staticuint32_tconstc_stepGas=1;///< Once per operation, except for SSTORE, SLOAD, BALANCE, SHA3, CREATE, CALL.
externu256constc_stepGas;///< Once per operation, except for SSTORE, SLOAD, BALANCE, SHA3, CREATE, CALL.
staticuint32_tconstc_balanceGas=20;///< Once per BALANCE operation.
externu256constc_balanceGas;///< Once per BALANCE operation.
staticuint32_tconstc_sha3Gas=20;///< Once per SHA3 operation.
externu256constc_sha3Gas;///< Once per SHA3 operation.
staticuint32_tconstc_sloadGas=20;///< Once per SLOAD operation.
externu256constc_sloadGas;///< Once per SLOAD operation.
staticuint32_tconstc_sstoreGas=100;///< Once per non-zero storage element in a CREATE call/transaction. Also, once/twice per SSTORE operation depending on whether the zeroness changes (twice iff it changes from zero; nothing at all if to zero) or doesn't (once).
externu256constc_sstoreGas;///< Once per non-zero storage element in a CREATE call/transaction. Also, once/twice per SSTORE operation depending on whether the zeroness changes (twice iff it changes from zero; nothing at all if to zero) or doesn't (once).
staticuint32_tconstc_createGas=100;///< Once per CREATE operation & contract-creation transaction.
externu256constc_createGas;///< Once per CREATE operation & contract-creation transaction.
staticuint32_tconstc_callGas=20;///< Once per CALL operation & message call transaction.
externu256constc_callGas;///< Once per CALL operation & message call transaction.
staticuint32_tconstc_memoryGas=1;///< Times the address of the (highest referenced byte in memory + 1). NOTE: referencing happens on read, write and in instructions such as RETURN and CALL.
externu256constc_memoryGas;///< Times the address of the (highest referenced byte in memory + 1). NOTE: referencing happens on read, write and in instructions such as RETURN and CALL.
staticuint32_tconstc_txDataGas=5;///< Per byte of data attached to a transaction. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions.
externu256constc_txDataGas;///< Per byte of data attached to a transaction. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions.
staticuint32_tconstc_txGas=500;///< Per transaction. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions.
externu256constc_txGas;///< Per transaction. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions.