/*<< " -B,--block-fees <n> Set the block fee profit in the reference unit e.g. ¢ (default: 15)." << endl
<<" -e,--ether-price <n> Set the ether price in the reference unit e.g. ¢ (default: 30.679)."<<endl
<<" -P,--priority <0 - 100> Default % priority of a transaction (default: 50)."<<endl*/
<<" --ask <wei> Set the minimum ask gas price under which no transactions will be mined (default "<<boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(c_defaultGasPrice)<<" )."<<endl
<<" --bid <wei> Set the bid gas price for to pay for transactions (default "<<boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(c_defaultGasPrice)<<" )."<<endl
<<" --ask <wei> Set the minimum ask gas price under which no transactions will be mined (default "<<toString(c_defaultGasPrice)<<" )."<<endl
<<" --bid <wei> Set the bid gas price for to pay for transactions (default "<<toString(c_defaultGasPrice)<<" )."<<endl
<<"Client mining:"<<endl
<<" -a,--address <addr> Set the coinbase (mining payout) address to addr (default: auto)."<<endl