@ -140,12 +140,10 @@ unsigned ethash_cl_miner::getNumDevices(unsigned _platformId)
bool ethash_cl_miner : : configureGPU (
bool _allowCPU ,
unsigned _extraGPUMemory ,
bool _forceSingleChunk ,
boost : : optional < uint64_t > _currentBlock
s_allowCPU = _allowCPU ;
s_forceSingleChunk = _forceSingleChunk ;
s_extraRequiredGPUMem = _extraGPUMemory ;
// by default let's only consider the DAG of the first epoch
uint64_t dagSize = _currentBlock ? ethash_get_datasize ( * _currentBlock ) : 1073739904U ;
@ -174,7 +172,6 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::configureGPU(
bool ethash_cl_miner : : s_allowCPU = false ;
bool ethash_cl_miner : : s_forceSingleChunk = false ;
unsigned ethash_cl_miner : : s_extraRequiredGPUMem ;
bool ethash_cl_miner : : searchForAllDevices ( function < bool ( cl : : Device const & ) > _callback )
@ -288,23 +285,6 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::init(
string device_version = device . getInfo < CL_DEVICE_VERSION > ( ) ;
ETHCL_LOG ( " Using device: " < < device . getInfo < CL_DEVICE_NAME > ( ) . c_str ( ) < < " ( " < < device_version . c_str ( ) < < " ) " ) ;
// configure chunk number depending on max allocateable memory
cl_ulong result ;
device . getInfo ( CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE , & result ) ;
if ( s_forceSingleChunk | | result > = _dagSize )
m_dagChunksNum = 1 ;
( ( result < = _dagSize & & s_forceSingleChunk ) ? " Forcing single chunk. Good luck! \n " : " " ) < <
" Using 1 big chunk. Max OpenCL allocateable memory is " < < result
) ;
m_dagChunksNum = 4 ;
ETHCL_LOG ( " Using 4 chunks. Max OpenCL allocateable memory is " < < result ) ;
if ( strncmp ( " OpenCL 1.0 " , device_version . c_str ( ) , 10 ) = = 0 )
ETHCL_LOG ( " OpenCL 1.0 is not supported. " ) ;
@ -346,26 +326,23 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::init(
ETHCL_LOG ( program . getBuildInfo < CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG > ( device ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( m_dagChunksNum = = 1 )
ETHCL_LOG ( " Loading single big chunk kernels " ) ;
m_hash_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_hash " ) ;
m_search_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_search " ) ;
ETHCL_LOG ( " Loading chunk kernels " ) ;
m_hash_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_hash_chunks " ) ;
m_search_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_search_chunks " ) ;
// create buffer for dag
if ( m_dagChunksNum = = 1 )
ETHCL_LOG ( " Creating one big buffer " ) ;
m_dagChunksNum = 1 ;
m_dagChunks . push_back ( cl : : Buffer ( m_context , CL_MEM_READ_ONLY , _dagSize ) ) ;
ETHCL_LOG ( " Created one big buffer for the DAG " ) ;
catch ( . . . )
cl_ulong result ;
device . getInfo ( CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE , & result ) ;
" Failed to allocate 1 big chunk. Max allocateable memory is "
< < result < < " . Trying to allocate 4 chunks. "
) ;
m_dagChunksNum = 4 ;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < m_dagChunksNum ; i + + )
// TODO Note: If we ever change to _dagChunksNum other than 4, then the size would need recalculation
@ -376,6 +353,20 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::init(
( i = = 3 ) ? ( _dagSize - 3 * ( ( _dagSize > > 9 ) < < 7 ) ) : ( _dagSize > > 9 ) < < 7
) ) ;
if ( m_dagChunksNum = = 1 )
ETHCL_LOG ( " Loading single big chunk kernels " ) ;
m_hash_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_hash " ) ;
m_search_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_search " ) ;
ETHCL_LOG ( " Loading chunk kernels " ) ;
m_hash_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_hash_chunks " ) ;
m_search_kernel = cl : : Kernel ( program , " ethash_search_chunks " ) ;
// create buffer for header
ETHCL_LOG ( " Creating buffer for header. " ) ;