10 years ago
21 changed files with 996 additions and 1001 deletions
@ -1,35 +1,97 @@ |
import QtQuick 2.2 |
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 |
import "js/ErrorLocationFormater.js" as ErrorLocationFormater |
Rectangle { |
id: constantCompilationStatus |
objectName: "constantCompilationStatus" |
function update() |
{ |
if (constantCompilation.result.successfull) |
{ |
image.state = ""; |
status.state = ""; |
status.text = qsTr("Compile without errors."); |
logslink.visible = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
image.state = "error"; |
status.state = "error"; |
var errorInfo = ErrorLocationFormater.extractErrorInfo(constantCompilation.result.compilerMessage, true); |
status.text = errorInfo.errorLocation + " " + errorInfo.errorDetail; |
logslink.visible = true; |
} |
} |
anchors.fill: parent |
width: parent.width |
height: parent.height |
color: "lightgray" |
Text { |
font.pointSize: 9 |
anchors.left: parent.left |
anchors.top: parent.top |
anchors.topMargin: 3 |
anchors.leftMargin: 3 |
height: 9 |
font.family: "Monospace" |
objectName: "status" |
id: status |
gradient: Gradient { |
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#f1f1f1" } |
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#d9d7da" } |
} |
TextArea { |
readOnly: true |
anchors.left: parent.left |
anchors.leftMargin: 10 |
anchors.top: status.bottom |
anchors.topMargin: 3 |
font.pointSize: 9 |
font.family: "Monospace" |
height: parent.height * 0.8 |
width: parent.width - 20 |
wrapMode: Text.Wrap |
backgroundVisible: false |
objectName: "content" |
id: content |
Rectangle { |
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter |
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter |
anchors.topMargin: 10 |
anchors.bottomMargin: 10 |
radius: 3 |
width: 500 |
height: 30 |
color: "#fffcd5" |
Row { |
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter |
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter |
spacing: 5 |
Image |
{ |
source: "qrc:/qml/img/compilsuceeded.png" |
id: image |
states:[ |
State { |
name: "error" |
PropertyChanges { |
target: image |
source: "qrc:/qml/img/compilfailed.png" |
} |
} |
] |
} |
Text { |
font.pointSize: 10 |
height: 9 |
font.family: "sans serif" |
objectName: "status" |
id: status |
states:[ |
State { |
name: "error" |
PropertyChanges { |
target: status |
color: "red" |
} |
} |
] |
} |
Text { |
visible: false |
font.pointSize: 9 |
height: 9 |
text: qsTr("See log.") |
font.family: "Monospace" |
objectName: "status" |
id: logslink |
color: "#8c8a74" |
MouseArea { |
anchors.fill: parent |
onClicked: { |
mainContent.ensureRightView(); |
debugModel.debugDeployment(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,181 +1,27 @@ |
//humanReadableExecutionCode => contain human readable code.
//debugStates => contain all debug states.
//bytesCodeMapping => mapping between humanReadableExecutionCode and bytesCode.
//statesList => ListView
var currentSelectedState = null; |
var jumpStartingPoint = null; |
function init() |
{ |
statesSlider.maximumValue = debugStates.length - 1; |
statesList.model = humanReadableExecutionCode; |
currentSelectedState = 0; |
select(currentSelectedState); |
jumpoutbackaction.state = "disabled"; |
jumpintobackaction.state = "disabled"; |
jumpintoforwardaction.state = "disabled" |
jumpoutforwardaction.state = "disabled" |
} |
function moveSelection(incr) |
{ |
if (currentSelectedState + incr >= 0) |
{ |
if (currentSelectedState + incr < debugStates.length) |
{ |
select(currentSelectedState + incr); |
} |
else |
{ |
} |
statesSlider.value = currentSelectedState; |
} |
} |
function select(stateIndex) |
{ |
var codeLine = codeStr(stateIndex); |
var state = debugStates[stateIndex]; |
highlightSelection(codeLine); |
currentSelectedState = stateIndex; |
completeCtxInformation(state); |
//levelList.model = state.levels;
if (state.instruction === "JUMP") |
jumpintoforwardaction.state = ""; |
else |
jumpintoforwardaction.state = "disabled"; |
if (state.instruction === "JUMPDEST") |
jumpintobackaction.state = ""; |
else |
jumpintobackaction.state = "disabled"; |
} |
function codeStr(stateIndex) |
{ |
var state = debugStates[stateIndex]; |
return bytesCodeMapping.getValue(state.curPC); |
} |
function highlightSelection(index) |
{ |
statesList.currentIndex = index; |
} |
function completeCtxInformation(state) |
{ |
basicInfo.currentStep = state.step; |
basicInfo.mem = state.newMemSize + " " + qsTr("words"); |
basicInfo.stepCost = state.gasCost; |
basicInfo.gasSpent = debugStates[0].gas - state.gas; |
// This is available in all editors.
stack.listModel = state.debugStack; |
storage.listModel = state.debugStorage; |
memoryDump.listModel = state.debugMemory; |
callDataDump.listModel = state.debugCallData; |
} |
function endOfDebug() |
function formatLocation(raw, shortMessage) |
{ |
var state = debugStates[debugStates.length - 1]; |
debugStorageTxt.text = ""; |
debugCallDataTxt.text = ""; |
debugStackTxt.text = ""; |
debugMemoryTxt.text = state.endOfDebug; |
headerInfoLabel.text = "EXIT | GAS: " + state.gasLeft; |
} |
function displayReturnValue() |
{ |
headerReturnList.model = contractCallReturnParameters; |
headerReturnList.update(); |
} |
function stepOutBack() |
{ |
if (jumpStartingPoint != null) |
{ |
select(jumpStartingPoint); |
jumpStartingPoint = null; |
jumpoutbackaction.state = "disabled"; |
jumpoutforwardaction.state = "disabled"; |
} |
} |
function stepIntoBack() |
{ |
moveSelection(-1); |
} |
function stepOverBack() |
{ |
var state = debugStates[currentSelectedState]; |
if (state.instruction === "JUMPDEST") |
{ |
for (var k = currentSelectedState; k > 0; k--) |
{ |
var line = bytesCodeMapping.getValue(debugStates[k].curPC); |
if (line === statesList.currentIndex - 2) |
{ |
select(k); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
var splitted = raw.split(':'); |
if (!shortMessage) |
return qsTr("Error in line ") + splitted[1] + ", " + qsTr("character ") + splitted[2]; |
else |
moveSelection(-1); |
return "L" + splitted[1] + "," + "C" + splitted[2]; |
} |
function stepOverForward() |
function extractErrorInfo(raw, shortMessage) |
{ |
var state = debugStates[currentSelectedState]; |
if (state.instruction === "JUMP") |
var _return = {}; |
var detail = raw.split('\n')[0]; |
var reg = detail.match(/:\d+:\d+:/g); |
if (reg !== null) |
{ |
for (var k = currentSelectedState; k < debugStates.length; k++) |
{ |
var line = bytesCodeMapping.getValue(debugStates[k].curPC); |
if (line === statesList.currentIndex + 2) |
{ |
select(k); |
break; |
} |
} |
_return.errorLocation = ErrorLocationFormater.formatLocation(reg[0], shortMessage); |
_return.errorDetail = detail.replace(reg[0], ""); |
} |
else |
moveSelection(1); |
} |
function stepIntoForward() |
{ |
var state = debugStates[currentSelectedState]; |
if (state.instruction === "JUMP") |
{ |
jumpStartingPoint = currentSelectedState; |
moveSelection(1); |
jumpoutbackaction.state = ""; |
jumpoutforwardaction.state = ""; |
_return.errorLocation = ""; |
_return.errorDetail = detail; |
} |
} |
function stepOutForward() |
{ |
if (jumpStartingPoint != null) |
{ |
stepOutBack(); |
stepOverForward(); |
jumpoutbackaction.state = "disabled"; |
jumpoutforwardaction.state = "disabled"; |
} |
} |
function jumpTo(value) |
{ |
currentSelectedState = value; |
select(currentSelectedState); |
_return.errorLine = raw.split('\n')[1]; |
return _return; |
} |
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ |
//humanReadableExecutionCode => contain human readable code.
//debugStates => contain all debug states.
//bytesCodeMapping => mapping between humanReadableExecutionCode and bytesCode.
//statesList => ListView
var currentSelectedState = null; |
function init() |
{ |
currentSelectedState = 0; |
select(currentSelectedState); |
displayReturnValue(); |
} |
function moveSelection(incr) |
{ |
if (currentSelectedState + incr >= 0) |
{ |
if (currentSelectedState + incr < debugStates.length) |
{ |
select(currentSelectedState + incr); |
} |
else |
{ |
endOfDebug(); |
} |
} |
} |
function select(stateIndex) |
{ |
var state = debugStates[stateIndex]; |
var codeStr = bytesCodeMapping.getValue(state.curPC); |
highlightSelection(codeStr); |
currentSelectedState = stateIndex; |
completeCtxInformation(state); |
levelList.model = state.levels; |
levelList.update(); |
} |
function highlightSelection(index) |
{ |
statesList.currentIndex = index; |
} |
function completeCtxInformation(state) |
{ |
debugStackTxt.text = state.debugStack; |
debugStorageTxt.text = state.debugStorage; |
debugMemoryTxt.text = state.debugMemory; |
debugCallDataTxt.text = state.debugCallData; |
headerInfoLabel.text = state.headerInfo |
} |
function endOfDebug() |
{ |
var state = debugStates[debugStates.length - 1]; |
debugStorageTxt.text = ""; |
debugCallDataTxt.text = ""; |
debugStackTxt.text = ""; |
debugMemoryTxt.text = state.endOfDebug; |
headerInfoLabel.text = "EXIT | GAS: " + state.gasLeft; |
} |
function displayReturnValue() |
{ |
headerReturnList.model = contractCallReturnParameters; |
headerReturnList.update(); |
} |
Reference in new issue