@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ void EthStratumClient::processReponse(Json::Value& responseObject)
m_authorized = responseObject . get ( " result " , Json : : Value : : null ) . asBool ( ) ;
if ( ! m_authorized )
cnote < < " Worker not authorized: " < < p_active - > user ;
disconnect ( ) ;
return ;
@ -276,11 +277,11 @@ void EthStratumClient::processReponse(Json::Value& responseObject)
case 4 :
if ( responseObject . get ( " result " , false ) . asBool ( ) ) {
cnote < < " B-) Submitted and accepted. " ;
p_farm - > acceptedSolution ( ) ;
p_farm - > acceptedSolution ( m_stale ) ;
else {
cwarn < < " :-( Not accepted. " ;
p_farm - > rejectedSolution ( ) ;
p_farm - > rejectedSolution ( m_stale ) ;
break ;
default :
@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ void EthStratumClient::processReponse(Json::Value& responseObject)
params = responseObject . get ( " params " , Json : : Value : : null ) ;
if ( params . isArray ( ) )
m_ job = params . get ( ( Json : : Value : : ArrayIndex ) 0 , " " ) . asString ( ) ;
string job = params . get ( ( Json : : Value : : ArrayIndex ) 0 , " " ) . asString ( ) ;
string sHeaderHash = params . get ( ( Json : : Value : : ArrayIndex ) 1 , " " ) . asString ( ) ;
string sSeedHash = params . get ( ( Json : : Value : : ArrayIndex ) 2 , " " ) . asString ( ) ;
string sShareTarget = params . get ( ( Json : : Value : : ArrayIndex ) 3 , " " ) . asString ( ) ;
@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ void EthStratumClient::processReponse(Json::Value& responseObject)
if ( sHeaderHash ! = " " & & sSeedHash ! = " " & & sShareTarget ! = " " )
cnote < < " Received new job # " + m_ job. substr ( 0 , 8 ) ;
cnote < < " Received new job # " + job . substr ( 0 , 8 ) ;
//cnote << "Header hash: " + sHeaderHash;
//cnote << "Seed hash: " + sSeedHash;
//cnote << "Share target: " + sShareTarget;
@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ void EthStratumClient::processReponse(Json::Value& responseObject)
cnote < < " Grabbing DAG for " < < seedHash ;
if ( ! ( dag = EthashAux : : full ( seedHash , true , [ & ] ( unsigned _pc ) { cout < < " \r Creating DAG. " < < _pc < < " % done... " < < flush ; return 0 ; } ) ) )
if ( ! ( dag = EthashAux : : full ( seedHash , true , [ & ] ( unsigned _pc ) { m_waitState = _pc < 100 ? MINER_WAIT_STATE_DAG : MINER_WAIT_STATE_WORK ; cnote < < " Creating DAG. " < < _pc < < " % done... " ; return 0 ; } ) ) )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( DAGCreationFailure ( ) ) ;
@ -332,9 +333,16 @@ void EthStratumClient::processReponse(Json::Value& responseObject)
if ( p_worktimer )
p_worktimer - > cancel ( ) ;
m_previous . headerHash = m_current . headerHash ;
m_previous . seedHash = m_current . seedHash ;
m_previous . boundary = m_current . boundary ;
m_previousJob = m_job ;
m_current . headerHash = h256 ( sHeaderHash ) ;
m_current . seedHash = seedHash ;
m_current . boundary = h256 ( sShareTarget ) ; // , h256::AlignRight);
m_job = job ;
p_farm - > setWork ( m_current ) ;
x_current . unlock ( ) ;
p_worktimer = new boost : : asio : : deadline_timer ( m_io_service , boost : : posix_time : : seconds ( m_worktimeout ) ) ;
@ -369,6 +377,7 @@ void EthStratumClient::work_timeout_handler(const boost::system::error_code& ec)
bool EthStratumClient : : submit ( EthashProofOfWork : : Solution solution ) {
x_current . lock ( ) ;
x_stale . lock ( ) ;
cnote < < " Solution found; Submitting to " < < p_active - > host < < " ... " ;
cnote < < " Nonce: " < < " 0x " + solution . nonce . hex ( ) ;
//cnote << " Mixhash:" << "0x" + solution.mixHash.hex();
@ -382,6 +391,21 @@ bool EthStratumClient::submit(EthashProofOfWork::Solution solution) {
string json = " { \" id \" : 4, \" method \" : \" mining.submit \" , \" params \" : [ \" " + p_active - > user + " \" , \" " + m_job + " \" , \" 0x " + solution . nonce . hex ( ) + " \" , \" 0x " + m_current . headerHash . hex ( ) + " \" , \" 0x " + solution . mixHash . hex ( ) + " \" ]} \n " ;
std : : ostream os ( & m_requestBuffer ) ;
os < < json ;
m_stale = false ;
x_stale . unlock ( ) ;
x_current . unlock ( ) ;
async_write ( m_socket , m_requestBuffer ,
boost : : bind ( & EthStratumClient : : handleResponse , this ,
boost : : asio : : placeholders : : error ) ) ;
return true ;
else if ( EthashAux : : eval ( m_previous . seedHash , m_previous . headerHash , solution . nonce ) . value < m_previous . boundary )
string json = " { \" id \" : 4, \" method \" : \" mining.submit \" , \" params \" : [ \" " + p_active - > user + " \" , \" " + m_previousJob + " \" , \" 0x " + solution . nonce . hex ( ) + " \" , \" 0x " + m_previous . headerHash . hex ( ) + " \" , \" 0x " + solution . mixHash . hex ( ) + " \" ]} \n " ;
std : : ostream os ( & m_requestBuffer ) ;
os < < json ;
m_stale = true ;
x_stale . unlock ( ) ;
x_current . unlock ( ) ;
async_write ( m_socket , m_requestBuffer ,
boost : : bind ( & EthStratumClient : : handleResponse , this ,
@ -389,9 +413,11 @@ bool EthStratumClient::submit(EthashProofOfWork::Solution solution) {
return true ;
else {
m_stale = false ;
x_stale . unlock ( ) ;
x_current . unlock ( ) ;
cwarn < < " FAILURE: GPU gave incorrect result! " ;
p_farm - > reject edSolution( ) ;
p_farm - > fail edSolution( ) ;
return false ;