@ -106,7 +106,12 @@ bool Transact::isCreation() const |
u256 Transact::fee() const |
{ |
return ui->gas->value() * gasPrice(); |
return gas() * gasPrice(); |
} |
u256 Transact::gas() const |
{ |
return ui->gas->value() == -1 ? m_upperBound : ui->gas->value(); |
} |
u256 Transact::value() const |
@ -199,10 +204,10 @@ void Transact::on_copyUnsigned_clicked() |
if (isCreation()) |
// If execution is a contract creation, add Natspec to
// a local Natspec LEVELDB
t = Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), ui->gas->value(), m_data, nonce); |
t = Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), gas(), m_data, nonce); |
else |
// TODO: cache like m_data.
t = Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), ui->gas->value(), toAccount().first, m_data, nonce); |
t = Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), gas(), toAccount().first, m_data, nonce); |
qApp->clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(toHex(t.rlp()))); |
} |
@ -350,11 +355,11 @@ void Transact::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) |
else |
er = ethereum()->call(from, value(), to, m_data, mid, gasPrice(), PendingBlock, FudgeFactor::Lenient); |
if (er.excepted == TransactionException::OutOfGas || er.excepted == TransactionException::OutOfGasBase || er.excepted == TransactionException::OutOfGasIntrinsic || er.codeDeposit == CodeDeposit::Failed) |
m_lowerBound = mid; |
m_lowerBound = m_lowerBound == mid ? m_upperBound : mid; |
else |
{ |
m_lastGood = er; |
m_upperBound = mid; |
m_upperBound = m_upperBound == mid ? m_lowerBound : mid; |
} |
updateBounds(); |
@ -371,58 +376,52 @@ void Transact::updateBounds() |
double nran = m_upperBound - m_lowerBound; |
int x = int(log2(oran / nran) * 100.0 / log2(oran * 2)); |
ui->progressGas->setValue(x); |
ui->progressGas->setVisible(true); |
ui->gas->setSpecialValueText(QString("Auto (%1 gas)").arg(m_upperBound)); |
} |
void Transact::finaliseBounds() |
{ |
qint64 baseGas = (qint64)Transaction::gasRequired(m_data, 0); |
GasRequirements gasReq = GasRequirements{m_upperBound, baseGas, m_upperBound - baseGas, (qint64)m_lastGood.gasRefunded, m_lastGood}; |
quint64 baseGas = (quint64)Transaction::gasRequired(m_data, 0); |
ui->progressGas->setVisible(false); |
QString htmlInfo = QString("<div class=\"info\"><span class=\"icon\">INFO</span> Gas required: %1 total = %2 base, %3 exec [%4 refunded later]</div>").arg(gasReq.neededGas).arg(gasReq.baseGas).arg(gasReq.executionGas).arg(gasReq.refundedGas); |
quint64 executionGas = m_upperBound - baseGas; |
QString htmlInfo = QString("<div class=\"info\"><span class=\"icon\">INFO</span> Gas required: %1 total = %2 base, %3 exec [%4 refunded later]</div>").arg(m_upperBound).arg(baseGas).arg(executionGas).arg((qint64)m_lastGood.gasRefunded); |
auto bail = [&](QString he) { |
m_allGood = false; |
// ui->send->setEnabled(false);
ui->code->setHtml(he + htmlInfo + ui->code->toHtml()); |
ui->send->setEnabled(false); |
ui->code->setHtml(he + htmlInfo + m_dataInfo); |
}; |
auto s = fromAccount(); |
auto b = ethereum()->balanceAt(s, PendingBlock); |
if (b < value() + gasReq.baseGas * gasPrice()) |
if (b < value() + baseGas * gasPrice()) |
{ |
// Not enough - bail.
bail("<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> Account doesn't contain enough for paying even the basic amount of gas required.</div>"); |
return; |
} |
if (gasReq.neededGas > m_ethereum->gasLimitRemaining()) |
if (m_upperBound > m_ethereum->gasLimitRemaining()) |
{ |
// Not enough - bail.
bail("<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> Gas remaining in block isn't enough to allow the gas required.</div>"); |
return; |
} |
if (gasReq.er.excepted != TransactionException::None) |
if (m_lastGood.excepted != TransactionException::None) |
{ |
bail("<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> " + QString::fromStdString(toString(gasReq.er.excepted)) + "</div>"); |
bail("<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> " + QString::fromStdString(toString(m_lastGood.excepted)) + "</div>"); |
return; |
} |
if (gasReq.er.codeDeposit == CodeDeposit::Failed) |
if (m_lastGood.codeDeposit == CodeDeposit::Failed) |
{ |
bail("<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> Code deposit failed due to insufficient gas; " + QString::fromStdString(toString(gasReq.er.gasForDeposit)) + " GAS < " + QString::fromStdString(toString(gasReq.er.depositSize)) + " bytes * " + QString::fromStdString(toString(c_createDataGas)) + "GAS/byte</div>"); |
bail("<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> Code deposit failed due to insufficient gas; " + QString::fromStdString(toString(m_lastGood.gasForDeposit)) + " GAS < " + QString::fromStdString(toString(m_lastGood.depositSize)) + " bytes * " + QString::fromStdString(toString(c_createDataGas)) + "GAS/byte</div>"); |
return; |
} |
// Update gas
if (ui->gas->value() == ui->gas->minimum()) |
{ |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasReq.neededGas); |
ui->gas->setValue(gasReq.neededGas); |
} |
else |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasReq.neededGas); |
updateFee(); |
ui->code->setHtml(htmlInfo + ui->code->toHtml()); |
ui->code->setHtml(htmlInfo + m_dataInfo); |
ui->send->setEnabled(true); |
killTimer(m_gasCalcTimer); |
} |
@ -473,13 +472,12 @@ void Transact::rejigData() |
if (!s) |
return; |
m_allGood = true; |
QString htmlInfo; |
auto bail = [&](QString he) { |
m_allGood = false; |
// ui->send->setEnabled(false);
ui->code->setHtml(he + htmlInfo); |
ui->send->setEnabled(false); |
m_dataInfo = he + htmlInfo; |
ui->code->setHtml(m_dataInfo); |
}; |
// Determine m_info.
@ -513,8 +511,9 @@ void Transact::rejigData() |
determineGasRequirements(); |
ui->code->setHtml(htmlInfo); |
// ui->send->setEnabled(m_allGood);
m_dataInfo = htmlInfo; |
ui->code->setHtml(m_dataInfo); |
ui->send->setEnabled(true); |
} |
Secret Transact::findSecret(u256 _totalReq) const |
@ -576,7 +575,7 @@ void Transact::on_send_clicked() |
{ |
// If execution is a contract creation, add Natspec to
// a local Natspec LEVELDB
ethereum()->submitTransaction(s, value(), m_data, ui->gas->value(), gasPrice(), nonce); |
ethereum()->submitTransaction(s, value(), m_data, gas(), gasPrice(), nonce); |
string src = ui->data->toPlainText().toStdString(); |
if (sourceIsSolidity(src)) |
@ -595,7 +594,7 @@ void Transact::on_send_clicked() |
} |
else |
// TODO: cache like m_data.
ethereum()->submitTransaction(s, value(), toAccount().first, m_data, ui->gas->value(), gasPrice(), nonce); |
ethereum()->submitTransaction(s, value(), toAccount().first, m_data, gas(), gasPrice(), nonce); |
close(); |
} |
@ -614,8 +613,8 @@ void Transact::on_debug_clicked() |
{ |
Block postState(ethereum()->postState()); |
Transaction t = isCreation() ? |
Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), ui->gas->value(), m_data, postState.transactionsFrom(from)) : |
Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), ui->gas->value(), toAccount().first, m_data, postState.transactionsFrom(from)); |
Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), gas(), m_data, postState.transactionsFrom(from)) : |
Transaction(value(), gasPrice(), gas(), toAccount().first, m_data, postState.transactionsFrom(from)); |
t.forceSender(from); |
Debugger dw(m_main, this); |
Executive e(postState, ethereum()->blockChain(), 0); |