# all dependencies that are not directly included in the cpp-ethereum distribution are defined here
# for this to work, download the dependency via the cmake script in extdep or install them manually!
# by defining this variable, cmake will look for dependencies first in our own repository before looking in system paths like /usr/local/ ...
# this must be set to point to the same directory as $ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR in /extdep directory
string ( TOLOWER ${ CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME } _system_name )
set ( CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extdep/install/${_system_name}" )
# mac os
# https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/DynamicLibraries/100-Articles/UsingDynamicLibraries.html
# Dependencies must have a version number, to ensure reproducible build. The version provided here is the one that is in the extdep repository. If you use system libraries, version numbers may be different.
find_package ( CryptoPP 5.6.2 EXACT REQUIRED )
message ( " - CryptoPP header: ${CRYPTOPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - CryptoPP lib : ${CRYPTOPP_LIBRARIES}" )
find_package ( LevelDB REQUIRED )
message ( " - LevelDB header: ${LEVELDB_INCLUDE_DIR}" )
message ( " - LevelDB lib: ${LEVELDB_LIBRARY}" )
# TODO the Jsoncpp package does not yet check for correct version number
find_package ( Jsoncpp 0.60 REQUIRED )
message ( " - Jsoncpp header: ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - Jsoncpp lib : ${JSONCPP_LIBRARIES}" )
# TODO the JsonRpcCpp package does not yet check for correct version number
find_package ( JsonRpcCpp 0.3.2 REQUIRED )
if ( ${ JSON_RPC_CPP_FOUND } )
message ( " - json-rpc-cpp header: ${JSON_RPC_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message ( " - json-rpc-cpp lib : ${JSON_RPC_CPP_LIBRARIES}" )
add_definitions ( -DETH_JSONRPC )
endif ( )
find_package ( QT5Core REQUIRED )
find_package ( QT5Gui REQUIRED )
find_package ( Qt5Quick REQUIRED )
find_package ( Qt5Qml REQUIRED )
find_package ( Qt5Network REQUIRED )
find_package ( Qt5Widgets REQUIRED )
find_package ( Qt5WebKit REQUIRED )
find_package ( Qt5WebKitWidgets REQUIRED )