140 lines
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140 lines
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10 years ago
This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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/** @file KeyManager.h
* @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
* @date 2014
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <libdevcrypto/SecretStore.h>
10 years ago
#include <libdevcore/FileSystem.h>
10 years ago
namespace dev
10 years ago
namespace eth
10 years ago
class UnknownPassword: public Exception {};
struct KeyInfo
10 years ago
KeyInfo() = default;
KeyInfo(h256 const& _passHash, std::string const& _info): passHash(_passHash), info(_info) {}
10 years ago
h256 passHash;
std::string info;
10 years ago
static const auto DontKnowThrow = [](){ throw UnknownPassword(); return std::string(); };
10 years ago
10 years ago
enum class SemanticPassword
10 years ago
// TODO: This one is specifically for Ethereum, but we can make it generic in due course.
// TODO: hidden-partition style key-store.
* @brief High-level manager of keys for Ethereum.
* Usage:
* Call exists() to check whether there is already a database. If so, get the master password from
* the user and call load() with it. If not, get a new master password from the user (get them to type
* it twice and keep some hint around!) and call create() with it.
class KeyManager
10 years ago
KeyManager(std::string const& _keysFile = defaultPath(), std::string const& _secretsPath = SecretStore::defaultPath());
10 years ago
void setKeysFile(std::string const& _keysFile) { m_keysFile = _keysFile; }
std::string const& keysFile() const { return m_keysFile; }
bool exists() const;
void create(std::string const& _pass);
bool load(std::string const& _pass);
void save(std::string const& _pass) const { write(_pass, m_keysFile); }
10 years ago
void notePassword(std::string const& _pass) { m_cachedPasswords[hashPassword(_pass)] = _pass; }
10 years ago
void noteHint(std::string const& _pass, std::string const& _hint) { if (!_hint.empty()) m_passwordInfo[hashPassword(_pass)] = _hint; }
bool haveHint(std::string const& _pass) const { auto h = hashPassword(_pass); return m_cachedPasswords.count(h) && !m_cachedPasswords.at(h).empty(); }
10 years ago
10 years ago
AddressHash accounts() const;
std::unordered_map<Address, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> accountDetails() const;
10 years ago
std::string const& hint(Address const& _a) const { try { return m_passwordInfo.at(m_keyInfo.at(m_addrLookup.at(_a)).passHash); } catch (...) { return EmptyString; } }
10 years ago
h128 uuid(Address const& _a) const;
Address address(h128 const& _uuid) const;
h128 import(Secret const& _s, std::string const& _info, std::string const& _pass, std::string const& _passInfo);
10 years ago
h128 import(Secret const& _s, std::string const& _info) { return import(_s, _info, defaultPassword(), std::string()); }
10 years ago
SecretStore& store() { return m_store; }
void importExisting(h128 const& _uuid, std::string const& _info, std::string const& _pass, std::string const& _passInfo);
10 years ago
void importExisting(h128 const& _uuid, std::string const& _info) { importExisting(_uuid, _info, defaultPassword(), std::string()); }
10 years ago
Secret secret(Address const& _address, std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow) const;
Secret secret(h128 const& _uuid, std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow) const;
10 years ago
bool recode(Address const& _address, SemanticPassword _newPass, std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow, KDF _kdf = KDF::Scrypt);
bool recode(Address const& _address, std::string const& _newPass, std::string const& _hint, std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow, KDF _kdf = KDF::Scrypt);
10 years ago
10 years ago
void kill(h128 const& _id) { kill(address(_id)); }
void kill(Address const& _a);
10 years ago
static std::string defaultPath() { return getDataDir("ethereum") + "/keys.info"; }
10 years ago
10 years ago
std::string getPassword(h128 const& _uuid, std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow) const;
10 years ago
std::string getPassword(h256 const& _passHash, std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow) const;
std::string defaultPassword(std::function<std::string()> const& _pass = DontKnowThrow) const { return getPassword(m_master, _pass); }
10 years ago
h256 hashPassword(std::string const& _pass) const;
// Only use if previously loaded ok.
// @returns false if wasn't previously loaded ok.
10 years ago
bool write() const { return write(m_keysFile); }
10 years ago
bool write(std::string const& _keysFile) const;
void write(std::string const& _pass, std::string const& _keysFile) const;
void write(h128 const& _key, std::string const& _keysFile) const;
// Ethereum keys.
10 years ago
std::unordered_map<Address, h128> m_addrLookup;
std::unordered_map<h128, KeyInfo> m_keyInfo;
std::unordered_map<h256, std::string> m_passwordInfo;
10 years ago
// Passwords that we're storing.
10 years ago
mutable std::unordered_map<h256, std::string> m_cachedPasswords;
10 years ago
10 years ago
// Used to be the default password for keys in the keystore, stored in the keys file.
// Now the default password is based off the key of the keys file directly, so this is redundant
// except for the fact that people have existing keys stored with it. Leave for now until/unless
// we have an upgrade strategy.
10 years ago
std::string m_password;
10 years ago
mutable std::string m_keysFile;
10 years ago
mutable h128 m_key;
10 years ago
mutable h256 m_master;
10 years ago
SecretStore m_store;
10 years ago
10 years ago