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Merge pull request #1216 from arkpar/eth_exceptions

Refactored some exceptions for thread safety
Gav Wood 10 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 36
  3. 14


@ -31,7 +31,13 @@
namespace dev
// base class for all exceptions
struct Exception: virtual std::exception, virtual boost::exception { mutable std::string m_message; };
struct Exception: virtual std::exception, virtual boost::exception
Exception(std::string _message = {}) : m_message(std::move(_message)) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override { return m_message.c_str(); }
std::string m_message;
struct BadHexCharacter: virtual Exception {};
struct RLPException: virtual Exception {};
@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ struct NoNetworking: virtual Exception {};
struct NoUPnPDevice: virtual Exception {};
struct RootNotFound: virtual Exception {};
struct FileError: virtual Exception {};
struct InterfaceNotSupported: virtual Exception { public: InterfaceNotSupported(std::string _f): m_f("Interface " + _f + " not supported.") {} virtual const char* what() const noexcept { return m_f.c_str(); } private: std::string m_f; };
struct InterfaceNotSupported: virtual Exception { public: InterfaceNotSupported(std::string _f): Exception("Interface " + _f + " not supported.") {} };
// error information to be added to exceptions
using errinfo_invalidSymbol = boost::error_info<struct tag_invalidSymbol, char>;


@ -27,20 +27,24 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::eth;
#define ETH_RETURN_STRING(S) thread_local static string s_what; s_what = S; return s_what.c_str();
static boost::thread_specific_ptr<string> g_exceptionMessage;
#define ETH_RETURN_STRING(S) if (!g_exceptionMessage.get()); g_exceptionMessage.reset(new string); *g_exceptionMessage.get() = S; return g_exceptionMessage.get()->c_str();
#define ETH_RETURN_STRING(S) m_message = S; return m_message.c_str();
const char* InvalidBlockFormat::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Invalid block format: Bad field " + toString(m_f) + " (" + toHex(m_d) + ")"); }
const char* UncleInChain::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Uncle in block already mentioned: Uncles " + toString(m_uncles) + " (" + m_block.abridged() + ")"); }
const char* InvalidTransactionsHash::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Invalid transactions hash: header says: " + toHex(m_head.ref()) + " block is:" + toHex(m_real.ref())); }
const char* InvalidGasLimit::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Invalid gas limit (provided: " + toString(provided) + " valid:" + toString(valid) + ")"); }
const char* InvalidMinGasPrice::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Invalid minimum gas price (provided: " + toString(provided) + " limit:" + toString(limit) + ")"); }
const char* InvalidNonce::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Invalid nonce (r: " + toString(required) + " c:" + toString(candidate) + ")"); }
const char* InvalidBlockNonce::what() const noexcept { ETH_RETURN_STRING("Invalid nonce (h: " + toString(h) + " n:" + toString(n) + " d:" + toString(d) + ")"); }
InvalidBlockFormat::InvalidBlockFormat(int _f, bytesConstRef _d):
Exception("Invalid block format: Bad field " + toString(_f) + " (" + toHex(_d) + ")"), f(_f), d(_d.toBytes()) {}
UncleInChain::UncleInChain(h256Set _uncles, h256 _block):
Exception("Uncle in block already mentioned: Uncles " + toString(_uncles) + " (" + _block.abridged() + ")"), uncles(_uncles), block(_block) {}
InvalidTransactionsHash::InvalidTransactionsHash(h256 _head, h256 _real):
Exception("Invalid transactions hash: header says: " + toHex(_head.ref()) + " block is:" + toHex(_real.ref())), head(_head), real(_real) {}
InvalidGasLimit::InvalidGasLimit(u256 _provided, u256 _valid):
Exception("Invalid gas limit (provided: " + toString(_provided) + " valid:" + toString(_valid) + ")"), provided(_provided), valid(_valid) {}
InvalidMinGasPrice::InvalidMinGasPrice(u256 _provided, u256 _limit):
Exception("Invalid minimum gas price (provided: " + toString(_provided) + " limit:" + toString(_limit) + ")"), provided(_provided), limit(_limit) {}
InvalidNonce::InvalidNonce(u256 _required, u256 _candidate):
Exception("Invalid nonce (r: " + toString(_required) + " c:" + toString(_candidate) + ")"), required(_required), candidate(_candidate) {}
InvalidBlockNonce::InvalidBlockNonce(h256 _h, h256 _n, u256 _d):
Exception("Invalid nonce (h: " + toString(h) + " n:" + toString(n) + " d:" + toString(d) + ")"), h(_h), n(_n), d(_d) {}


@ -44,26 +44,26 @@ struct FeeTooSmall: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct TooMuchGasUsed: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct ExtraDataTooBig: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidSignature: virtual dev::Exception {};
class InvalidBlockFormat: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidBlockFormat(int _f, bytesConstRef _d): m_f(_f), m_d(_d.toBytes()) {} int m_f; bytes m_d; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class InvalidBlockFormat: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidBlockFormat(int _f, bytesConstRef _d); int f; bytes d; };
struct InvalidUnclesHash: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidUncle: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct UncleTooOld: virtual dev::Exception {};
class UncleInChain: virtual public dev::Exception { public: UncleInChain(h256Set _uncles, h256 _block): m_uncles(_uncles), m_block(_block) {} h256Set m_uncles; h256 m_block; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class UncleInChain: virtual public dev::Exception { public: UncleInChain(h256Set _uncles, h256 _block); h256Set uncles; h256 block; };
struct DuplicateUncleNonce: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidStateRoot: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidGasUsed: virtual dev::Exception {};
class InvalidTransactionsHash: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidTransactionsHash(h256 _head, h256 _real): m_head(_head), m_real(_real) {} h256 m_head; h256 m_real; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class InvalidTransactionsHash: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidTransactionsHash(h256 _head, h256 _real); h256 head; h256 real; };
struct InvalidTransaction: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidDifficulty: virtual dev::Exception {};
class InvalidGasLimit: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidGasLimit(u256 _provided = 0, u256 _valid = 0): provided(_provided), valid(_valid) {} u256 provided; u256 valid; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class InvalidMinGasPrice: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidMinGasPrice(u256 _provided = 0, u256 _limit = 0): provided(_provided), limit(_limit) {} u256 provided; u256 limit; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class InvalidGasLimit: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidGasLimit(u256 _provided = 0, u256 _valid = 0); u256 provided; u256 valid; };
class InvalidMinGasPrice: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidMinGasPrice(u256 _provided = 0, u256 _limit = 0); u256 provided; u256 limit; };
struct InvalidTransactionGasUsed: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidTransactionsStateRoot: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidReceiptsStateRoot: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidTimestamp: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidLogBloom: virtual dev::Exception {};
class InvalidNonce: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidNonce(u256 _required = 0, u256 _candidate = 0): required(_required), candidate(_candidate) {} u256 required; u256 candidate; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class InvalidBlockNonce: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidBlockNonce(h256 _h = h256(), h256 _n = h256(), u256 _d = 0): h(_h), n(_n), d(_d) {} h256 h; h256 n; u256 d; virtual const char* what() const noexcept; };
class InvalidNonce: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidNonce(u256 _required = 0, u256 _candidate = 0); u256 required; u256 candidate; };
class InvalidBlockNonce: virtual public dev::Exception { public: InvalidBlockNonce(h256 _h = h256(), h256 _n = h256(), u256 _d = 0); h256 h; h256 n; u256 d; };
struct InvalidParentHash: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidNumber: virtual dev::Exception {};
struct InvalidContractAddress: virtual public dev::Exception {};
