@ -178,8 +178,22 @@ void help() |
<< " --port <port> Connect to remote port (default: 30303)." << endl |
<< " --network-id <n> Only connect to other hosts with this network id." << endl |
<< " --upnp <on/off> Use UPnP for NAT (default: on)." << endl |
// "initial, required"
// network.peers
// network.hosts
<< " --peers <filename> Text list of type:publickey@host[:port] (default: bootstrap.txt)" << endl |
<< " Types:" << endl |
<< " default Attempt connection when no other peers are available and pinning is disable." << endl |
<< " trusted Keep connected at all times." << endl |
<< " --trust-peers <filename> Text list of publickeys." << endl |
<< " --accept-hosts <filename> List of host:port Always accept connections from specified hosts." << endl |
// TODO (req'd update to UDP for signaling ingress connect):
// << " --accept-peers <filename> List of publickey Always accept connections from peers with specified public keys." << endl
<< " --no-discovery Disable Node discovery." << endl |
<< " --pin Only connect to required (trusted) peers." << endl |
<< " --pin Only accept or connect to required peers." << endl |
<< " --hermit Equivalent to --no-discovery --pin." << endl |
<< " --sociable Forces discovery and no pinning." << endl |
// << " --require-peers <peers.json> List of required (trusted) peers. (experimental)" << endl