@ -352,14 +352,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(handshakeNew) |
} |
bytes authcipher; |
encrypt(nodeB.pub(), &auth, authcipher); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(authcipher.size()); |
// Receipient is Bob (nodeB)
bytes nBbytes(fromHex("0xBBBB")); |
h256 nonceB(sha3(nAbytes)); |
bytes ack(h256::size * 2 + 1); |
bytes ack(Public::size + h256::size + 1); |
{ |
bytesConstRef epubk(&auth[0], Secret::size); |
bytesConstRef nonce(&auth[Secret::size], h256::size); |
bytesConstRef epubk(&ack[0], Public::size); |
bytesConstRef nonce(&ack[Public::size], h256::size); |
eB.pubkey().ref().copyTo(epubk); |
nonceB.ref().copyTo(nonce); |
@ -367,18 +369,29 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(handshakeNew) |
} |
bytes ackcipher; |
encrypt(nodeA.pub(), &ack, ackcipher); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(ackcipher.size()); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(eA.pubkey()); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(eB.pubkey()); |
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(eA.seckey(), eB.seckey()); |
/// Alice
/// Alice (after receiving ack)
Secret aEncryptK; |
Secret aMacK; |
Secret aEgressMac; |
Secret aIngressMac; |
{ |
// TODO: decrypt ackcipher and check decrypted material
bytes ackdecrypted; |
decrypt(nodeA.sec(), &ackcipher, ackdecrypted); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(ackdecrypted.size()); |
bytesConstRef ackRef(&ackdecrypted); |
Public eBAck; |
h256 nonceBAck; |
ackRef.cropped(0, Public::size).copyTo(bytesConstRef(eBAck.data(), Public::size)); |
ackRef.cropped(Public::size, h256::size).copyTo(nonceBAck.ref()); |
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(eBAck, eB.pubkey()); |
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(nonceBAck, nonceB); |
// TODO: export ess and require equal to b
bytes keyMaterialBytes(512); |
@ -386,18 +399,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(handshakeNew) |
h256 ess; |
// todo: ecdh-agree should be able to output bytes
s_secp256k1.agree(eA.seckey(), eB.pubkey(), ess); |
s_secp256k1.agree(eA.seckey(), eBAck, ess); |
ess.ref().copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(0, h256::size)); |
ssA.ref().copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(h256::size, h256::size)); |
// auto token = sha3(ssA);
aEncryptK = sha3(keyMaterial); |
aEncryptK.ref().copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(h256::size, h256::size)); |
aMacK = sha3(keyMaterial); |
// todo: replace nonceB with decrypted nonceB
keyMaterialBytes.resize(h256::size + authcipher.size()); |
keyMaterial.retarget(keyMaterialBytes.data(), keyMaterialBytes.size()); |
(aMacK ^ nonceB).ref().copyTo(keyMaterial); |
(aMacK ^ nonceBAck).ref().copyTo(keyMaterial); |
bytesConstRef(&authcipher).copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(h256::size, authcipher.size())); |
aEgressMac = sha3(keyMaterial); |
@ -409,7 +421,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(handshakeNew) |
} |
/// Bob
/// Bob (after sending ack)
Secret ssB; |
s_secp256k1.agree(nodeB.sec(), nodeA.pub(), ssB); |
@ -419,12 +431,42 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(handshakeNew) |
Secret bEgressMac; |
Secret bIngressMac; |
{ |
bytes authdecrypted; |
decrypt(nodeB.sec(), &authcipher, authdecrypted); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(authdecrypted.size()); |
bytesConstRef ackRef(&authdecrypted); |
Signature sigAuth; |
h256 heA; |
Public eAAuth; |
Public nodeAAuth; |
h256 nonceAAuth; |
bytesConstRef sig(&authdecrypted[0], Signature::size); |
bytesConstRef hepubk(&authdecrypted[Signature::size], h256::size); |
bytesConstRef pubk(&authdecrypted[Signature::size + h256::size], Public::size); |
bytesConstRef nonce(&authdecrypted[Signature::size + h256::size + Public::size], h256::size); |
nonce.copyTo(nonceAAuth.ref()); |
pubk.copyTo(nodeAAuth.ref()); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(nonceAAuth); |
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(nonceA, nonceAAuth); |
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(nodeA.pub(), nodeAAuth); // bad test, bad!!!
hepubk.copyTo(heA.ref()); |
sig.copyTo(sigAuth.ref()); |
Secret ss; |
s_secp256k1.agree(nodeB.sec(), nodeAAuth, ss); |
eAAuth = recover(sigAuth, ss ^ nonceAAuth); |
// todo: test when this fails; means remote is bad or packet bits were flipped
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(heA, sha3(eAAuth)); |
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(eAAuth, eA.pubkey()); |
bytes keyMaterialBytes(512); |
bytesConstRef keyMaterial(&keyMaterialBytes); |
h256 ess; |
// todo: ecdh-agree should be able to output bytes
s_secp256k1.agree(eB.seckey(), eA.pubkey(), ess); |
s_secp256k1.agree(eB.seckey(), eAAuth, ess); |
ess.ref().copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(0, h256::size)); |
ssB.ref().copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(h256::size, h256::size)); |
// auto token = sha3(ssA);
@ -435,7 +477,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(handshakeNew) |
// todo: replace nonceB with decrypted nonceB
keyMaterialBytes.resize(h256::size + ackcipher.size()); |
keyMaterial.retarget(keyMaterialBytes.data(), keyMaterialBytes.size()); |
(bMacK ^ nonceA).ref().copyTo(keyMaterial); |
(bMacK ^ nonceAAuth).ref().copyTo(keyMaterial); |
bytesConstRef(&ackcipher).copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(h256::size, ackcipher.size())); |
bEgressMac = sha3(keyMaterial); |