24 changed files with 1293 additions and 823 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ |
#include <QtQml/QtQml> |
#endif |
#include <QtCore/QtCore> |
#include <QtWebKitWidgets/QWebFrame> |
#include <libethcore/FileSystem.h> |
#include <libethcore/Dagger.h> |
#include <libevmface/Instruction.h> |
#include <liblll/Compiler.h> |
#include <libethereum/Client.h> |
#include <libethereum/PeerServer.h> |
#include "QmlEthereum.h" |
using namespace std; |
// types
using eth::bytes; |
using eth::bytesConstRef; |
using eth::h160; |
using eth::h256; |
using eth::u160; |
using eth::u256; |
using eth::u256s; |
using eth::Address; |
using eth::BlockInfo; |
using eth::Client; |
using eth::Instruction; |
using eth::KeyPair; |
using eth::NodeMode; |
using eth::PeerInfo; |
using eth::RLP; |
using eth::Secret; |
using eth::Transaction; |
// functions
using eth::toHex; |
using eth::disassemble; |
using eth::formatBalance; |
using eth::fromHex; |
using eth::right160; |
using eth::simpleDebugOut; |
using eth::toLog2; |
using eth::toString; |
using eth::units; |
// vars
using eth::g_logPost; |
using eth::g_logVerbosity; |
using eth::c_instructionInfo; |
// Horrible global for the mainwindow. Needed for the QmlEthereums to find the Main window which acts as multiplexer for now.
// Can get rid of this once we've sorted out ITC for signalling & multiplexed querying.
eth::Client* g_qmlClient; |
QObject* g_qmlMain; |
QmlAccount::QmlAccount(QObject*) |
{ |
} |
QmlAccount::~QmlAccount() |
{ |
} |
void QmlAccount::setEthereum(QmlEthereum* _eth) |
{ |
if (m_eth == _eth) |
return; |
// if (m_eth)
// disconnect(m_eth, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
m_eth = _eth; |
// if (m_eth)
// connect(m_eth, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
ethChanged(); |
// changed();
} |
eth::u256 QmlAccount::balance() const |
{ |
if (m_eth) |
return m_eth->balanceAt(m_address); |
return u256(0); |
} |
double QmlAccount::txCount() const |
{ |
if (m_eth) |
return m_eth->txCountAt(m_address); |
return 0; |
} |
bool QmlAccount::isContract() const |
{ |
if (m_eth) |
return m_eth->isContractAt(m_address); |
return 0; |
} |
QmlEthereum::QmlEthereum(QObject* _p): QObject(_p) |
{ |
// connect(g_qmlMain, SIGNAL(changed()), SIGNAL(changed()));
} |
QmlEthereum::~QmlEthereum() |
{ |
} |
Client* QmlEthereum::client() const |
{ |
return g_qmlClient; |
} |
Address QmlEthereum::coinbase() const |
{ |
return client()->address(); |
} |
void QmlEthereum::setCoinbase(Address _a) |
{ |
if (client()->address() != _a) |
{ |
client()->setAddress(_a); |
// changed();
} |
} |
u256 QmlEthereum::balanceAt(Address _a) const |
{ |
return client()->postState().balance(_a); |
} |
bool QmlEthereum::isContractAt(Address _a) const |
{ |
return client()->postState().addressHasCode(_a); |
} |
bool QmlEthereum::isMining() const |
{ |
return client()->isMining(); |
} |
bool QmlEthereum::isListening() const |
{ |
return client()->haveNetwork(); |
} |
void QmlEthereum::setMining(bool _l) |
{ |
if (_l) |
client()->startMining(); |
else |
client()->stopMining(); |
} |
void QmlEthereum::setListening(bool _l) |
{ |
if (_l) |
client()->startNetwork(); |
else |
client()->stopNetwork(); |
} |
double QmlEthereum::txCountAt(Address _a) const |
{ |
return (double)client()->postState().transactionsFrom(_a); |
} |
unsigned QmlEthereum::peerCount() const |
{ |
return (unsigned)client()->peerCount(); |
} |
void QmlEthereum::transact(Secret _secret, u256 _amount, u256 _gasPrice, u256 _gas, QByteArray _init) |
{ |
client()->transact(_secret, _amount, bytes(_init.data(), _init.data() + _init.size()), _gas, _gasPrice); |
} |
void QmlEthereum::transact(Secret _secret, Address _dest, u256 _amount, u256 _gasPrice, u256 _gas, QByteArray _data) |
{ |
client()->transact(_secret, _amount, _dest, bytes(_data.data(), _data.data() + _data.size()), _gas, _gasPrice); |
} |
// extra bits needed to link on VS
#ifdef _MSC_VER |
// include moc file, ofuscated to hide from automoc
#include\ |
"moc_QmlEthereum.cpp" |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <QtCore/QAbstractListModel> |
#include <QtQml/QtQml> |
#endif |
#include <libethential/CommonIO.h> |
#include <libethcore/CommonEth.h> |
namespace eth { |
class Client; |
class State; |
} |
class QQmlEngine; |
class QmlAccount; |
class QmlEthereum; |
extern eth::Client* g_qmlClient; |
extern QObject* g_qmlMain; |
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(eth::Address) |
class QmlU256Helper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
QmlU256Helper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 add(eth::u256 _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a + _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 sub(eth::u256 _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a - _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 mul(eth::u256 _a, int _b) const { return _a * _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 mul(int _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a * _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 div(eth::u256 _a, int _b) const { return _a / _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 wei(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)_s; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 szabo(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::szabo); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 finney(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::finney); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 ether(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::ether); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 wei(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)_s; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 szabo(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::szabo); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 finney(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::finney); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 ether(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::ether); } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toWei(eth::u256 _t) const { return (double)_t; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toSzabo(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::szabo; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toFinney(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::finney; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toEther(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::ether; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double value(eth::u256 _t) const { return (double)_t; } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(eth::u256 _t) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::formatBalance(_t)); } |
}; |
class QmlKeyHelper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
QmlKeyHelper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::KeyPair create() const { return eth::KeyPair::create(); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address address(eth::KeyPair _p) const { return _p.address(); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Secret secret(eth::KeyPair _p) const { return _p.secret(); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::KeyPair keypair(eth::Secret _k) const { return eth::KeyPair(_k); } |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isNull(eth::Address _a) const { return !_a; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address addressOf(QString _s) const { return eth::Address(_s.toStdString()); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(eth::Address _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::toHex(_a.asArray())); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString toAbridged(eth::Address _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(_a.abridged()); } |
}; |
class QmlAccount: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
QmlAccount(QObject* _p = nullptr); |
virtual ~QmlAccount(); |
Q_INVOKABLE QmlEthereum* ethereum() const { return m_eth; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 balance() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE double txCount() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isContract() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address address() const { return m_address; } |
// TODO: past transactions models.
public slots: |
void setEthereum(QmlEthereum* _eth); |
void setAddress(eth::Address _a) { m_address = _a; } |
signals: |
void changed(); |
void ethChanged(); |
private: |
QmlEthereum* m_eth = nullptr; |
eth::Address m_address; |
Q_PROPERTY(eth::u256 balance READ balance NOTIFY changed STORED false) |
Q_PROPERTY(double txCount READ txCount NOTIFY changed STORED false) |
Q_PROPERTY(bool isContract READ isContract NOTIFY changed STORED false) |
Q_PROPERTY(eth::Address address READ address WRITE setAddress NOTIFY changed) |
Q_PROPERTY(QmlEthereum* ethereum READ ethereum WRITE setEthereum NOTIFY ethChanged) |
}; |
class QmlEthereum: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
QmlEthereum(QObject* _p = nullptr); |
virtual ~QmlEthereum(); |
eth::Client* client() const; |
static QObject* constructU256Helper(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*) { return new QmlU256Helper; } |
static QObject* constructKeyHelper(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*) { return new QmlKeyHelper; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address coinbase() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isListening() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isMining() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 balanceAt(eth::Address _a) const; |
Q_INVOKABLE double txCountAt(eth::Address _a) const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isContractAt(eth::Address _a) const; |
Q_INVOKABLE unsigned peerCount() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE QmlEthereum* self() { return this; } |
public slots: |
void transact(eth::Secret _secret, eth::Address _dest, eth::u256 _amount, eth::u256 _gasPrice, eth::u256 _gas, QByteArray _data); |
void transact(eth::Secret _secret, eth::u256 _amount, eth::u256 _gasPrice, eth::u256 _gas, QByteArray _init); |
void setCoinbase(eth::Address); |
void setMining(bool _l); |
void setListening(bool _l); |
signals: |
void coinbaseChanged(); |
// void netChanged();
// void miningChanged();
private: |
Q_PROPERTY(eth::Address coinbase READ coinbase WRITE setCoinbase NOTIFY coinbaseChanged) |
Q_PROPERTY(bool listening READ isListening WRITE setListening) |
Q_PROPERTY(bool mining READ isMining WRITE setMining) |
}; |
#if 0 |
template <class T> T to(QVariant const& _s) { if (_s.type() != QVariant::String) return T(); auto s = _s.toString().toLatin1(); assert(s.size() == sizeof(T)); return *(T*)s.data(); } |
template <class T> QVariant toQJS(T const& _s) { QLatin1String ret((char*)&_s, sizeof(T)); assert(QVariant(QString(ret)).toString().toLatin1().size() == sizeof(T)); assert(*(T*)(QVariant(QString(ret)).toString().toLatin1().data()) == _s); return QVariant(QString(ret)); } |
class U256Helper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
U256Helper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
static eth::u256 in(QVariant const& _s) { return to<eth::u256>(_s); } |
static QVariant out(eth::u256 const& _s) { return toQJS(_s); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant add(QVariant _a, QVariant _b) const { return out(in(_a) + in(_b)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant sub(QVariant _a, QVariant _b) const { return out(in(_a) - in(_b)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant mul(QVariant _a, int _b) const { return out(in(_a) * in(_b)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant mul(int _a, QVariant _b) const { return out(in(_a) * in(_b)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant div(QVariant _a, int _b) const { return out(in(_a) / in(_b)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant wei(double _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant szabo(double _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s * (double)eth::szabo)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant finney(double _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s * (double)eth::finney)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant ether(double _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s * (double)eth::ether)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant wei(unsigned _s) const { return value(_s); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant szabo(unsigned _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s) * eth::szabo); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant finney(unsigned _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s) * eth::finney); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant ether(unsigned _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s) * eth::ether); } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toWei(QVariant _t) const { return toValue(_t); } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toSzabo(QVariant _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::szabo; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toFinney(QVariant _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::finney; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toEther(QVariant _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::ether; } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant value(unsigned _s) const { return out(eth::u256(_s)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toValue(QVariant _t) const { return (double)in(_t); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString ethOf(QVariant _t) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::formatBalance(in(_t))); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(QVariant _t) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::toString(in(_t))); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray bytesOf(QVariant _t) const { eth::h256 b = in(_t); return QByteArray((char const*)&b, sizeof(eth::h256)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant fromHex(QString _s) const { return out((eth::u256)eth::h256(_s.toStdString())); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant fromAddress(QVariant/*eth::Address*/ _a) const { return out((eth::u160)to<eth::Address>(_a)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant toAddress(QVariant/*eth::Address*/ _a) const { return toQJS<eth::Address>((eth::u160)in(_a)); } |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isNull(QVariant/*eth::Address*/ _a) const { return !in(_a); } |
}; |
class KeyHelper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
KeyHelper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
static eth::Address in(QVariant const& _s) { return to<eth::Address>(_s); } |
static QVariant out(eth::Address const& _s) { return toQJS(_s); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant/*eth::KeyPair*/ create() const { return toQJS(eth::KeyPair::create()); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant/*eth::Address*/ address(QVariant/*eth::KeyPair*/ _p) const { return out(to<eth::KeyPair>(_p).address()); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant/*eth::Secret*/ secret(QVariant/*eth::KeyPair*/ _p) const { return toQJS(to<eth::KeyPair>(_p).secret()); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant/*eth::KeyPair*/ keypair(QVariant/*eth::Secret*/ _k) const { return toQJS(eth::KeyPair(to<eth::Secret>(_k))); } |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isNull(QVariant/*eth::Address*/ _a) const { return !in(_a); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant/*eth::Address*/ addressOf(QString _s) const { return out(eth::Address(_s.toStdString())); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(QVariant/*eth::Address*/ _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::toHex(in(_a).asArray())); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString toAbridged(QVariant/*eth::Address*/ _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(in(_a).abridged()); } |
}; |
class BytesHelper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
BytesHelper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray concat(QVariant _v, QVariant _w) const |
{ |
QByteArray ba; |
if (_v.type() == QVariant::ByteArray) |
ba = _v.toByteArray(); |
else |
ba = _v.toString().toLatin1(); |
QByteArray ba2; |
if (_w.type() == QVariant::ByteArray) |
ba2 = _w.toByteArray(); |
else |
ba2 = _w.toString().toLatin1(); |
ba.append(ba2); |
return QByteArray(ba); |
} |
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray concat(QByteArray _v, QByteArray _w) const |
{ |
_v.append(_w); |
return _v; |
} |
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray fromString(QString _s) const |
{ |
return _s.toLatin1(); |
} |
Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray fromString(QString _s, unsigned _padding) const |
{ |
QByteArray b = _s.toLatin1(); |
for (unsigned i = b.size(); i < _padding; ++i) |
b.append((char)0); |
b.resize(_padding); |
return b; |
} |
Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(QByteArray _b) const |
{ |
while (_b.size() && !_b[_b.size() - 1]) |
_b.resize(_b.size() - 1); |
return QString::fromLatin1(_b); |
} |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant u256of(QByteArray _s) const |
{ |
while (_s.size() < 32) |
_s.append((char)0); |
eth::h256 ret((uint8_t const*)_s.data(), eth::h256::ConstructFromPointer); |
return toQJS<eth::u256>(ret); |
} |
}; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue