@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ static_assert(dev::Signature::size == 65, "Signature must be 65 bytes."); |
bytes Secp256k1PP::eciesKDF(Secret _z, bytes _s1, unsigned kdByteLen) |
{ |
// interop w/go ecies implementation
// for sha3, blocksize is 136 bytes
// for sha256, blocksize is 64 bytes
auto reps = ((kdByteLen + 7) * 8) / (64 * 8); |
auto reps = ((kdByteLen + 7) * 8) / (CryptoPP::SHA256::BLOCKSIZE * 8); |
// SEC/ISO/Shoup specify counter size SHOULD be equivalent
// to size of hash output, however, it also notes that
// the 4 bytes is okay. NIST specifies 4 bytes.
bytes ctr({0, 0, 0, 1}); |
bytes k; |
CryptoPP::SHA256 ctx; |