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Documentation for AST, Parser, Scanner and other classes.

Christian 11 years ago
  1. 76
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 13
  5. 34


@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ namespace solidity
class ASTVisitor;
/// The root (abstract) class of the AST inheritance tree.
/// It is possible to traverse all direct and indirect children of an AST node by calling
/// accept, providing an ASTVisitor.
class ASTNode: private boost::noncopyable
@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ public:
/// Returns the source code location of this node.
Location const& getLocation() const { return m_location; }
/// Creates a @ref TypeError exception and decorates it with the location of the node and
@ -62,6 +67,7 @@ public:
TypeError createTypeError(std::string const& _description);
///@name equality operators
/// Equality relies on the fact that nodes cannot be copied.
bool operator==(ASTNode const& _other) const { return this == &_other; }
bool operator!=(ASTNode const& _other) const { return !operator==(_other); }
@ -71,18 +77,23 @@ private:
Location m_location;
/// Abstract AST class for a declaration (contract, function, struct, variable).
class Declaration: public ASTNode
Declaration(Location const& _location, ASTPointer<ASTString> const& _name):
ASTNode(_location), m_name(_name) {}
/// Returns the declared name.
const ASTString& getName() const { return *m_name; }
ASTPointer<ASTString> m_name;
/// Definition of a contract. This is the only AST nodes where child nodes are not visited in
/// document order. It first visits all struct declarations, then all variable declarations and
/// finally all function declarations.
class ContractDefinition: public Declaration
@ -122,9 +133,9 @@ private:
std::vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> m_members;
/// Used as function parameter list and return list
/// Parameter list, used as function parameter list and return list.
/// None of the parameters is allowed to contain mappings (not even recursively
/// inside structs)
/// inside structs), but (@todo) this is not yet enforced.
class ParameterList: public ASTNode
@ -167,6 +178,8 @@ private:
ASTPointer<Block> m_body;
/// Declaration of a variable. This can be used in various places, e.g. in function parameter
/// lists, struct definitions and even function bodys.
class VariableDeclaration: public Declaration
@ -186,22 +199,26 @@ public:
ASTPointer<TypeName> m_typeName; ///< can be empty ("var")
std::shared_ptr<Type const> m_type;
std::shared_ptr<Type const> m_type; ///< derived type, initially empty
/// types
/// Types
/// @{
/// Abstract base class of a type name, can be any built-in or user-defined type.
class TypeName: public ASTNode
explicit TypeName(Location const& _location): ASTNode(_location) {}
virtual void accept(ASTVisitor& _visitor) override;
/// Retrieve the element of the type hierarchy this node refers to. Can return an empty shared
/// pointer until the types have been resolved using the @ref NameAndTypeResolver.
virtual std::shared_ptr<Type> toType() = 0;
/// any pre-defined type that is not a mapping
/// Any pre-defined type name represented by a single keyword, i.e. it excludes mappings,
/// contracts, functions, etc.
class ElementaryTypeName: public TypeName
@ -210,12 +227,14 @@ public:
virtual void accept(ASTVisitor& _visitor) override;
virtual std::shared_ptr<Type> toType() override { return Type::fromElementaryTypeName(m_type); }
Token::Value getType() const { return m_type; }
Token::Value getTypeName() const { return m_type; }
Token::Value m_type;
/// Name referring to a user-defined type (i.e. a struct).
/// @todo some changes are necessary if this is also used to refer to contract types later
class UserDefinedTypeName: public TypeName
@ -234,6 +253,7 @@ private:
StructDefinition* m_referencedStruct;
/// A mapping type. Its source form is "mapping('keyType' => 'valueType')"
class Mapping: public TypeName
@ -253,6 +273,8 @@ private:
/// Statements
/// @{
/// Abstract base class for statements.
class Statement: public ASTNode
@ -260,16 +282,17 @@ public:
virtual void accept(ASTVisitor& _visitor) override;
//! Check all type requirements, throws exception if some requirement is not met.
//! For expressions, this also returns the inferred type of the expression. For other
//! statements, returns the empty pointer.
//! This includes checking that operators are applicable to their arguments but also that
//! the number of function call arguments matches the number of formal parameters and so forth.
virtual void checkTypeRequirements() = 0;
//! Check that the inferred type for _expression is _expectedType or at least implicitly
//! convertible to _expectedType. If not, throw exception.
//! Helper function, check that the inferred type for @a _expression is @a _expectedType or at
//! least implicitly convertible to @a _expectedType. If not, throw exception.
void expectType(Expression& _expression, Type const& _expectedType);
/// Brace-enclosed block containing zero or more statements.
class Block: public Statement
@ -283,6 +306,8 @@ private:
std::vector<ASTPointer<Statement>> m_statements;
/// If-statement with an optional "else" part. Note that "else if" is modeled by having a new
/// if-statement as the false (else) body.
class IfStatement: public Statement
@ -299,6 +324,8 @@ private:
ASTPointer<Statement> m_falseBody; //< "else" part, optional
/// Statement in which a break statement is legal.
/// @todo actually check this requirement.
class BreakableStatement: public Statement
@ -349,9 +376,13 @@ public:
ASTPointer<Expression> m_expression; //< value to return, optional
ParameterList* m_returnParameters; //< extracted from the function declaration
/// Pointer to the parameter list of the function, filled by the @ref NameAndTypeResolver.
ParameterList* m_returnParameters;
/// Definition of a variable as a statement inside a function. It requires a type name (which can
/// also be "var") but the actual assignment can be missing.
/// Examples: var a = 2; uint256 a;
class VariableDefinition: public Statement
@ -363,13 +394,16 @@ public:
ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> m_variable;
ASTPointer<Expression> m_value; ///< can be missing
ASTPointer<Expression> m_value; ///< the assigned value, can be missing
/// An expression, i.e. something that has a value (which can also be of type "void" in case
/// of function calls).
class Expression: public Statement
Expression(Location const& _location): Statement(_location) {}
std::shared_ptr<Type const> const& getType() const { return m_type; }
@ -382,6 +416,8 @@ protected:
/// Expressions
/// @{
/// Assignment, can also be a compound assignment.
/// Examples: (a = 7 + 8) or (a *= 2)
class Assignment: public Expression
@ -402,6 +438,8 @@ private:
ASTPointer<Expression> m_rightHandSide;
/// Operation involving a unary operator, pre- or postfix.
/// Examples: ++i, delete x or !true
class UnaryOperation: public Expression
@ -421,6 +459,8 @@ private:
bool m_isPrefix;
/// Operation involving a binary operator.
/// Examples: 1 + 2, true && false or 1 <= 4
class BinaryOperation: public Expression
@ -451,6 +491,7 @@ public:
Expression(_location), m_expression(_expression), m_arguments(_arguments) {}
virtual void accept(ASTVisitor& _visitor) override;
virtual void checkTypeRequirements() override;
/// Returns true if this is not an actual function call, but an explicit type conversion
/// or constructor call.
bool isTypeConversion() const;
@ -460,6 +501,7 @@ private:
std::vector<ASTPointer<Expression>> m_arguments;
/// Access to a member of an object. Example:
class MemberAccess: public Expression
@ -475,6 +517,7 @@ private:
ASTPointer<ASTString> m_memberName;
/// Index access to an array. Example: a[2]
class IndexAccess: public Expression
@ -489,12 +532,15 @@ private:
ASTPointer<Expression> m_index;
/// Primary expression, i.e. an expression that do not be divided any further like a literal or
/// a variable reference.
class PrimaryExpression: public Expression
PrimaryExpression(Location const& _location): Expression(_location) {}
/// An identifier, i.e. a reference to a declaration by name like a variable or function.
class Identifier: public PrimaryExpression
@ -504,6 +550,7 @@ public:
virtual void checkTypeRequirements() override;
ASTString const& getName() const { return *m_name; }
void setReferencedDeclaration(Declaration& _referencedDeclaration) { m_referencedDeclaration = &_referencedDeclaration; }
Declaration* getReferencedDeclaration() { return m_referencedDeclaration; }
@ -514,6 +561,9 @@ private:
Declaration* m_referencedDeclaration;
/// An elementary type name expression is used in expressions like "a = uint32(2)" to change the
/// type of an expression explicitly. Here, "uint32" is the elementary type name expression and
/// "uint32(2)" is a @ref FunctionCall.
class ElementaryTypeNameExpression: public PrimaryExpression
@ -528,6 +578,7 @@ private:
Token::Value m_typeToken;
/// A literal string or number. @see Type::literalToBigEndian is used to actually parse its value.
class Literal: public PrimaryExpression
@ -537,6 +588,7 @@ public:
virtual void checkTypeRequirements() override;
Token::Value getToken() const { return m_token; }
/// @returns the non-parsed value of the literal
ASTString const& getValue() const { return *m_value; }


@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ bool ASTPrinter::visit(TypeName& _node)
bool ASTPrinter::visit(ElementaryTypeName& _node)
writeLine(std::string("ElementaryTypeName ") + Token::toString(_node.getType()));
writeLine(std::string("ElementaryTypeName ") + Token::toString(_node.getTypeName()));
return goDeeper();


@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ private:
/// Appends code to remove dirty higher order bits in case of an implicit promotion to a wider type.
void cleanHigherOrderBitsIfNeeded(Type const& _typeOnStack, Type const& _targetType);
/// Append code for various operator types
/// @{
///@name Append code for various operator types
void appendAndOrOperatorCode(BinaryOperation& _binaryOperation);
void appendCompareOperatorCode(Token::Value _operator, Type const& _type);
void appendOrdinaryBinaryOperatorCode(Token::Value _operator, Type const& _type);


@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ private:
/// End position of the current token
int getEndPosition() const;
/// Parsing functions for the AST nodes
/// @{
///@name Parsing functions for the AST nodes
ASTPointer<ContractDefinition> parseContractDefinition();
ASTPointer<FunctionDefinition> parseFunctionDefinition(bool _isPublic);
ASTPointer<StructDefinition> parseStructDefinition();
@ -64,16 +64,17 @@ private:
ASTPointer<Expression> parseLeftHandSideExpression();
ASTPointer<Expression> parsePrimaryExpression();
std::vector<ASTPointer<Expression>> parseFunctionCallArguments();
/// @}
///@name Helper functions
/// Helper functions
/// @{
/// If current token value is not _value, throw exception otherwise advance token.
void expectToken(Token::Value _value);
Token::Value expectAssignmentOperator();
ASTPointer<ASTString> expectIdentifierToken();
ASTPointer<ASTString> getLiteralAndAdvance();
/// @}
/// Creates a @ref ParserError exception and annotates it with the current position and the
/// given @a _description.


@ -81,12 +81,13 @@ public:
char advanceAndGet();
char rollback(size_t _amount);
///@name Error printing helper functions
/// Functions that help pretty-printing parse errors
/// Do only use in error cases, they are quite expensive.
/// @{
std::string getLineAtPosition(int _position) const;
std::tuple<int, int> translatePositionToLineColumn(int _position) const;
/// @}
std::string m_source;
@ -119,29 +120,31 @@ public:
/// Returns the next token and advances input.
Token::Value next();
/// Information about the current token
/// @{
///@name Information about the current token
/// Returns the current token
Token::Value getCurrentToken() { return m_current_token.token; }
Location getCurrentLocation() const { return m_current_token.location; }
const std::string& getCurrentLiteral() const { return m_current_token.literal; }
/// @}
///@name Information about the next token
/// Information about the next token
/// @{
/// Returns the next token without advancing input.
Token::Value peekNextToken() const { return m_next_token.token; }
Location peekLocation() const { return m_next_token.location; }
const std::string& peekLiteral() const { return m_next_token.literal; }
/// @}
/// Functions that help pretty-printing parse errors.
///@name Error printing helper functions
/// Functions that help pretty-printing parse errors
/// Do only use in error cases, they are quite expensive.
/// @{
std::string getLineAtPosition(int _position) const { return m_source.getLineAtPosition(_position); }
std::tuple<int, int> translatePositionToLineColumn(int _position) const { return m_source.translatePositionToLineColumn(_position); }
/// @}
// Used for the current and look-ahead token.
@ -152,13 +155,13 @@ private:
std::string literal;
/// Literal buffer support
/// @{
///@name Literal buffer support
inline void startNewLiteral() { m_next_token.literal.clear(); }
inline void addLiteralChar(char c) { m_next_token.literal.push_back(c); }
inline void dropLiteral() { m_next_token.literal.clear(); }
inline void addLiteralCharAndAdvance() { addLiteralChar(m_char); advance(); }
/// @}
bool advance() { m_char = m_source.advanceAndGet(); return !m_source.isPastEndOfInput(); }
void rollback(int _amount) { m_char = m_source.rollback(_amount); }
@ -169,9 +172,10 @@ private:
bool scanHexNumber(char& o_scannedNumber, int _expectedLength);
// Scans a single JavaScript token.
/// Scans a single JavaScript token.
void scanToken();
/// Skips all whitespace and @returns true if something was skipped.
bool skipWhitespace();
Token::Value skipSingleLineComment();
Token::Value skipMultiLineComment();
