) ;
contracts . push_back ( compilerRes ) ;
codeItems . push_back ( AssemblyItems ( ) ) ;
contracts . push_back ( nullptr ) ;
QList < QCallData * > data ;
for ( bytes const & d : _t . transactionData )
data . push_back ( QMachineState : : getDebugCallData ( debugData , d ) ) ;
QVariantList states ;
QVariantList solCallStack ;
map < int , QVariableDeclaration * > solLocals ; //<stack pos, decl>
map < QString , QVariableDeclaration * > storageDeclarations ; //<name, decl>
unsigned prevInstructionIndex = 0 ;
for ( MachineState const & s : _t . machineStates )
int instructionIndex = codeMaps [ s . codeIndex ] [ static_cast < unsigned > ( s . curPC ) ] ;
QSolState * solState = nullptr ;
if ( ! codeItems [ s . codeIndex ] . empty ( ) & & contracts [ s . codeIndex ] )
CompiledContract const * contract = contracts [ s . codeIndex ] ;
AssemblyItem const & instruction = codeItems [ s . codeIndex ] [ instructionIndex ] ;
if ( instruction . type ( ) = = eth : : Push & & ! instruction . data ( ) )
//register new local variable initialization
auto localIter = contract - > locals ( ) . find ( LocationPair ( instruction . getLocation ( ) . start , instruction . getLocation ( ) . end ) ) ;
if ( localIter ! = contract - > locals ( ) . end ( ) )
solLocals [ s . stack . size ( ) ] = new QVariableDeclaration ( debugData , localIter . value ( ) . name . toStdString ( ) , localIter . value ( ) . type ) ;
if ( instruction . type ( ) = = eth : : Tag )
//track calls into functions
AssemblyItem const & prevInstruction = codeItems [ s . codeIndex ] [ prevInstructionIndex ] ;
QString functionName = m_codeModel - > resolveFunctionName ( instruction . getLocation ( ) ) ;
if ( ! functionName . isEmpty ( ) & & ( ( prevInstruction . getJumpType ( ) = = AssemblyItem : : JumpType : : IntoFunction ) | | solCallStack . empty ( ) ) )
solCallStack . push_front ( QVariant : : fromValue ( functionName ) ) ;
else if ( prevInstruction . getJumpType ( ) = = AssemblyItem : : JumpType : : OutOfFunction & & ! solCallStack . empty ( ) )
solCallStack . pop_front ( ) ;
solLocals . clear ( ) ;
//format solidity context values
QVariantMap locals ;
QVariantList localDeclarations ;
QVariantMap localValues ;
for ( auto l : solLocals )
if ( l . first < ( int ) s . stack . size ( ) )
if ( l . second - > type ( ) - > name ( ) . startsWith ( " mapping " ) )
break ; //mapping type not yet managed
localDeclarations . push_back ( QVariant : : fromValue ( l . second ) ) ;
localValues [ l . second - > name ( ) ] = formatValue ( l . second - > type ( ) - > type ( ) , s . stack [ l . first ] ) ;
locals [ " variables " ] = localDeclarations ;
locals [ " values " ] = localValues ;
QVariantMap storage ;
QVariantList storageDeclarationList ;
QVariantMap storageValues ;
for ( auto st : s . storage )
if ( st . first < numeric_limits < unsigned > : : max ( ) )
auto storageIter = contract - > storage ( ) . find ( static_cast < unsigned > ( st . first ) ) ;
if ( storageIter ! = contract - > storage ( ) . end ( ) )
QVariableDeclaration * storageDec = nullptr ;
for ( SolidityDeclaration const & codeDec : storageIter . value ( ) )
if ( codeDec . type . name . startsWith ( " mapping " ) )
continue ; //mapping type not yet managed
auto decIter = storageDeclarations . find ( codeDec . name ) ;
if ( decIter ! = storageDeclarations . end ( ) )
storageDec = decIter - > second ;
storageDec = new QVariableDeclaration ( debugData , codeDec . name . toStdString ( ) , codeDec . type ) ;
storageDeclarations [ storageDec - > name ( ) ] = storageDec ;
storageDeclarationList . push_back ( QVariant : : fromValue ( storageDec ) ) ;
storageValues [ storageDec - > name ( ) ] = formatStorageValue ( storageDec - > type ( ) - > type ( ) , s . storage , codeDec . offset , codeDec . slot ) ;
storage [ " variables " ] = storageDeclarationList ;
storage [ " values " ] = storageValues ;
prevInstructionIndex = instructionIndex ;
// filter out locations that match whole function or contract
SourceLocation location = instruction . getLocation ( ) ;
QString source ;
if ( location . sourceName )
source = QString : : fromUtf8 ( location . sourceName - > c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( m_codeModel - > isContractOrFunctionLocation ( location ) )
location = dev : : SourceLocation ( - 1 , - 1 , location . sourceName ) ;
solState = new QSolState ( debugData , move ( storage ) , move ( solCallStack ) , move ( locals ) , location . start , location . end , source ) ;
states . append ( QVariant : : fromValue ( new QMachineState ( debugData , instructionIndex , s , codes [ s . codeIndex ] , data [ s . dataIndex ] , solState ) ) ) ;
debugData - > setStates ( move ( states ) ) ;
debugDataReady ( debugData ) ;
QVariant ClientModel : : formatValue ( SolidityType const & _type , u256 const & _value )
ContractCallDataEncoder decoder ;
bytes val = toBigEndian ( _value ) ;
QVariant res = decoder . decode ( _type , val ) ;
return res ;
QVariant ClientModel : : formatStorageValue ( SolidityType const & _type , unordered_map < u256 , u256 > const & _storage , unsigned _offset , u256 const & _slot )
u256 slot = _slot ;
QVariantList values ;
ContractCallDataEncoder decoder ;
u256 count = 1 ;
if ( _type . dynamicSize )
count = _storage . at ( slot ) ;
slot = fromBigEndian < u256 > ( sha3 ( toBigEndian ( slot ) ) . asBytes ( ) ) ;
else if ( _type . array )
count = _type . count ;
unsigned offset = _offset ;
while ( count - - )
auto slotIter = _storage . find ( slot ) ;
u256 slotValue = slotIter ! = _storage . end ( ) ? slotIter - > second : u256 ( ) ;
bytes slotBytes = toBigEndian ( slotValue ) ;
auto start = slotBytes . end ( ) - _type . size - offset ;
bytes val ( 32 - _type . size ) ; //prepend with zeroes
if ( _type . type = = SolidityType : : SignedInteger & & ( * start & 0x80 ) ) //extend sign
std : : fill ( val . begin ( ) , val . end ( ) , 0xff ) ;
val . insert ( val . end ( ) , start , start + _type . size ) ;
values . append ( decoder . decode ( _type , val ) ) ;
offset + = _type . size ;
if ( ( offset + _type . size ) > 32 )
slot + + ;
offset = 0 ;
if ( ! _type . array )
return values [ 0 ] ;
return QVariant : : fromValue ( values ) ;
void ClientModel : : emptyRecord ( )
debugDataReady ( new QDebugData ( ) ) ;
void ClientModel : : debugRecord ( unsigned _index )
ExecutionResult e = m_client - > execution ( _index ) ;
showDebuggerForTransaction ( e ) ;
Address ClientModel : : deployContract ( bytes const & _code , TransactionSettings const & _ctrTransaction )
Address newAddress = m_client - > submitTransaction ( _ctrTransaction . sender , _ctrTransaction . value , _code , _ctrTransaction . gas , _ctrTransaction . gasPrice , _ctrTransaction . gasAuto ) ;
return newAddress ;
void ClientModel : : callAddress ( Address const & _contract , bytes const & _data , TransactionSettings const & _tr )
m_client - > submitTransaction ( _tr . sender , _tr . value , _contract , _data , _tr . gas , _tr . gasPrice , _tr . gasAuto ) ;
RecordLogEntry * ClientModel : : lastBlock ( ) const
eth : : BlockInfo blockInfo = m_client - > blockInfo ( ) ;
stringstream strGas ;
strGas < < blockInfo . gasUsed ;
stringstream strNumber ;
strNumber < < blockInfo . number ;
RecordLogEntry * record = new RecordLogEntry ( 0 , QString : : fromStdString ( strNumber . str ( ) ) , tr ( " - Block - " ) , tr ( " Hash: " ) + QString ( QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : toHex ( blockInfo . hash ( ) . ref ( ) ) ) ) , QString ( ) , QString ( ) , QString ( ) , false , RecordLogEntry : : RecordType : : Block , QString : : fromStdString ( strGas . str ( ) ) ) ;
QQmlEngine : : setObjectOwnership ( record , QQmlEngine : : JavaScriptOwnership ) ;
return record ;
void ClientModel : : onStateReset ( )
m_contractAddresses . clear ( ) ;
m_contractNames . clear ( ) ;
m_stdContractAddresses . clear ( ) ;
m_stdContractNames . clear ( ) ;
emit stateCleared ( ) ;
void ClientModel : : onNewTransaction ( )
ExecutionResult const & tr = m_client - > lastExecution ( ) ;
unsigned block = m_client - > number ( ) + 1 ;
unsigned recordIndex = tr . executonIndex ;
QString transactionIndex = tr . isCall ( ) ? QObject : : tr ( " Call " ) : QString ( " %1:%2 " ) . arg ( block ) . arg ( tr . transactionIndex ) ;
QString address = QString : : fromStdString ( toJS ( tr . address ) ) ;
QString value = QString : : fromStdString ( toString ( tr . value ) ) ;
QString contract = address ;
QString function ;
QString returned ;
QString gasUsed ;
bool creation = ( bool ) tr . contractAddress ;
if ( ! tr . isCall ( ) )
gasUsed = QString : : fromStdString ( toString ( tr . gasUsed ) ) ;
//TODO: handle value transfer
FixedHash < 4 > functionHash ;
bool abi = false ;
if ( creation )
//contract creation
function = QObject : : tr ( " Constructor " ) ;
address = QObject : : tr ( " (Create contract) " ) ;
if ( tr . transactionData . size ( ) > 0 & & tr . transactionData . front ( ) . size ( ) > = 4 )
functionHash = FixedHash < 4 > ( tr . transactionData . front ( ) . data ( ) , FixedHash < 4 > : : ConstructFromPointer ) ;
function = QString : : fromStdString ( toJS ( functionHash ) ) ;
abi = true ;
function = QObject : : tr ( " <none> " ) ;
if ( creation )
returned = QString : : fromStdString ( toJS ( tr . contractAddress ) ) ;
Address contractAddress = ( bool ) tr . address ? tr . address : tr . contractAddress ;
auto contractAddressIter = m_contractNames . find ( contractAddress ) ;
if ( contractAddressIter ! = m_contractNames . end ( ) )
CompiledContract const & compilerRes = m_codeModel - > contract ( contractAddressIter - > second ) ;
const QContractDefinition * def = compilerRes . contract ( ) ;
contract = def - > name ( ) ;
if ( abi )
QFunctionDefinition const * funcDef = def - > getFunction ( functionHash ) ;
if ( funcDef )
function = funcDef - > name ( ) ;
ContractCallDataEncoder encoder ;
QStringList returnValues = encoder . decode ( funcDef - > returnParameters ( ) , tr . result . output ) ;
returned + = " ( " ;
returned + = returnValues . join ( " , " ) ;
returned + = " ) " ;
RecordLogEntry * log = new RecordLogEntry ( recordIndex , transactionIndex , contract , function , value , address , returned , tr . isCall ( ) , RecordLogEntry : : RecordType : : Transaction , gasUsed ) ;
QQmlEngine : : setObjectOwnership ( log , QQmlEngine : : JavaScriptOwnership ) ;
emit newRecord ( log ) ;