You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
3.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define noexcept throw()
#define EXPORT
namespace dev
namespace evmjit
using byte = uint8_t;
using bytes_ref = std::tuple<byte const*, size_t>;
10 years ago
/// Representation of 256-bit hash value
struct h256
uint64_t words[4];
10 years ago
inline bool operator==(h256 const& _h1, h256 const& _h2)
return _h1.words[0] == _h2.words[0] &&
_h1.words[1] == _h2.words[1] &&
_h1.words[2] == _h2.words[2] &&
_h1.words[3] == _h2.words[3];
/// Representation of 256-bit value binary compatible with LLVM i256
struct i256
10 years ago
uint64_t words[4];
i256() = default;
10 years ago
i256(h256 const& _h) { std::memcpy(this, &_h, sizeof(*this)); }
// TODO: Merge with ExecutionContext
struct RuntimeData
enum Index
SuicideDestAddress = Address, ///< Suicide balance destination address
ReturnData = CallData, ///< Return data pointer (set only in case of RETURN)
ReturnDataSize = CallDataSize, ///< Return data size (set only in case of RETURN)
10 years ago
static size_t const numElements = CodeSize + 1;
int64_t gas = 0;
int64_t gasPrice = 0;
byte const* callData = nullptr;
uint64_t callDataSize = 0;
i256 address;
i256 caller;
i256 origin;
i256 callValue;
i256 coinBase;
i256 difficulty;
i256 gasLimit;
uint64_t number = 0;
int64_t timestamp = 0;
byte const* code = nullptr;
uint64_t codeSize = 0;
h256 codeHash;
/// VM Environment (ExtVM) opaque type
struct Env;
enum class ReturnCode
// Success codes
Stop = 0,
Return = 1,
Suicide = 2,
// Standard error codes
OutOfGas = -1,
StackUnderflow = -2,
BadJumpDestination = -3,
BadInstruction = -4,
Rejected = -5, ///< Input data (code, gas, block info, etc.) does not meet JIT requirement and execution request has been rejected
// Internal error codes
LLVMError = -101,
UnexpectedException = -111,
LinkerWorkaround = -299,
class ExecutionContext
ExecutionContext() = default;
ExecutionContext(RuntimeData& _data, Env* _env) { init(_data, _env); }
ExecutionContext(ExecutionContext const&) = delete;
ExecutionContext& operator=(ExecutionContext const&) = delete;
EXPORT ~ExecutionContext() noexcept;
void init(RuntimeData& _data, Env* _env) { m_data = &_data; m_env = _env; }
byte const* code() const { return m_data->code; }
uint64_t codeSize() const { return m_data->codeSize; }
h256 const& codeHash() const { return m_data->codeHash; }
bytes_ref getReturnData() const;
RuntimeData* m_data = nullptr; ///< Pointer to data. Expected by compiled contract.
Env* m_env = nullptr; ///< Pointer to environment proxy. Expected by compiled contract.
byte* m_memData = nullptr;
uint64_t m_memSize = 0;
uint64_t m_memCap = 0;
/// Reference to returned data (RETURN opcode used)
bytes_ref returnData;
class JIT
/// Ask JIT if the EVM code is ready for execution.
/// Returns `true` if the EVM code has been compiled and loaded into memory.
/// In this case the code can be executed without overhead.
/// \param _codeHash The Keccak hash of the EVM code.
10 years ago
EXPORT static bool isCodeReady(h256 const& _codeHash);
10 years ago
/// Compile the given EVM code to machine code and make available for execution.
EXPORT static void compile(byte const* _code, uint64_t _codeSize, h256 const& _codeHash);
10 years ago
EXPORT static ReturnCode exec(ExecutionContext& _context);
namespace std
template<> struct hash<dev::evmjit::h256>
size_t operator()(dev::evmjit::h256 const& _h) const
/// This implementation expects the argument to be a full 256-bit Keccak hash.
/// It does nothing more than returning a slice of the input hash.
return static_cast<size_t>(_h.words[0]);