Browse Source

Merge pull request #1356 from yann300/autocompletion

Add JavaScript autocompletion.
Arkadiy Paronyan 10 years ago
  1. 2864
  2. 1164
  3. 87
  4. 547
  5. 402
  6. 969
  7. 1615
  8. 139
  9. 26
  10. 697
  11. 994
  12. 359
  13. 11
  14. 20
  15. 11


File diff suppressed because it is too large


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
return mod(exports);
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
return define(["exports"], mod);
mod(tern.comment || (tern.comment = {}));
})(function(exports) {
function isSpace(ch) {
return (ch < 14 && ch > 8) || ch === 32 || ch === 160;
function onOwnLine(text, pos) {
for (; pos > 0; --pos) {
var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos - 1);
if (ch == 10) break;
if (!isSpace(ch)) return false;
return true;
// Gather comments directly before a function
exports.commentsBefore = function(text, pos) {
var found = null, emptyLines = 0, topIsLineComment;
out: while (pos > 0) {
var prev = text.charCodeAt(pos - 1);
if (prev == 10) {
for (var scan = --pos, sawNonWS = false; scan > 0; --scan) {
prev = text.charCodeAt(scan - 1);
if (prev == 47 && text.charCodeAt(scan - 2) == 47) {
if (!onOwnLine(text, scan - 2)) break out;
var content = text.slice(scan, pos);
if (!emptyLines && topIsLineComment) found[0] = content + "\n" + found[0];
else (found || (found = [])).unshift(content);
topIsLineComment = true;
emptyLines = 0;
pos = scan - 2;
} else if (prev == 10) {
if (!sawNonWS && ++emptyLines > 1) break out;
} else if (!sawNonWS && !isSpace(prev)) {
sawNonWS = true;
} else if (prev == 47 && text.charCodeAt(pos - 2) == 42) {
for (var scan = pos - 2; scan > 1; --scan) {
if (text.charCodeAt(scan - 1) == 42 && text.charCodeAt(scan - 2) == 47) {
if (!onOwnLine(text, scan - 2)) break out;
(found || (found = [])).unshift(text.slice(scan, pos - 2));
topIsLineComment = false;
emptyLines = 0;
pos = scan - 2;
} else if (isSpace(prev)) {
} else {
return found;
exports.commentAfter = function(text, pos) {
while (pos < text.length) {
var next = text.charCodeAt(pos);
if (next == 47) {
var after = text.charCodeAt(pos + 1), end;
if (after == 47) // line comment
end = text.indexOf("\n", pos + 2);
else if (after == 42) // block comment
end = text.indexOf("*/", pos + 2);
return text.slice(pos + 2, end < 0 ? text.length : end);
} else if (isSpace(next)) {
exports.ensureCommentsBefore = function(text, node) {
if (node.hasOwnProperty("commentsBefore")) return node.commentsBefore;
return node.commentsBefore = exports.commentsBefore(text, node.start);


@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
// Type description parser
// Type description JSON files (such as ecma5.json and browser.json)
// are used to
// A) describe types that come from native code
// B) to cheaply load the types for big libraries, or libraries that
// can't be inferred well
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
return exports.init = mod;
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
return define({init: mod});
tern.def = {init: mod};
})(function(exports, infer) {
"use strict";
function hop(obj, prop) {
return, prop);
var TypeParser = exports.TypeParser = function(spec, start, base, forceNew) {
this.pos = start || 0;
this.spec = spec;
this.base = base;
this.forceNew = forceNew;
TypeParser.prototype = {
eat: function(str) {
if (str.length == 1 ? this.spec.charAt(this.pos) == str : this.spec.indexOf(str, this.pos) == this.pos) {
this.pos += str.length;
return true;
word: function(re) {
var word = "", ch, re = re || /[\w$]/;
while ((ch = this.spec.charAt(this.pos)) && re.test(ch)) { word += ch; ++this.pos; }
return word;
error: function() {
throw new Error("Unrecognized type spec: " + this.spec + " (at " + this.pos + ")");
parseFnType: function(name, top) {
var args = [], names = [];
if (!")")) for (var i = 0; ; ++i) {
var colon = this.spec.indexOf(": ", this.pos), argname;
if (colon != -1) {
argname = this.spec.slice(this.pos, colon);
if (/^[$\w?]+$/.test(argname))
this.pos = colon + 2;
argname = null;
if (!", ")) {")") || this.error();
var retType, computeRet, computeRetStart, fn;
if (" -> ")) {
if (top && this.spec.indexOf("!", this.pos) > -1) {
retType = infer.ANull;
computeRetStart = this.pos;
computeRet = this.parseRetType();
} else retType = this.parseType();
} else retType = infer.ANull;
if (top && (fn = this.base)), name, infer.ANull, args, names, retType);
fn = new infer.Fn(name, infer.ANull, args, names, retType);
if (computeRet) fn.computeRet = computeRet;
if (computeRetStart != null) fn.computeRetSource = this.spec.slice(computeRetStart, this.pos);
return fn;
parseType: function(name, top) {
var type, union = false;
for (;;) {
var inner = this.parseTypeInner(name, top);
if (union) inner.propagate(union);
else type = inner;
if (!"|")) break;
if (!union) {
union = new infer.AVal;
type = union;
return type;
parseTypeInner: function(name, top) {
if ("fn(")) {
return this.parseFnType(name, top);
} else if ("[")) {
var inner = this.parseType();"]") || this.error();
if (top && this.base) {, inner);
return this.base;
return new infer.Arr(inner);
} else if ("+")) {
var path = this.word(/[\w$<>\.!]/);
var base = parsePath(path + ".prototype");
if (!(base instanceof infer.Obj)) base = parsePath(path);
if (!(base instanceof infer.Obj)) return base;
if (top && this.forceNew) return new infer.Obj(base);
return infer.getInstance(base);
} else if ("?")) {
return infer.ANull;
} else {
return this.fromWord(this.word(/[\w$<>\.!`]/));
fromWord: function(spec) {
var cx =;
switch (spec) {
case "number": return cx.num;
case "string": return cx.str;
case "bool": return cx.bool;
case "<top>": return cx.topScope;
if (cx.localDefs && spec in cx.localDefs) return cx.localDefs[spec];
return parsePath(spec);
parseBaseRetType: function() {
if ("[")) {
var inner = this.parseRetType();"]") || this.error();
return function(self, args) { return new infer.Arr(inner(self, args)); };
} else if ("+")) {
var base = this.parseRetType();
var result = function(self, args) {
var proto = base(self, args);
if (proto instanceof infer.Fn && proto.hasProp("prototype"))
proto = proto.getProp("prototype").getObjType();
if (!(proto instanceof infer.Obj)) return proto;
return new infer.Obj(proto);
if ("[")) return this.parsePoly(result);
return result;
} else if ("!")) {
var arg = this.word(/\d/);
if (arg) {
arg = Number(arg);
return function(_self, args) {return args[arg] || infer.ANull;};
} else if ("this")) {
return function(self) {return self;};
} else if ("custom:")) {
var fname = this.word(/[\w$]/);
return customFunctions[fname] || function() { return infer.ANull; };
} else {
return this.fromWord("!" + arg + this.word(/[\w$<>\.!]/));
var t = this.parseType();
return function(){return t;};
extendRetType: function(base) {
var propName = this.word(/[\w<>$!]/) || this.error();
if (propName == "!ret") return function(self, args) {
var lhs = base(self, args);
if (lhs.retval) return lhs.retval;
var rv = new infer.AVal;
lhs.propagate(new infer.IsCallee(infer.ANull, [], null, rv));
return rv;
return function(self, args) {return base(self, args).getProp(propName);};
parsePoly: function(base) {
var propName = "<i>", match;
if (match = this.spec.slice(this.pos).match(/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*/)) {
propName = match[1];
this.pos += match[0].length;
var value = this.parseRetType();
if (!"]")) this.error();
return function(self, args) {
var instance = base(self, args);
if (instance instanceof infer.Obj)
value(self, args).propagate(instance.defProp(propName));
return instance;
parseRetType: function() {
var tp = this.parseBaseRetType();
while (".")) tp = this.extendRetType(tp);
return tp;
function parseType(spec, name, base, forceNew) {
var type = new TypeParser(spec, null, base, forceNew).parseType(name, true);
if (/^fn\(/.test(spec)) for (var i = 0; i < type.args.length; ++i) (function(i) {
var arg = type.args[i];
if (arg instanceof infer.Fn && arg.args && arg.args.length) addEffect(type, function(_self, fArgs) {
var fArg = fArgs[i];
if (fArg) fArg.propagate(new infer.IsCallee(, arg.args, null, infer.ANull));
return type;
function addEffect(fn, handler, replaceRet) {
var oldCmp = fn.computeRet, rv = fn.retval;
fn.computeRet = function(self, args, argNodes) {
var handled = handler(self, args, argNodes);
var old = oldCmp ? oldCmp(self, args, argNodes) : rv;
return replaceRet ? handled : old;
var parseEffect = exports.parseEffect = function(effect, fn) {
var m;
if (effect.indexOf("propagate ") == 0) {
var p = new TypeParser(effect, 10);
var getOrigin = p.parseRetType();
if (!" ")) p.error();
var getTarget = p.parseRetType();
addEffect(fn, function(self, args) {
getOrigin(self, args).propagate(getTarget(self, args));
} else if (effect.indexOf("call ") == 0) {
var andRet = effect.indexOf("and return ", 5) == 5;
var p = new TypeParser(effect, andRet ? 16 : 5);
var getCallee = p.parseRetType(), getSelf = null, getArgs = [];
if (" this=")) getSelf = p.parseRetType();
while (" ")) getArgs.push(p.parseRetType());
addEffect(fn, function(self, args) {
var callee = getCallee(self, args);
var slf = getSelf ? getSelf(self, args) : infer.ANull, as = [];
for (var i = 0; i < getArgs.length; ++i) as.push(getArgs[i](self, args));
var result = andRet ? new infer.AVal : infer.ANull;
callee.propagate(new infer.IsCallee(slf, as, null, result));
return result;
}, andRet);
} else if (m = effect.match(/^custom (\S+)\s*(.*)/)) {
var customFunc = customFunctions[m[1]];
if (customFunc) addEffect(fn, m[2] ? customFunc(m[2]) : customFunc);
} else if (effect.indexOf("copy ") == 0) {
var p = new TypeParser(effect, 5);
var getFrom = p.parseRetType();" ");
var getTo = p.parseRetType();
addEffect(fn, function(self, args) {
var from = getFrom(self, args), to = getTo(self, args);
from.forAllProps(function(prop, val, local) {
if (local && prop != "<i>")
to.propagate(new infer.PropHasSubset(prop, val));
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown effect type: " + effect);
var currentTopScope;
var parsePath = exports.parsePath = function(path, scope) {
var cx =, cached = cx.paths[path], origPath = path;
if (cached != null) return cached;
cx.paths[path] = infer.ANull;
var base = scope || currentTopScope || cx.topScope;
if (cx.localDefs) for (var name in cx.localDefs) {
if (path.indexOf(name) == 0) {
if (path == name) return cx.paths[path] = cx.localDefs[path];
if (path.charAt(name.length) == ".") {
base = cx.localDefs[name];
path = path.slice(name.length + 1);
var parts = path.split(".");
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length && base != infer.ANull; ++i) {
var prop = parts[i];
if (prop.charAt(0) == "!") {
if (prop == "!proto") {
base = (base instanceof infer.Obj && base.proto) || infer.ANull;
} else {
var fn = base.getFunctionType();
if (!fn) {
base = infer.ANull;
} else if (prop == "!ret") {
base = fn.retval && fn.retval.getType(false) || infer.ANull;
} else {
var arg = fn.args && fn.args[Number(prop.slice(1))];
base = (arg && arg.getType(false)) || infer.ANull;
} else if (base instanceof infer.Obj) {
var propVal = (prop == "prototype" && base instanceof infer.Fn) ? base.getProp(prop) : base.props[prop];
if (!propVal || propVal.isEmpty())
base = infer.ANull;
base = propVal.types[0];
// Uncomment this to get feedback on your poorly written .json files
// if (base == infer.ANull) console.error("bad path: " + origPath + " (" + cx.curOrigin + ")");
cx.paths[origPath] = base == infer.ANull ? null : base;
return base;
function emptyObj(ctor) {
var empty = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
empty.props = Object.create(null);
empty.isShell = true;
return empty;
function isSimpleAnnotation(spec) {
if (!spec["!type"] || /^(fn\(|\[)/.test(spec["!type"])) return false;
for (var prop in spec)
if (prop != "!type" && prop != "!doc" && prop != "!url" && prop != "!span" && prop != "!data")
return false;
return true;
function passOne(base, spec, path) {
if (!base) {
var tp = spec["!type"];
if (tp) {
if (/^fn\(/.test(tp)) base = emptyObj(infer.Fn);
else if (tp.charAt(0) == "[") base = emptyObj(infer.Arr);
else throw new Error("Invalid !type spec: " + tp);
} else if (spec["!stdProto"]) {
base =[spec["!stdProto"]];
} else {
base = emptyObj(infer.Obj);
} = path;
for (var name in spec) if (hop(spec, name) && name.charCodeAt(0) != 33) {
var inner = spec[name];
if (typeof inner == "string" || isSimpleAnnotation(inner)) continue;
var prop = base.defProp(name);
passOne(prop.getObjType(), inner, path ? path + "." + name : name).propagate(prop);
return base;
function passTwo(base, spec, path) {
if (base.isShell) {
delete base.isShell;
var tp = spec["!type"];
if (tp) {
parseType(tp, path, base);
} else {
var proto = spec["!proto"] && parseType(spec["!proto"]);, proto instanceof infer.Obj ? proto : true, path);
var effects = spec["!effects"];
if (effects && base instanceof infer.Fn) for (var i = 0; i < effects.length; ++i)
parseEffect(effects[i], base);
copyInfo(spec, base);
for (var name in spec) if (hop(spec, name) && name.charCodeAt(0) != 33) {
var inner = spec[name], known = base.defProp(name), innerPath = path ? path + "." + name : name;
if (typeof inner == "string") {
if (known.isEmpty()) parseType(inner, innerPath).propagate(known);
} else {
if (!isSimpleAnnotation(inner))
passTwo(known.getObjType(), inner, innerPath);
else if (known.isEmpty())
parseType(inner["!type"], innerPath, null, true).propagate(known);
if (inner["!doc"]) known.doc = inner["!doc"];
if (inner["!url"]) known.url = inner["!url"];
if (inner["!span"]) known.span = inner["!span"];
return base;
function copyInfo(spec, type) {
if (spec["!doc"]) type.doc = spec["!doc"];
if (spec["!url"]) type.url = spec["!url"];
if (spec["!span"]) type.span = spec["!span"];
if (spec["!data"]) type.metaData = spec["!data"];
function runPasses(type, arg) {
var parent =, pass = parent && parent.passes && parent.passes[type];
if (pass) for (var i = 0; i < pass.length; i++) pass[i](arg);
function doLoadEnvironment(data, scope) {
var cx =;
infer.addOrigin(cx.curOrigin = data["!name"] || "env#" +;
cx.localDefs = cx.definitions[cx.curOrigin] = Object.create(null);
runPasses("preLoadDef", data);
passOne(scope, data);
var def = data["!define"];
if (def) {
for (var name in def) {
var spec = def[name];
cx.localDefs[name] = typeof spec == "string" ? parsePath(spec) : passOne(null, spec, name);
for (var name in def) {
var spec = def[name];
if (typeof spec != "string") passTwo(cx.localDefs[name], def[name], name);
passTwo(scope, data);
runPasses("postLoadDef", data);
cx.curOrigin = cx.localDefs = null;
exports.load = function(data, scope) {
if (!scope) scope =;
var oldScope = currentTopScope;
currentTopScope = scope;
try {
doLoadEnvironment(data, scope);
} finally {
currentTopScope = oldScope;
exports.parse = function(data, origin, path) {
var cx =;
if (origin) {
cx.origin = origin;
cx.localDefs = cx.definitions[origin];
try {
if (typeof data == "string")
return parseType(data, path);
return passTwo(passOne(null, data, path), data, path);
} finally {
if (origin) cx.origin = cx.localDefs = null;
// Used to register custom logic for more involved effect or type
// computation.
var customFunctions = Object.create(null);
infer.registerFunction = function(name, f) { customFunctions[name] = f; };
var IsCreated = infer.constraint("created, target, spec", {
addType: function(tp) {
if (tp instanceof infer.Obj && this.created++ < 5) {
var derived = new infer.Obj(tp), spec = this.spec;
if (spec instanceof infer.AVal) spec = spec.getObjType(false);
if (spec instanceof infer.Obj) for (var prop in spec.props) {
var cur = spec.props[prop].types[0];
var p = derived.defProp(prop);
if (cur && cur instanceof infer.Obj && cur.props.value) {
var vtp = cur.props.value.getType(false);
if (vtp) p.addType(vtp);
infer.registerFunction("Object_create", function(_self, args, argNodes) {
if (argNodes && argNodes.length && argNodes[0].type == "Literal" && argNodes[0].value == null)
return new infer.Obj();
var result = new infer.AVal;
if (args[0]) args[0].propagate(new IsCreated(0, result, args[1]));
return result;
var PropSpec = infer.constraint("target", {
addType: function(tp) {
if (!(tp instanceof infer.Obj)) return;
if (tp.hasProp("value"))
else if (tp.hasProp("get"))
tp.getProp("get").propagate(new infer.IsCallee(infer.ANull, [], null,;
infer.registerFunction("Object_defineProperty", function(_self, args, argNodes) {
if (argNodes && argNodes.length >= 3 && argNodes[1].type == "Literal" &&
typeof argNodes[1].value == "string") {
var obj = args[0], connect = new infer.AVal;
obj.propagate(new infer.PropHasSubset(argNodes[1].value, connect, argNodes[1]));
args[2].propagate(new PropSpec(connect));
return infer.ANull;
var IsBound = infer.constraint("self, args, target", {
addType: function(tp) {
if (!(tp instanceof infer.Fn)) return; infer.Fn(, tp.self, tp.args.slice(this.args.length),
tp.argNames.slice(this.args.length), tp.retval));
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(tp.args.length, this.args.length); ++i)
infer.registerFunction("Function_bind", function(self, args) {
if (!args.length) return infer.ANull;
var result = new infer.AVal;
self.propagate(new IsBound(args[0], args.slice(1), result));
return result;
infer.registerFunction("Array_ctor", function(_self, args) {
var arr = new infer.Arr;
if (args.length != 1 || !args[0].hasType( {
var content = arr.getProp("<i>");
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) args[i].propagate(content);
return arr;
infer.registerFunction("Promise_ctor", function(_self, args, argNodes) {
if (args.length < 1) return infer.ANull;
var self = new infer.Obj(["Promise.prototype"]);
var valProp = self.defProp("value", argNodes && argNodes[0]);
var valArg = new infer.AVal;
var exec = new infer.Fn("execute", infer.ANull, [valArg], ["value"], infer.ANull);
var reject =;
args[0].propagate(new infer.IsCallee(infer.ANull, [exec, reject], null, infer.ANull));
return self;
return exports;


@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
// Parses comments above variable declarations, function declarations,
// and object properties as docstrings and JSDoc-style type
// annotations.
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
return mod(require("../lib/infer"), require("../lib/tern"), require("../lib/comment"),
require("acorn/acorn"), require("acorn/util/walk"));
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
return define(["../lib/infer", "../lib/tern", "../lib/comment", "acorn/acorn", "acorn/util/walk"], mod);
mod(tern, tern, tern.comment, acorn, acorn.walk);
})(function(infer, tern, comment, acorn, walk) {
"use strict";
var WG_MADEUP = 1, WG_STRONG = 101;
tern.registerPlugin("doc_comment", function(server, options) {
server.jsdocTypedefs = Object.create(null);
server.on("reset", function() {
server.jsdocTypedefs = Object.create(null);
server._docComment = {
weight: options && options.strong ? WG_STRONG : undefined,
fullDocs: options && options.fullDocs
return {
passes: {
postParse: postParse,
postInfer: postInfer,
postLoadDef: postLoadDef
function postParse(ast, text) {
function attachComments(node) { comment.ensureCommentsBefore(text, node); }
walk.simple(ast, {
VariableDeclaration: attachComments,
FunctionDeclaration: attachComments,
AssignmentExpression: function(node) {
if (node.operator == "=") attachComments(node);
ObjectExpression: function(node) {
for (var i = 0; i <; ++i)
CallExpression: function(node) {
if (isDefinePropertyCall(node)) attachComments(node);
function isDefinePropertyCall(node) {
return node.callee.type == "MemberExpression" && == "Object" && == "defineProperty" &&
node.arguments.length >= 3 &&
typeof node.arguments[1].value == "string";
function postInfer(ast, scope) {
jsdocParseTypedefs(ast.sourceFile.text, scope);
walk.simple(ast, {
VariableDeclaration: function(node, scope) {
if (node.commentsBefore)
interpretComments(node, node.commentsBefore, scope,
FunctionDeclaration: function(node, scope) {
if (node.commentsBefore)
interpretComments(node, node.commentsBefore, scope,
AssignmentExpression: function(node, scope) {
if (node.commentsBefore)
interpretComments(node, node.commentsBefore, scope,
infer.expressionType({node: node.left, state: scope}));
ObjectExpression: function(node, scope) {
for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {
var prop =[i];
if (prop.commentsBefore)
interpretComments(prop, prop.commentsBefore, scope,
CallExpression: function(node, scope) {
if (node.commentsBefore && isDefinePropertyCall(node)) {
var type = infer.expressionType({node: node.arguments[0], state: scope}).getObjType();
if (type && type instanceof infer.Obj) {
var prop = type.props[node.arguments[1].value];
if (prop) interpretComments(node, node.commentsBefore, scope, prop);
}, infer.searchVisitor, scope);
function postLoadDef(data) {
var defs = data["!typedef"];
var cx =, orig = data["!name"];
if (defs) for (var name in defs)
cx.parent.jsdocTypedefs[name] =
maybeInstance(infer.def.parse(defs[name], orig, name), name);
function interpretComments(node, comments, scope, aval, type) {
jsdocInterpretComments(node, scope, aval, comments);
var cx =;
if (!type && aval instanceof infer.AVal && aval.types.length) {
type = aval.types[aval.types.length - 1];
if (!(type instanceof infer.Obj) || type.origin != cx.curOrigin || type.doc)
type = null;
var result = comments[comments.length - 1];
if (cx.parent._docComment.fullDocs) {
result = result.trim().replace(/\n[ \t]*\* ?/g, "\n");
} else {
var dot =\.\s/);
if (dot > 5) result = result.slice(0, dot + 1);
result = result.trim().replace(/\s*\n\s*\*\s*|\s{1,}/g, " ");
result = result.replace(/^\s*\*+\s*/, "");
if (aval instanceof infer.AVal) aval.doc = result;
if (type) type.doc = result;
// Parses a subset of JSDoc-style comments in order to include the
// explicitly defined types in the analysis.
function skipSpace(str, pos) {
while (/\s/.test(str.charAt(pos))) ++pos;
return pos;
function isIdentifier(string) {
if (!acorn.isIdentifierStart(string.charCodeAt(0))) return false;
for (var i = 1; i < string.length; i++)
if (!acorn.isIdentifierChar(string.charCodeAt(i))) return false;
return true;
function parseLabelList(scope, str, pos, close) {
var labels = [], types = [], madeUp = false;
for (var first = true; ; first = false) {
pos = skipSpace(str, pos);
if (first && str.charAt(pos) == close) break;
var colon = str.indexOf(":", pos);
if (colon < 0) return null;
var label = str.slice(pos, colon);
if (!isIdentifier(label)) return null;
pos = colon + 1;
var type = parseType(scope, str, pos);
if (!type) return null;
pos = type.end;
madeUp = madeUp || type.madeUp;
pos = skipSpace(str, pos);
var next = str.charAt(pos);
if (next == close) break;
if (next != ",") return null;
return {labels: labels, types: types, end: pos, madeUp: madeUp};
function parseType(scope, str, pos) {
var type, union = false, madeUp = false;
for (;;) {
var inner = parseTypeInner(scope, str, pos);
if (!inner) return null;
madeUp = madeUp || inner.madeUp;
if (union) inner.type.propagate(union);
else type = inner.type;
pos = skipSpace(str, inner.end);
if (str.charAt(pos) != "|") break;
if (!union) {
union = new infer.AVal;
type = union;
var isOptional = false;
if (str.charAt(pos) == "=") {
isOptional = true;
return {type: type, end: pos, isOptional: isOptional, madeUp: madeUp};
function parseTypeInner(scope, str, pos) {
pos = skipSpace(str, pos);
var type, madeUp = false;
if (str.indexOf("function(", pos) == pos) {
var args = parseLabelList(scope, str, pos + 9, ")"), ret = infer.ANull;
if (!args) return null;
pos = skipSpace(str, args.end);
if (str.charAt(pos) == ":") {
var retType = parseType(scope, str, pos + 1);
if (!retType) return null;
pos = retType.end;
ret = retType.type;
madeUp = retType.madeUp;
type = new infer.Fn(null, infer.ANull, args.types, args.labels, ret);
} else if (str.charAt(pos) == "[") {
var inner = parseType(scope, str, pos + 1);
if (!inner) return null;
pos = skipSpace(str, inner.end);
madeUp = inner.madeUp;
if (str.charAt(pos) != "]") return null;
type = new infer.Arr(inner.type);
} else if (str.charAt(pos) == "{") {
var fields = parseLabelList(scope, str, pos + 1, "}");
if (!fields) return null;
type = new infer.Obj(true);
for (var i = 0; i < fields.types.length; ++i) {
var field = type.defProp(fields.labels[i]);
field.initializer = true;
pos = fields.end;
madeUp = fields.madeUp;
} else if (str.charAt(pos) == "(") {
var inner = parseType(scope, str, pos + 1);
if (!inner) return null;
pos = skipSpace(str, inner.end);
if (str.charAt(pos) != ")") return null;
type = inner.type;
} else {
var start = pos;
if (!acorn.isIdentifierStart(str.charCodeAt(pos))) return null;
while (acorn.isIdentifierChar(str.charCodeAt(pos))) ++pos;
if (start == pos) return null;
var word = str.slice(start, pos);
if (/^(number|integer)$/i.test(word)) type =;
else if (/^bool(ean)?$/i.test(word)) type =;
else if (/^string$/i.test(word)) type =;
else if (/^(null|undefined)$/i.test(word)) type = infer.ANull;
else if (/^array$/i.test(word)) {
var inner = null;
if (str.charAt(pos) == "." && str.charAt(pos + 1) == "<") {
var inAngles = parseType(scope, str, pos + 2);
if (!inAngles) return null;
pos = skipSpace(str, inAngles.end);
madeUp = inAngles.madeUp;
if (str.charAt(pos++) != ">") return null;
inner = inAngles.type;
type = new infer.Arr(inner);
} else if (/^object$/i.test(word)) {
type = new infer.Obj(true);
if (str.charAt(pos) == "." && str.charAt(pos + 1) == "<") {
var key = parseType(scope, str, pos + 2);
if (!key) return null;
pos = skipSpace(str, key.end);
madeUp = madeUp || key.madeUp;
if (str.charAt(pos++) != ",") return null;
var val = parseType(scope, str, pos);
if (!val) return null;
pos = skipSpace(str, val.end);
madeUp = key.madeUp || val.madeUp;
if (str.charAt(pos++) != ">") return null;
} else {
while (str.charCodeAt(pos) == 46 ||
acorn.isIdentifierChar(str.charCodeAt(pos))) ++pos;
var path = str.slice(start, pos);
var cx =, defs = cx.parent && cx.parent.jsdocTypedefs, found;
if (defs && (path in defs)) {
type = defs[path];
} else if (found = infer.def.parsePath(path, scope).getObjType()) {
type = maybeInstance(found, path);
} else {
if (!cx.jsdocPlaceholders) cx.jsdocPlaceholders = Object.create(null);
if (!(path in cx.jsdocPlaceholders))
type = cx.jsdocPlaceholders[path] = new infer.Obj(null, path);
type = cx.jsdocPlaceholders[path];
madeUp = true;
return {type: type, end: pos, madeUp: madeUp};
function maybeInstance(type, path) {
if (type instanceof infer.Fn && /^[A-Z]/.test(path)) {
var proto = type.getProp("prototype").getObjType();
if (proto instanceof infer.Obj) return infer.getInstance(proto);
return type;
function parseTypeOuter(scope, str, pos) {
pos = skipSpace(str, pos || 0);
if (str.charAt(pos) != "{") return null;
var result = parseType(scope, str, pos + 1);
if (!result) return null;
var end = skipSpace(str, result.end);
if (str.charAt(end) != "}") return null;
result.end = end + 1;
return result;
function jsdocInterpretComments(node, scope, aval, comments) {
var type, args, ret, foundOne, self, parsed;
for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; ++i) {
var comment = comments[i];
var decl = /(?:\n|$|\*)\s*@(type|param|arg(?:ument)?|returns?|this)\s+(.*)/g, m;
while (m = decl.exec(comment)) {
if (m[1] == "this" && (parsed = parseType(scope, m[2], 0))) {
self = parsed;
foundOne = true;
if (!(parsed = parseTypeOuter(scope, m[2]))) continue;
foundOne = true;
switch(m[1]) {
case "returns": case "return":
ret = parsed; break;
case "type":
type = parsed; break;
case "param": case "arg": case "argument":
var name = m[2].slice(parsed.end).match(/^\s*(\[?)\s*([^\]\s=]+)\s*(?:=[^\]]+\s*)?(\]?).*/);
if (!name) continue;
var argname = name[2] + (parsed.isOptional || (name[1] === '[' && name[3] === ']') ? "?" : "");
(args || (args = Object.create(null)))[argname] = parsed;
if (foundOne) applyType(type, self, args, ret, node, aval);
function jsdocParseTypedefs(text, scope) {
var cx =;
var re = /\s@typedef\s+(.*)/g, m;
while (m = re.exec(text)) {
var parsed = parseTypeOuter(scope, m[1]);
var name = parsed && m[1].slice(parsed.end).match(/^\s*(\S+)/);
if (name)
cx.parent.jsdocTypedefs[name[1]] = parsed.type;
function propagateWithWeight(type, target) {
var weight =;
type.type.propagate(target, weight || (type.madeUp ? WG_MADEUP : undefined));
function applyType(type, self, args, ret, node, aval) {
var fn;
if (node.type == "VariableDeclaration") {
var decl = node.declarations[0];
if (decl.init && decl.init.type == "FunctionExpression") fn = decl.init.body.scope.fnType;
} else if (node.type == "FunctionDeclaration") {
fn = node.body.scope.fnType;
} else if (node.type == "AssignmentExpression") {
if (node.right.type == "FunctionExpression")
fn = node.right.body.scope.fnType;
} else if (node.type == "CallExpression") {
} else { // An object property
if (node.value.type == "FunctionExpression") fn = node.value.body.scope.fnType;
if (fn && (args || ret || self)) {
if (args) for (var i = 0; i < fn.argNames.length; ++i) {
var name = fn.argNames[i], known = args[name];
if (!known && (known = args[name + "?"]))
fn.argNames[i] += "?";
if (known) propagateWithWeight(known, fn.args[i]);
if (ret) propagateWithWeight(ret, fn.retval);
if (self) propagateWithWeight(self, fn.self);
} else if (type) {
propagateWithWeight(type, aval);


@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
function ecma5Spec()
return {
"!name": "ecma5",
"!define": {"Error.prototype": "Error.prototype"},
"Infinity": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A numeric value representing infinity."
"undefined": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The value undefined."
"NaN": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A value representing Not-A-Number."
"Object": {
"!type": "fn()",
"getPrototypeOf": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> ?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the prototype (i.e. the internal prototype) of the specified object."
"create": {
"!type": "fn(proto: ?) -> !custom:Object_create",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties."
"defineProperty": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?, prop: string, desc: ?) -> !custom:Object_defineProperty",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Defines a new property directly on an object, or modifies an existing property on an object, and returns the object. If you want to see how to use the Object.defineProperty method with a binary-flags-like syntax, see this article."
"defineProperties": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?, props: ?)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Defines a new property directly on an object, or modifies an existing property on an object, and returns the object. If you want to see how to use the Object.defineProperty method with a binary-flags-like syntax, see this article."
"getOwnPropertyDescriptor": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?, prop: string) -> ?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a property descriptor for an own property (that is, one directly present on an object, not present by dint of being along an object's prototype chain) of a given object."
"keys": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> [string]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties, in the same order as that provided by a for-in loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well)."
"getOwnPropertyNames": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> [string]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an array of all properties (enumerable or not) found directly upon a given object."
"seal": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Seals an object, preventing new properties from being added to it and marking all existing properties as non-configurable. Values of present properties can still be changed as long as they are writable."
"isSealed": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Determine if an object is sealed."
"freeze": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Freezes an object: that is, prevents new properties from being added to it; prevents existing properties from being removed; and prevents existing properties, or their enumerability, configurability, or writability, from being changed. In essence the object is made effectively immutable. The method returns the object being frozen."
"isFrozen": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Determine if an object is frozen."
"preventExtensions": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Prevents new properties from ever being added to an object."
"isExtensible": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The Object.isExtensible() method determines if an object is extensible (whether it can have new properties added to it)."
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "Object",
"toString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the object."
"toLocaleString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the object. This method is meant to be overriden by derived objects for locale-specific purposes."
"valueOf": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the primitive value of the specified object"
"hasOwnProperty": {
"!type": "fn(prop: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property."
"propertyIsEnumerable": {
"!type": "fn(prop: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified property is enumerable."
"isPrototypeOf": {
"!type": "fn(obj: ?) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Tests for an object in another object's prototype chain."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates an object wrapper."
"Function": {
"!type": "fn(body: string) -> fn()",
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "Function",
"apply": {
"!type": "fn(this: ?, args: [?])",
"!effects": [
"call and return !this this=!0 !1.<i> !1.<i> !1.<i>"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided as an array (or an array like object)."
"call": {
"!type": "fn(this: ?, args?: ?) -> !this.!ret",
"!effects": [
"call and return !this this=!0 !1 !2 !3 !4"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided individually."
"bind": {
"!type": "fn(this: ?, args?: ?) -> !custom:Function_bind",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function was called."
"prototype": "?"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Every function in JavaScript is actually a Function object."
"Array": {
"!type": "fn(size: number) -> !custom:Array_ctor",
"isArray": {
"!type": "fn(value: ?) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns true if an object is an array, false if it is not."
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "Array",
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An unsigned, 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in an array."
"concat": {
"!type": "fn(other: [?]) -> !this",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a new array comprised of this array joined with other array(s) and/or value(s)."
"join": {
"!type": "fn(separator?: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Joins all elements of an array into a string."
"splice": {
"!type": "fn(pos: number, amount: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Changes the content of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements."
"pop": {
"!type": "fn() -> !this.<i>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes the last element from an array and returns that element."
"push": {
"!type": "fn(newelt: ?) -> number",
"!effects": [
"propagate !0 !this.<i>"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Mutates an array by appending the given elements and returning the new length of the array."
"shift": {
"!type": "fn() -> !this.<i>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes the first element from an array and returns that element. This method changes the length of the array."
"unshift": {
"!type": "fn(newelt: ?) -> number",
"!effects": [
"propagate !0 !this.<i>"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array."
"slice": {
"!type": "fn(from: number, to?: number) -> !this",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array."
"reverse": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Reverses an array in place. The first array element becomes the last and the last becomes the first."
"sort": {
"!type": "fn(compare?: fn(a: ?, b: ?) -> number)",
"!effects": [
"call !0 !this.<i> !this.<i>"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the array."
"indexOf": {
"!type": "fn(elt: ?, from?: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present."
"lastIndexOf": {
"!type": "fn(elt: ?, from?: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present. The array is searched backwards, starting at fromIndex."
"every": {
"!type": "fn(test: fn(elt: ?, i: number) -> bool, context?: ?) -> bool",
"!effects": [
"call !0 this=!1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided function."
"some": {
"!type": "fn(test: fn(elt: ?, i: number) -> bool, context?: ?) -> bool",
"!effects": [
"call !0 this=!1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Tests whether some element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function."
"filter": {
"!type": "fn(test: fn(elt: ?, i: number) -> bool, context?: ?) -> !this",
"!effects": [
"call !0 this=!1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function."
"forEach": {
"!type": "fn(f: fn(elt: ?, i: number), context?: ?)",
"!effects": [
"call !0 this=!1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Executes a provided function once per array element."
"map": {
"!type": "fn(f: fn(elt: ?, i: number) -> ?, context?: ?) -> [!0.!ret]",
"!effects": [
"call !0 this=!1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array."
"reduce": {
"!type": "fn(combine: fn(sum: ?, elt: ?, i: number) -> ?, init?: ?) -> !0.!ret",
"!effects": [
"call !0 !1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Apply a function against an accumulator and each value of the array (from left-to-right) as to reduce it to a single value."
"reduceRight": {
"!type": "fn(combine: fn(sum: ?, elt: ?, i: number) -> ?, init?: ?) -> !0.!ret",
"!effects": [
"call !0 !1 !this.<i> number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Apply a function simultaneously against two values of the array (from right-to-left) as to reduce it to a single value."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The JavaScript Array global object is a constructor for arrays, which are high-level, list-like objects."
"String": {
"!type": "fn(value: ?) -> string",
"fromCharCode": {
"!type": "fn(code: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string created by using the specified sequence of Unicode values."
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "String",
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents the length of a string."
"<i>": "string",
"charAt": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the specified character from a string."
"charCodeAt": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the numeric Unicode value of the character at the given index (except for unicode codepoints > 0x10000)."
"indexOf": {
"!type": "fn(char: string, from?: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex,\nreturns -1 if the value is not found."
"lastIndexOf": {
"!type": "fn(char: string, from?: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the index within the calling String object of the last occurrence of the specified value, or -1 if not found. The calling string is searched backward, starting at fromIndex."
"substring": {
"!type": "fn(from: number, to?: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a subset of a string between one index and another, or through the end of the string."
"substr": {
"!type": "fn(from: number, length?: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location through the specified number of characters."
"slice": {
"!type": "fn(from: number, to?: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Extracts a section of a string and returns a new string."
"trim": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes whitespace from both ends of the string."
"toUpperCase": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the calling string value converted to uppercase."
"toLowerCase": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the calling string value converted to lowercase."
"toLocaleUpperCase": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the calling string value converted to upper case, according to any locale-specific case mappings."
"toLocaleLowerCase": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the calling string value converted to lower case, according to any locale-specific case mappings."
"split": {
"!type": "fn(pattern: string) -> [string]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings."
"concat": {
"!type": "fn(other: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Combines the text of two or more strings and returns a new string."
"localeCompare": {
"!type": "fn(other: string) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort order."
"match": {
"!type": "fn(pattern: +RegExp) -> [string]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Used to retrieve the matches when matching a string against a regular expression."
"replace": {
"!type": "fn(pattern: +RegExp, replacement: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement. The pattern can be a string or a RegExp, and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match."
"search": {
"!type": "fn(pattern: +RegExp) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Executes the search for a match between a regular expression and this String object."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The String global object is a constructor for strings, or a sequence of characters."
"Number": {
"!type": "fn(value: ?) -> number",
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The maximum numeric value representable in JavaScript."
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The smallest positive numeric value representable in JavaScript."
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A value representing the positive Infinity value."
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A value representing the negative Infinity value."
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "Number",
"toString": {
"!type": "fn(radix?: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the specified Number object"
"toFixed": {
"!type": "fn(digits: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Formats a number using fixed-point notation"
"toExponential": {
"!type": "fn(digits: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the Number object in exponential notation"
"toPrecision": {
"!type": "fn(digits: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The toPrecision() method returns a string representing the number to the specified precision."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The Number JavaScript object is a wrapper object allowing you to work with numerical values. A Number object is created using the Number() constructor."
"Boolean": {
"!type": "fn(value: ?) -> bool",
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "Boolean"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The Boolean object is an object wrapper for a boolean value."
"RegExp": {
"!type": "fn(source: string, flags?: string)",
"prototype": {
"!stdProto": "RegExp",
"exec": {
"!type": "fn(input: string) -> [string]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Executes a search for a match in a specified string. Returns a result array, or null."
"test": {
"!type": "fn(input: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Executes the search for a match between a regular expression and a specified string. Returns true or false."
"global": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a regular expression object for matching text with a pattern."
"ignoreCase": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a regular expression object for matching text with a pattern."
"multiline": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Reflects whether or not to search in strings across multiple lines.\n"
"source": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A read-only property that contains the text of the pattern, excluding the forward slashes.\n"
"lastIndex": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A read/write integer property that specifies the index at which to start the next match."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a regular expression object for matching text with a pattern."
"Date": {
"!type": "fn(ms: number)",
"parse": {
"!type": "fn(source: string) -> +Date",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Parses a string representation of a date, and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC."
"UTC": {
"!type": "fn(year: number, month: number, date: number, hour?: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Accepts the same parameters as the longest form of the constructor, and returns the number of milliseconds in a Date object since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, universal time."
"now": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC."
"prototype": {
"toUTCString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Converts a date to a string, using the universal time convention."
"toISOString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "JavaScript provides a direct way to convert a date object into a string in ISO format, the ISO 8601 Extended Format."
"toDateString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the date portion of a Date object in human readable form in American English."
"toTimeString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the time portion of a Date object in human readable form in American English."
"toLocaleDateString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Converts a date to a string, returning the \"date\" portion using the operating system's locale's conventions.\n"
"toLocaleTimeString": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Converts a date to a string, returning the \"time\" portion using the current locale's conventions."
"getTime": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the numeric value corresponding to the time for the specified date according to universal time."
"getFullYear": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the year of the specified date according to local time."
"getYear": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the year in the specified date according to local time."
"getMonth": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the month in the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCMonth": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the month of the specified date according to universal time.\n"
"getDate": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the day of the month for the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCDate": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the day (date) of the month in the specified date according to universal time.\n"
"getDay": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the day of the week for the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCDay": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the day of the week in the specified date according to universal time.\n"
"getHours": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the hour for the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCHours": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the hours in the specified date according to universal time.\n"
"getMinutes": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the minutes in the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCMinutes": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates JavaScript Date instances which let you work with dates and times."
"getSeconds": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the seconds in the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCSeconds": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the seconds in the specified date according to universal time.\n"
"getMilliseconds": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the milliseconds in the specified date according to local time."
"getUTCMilliseconds": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the milliseconds in the specified date according to universal time.\n"
"getTimezoneOffset": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the time-zone offset from UTC, in minutes, for the current locale."
"setTime": {
"!type": "fn(date: +Date) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the Date object to the time represented by a number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.\n"
"setFullYear": {
"!type": "fn(year: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the full year for a specified date according to local time.\n"
"setUTCFullYear": {
"!type": "fn(year: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the full year for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"setMonth": {
"!type": "fn(month: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Set the month for a specified date according to local time."
"setUTCMonth": {
"!type": "fn(month: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the month for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"setDate": {
"!type": "fn(day: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the day of the month for a specified date according to local time."
"setUTCDate": {
"!type": "fn(day: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the day of the month for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"setHours": {
"!type": "fn(hour: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the hours for a specified date according to local time, and returns the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC until the time represented by the updated Date instance."
"setUTCHours": {
"!type": "fn(hour: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the hour for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"setMinutes": {
"!type": "fn(min: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the minutes for a specified date according to local time."
"setUTCMinutes": {
"!type": "fn(min: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the minutes for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"setSeconds": {
"!type": "fn(sec: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the seconds for a specified date according to local time."
"setUTCSeconds": {
"!type": "fn(sec: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the seconds for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"setMilliseconds": {
"!type": "fn(ms: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the milliseconds for a specified date according to local time.\n"
"setUTCMilliseconds": {
"!type": "fn(ms: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the milliseconds for a specified date according to universal time.\n"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates JavaScript Date instances which let you work with dates and times."
"Error": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": {
"name": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A name for the type of error."
"message": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A human-readable description of the error."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates an error object."
"SyntaxError": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": "Error.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an error when trying to interpret syntactically invalid code."
"ReferenceError": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": "Error.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an error when a non-existent variable is referenced."
"URIError": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": "Error.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an error when a malformed URI is encountered."
"EvalError": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": "Error.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an error regarding the eval function."
"RangeError": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": "Error.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an error when a number is not within the correct range allowed."
"TypeError": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"prototype": "Error.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an error an error when a value is not of the expected type."
"parseInt": {
"!type": "fn(string: string, radix?: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Parses a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base."
"parseFloat": {
"!type": "fn(string: string) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Parses a string argument and returns a floating point number."
"isNaN": {
"!type": "fn(value: number) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Determines whether a value is NaN or not. Be careful, this function is broken. You may be interested in ECMAScript 6 Number.isNaN."
"isFinite": {
"!type": "fn(value: number) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Determines whether the passed value is a finite number."
"eval": {
"!type": "fn(code: string) -> ?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string."
"encodeURI": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two \"surrogate\" characters)."
"encodeURIComponent": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two \"surrogate\" characters)."
"decodeURI": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) previously created by encodeURI or by a similar routine."
"decodeURIComponent": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component previously created by encodeURIComponent or by a similar routine."
"Math": {
"E": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The base of natural logarithms, e, approximately 2.718."
"LN2": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The natural logarithm of 2, approximately 0.693."
"LN10": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The natural logarithm of 10, approximately 2.302."
"LOG2E": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The base 2 logarithm of E (approximately 1.442)."
"LOG10E": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The base 10 logarithm of E (approximately 0.434)."
"SQRT1_2": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The square root of 1/2; equivalently, 1 over the square root of 2, approximately 0.707."
"SQRT2": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The square root of 2, approximately 1.414."
"PI": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159."
"abs": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the absolute value of a number."
"cos": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the cosine of a number."
"sin": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the sine of a number."
"tan": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the tangent of a number."
"acos": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the arccosine (in radians) of a number."
"asin": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the arcsine (in radians) of a number."
"atan": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the arctangent (in radians) of a number."
"atan2": {
"!type": "fn(y: number, x: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments."
"ceil": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number."
"floor": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number."
"round": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer."
"exp": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns Ex, where x is the argument, and E is Euler's constant, the base of the natural logarithms."
"log": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a number."
"sqrt": {
"!type": "fn(number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the square root of a number."
"pow": {
"!type": "fn(number, number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns base to the exponent power, that is, baseexponent."
"max": {
"!type": "fn(number, number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the largest of zero or more numbers."
"min": {
"!type": "fn(number, number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the smallest of zero or more numbers."
"random": {
"!type": "fn() -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1) that is, from 0 (inclusive) up to but not including 1 (exclusive), which you can then scale to your desired range."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A built-in object that has properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions."
"JSON": {
"parse": {
"!type": "fn(json: string) -> ?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Parse a string as JSON, optionally transforming the value produced by parsing."
"stringify": {
"!type": "fn(value: ?) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Convert a value to JSON, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified, or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data-interchange format. It closely resembles a subset of JavaScript syntax, although it is not a strict subset. (See JSON in the JavaScript Reference for full details.) It is useful when writing any kind of JavaScript-based application, including websites and browser extensions. For example, you might store user information in JSON format in a cookie, or you might store extension preferences in JSON in a string-valued browser preference."


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -1,31 +1,57 @@
(function() {
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-hint";
var ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-hint-active";
// This is the old interface, kept around for now to stay
// backwards-compatible.
CodeMirror.showHint = function(cm, getHints, options) {
// We want a single cursor position.
if (cm.somethingSelected()) return;
if (getHints == null) {
if (options && options.async) return;
else getHints =;
if (!getHints) return cm.showHint(options);
if (options && options.async) getHints.async = true;
var newOpts = {hint: getHints};
if (options) for (var prop in options) newOpts[prop] = options[prop];
return cm.showHint(newOpts);
var asyncRunID = 0;
function retrieveHints(getter, cm, options, then) {
if (getter.async) {
var id = ++asyncRunID;
getter(cm, function(hints) {
if (asyncRunID == id) then(hints);
}, options);
} else {
then(getter(cm, options));
if (cm.state.completionActive) cm.state.completionActive.close();
CodeMirror.defineExtension("showHint", function(options) {
// We want a single cursor position.
if (this.listSelections().length > 1 || this.somethingSelected()) return;
var completion = cm.state.completionActive = new Completion(cm, getHints, options || {});
CodeMirror.signal(cm, "startCompletion", cm);
if (completion.options.async)
getHints(cm, function(hints) { completion.showHints(hints); }, completion.options);
return completion.showHints(getHints(cm, completion.options));
if (this.state.completionActive) this.state.completionActive.close();
var completion = this.state.completionActive = new Completion(this, options);
var getHints = completion.options.hint;
if (!getHints) return;
function Completion(cm, getHints, options) {
CodeMirror.signal(this, "startCompletion", this);
return retrieveHints(getHints, this, completion.options, function(hints) { completion.showHints(hints); });
function Completion(cm, options) { = cm;
this.getHints = getHints;
this.options = options;
this.options = this.buildOptions(options);
this.widget = this.onClose = null;
@ -46,7 +72,8 @@
pick: function(data, i) {
var completion = data.list[i];
if (completion.hint) completion.hint(, data, completion);
else, completion.from||data.from,||;
else, completion.from || data.from, ||, "complete");
CodeMirror.signal(data, "pick", completion);
@ -54,7 +81,7 @@
showHints: function(data) {
if (!data || !data.list.length || ! return this.close();
if (this.options.completeSingle != false && data.list.length == 1)
if (this.options.completeSingle && data.list.length == 1)
this.pick(data, 0);
@ -65,7 +92,7 @@
CodeMirror.signal(data, "shown");
var debounce = 0, completion = this, finished;
var closeOn = this.options.closeCharacters || /[\s()\[\]{};:>,]/;
var closeOn = this.options.closeCharacters;
var startPos =, startLen =;
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function(fn) {
@ -84,10 +111,7 @@
function update() {
if (finished) return;
CodeMirror.signal(data, "update");
if (completion.options.async)
completion.getHints(, finishUpdate, completion.options);
finishUpdate(completion.getHints(, completion.options));
retrieveHints(completion.options.hint,, completion.options, finishUpdate);
function finishUpdate(data_) {
data = data_;
@ -118,6 +142,17 @@
}"cursorActivity", activity);
this.onClose = done;
buildOptions: function(options) {
var editor =;
var out = {};
for (var prop in defaultOptions) out[prop] = defaultOptions[prop];
if (editor) for (var prop in editor)
if (editor[prop] !== undefined) out[prop] = editor[prop];
if (options) for (var prop in options)
if (options[prop] !== undefined) out[prop] = options[prop];
return out;
@ -126,7 +161,7 @@
else return completion.text;
function buildKeyMap(options, handle) {
function buildKeyMap(completion, handle) {
var baseMap = {
Up: function() {handle.moveFocus(-1);},
Down: function() {handle.moveFocus(1);},
@ -138,7 +173,8 @@
Tab: handle.pick,
Esc: handle.close
var ourMap = options.customKeys ? {} : baseMap;
var custom = completion.options.customKeys;
var ourMap = custom ? {} : baseMap;
function addBinding(key, val) {
var bound;
if (typeof val != "string")
@ -150,12 +186,13 @@
bound = val;
ourMap[key] = bound;
if (options.customKeys)
for (var key in options.customKeys) if (options.customKeys.hasOwnProperty(key))
addBinding(key, options.customKeys[key]);
if (options.extraKeys)
for (var key in options.extraKeys) if (options.extraKeys.hasOwnProperty(key))
addBinding(key, options.extraKeys[key]);
if (custom)
for (var key in custom) if (custom.hasOwnProperty(key))
addBinding(key, custom[key]);
var extra = completion.options.extraKeys;
if (extra)
for (var key in extra) if (extra.hasOwnProperty(key))
addBinding(key, extra[key]);
return ourMap;
@ -169,11 +206,11 @@
function Widget(completion, data) {
this.completion = completion; = data;
var widget = this, cm =, options = completion.options;
var widget = this, cm =;
var hints = this.hints = document.createElement("ul");
hints.className = "CodeMirror-hints";
this.selectedHint = options.getDefaultSelection ? options.getDefaultSelection(cm,options,data) : 0;
this.selectedHint = data.selectedHint || 0;
var completions = data.list;
for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) {
@ -186,19 +223,19 @@
elt.hintId = i;
var pos = cm.cursorCoords(options.alignWithWord !== false ? data.from : null);
var pos = cm.cursorCoords(completion.options.alignWithWord ? data.from : null);
var left = pos.left, top = pos.bottom, below = true; = left + "px"; = top + "px";
// If we're at the edge of the screen, then we want the menu to appear on the left of the cursor.
var winW = window.innerWidth || Math.max(document.body.offsetWidth, document.documentElement.offsetWidth);
var winH = window.innerHeight || Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight);
(options.container || document.body).appendChild(hints);
(completion.options.container || document.body).appendChild(hints);
var box = hints.getBoundingClientRect(), overlapY = box.bottom - winH;
if (overlapY > 0) {
var height = box.bottom -, curTop = - (pos.bottom -;
var height = box.bottom -, curTop = - (pos.bottom -;
if (curTop - height > 0) { // Fits above cursor = (top = curTop - height) + "px"; = (top = - height) + "px";
below = false;
} else if (height > winH) { = (winH - 5) + "px";
@ -211,7 +248,7 @@
var overlapX = box.left - winW;
var overlapX = box.right - winW;
if (overlapX > 0) {
if (box.right - box.left > winW) { = (winW - 5) + "px";
@ -220,7 +257,7 @@ = (left = pos.left - overlapX) + "px";
cm.addKeyMap(this.keyMap = buildKeyMap(options, {
cm.addKeyMap(this.keyMap = buildKeyMap(completion, {
moveFocus: function(n, avoidWrap) { widget.changeActive(widget.selectedHint + n, avoidWrap); },
setFocus: function(n) { widget.changeActive(n); },
menuSize: function() { return widget.screenAmount(); },
@ -230,7 +267,7 @@
data: data
if (options.closeOnUnfocus !== false) {
if (completion.options.closeOnUnfocus) {
var closingOnBlur;
cm.on("blur", this.onBlur = function() { closingOnBlur = setTimeout(function() { completion.close(); }, 100); });
cm.on("focus", this.onFocus = function() { clearTimeout(closingOnBlur); });
@ -256,7 +293,7 @@
var t = getHintElement(hints, || e.srcElement);
if (t && t.hintId != null) {
if (options.completeOnSingleClick) widget.pick();
if (completion.options.completeOnSingleClick) widget.pick();
@ -276,7 +313,7 @@;
var cm =;
if (this.completion.options.closeOnUnfocus !== false) {
if (this.completion.options.closeOnUnfocus) {"blur", this.onBlur);"focus", this.onFocus);
@ -340,4 +377,18 @@
CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = CodeMirror.showHint;
var defaultOptions = {
completeSingle: true,
alignWithWord: true,
closeCharacters: /[\s()\[\]{};:>,]/,
closeOnUnfocus: true,
completeOnSingleClick: false,
container: null,
customKeys: null,
extraKeys: null
CodeMirror.defineOption("hintOptions", null);


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
(function(root, mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
return mod(exports);
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
return define(["exports"], mod);
mod((root.tern || (root.tern = {})).signal = {}); // Plain browser env
})(this, function(exports) {
function on(type, f) {
var handlers = this._handlers || (this._handlers = Object.create(null));
(handlers[type] || (handlers[type] = [])).push(f);
function off(type, f) {
var arr = this._handlers && this._handlers[type];
if (arr) for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
if (arr[i] == f) { arr.splice(i, 1); break; }
function signal(type, a1, a2, a3, a4) {
var arr = this._handlers && this._handlers[type];
if (arr) for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) arr[i].call(this, a1, a2, a3, a4);
exports.mixin = function(obj) {
obj.on = on; = off; obj.signal = signal;
return obj;


@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
// Glue code between CodeMirror and Tern.
// Create a CodeMirror.TernServer to wrap an actual Tern server,
// register open documents (CodeMirror.Doc instances) with it, and
// call its methods to activate the assisting functions that Tern
// provides.
// Options supported (all optional):
// * defs: An array of JSON definition data structures.
// * plugins: An object mapping plugin names to configuration
// options.
// * getFile: A function(name, c) that can be used to access files in
// the project that haven't been loaded yet. Simply do c(null) to
// indicate that a file is not available.
// * fileFilter: A function(value, docName, doc) that will be applied
// to documents before passing them on to Tern.
// * switchToDoc: A function(name, doc) that should, when providing a
// multi-file view, switch the view or focus to the named file.
// * showError: A function(editor, message) that can be used to
// override the way errors are displayed.
// * completionTip: Customize the content in tooltips for completions.
// Is passed a single argument—the completion's data as returned by
// Tern—and may return a string, DOM node, or null to indicate that
// no tip should be shown. By default the docstring is shown.
// * typeTip: Like completionTip, but for the tooltips shown for type
// queries.
// * responseFilter: A function(doc, query, request, error, data) that
// will be applied to the Tern responses before treating them
// It is possible to run the Tern server in a web worker by specifying
// these additional options:
// * useWorker: Set to true to enable web worker mode. You'll probably
// want to feature detect the actual value you use here, for example
// !!window.Worker.
// * workerScript: The main script of the worker. Point this to
// wherever you are hosting worker.js from this directory.
// * workerDeps: An array of paths pointing (relative to workerScript)
// to the Acorn and Tern libraries and any Tern plugins you want to
// load. Or, if you minified those into a single script and included
// them in the workerScript, simply leave this undefined.
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
// declare global: tern
CodeMirror.TernServer = function(options) {
var self = this;
this.options = options || {};
var plugins = this.options.plugins || (this.options.plugins = {});
if (!plugins.doc_comment) plugins.doc_comment = true;
if (this.options.useWorker) {
this.server = new WorkerServer(this);
} else {
this.server = new tern.Server({
getFile: function(name, c) { return getFile(self, name, c); },
async: true,
defs: this.options.defs || [],
plugins: plugins
} = Object.create(null);
this.trackChange = function(doc, change) { trackChange(self, doc, change); };
this.cachedArgHints = null;
this.activeArgHints = null;
this.jumpStack = [];
this.getHint = function(cm, c) { return hint(self, cm, c); };
this.getHint.async = true;
CodeMirror.TernServer.prototype = {
addDoc: function(name, doc) {
var data = {doc: doc, name: name, changed: null};
this.server.addFile(name, docValue(this, data));
CodeMirror.on(doc, "change", this.trackChange);
return[name] = data;
delDoc: function(id) {
var found = resolveDoc(this, id);
if (!found) return;, "change", this.trackChange);
hideDoc: function(id) {
var found = resolveDoc(this, id);
if (found && found.changed) sendDoc(this, found);
complete: function(cm) {
cm.showHint({hint: this.getHint});
showType: function(cm, pos, c) { showContextInfo(this, cm, pos, "type", c); },
showDocs: function(cm, pos, c) { showContextInfo(this, cm, pos, "documentation", c); },
updateArgHints: function(cm) { updateArgHints(this, cm); },
jumpToDef: function(cm) { jumpToDef(this, cm); },
jumpBack: function(cm) { jumpBack(this, cm); },
rename: function(cm) { rename(this, cm); },
selectName: function(cm) { selectName(this, cm); },
request: function (cm, query, c, pos) {
var self = this;
var doc = findDoc(this, cm.getDoc());
var request = buildRequest(this, doc, query, pos);
this.server.request(request, function (error, data) {
if (!error && self.options.responseFilter)
data = self.options.responseFilter(doc, query, request, error, data);
c(error, data);
destroy: function () {
if (this.worker) {
this.worker = null;
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
var cls = "CodeMirror-Tern-";
var bigDoc = 250;
function getFile(ts, name, c) {
var buf =[name];
if (buf)
c(docValue(ts, buf));
else if (ts.options.getFile)
ts.options.getFile(name, c);
function findDoc(ts, doc, name) {
for (var n in {
var cur =[n];
if (cur.doc == doc) return cur;
if (!name) for (var i = 0;; ++i) {
n = "[doc" + (i || "") + "]";
if (![n]) { name = n; break; }
return ts.addDoc(name, doc);
function resolveDoc(ts, id) {
if (typeof id == "string") return[id];
if (id instanceof CodeMirror) id = id.getDoc();
if (id instanceof CodeMirror.Doc) return findDoc(ts, id);
function trackChange(ts, doc, change) {
var data = findDoc(ts, doc);
var argHints = ts.cachedArgHints;
if (argHints && argHints.doc == doc && cmpPos(argHints.start, <= 0)
ts.cachedArgHints = null;
var changed = data.changed;
if (changed == null)
data.changed = changed = {from: change.from.line, to: change.from.line};
var end = change.from.line + (change.text.length - 1);
if (change.from.line < = - ( - end);
if (end >= = end + 1;
if (changed.from > change.from.line) changed.from = change.from.line;
if (doc.lineCount() > bigDoc && - changed.from > 100) setTimeout(function() {
if (data.changed && - data.changed.from > 100) sendDoc(ts, data);
}, 200);
function sendDoc(ts, doc) {
ts.server.request({files: [{type: "full", name:, text: docValue(ts, doc)}]}, function(error) {
if (error) window.console.error(error);
else doc.changed = null;
// Completion
function hint(ts, cm, c) {
ts.request(cm, {type: "completions", types: true, docs: true, urls: true}, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
var completions = [], after = "";
var from = data.start, to = data.end;
if (cm.getRange(Pos(from.line, - 2), from) == "[\"" &&
cm.getRange(to, Pos(to.line, + 2)) != "\"]")
after = "\"]";
for (var i = 0; i < data.completions.length; ++i) {
var completion = data.completions[i], className = typeToIcon(completion.type);
if (data.guess) className += " " + cls + "guess";
completions.push({text: + after,
className: className,
data: completion});
var obj = {from: from, to: to, list: completions};
var tooltip = null;
CodeMirror.on(obj, "close", function() { remove(tooltip); });
CodeMirror.on(obj, "update", function() { remove(tooltip); });
CodeMirror.on(obj, "select", function(cur, node) {
var content = ts.options.completionTip ? ts.options.completionTip( :;
if (content) {
tooltip = makeTooltip(node.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().right + window.pageXOffset,
node.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset, content);
tooltip.className += " " + cls + "hint-doc";
function typeToIcon(type) {
var suffix;
if (type == "?") suffix = "unknown";
else if (type == "number" || type == "string" || type == "bool") suffix = type;
else if (/^fn\(/.test(type)) suffix = "fn";
else if (/^\[/.test(type)) suffix = "array";
else suffix = "object";
return cls + "completion " + cls + "completion-" + suffix;
// Type queries
function showContextInfo(ts, cm, pos, queryName, c) {
ts.request(cm, queryName, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
if (ts.options.typeTip) {
var tip = ts.options.typeTip(data);
} else {
var tip = elt("span", null, elt("strong", null, data.type || "not found"));
if (data.doc)
tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" — " + data.doc));
if (data.url) {
tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
var child = tip.appendChild(elt("a", null, "[docs]"));
child.href = data.url; = "_blank";
tempTooltip(cm, tip);
if (c) c();
}, pos);
// Maintaining argument hints
function updateArgHints(ts, cm) {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) return;
var state = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor()).state;
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), state);
if ( != "javascript") return;
var lex = inner.state.lexical;
if ( != "call") return;
var ch, argPos = lex.pos || 0, tabSize = cm.getOption("tabSize");
for (var line = cm.getCursor().line, e = Math.max(0, line - 9), found = false; line >= e; --line) {
var str = cm.getLine(line), extra = 0;
for (var pos = 0;;) {
var tab = str.indexOf("\t", pos);
if (tab == -1) break;
extra += tabSize - (tab + extra) % tabSize - 1;
pos = tab + 1;
ch = lex.column - extra;
if (str.charAt(ch) == "(") {found = true; break;}
if (!found) return;
var start = Pos(line, ch);
var cache = ts.cachedArgHints;
if (cache && cache.doc == cm.getDoc() && cmpPos(start, cache.start) == 0)
return showArgHints(ts, cm, argPos);
ts.request(cm, {type: "type", preferFunction: true, end: start}, function(error, data) {
if (error || !data.type || !(/^fn\(/).test(data.type)) return;
ts.cachedArgHints = {
start: pos,
type: parseFnType(data.type),
name: data.exprName || || "fn",
guess: data.guess,
doc: cm.getDoc()
showArgHints(ts, cm, argPos);
function showArgHints(ts, cm, pos) {
var cache = ts.cachedArgHints, tp = cache.type;
var tip = elt("span", cache.guess ? cls + "fhint-guess" : null,
elt("span", cls + "fname",, "(");
for (var i = 0; i < tp.args.length; ++i) {
if (i) tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", "));
var arg = tp.args[i];
tip.appendChild(elt("span", cls + "farg" + (i == pos ? " " + cls + "farg-current" : ""), || "?"));
if (arg.type != "?") {
tip.appendChild(elt("span", cls + "type", arg.type));
tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tp.rettype ? ") ->\u00a0" : ")"));
if (tp.rettype) tip.appendChild(elt("span", cls + "type", tp.rettype));
var place = cm.cursorCoords(null, "page");
ts.activeArgHints = makeTooltip(place.right + 1, place.bottom, tip);
function parseFnType(text) {
var args = [], pos = 3;
function skipMatching(upto) {
var depth = 0, start = pos;
for (;;) {
var next = text.charAt(pos);
if (upto.test(next) && !depth) return text.slice(start, pos);
if (/[{\[\(]/.test(next)) ++depth;
else if (/[}\]\)]/.test(next)) --depth;
// Parse arguments
if (text.charAt(pos) != ")") for (;;) {
var name = text.slice(pos).match(/^([^, \(\[\{]+): /);
if (name) {
pos += name[0].length;
name = name[1];
args.push({name: name, type: skipMatching(/[\),]/)});
if (text.charAt(pos) == ")") break;
pos += 2;
var rettype = text.slice(pos).match(/^\) -> (.*)$/);
return {args: args, rettype: rettype && rettype[1]};
// Moving to the definition of something
function jumpToDef(ts, cm) {
function inner(varName) {
var req = {type: "definition", variable: varName || null};
var doc = findDoc(ts, cm.getDoc());
ts.server.request(buildRequest(ts, doc, req), function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
if (!data.file && data.url) {; return; }
if (data.file) {
var localDoc =[data.file], found;
if (localDoc && (found = findContext(localDoc.doc, data))) {
start: cm.getCursor("from"),
end: cm.getCursor("to")});
moveTo(ts, doc, localDoc, found.start, found.end);
showError(ts, cm, "Could not find a definition.");
if (!atInterestingExpression(cm))
dialog(cm, "Jump to variable", function(name) { if (name) inner(name); });
function jumpBack(ts, cm) {
var pos = ts.jumpStack.pop(), doc = pos &&[pos.file];
if (!doc) return;
moveTo(ts, findDoc(ts, cm.getDoc()), doc, pos.start, pos.end);
function moveTo(ts, curDoc, doc, start, end) {
doc.doc.setSelection(start, end);
if (curDoc != doc && ts.options.switchToDoc) {
ts.options.switchToDoc(, doc.doc);
// The {line,ch} representation of positions makes this rather awkward.
function findContext(doc, data) {
var before = data.context.slice(0, data.contextOffset).split("\n");
var startLine = data.start.line - (before.length - 1);
var start = Pos(startLine, (before.length == 1 ? : doc.getLine(startLine).length) - before[0].length);
var text = doc.getLine(startLine).slice(;
for (var cur = startLine + 1; cur < doc.lineCount() && text.length < data.context.length; ++cur)
text += "\n" + doc.getLine(cur);
if (text.slice(0, data.context.length) == data.context) return data;
var cursor = doc.getSearchCursor(data.context, 0, false);
var nearest, nearestDist = Infinity;
while (cursor.findNext()) {
var from = cursor.from(), dist = Math.abs(from.line - start.line) * 10000;
if (!dist) dist = Math.abs( -;
if (dist < nearestDist) { nearest = from; nearestDist = dist; }
if (!nearest) return null;
if (before.length == 1) += before[0].length;
nearest = Pos(nearest.line + (before.length - 1), before[before.length - 1].length);
if (data.start.line == data.end.line)
var end = Pos(nearest.line, + ( -;
var end = Pos(nearest.line + (data.end.line - data.start.line),;
return {start: nearest, end: end};
function atInterestingExpression(cm) {
var pos = cm.getCursor("end"), tok = cm.getTokenAt(pos);
if (tok.start < && (tok.type == "comment" || tok.type == "string")) return false;
return /[\w)\]]/.test(cm.getLine(pos.line).slice(Math.max( - 1, 0), + 1));
// Variable renaming
function rename(ts, cm) {
var token = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor());
if (!/\w/.test(token.string)) return showError(ts, cm, "Not at a variable");
dialog(cm, "New name for " + token.string, function(newName) {
ts.request(cm, {type: "rename", newName: newName, fullDocs: true}, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
applyChanges(ts, data.changes);
function selectName(ts, cm) {
var name = findDoc(ts, cm.doc).name;
ts.request(cm, {type: "refs"}, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
var ranges = [], cur = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.refs.length; i++) {
var ref = data.refs[i];
if (ref.file == name) {
ranges.push({anchor: ref.start, head: ref.end});
if (cmpPos(cur, ref.start) >= 0 && cmpPos(cur, ref.end) <= 0)
cur = ranges.length - 1;
cm.setSelections(ranges, cur);
var nextChangeOrig = 0;
function applyChanges(ts, changes) {
var perFile = Object.create(null);
for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; ++i) {
var ch = changes[i];
(perFile[ch.file] || (perFile[ch.file] = [])).push(ch);
for (var file in perFile) {
var known =[file], chs = perFile[file];;
if (!known) continue;
chs.sort(function(a, b) { return cmpPos(b.start, a.start); });
var origin = "*rename" + (++nextChangeOrig);
for (var i = 0; i < chs.length; ++i) {
var ch = chs[i];
known.doc.replaceRange(ch.text, ch.start, ch.end, origin);
// Generic request-building helper
function buildRequest(ts, doc, query, pos) {
var files = [], offsetLines = 0, allowFragments = !query.fullDocs;
if (!allowFragments) delete query.fullDocs;
if (typeof query == "string") query = {type: query};
query.lineCharPositions = true;
if (query.end == null) {
query.end = pos || doc.doc.getCursor("end");
if (doc.doc.somethingSelected())
query.start = doc.doc.getCursor("start");
var startPos = query.start || query.end;
if (doc.changed) {
if (doc.doc.lineCount() > bigDoc && allowFragments !== false && - doc.changed.from < 100 &&
doc.changed.from <= startPos.line && > query.end.line) {
files.push(getFragmentAround(doc, startPos, query.end));
query.file = "#0";
var offsetLines = files[0].offsetLines;
if (query.start != null) query.start = Pos(query.start.line - -offsetLines,;
query.end = Pos(query.end.line - offsetLines,;
} else {
files.push({type: "full",
text: docValue(ts, doc)});
query.file =;
doc.changed = null;
} else {
query.file =;
for (var name in {
var cur =[name];
if (cur.changed && cur != doc) {
files.push({type: "full", name:, text: docValue(ts, cur)});
cur.changed = null;
return {query: query, files: files};
function getFragmentAround(data, start, end) {
var doc = data.doc;
var minIndent = null, minLine = null, endLine, tabSize = 4;
for (var p = start.line - 1, min = Math.max(0, p - 50); p >= min; --p) {
var line = doc.getLine(p), fn =\bfunction\b/);
if (fn < 0) continue;
var indent = CodeMirror.countColumn(line, null, tabSize);
if (minIndent != null && minIndent <= indent) continue;
minIndent = indent;
minLine = p;
if (minLine == null) minLine = min;
var max = Math.min(doc.lastLine(), end.line + 20);
if (minIndent == null || minIndent == CodeMirror.countColumn(doc.getLine(start.line), null, tabSize))
endLine = max;
else for (endLine = end.line + 1; endLine < max; ++endLine) {
var indent = CodeMirror.countColumn(doc.getLine(endLine), null, tabSize);
if (indent <= minIndent) break;
var from = Pos(minLine, 0);
return {type: "part",
offsetLines: from.line,
text: doc.getRange(from, Pos(endLine, 0))};
// Generic utilities
var cmpPos = CodeMirror.cmpPos;
function elt(tagname, cls /*, ... elts*/) {
var e = document.createElement(tagname);
if (cls) e.className = cls;
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
var elt = arguments[i];
if (typeof elt == "string") elt = document.createTextNode(elt);
return e;
function dialog(cm, text, f) {
if (cm.openDialog)
cm.openDialog(text + ": <input type=text>", f);
f(prompt(text, ""));
// Tooltips
function tempTooltip(cm, content) {
if (cm.state.ternTooltip) remove(cm.state.ternTooltip);
var where = cm.cursorCoords();
var tip = cm.state.ternTooltip = makeTooltip(where.right + 1, where.bottom, content);
function maybeClear() {
old = true;
if (!mouseOnTip) clear();
function clear() {
cm.state.ternTooltip = null;
if (!tip.parentNode) return;"cursorActivity", clear);'blur', clear);'scroll', clear);
var mouseOnTip = false, old = false;
CodeMirror.on(tip, "mousemove", function() { mouseOnTip = true; });
CodeMirror.on(tip, "mouseout", function(e) {
if (!CodeMirror.contains(tip, e.relatedTarget || e.toElement)) {
if (old) clear();
else mouseOnTip = false;
setTimeout(maybeClear, 1700);
cm.on("cursorActivity", clear);
cm.on('blur', clear);
cm.on('scroll', clear);
function makeTooltip(x, y, content) {
var node = elt("div", cls + "tooltip", content); = x + "px"; = y + "px";
return node;
function remove(node) {
var p = node && node.parentNode;
if (p) p.removeChild(node);
function fadeOut(tooltip) { = "0";
setTimeout(function() { remove(tooltip); }, 1100);
function showError(ts, cm, msg) {
if (ts.options.showError)
ts.options.showError(cm, msg);
tempTooltip(cm, String(msg));
function closeArgHints(ts) {
if (ts.activeArgHints) { remove(ts.activeArgHints); ts.activeArgHints = null; }
function docValue(ts, doc) {
var val = doc.doc.getValue();
if (ts.options.fileFilter) val = ts.options.fileFilter(val,, doc.doc);
return val;
// Worker wrapper
function WorkerServer(ts) {
var worker = ts.worker = new Worker(ts.options.workerScript);
worker.postMessage({type: "init",
defs: ts.options.defs,
plugins: ts.options.plugins,
scripts: ts.options.workerDeps});
var msgId = 0, pending = {};
function send(data, c) {
if (c) { = ++msgId;
pending[msgId] = c;
worker.onmessage = function(e) {
var data =;
if (data.type == "getFile") {
getFile(ts,, function(err, text) {
send({type: "getFile", err: String(err), text: text, id:});
} else if (data.type == "debug") {
} else if ( && pending[]) {
pending[](data.err, data.body);
delete pending[];
worker.onerror = function(e) {
for (var id in pending) pending[id](e);
pending = {};
this.addFile = function(name, text) { send({type: "add", name: name, text: text}); };
this.delFile = function(name) { send({type: "del", name: name}); };
this.request = function(body, c) { send({type: "req", body: body}, c); };


@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
// The Tern server object
// A server is a stateful object that manages the analysis for a
// project, and defines an interface for querying the code in the
// project.
(function(root, mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
return mod(exports, require("./infer"), require("./signal"),
require("acorn/acorn"), require("acorn/util/walk"));
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
return define(["exports", "./infer", "./signal", "acorn/acorn", "acorn/util/walk"], mod);
mod(root.tern || (root.tern = {}), tern, tern.signal, acorn, acorn.walk); // Plain browser env
})(this, function(exports, infer, signal, acorn, walk) {
"use strict";
var plugins = Object.create(null);
exports.registerPlugin = function(name, init) { plugins[name] = init; };
var defaultOptions = exports.defaultOptions = {
debug: false,
async: false,
getFile: function(_f, c) { if (this.async) c(null, null); },
defs: [],
plugins: {},
fetchTimeout: 1000,
dependencyBudget: 20000,
reuseInstances: true,
stripCRs: false
var queryTypes = {
completions: {
takesFile: true,
run: findCompletions
properties: {
run: findProperties
type: {
takesFile: true,
run: findTypeAt
documentation: {
takesFile: true,
run: findDocs
definition: {
takesFile: true,
run: findDef
refs: {
takesFile: true,
fullFile: true,
run: findRefs
rename: {
takesFile: true,
fullFile: true,
run: buildRename
files: {
run: listFiles
exports.defineQueryType = function(name, desc) { queryTypes[name] = desc; };
function File(name, parent) { = name;
this.parent = parent;
this.scope = this.text = this.ast = this.lineOffsets = null;
File.prototype.asLineChar = function(pos) { return asLineChar(this, pos); };
function updateText(file, text, srv) {
file.text = srv.options.stripCRs ? text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n") : text;
infer.withContext(, function() {
file.ast = infer.parse(file.text, srv.passes, {directSourceFile: file, allowReturnOutsideFunction: true});
file.lineOffsets = null;
var Server = exports.Server = function(options) { = null;
this.options = options || {};
for (var o in defaultOptions) if (!options.hasOwnProperty(o))
options[o] = defaultOptions[o];
this.handlers = Object.create(null);
this.files = [];
this.fileMap = Object.create(null);
this.needsPurge = [];
this.budgets = Object.create(null);
this.uses = 0;
this.pending = 0;
this.asyncError = null;
this.passes = Object.create(null);
this.defs = options.defs.slice(0);
for (var plugin in options.plugins) if (options.plugins.hasOwnProperty(plugin) && plugin in plugins) {
var init = plugins[plugin](this, options.plugins[plugin]);
if (init && init.defs) {
if (init.loadFirst) this.defs.unshift(init.defs);
else this.defs.push(init.defs);
if (init && init.passes) for (var type in init.passes) if (init.passes.hasOwnProperty(type))
(this.passes[type] || (this.passes[type] = [])).push(init.passes[type]);
Server.prototype = signal.mixin({
addFile: function(name, /*optional*/ text, parent) {
// Don't crash when sloppy plugins pass non-existent parent ids
if (parent && !(parent in this.fileMap)) parent = null;
ensureFile(this, name, parent, text);
delFile: function(name) {
var file = this.findFile(name);
if (file) {
this.files.splice(this.files.indexOf(file), 1);
delete this.fileMap[name];
reset: function() {
this.signal("reset"); = new infer.Context(this.defs, this);
this.uses = 0;
this.budgets = Object.create(null);
for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; ++i) {
var file = this.files[i];
file.scope = null;
request: function(doc, c) {
var inv = invalidDoc(doc);
if (inv) return c(inv);
var self = this;
doRequest(this, doc, function(err, data) {
c(err, data);
if (self.uses > 40) {
analyzeAll(self, null, function(){});
findFile: function(name) {
return this.fileMap[name];
flush: function(c) {
var cx =;
analyzeAll(this, null, function(err) {
if (err) return c(err);
infer.withContext(cx, c);
startAsyncAction: function() {
finishAsyncAction: function(err) {
if (err) this.asyncError = err;
if (--this.pending === 0) this.signal("everythingFetched");
function doRequest(srv, doc, c) {
if (doc.query && !queryTypes.hasOwnProperty(doc.query.type))
return c("No query type '" + doc.query.type + "' defined");
var query = doc.query;
// Respond as soon as possible when this just uploads files
if (!query) c(null, {});
var files = doc.files || [];
if (files.length) ++srv.uses;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
var file = files[i];
if (file.type == "delete")
ensureFile(srv,, null, file.type == "full" ? file.text : null);
var timeBudget = typeof doc.timeout == "number" ? [doc.timeout] : null;
if (!query) {
analyzeAll(srv, timeBudget, function(){});
var queryType = queryTypes[query.type];
if (queryType.takesFile) {
if (typeof query.file != "string") return c(".query.file must be a string");
if (!/^#/.test(query.file)) ensureFile(srv, query.file, null);
analyzeAll(srv, timeBudget, function(err) {
if (err) return c(err);
var file = queryType.takesFile && resolveFile(srv, files, query.file);
if (queryType.fullFile && file.type == "part")
return c("Can't run a " + query.type + " query on a file fragment");
function run() {
var result;
try {
result =, query, file);
} catch (e) {
if (srv.options.debug && != "TernError") console.error(e.stack);
return c(e);
c(null, result);
infer.withContext(, timeBudget ? function() { infer.withTimeout(timeBudget[0], run); } : run);
function analyzeFile(srv, file) {
infer.withContext(, function() {
file.scope =;
srv.signal("beforeLoad", file);
infer.analyze(file.ast,, file.scope, srv.passes);
srv.signal("afterLoad", file);
return file;
function ensureFile(srv, name, parent, text) {
var known = srv.findFile(name);
if (known) {
if (text != null) {
if (known.scope) {
known.scope = null;
updateText(known, text, srv);
if (parentDepth(srv, known.parent) > parentDepth(srv, parent)) {
known.parent = parent;
if (known.excluded) known.excluded = null;
var file = new File(name, parent);
srv.fileMap[name] = file;
if (text != null) {
updateText(file, text, srv);
} else if (srv.options.async) {
srv.options.getFile(name, function(err, text) {
updateText(file, text || "", srv);
} else {
updateText(file, srv.options.getFile(name) || "", srv);
function fetchAll(srv, c) {
var done = true, returned = false;
srv.files.forEach(function(file) {
if (file.text != null) return;
if (srv.options.async) {
done = false;
srv.options.getFile(, function(err, text) {
if (err && !returned) { returned = true; return c(err); }
updateText(file, text || "", srv);
fetchAll(srv, c);
} else {
try {
updateText(file, srv.options.getFile( || "", srv);
} catch (e) { return c(e); }
if (done) c();
function waitOnFetch(srv, timeBudget, c) {
var done = function() {"everythingFetched", done);
analyzeAll(srv, timeBudget, c);
srv.on("everythingFetched", done);
var timeout = setTimeout(done, srv.options.fetchTimeout);
function analyzeAll(srv, timeBudget, c) {
if (srv.pending) return waitOnFetch(srv, timeBudget, c);
var e = srv.fetchError;
if (e) { srv.fetchError = null; return c(e); }
if (srv.needsPurge.length > 0) infer.withContext(, function() {
srv.needsPurge.length = 0;
var done = true;
// The second inner loop might add new files. The outer loop keeps
// repeating both inner loops until all files have been looked at.
for (var i = 0; i < srv.files.length;) {
var toAnalyze = [];
for (; i < srv.files.length; ++i) {
var file = srv.files[i];
if (file.text == null) done = false;
else if (file.scope == null && !file.excluded) toAnalyze.push(file);
toAnalyze.sort(function(a, b) {
return parentDepth(srv, a.parent) - parentDepth(srv, b.parent);
for (var j = 0; j < toAnalyze.length; j++) {
var file = toAnalyze[j];
if (file.parent && !chargeOnBudget(srv, file)) {
file.excluded = true;
} else if (timeBudget) {
var startTime = +new Date;
infer.withTimeout(timeBudget[0], function() { analyzeFile(srv, file); });
timeBudget[0] -= +new Date - startTime;
} else {
analyzeFile(srv, file);
if (done) c();
else waitOnFetch(srv, timeBudget, c);
function firstLine(str) {
var end = str.indexOf("\n");
if (end < 0) return str;
return str.slice(0, end);
function findMatchingPosition(line, file, near) {
var pos = Math.max(0, near - 500), closest = null;
if (!/^\s*$/.test(line)) for (;;) {
var found = file.indexOf(line, pos);
if (found < 0 || found > near + 500) break;
if (closest == null || Math.abs(closest - near) > Math.abs(found - near))
closest = found;
pos = found + line.length;
return closest;
function scopeDepth(s) {
for (var i = 0; s; ++i, s = s.prev) {}
return i;
function ternError(msg) {
var err = new Error(msg); = "TernError";
return err;
function resolveFile(srv, localFiles, name) {
var isRef = name.match(/^#(\d+)$/);
if (!isRef) return srv.findFile(name);
var file = localFiles[isRef[1]];
if (!file || file.type == "delete") throw ternError("Reference to unknown file " + name);
if (file.type == "full") return srv.findFile(;
// This is a partial file
var realFile = file.backing = srv.findFile(;
var offset = file.offset;
if (file.offsetLines) offset = {line: file.offsetLines, ch: 0};
file.offset = offset = resolvePos(realFile, file.offsetLines == null ? file.offset : {line: file.offsetLines, ch: 0}, true);
var line = firstLine(file.text);
var foundPos = findMatchingPosition(line, realFile.text, offset);
var pos = foundPos == null ? Math.max(0, realFile.text.lastIndexOf("\n", offset)) : foundPos;
var inObject, atFunction;
infer.withContext(, function() {
infer.purge(, pos, pos + file.text.length);
var text = file.text, m;
if (m = text.match(/(?:"([^"]*)"|([\w$]+))\s*:\s*function\b/)) {
var objNode = walk.findNodeAround(file.backing.ast, pos, "ObjectExpression");
if (objNode && objNode.node.objType)
inObject = {type: objNode.node.objType, prop: m[2] || m[1]};
if (foundPos && (m = line.match(/^(.*?)\bfunction\b/))) {
var cut = m[1].length, white = "";
for (var i = 0; i < cut; ++i) white += " ";
text = white + text.slice(cut);
atFunction = true;
var scopeStart = infer.scopeAt(realFile.ast, pos, realFile.scope);
var scopeEnd = infer.scopeAt(realFile.ast, pos + text.length, realFile.scope);
var scope = file.scope = scopeDepth(scopeStart) < scopeDepth(scopeEnd) ? scopeEnd : scopeStart;
file.ast = infer.parse(text, srv.passes, {directSourceFile: file, allowReturnOutsideFunction: true});
infer.analyze(file.ast,, scope, srv.passes);
// This is a kludge to tie together the function types (if any)
// outside and inside of the fragment, so that arguments and
// return values have some information known about them.
tieTogether: if (inObject || atFunction) {
var newInner = infer.scopeAt(file.ast, line.length, scopeStart);
if (!newInner.fnType) break tieTogether;
if (inObject) {
var prop = inObject.type.getProp(inObject.prop);
} else if (atFunction) {
var inner = infer.scopeAt(realFile.ast, pos + line.length, realFile.scope);
if (inner == scopeStart || !inner.fnType) break tieTogether;
var fOld = inner.fnType, fNew = newInner.fnType;
if (!fNew || ( != && break tieTogether;
for (var i = 0, e = Math.min(fOld.args.length, fNew.args.length); i < e; ++i)
return file;
// Budget management
function astSize(node) {
var size = 0;
walk.simple(node, {Expression: function() { ++size; }});
return size;
function parentDepth(srv, parent) {
var depth = 0;
while (parent) {
parent = srv.findFile(parent).parent;
return depth;
function budgetName(srv, file) {
for (;;) {
var parent = srv.findFile(file.parent);
if (!parent.parent) break;
file = parent;
function chargeOnBudget(srv, file) {
var bName = budgetName(srv, file);
var size = astSize(file.ast);
var known = srv.budgets[bName];
if (known == null)
known = srv.budgets[bName] = srv.options.dependencyBudget;
if (known < size) return false;
srv.budgets[bName] = known - size;
return true;
// Query helpers
function isPosition(val) {
return typeof val == "number" || typeof val == "object" &&
typeof val.line == "number" && typeof == "number";
// Baseline query document validation
function invalidDoc(doc) {
if (doc.query) {
if (typeof doc.query.type != "string") return ".query.type must be a string";
if (doc.query.start && !isPosition(doc.query.start)) return ".query.start must be a position";
if (doc.query.end && !isPosition(doc.query.end)) return ".query.end must be a position";
if (doc.files) {
if (!Array.isArray(doc.files)) return "Files property must be an array";
for (var i = 0; i < doc.files.length; ++i) {
var file = doc.files[i];
if (typeof file != "object") return ".files[n] must be objects";
else if (typeof != "string") return ".files[n].name must be a string";
else if (file.type == "delete") continue;
else if (typeof file.text != "string") return ".files[n].text must be a string";
else if (file.type == "part") {
if (!isPosition(file.offset) && typeof file.offsetLines != "number")
return ".files[n].offset must be a position";
} else if (file.type != "full") return ".files[n].type must be \"full\" or \"part\"";
var offsetSkipLines = 25;
function findLineStart(file, line) {
var text = file.text, offsets = file.lineOffsets || (file.lineOffsets = [0]);
var pos = 0, curLine = 0;
var storePos = Math.min(Math.floor(line / offsetSkipLines), offsets.length - 1);
var pos = offsets[storePos], curLine = storePos * offsetSkipLines;
while (curLine < line) {
pos = text.indexOf("\n", pos) + 1;
if (pos === 0) return null;
if (curLine % offsetSkipLines === 0) offsets.push(pos);
return pos;
var resolvePos = exports.resolvePos = function(file, pos, tolerant) {
if (typeof pos != "number") {
var lineStart = findLineStart(file, pos.line);
if (lineStart == null) {
if (tolerant) pos = file.text.length;
else throw ternError("File doesn't contain a line " + pos.line);
} else {
pos = lineStart +;
if (pos > file.text.length) {
if (tolerant) pos = file.text.length;
else throw ternError("Position " + pos + " is outside of file.");
return pos;
function asLineChar(file, pos) {
if (!file) return {line: 0, ch: 0};
var offsets = file.lineOffsets || (file.lineOffsets = [0]);
var text = file.text, line, lineStart;
for (var i = offsets.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (offsets[i] <= pos) {
line = i * offsetSkipLines;
lineStart = offsets[i];
for (;;) {
var eol = text.indexOf("\n", lineStart);
if (eol >= pos || eol < 0) break;
lineStart = eol + 1;
return {line: line, ch: pos - lineStart};
var outputPos = exports.outputPos = function(query, file, pos) {
if (query.lineCharPositions) {
var out = asLineChar(file, pos);
if (file.type == "part")
out.line += file.offsetLines != null ? file.offsetLines : asLineChar(file.backing, file.offset).line;
return out;
} else {
return pos + (file.type == "part" ? file.offset : 0);
// Delete empty fields from result objects
function clean(obj) {
for (var prop in obj) if (obj[prop] == null) delete obj[prop];
return obj;
function maybeSet(obj, prop, val) {
if (val != null) obj[prop] = val;
// Built-in query types
function compareCompletions(a, b) {
if (typeof a != "string") { a =; b =; }
var aUp = /^[A-Z]/.test(a), bUp = /^[A-Z]/.test(b);
if (aUp == bUp) return a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1;
else return aUp ? 1 : -1;
function isStringAround(node, start, end) {
return node.type == "Literal" && typeof node.value == "string" &&
node.start == start - 1 && node.end <= end + 1;
function pointInProp(objNode, point) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var curProp =[i];
if (curProp.key.start <= point && curProp.key.end >= point)
return curProp;
var jsKeywords = ("break do instanceof typeof case else new var " +
"catch finally return void continue for switch while debugger " +
"function this with default if throw delete in try").split(" ");
function findCompletions(srv, query, file) {
if (query.end == null) throw ternError("missing .query.end field");
if (srv.passes.completion) for (var i = 0; i < srv.passes.completion.length; i++) {
var result = srv.passes.completion[i](file, query);
if (result) return result;
var wordStart = resolvePos(file, query.end), wordEnd = wordStart, text = file.text;
while (wordStart && acorn.isIdentifierChar(text.charCodeAt(wordStart - 1))) --wordStart;
if (query.expandWordForward !== false)
while (wordEnd < text.length && acorn.isIdentifierChar(text.charCodeAt(wordEnd))) ++wordEnd;
var word = text.slice(wordStart, wordEnd), completions = [], ignoreObj;
if (query.caseInsensitive) word = word.toLowerCase();
var wrapAsObjs = query.types || query.depths || || query.urls ||;
function gather(prop, obj, depth, addInfo) {
// 'hasOwnProperty' and such are usually just noise, leave them
// out when no prefix is provided.
if (query.omitObjectPrototype !== false && obj == && !word) return;
if (query.filter !== false && word &&
(query.caseInsensitive ? prop.toLowerCase() : prop).indexOf(word) !== 0) return;
if (ignoreObj && ignoreObj.props[prop]) return;
for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) {
var c = completions[i];
if ((wrapAsObjs ? : c) == prop) return;
var rec = wrapAsObjs ? {name: prop} : prop;
if (obj && (query.types || || query.urls || {
var val = obj.props[prop];
var type = val.getType();
rec.guess = infer.didGuess();
if (query.types)
rec.type = infer.toString(val);
if (
maybeSet(rec, "doc", val.doc || type && type.doc);
if (query.urls)
maybeSet(rec, "url", val.url || type && type.url);
if (
maybeSet(rec, "origin", val.origin || type && type.origin);
if (query.depths) rec.depth = depth;
if (wrapAsObjs && addInfo) addInfo(rec);
var hookname, prop, objType, isKey;
var exprAt = infer.findExpressionAround(file.ast, null, wordStart, file.scope);
var memberExpr, objLit;
// Decide whether this is an object property, either in a member
// expression or an object literal.
if (exprAt) {
if (exprAt.node.type == "MemberExpression" && exprAt.node.object.end < wordStart) {
memberExpr = exprAt;
} else if (isStringAround(exprAt.node, wordStart, wordEnd)) {
var parent = infer.parentNode(exprAt.node, file.ast);
if (parent.type == "MemberExpression" && == exprAt.node)
memberExpr = {node: parent, state: exprAt.state};
} else if (exprAt.node.type == "ObjectExpression") {
var objProp = pointInProp(exprAt.node, wordEnd);
if (objProp) {
objLit = exprAt;
prop = isKey =;
} else if (!word && !/:\s*$/.test(file.text.slice(0, wordStart))) {
objLit = exprAt;
prop = isKey = true;
if (objLit) {
// Since we can't use the type of the literal itself to complete
// its properties (it doesn't contain the information we need),
// we have to try asking the surrounding expression for type info.
objType = infer.typeFromContext(file.ast, objLit);
ignoreObj = objLit.node.objType;
} else if (memberExpr) {
prop =;
prop = prop.type == "Literal" ? prop.value.slice(1) :;
memberExpr.node = memberExpr.node.object;
objType = infer.expressionType(memberExpr);
} else if (text.charAt(wordStart - 1) == ".") {
var pathStart = wordStart - 1;
while (pathStart && (text.charAt(pathStart - 1) == "." || acorn.isIdentifierChar(text.charCodeAt(pathStart - 1)))) pathStart--;
var path = text.slice(pathStart, wordStart - 1);
if (path) {
objType = infer.def.parsePath(path, file.scope).getObjType();
prop = word;
if (prop != null) { = prop;
if (objType) infer.forAllPropertiesOf(objType, gather);
if (!completions.length && query.guess !== false && objType && objType.guessProperties)
objType.guessProperties(function(p, o, d) {if (p != prop && p != "✖") gather(p, o, d);});
if (!completions.length && word.length >= 2 && query.guess !== false)
for (var prop in gather(prop,[prop][0], 0);
hookname = "memberCompletion";
} else {
infer.forAllLocalsAt(file.ast, wordStart, file.scope, gather);
if (query.includeKeywords) jsKeywords.forEach(function(kw) {
gather(kw, null, 0, function(rec) { rec.isKeyword = true; });
hookname = "variableCompletion";
if (srv.passes[hookname])
srv.passes[hookname].forEach(function(hook) {hook(file, wordStart, wordEnd, gather);});
if (query.sort !== false) completions.sort(compareCompletions); = null;
return {start: outputPos(query, file, wordStart),
end: outputPos(query, file, wordEnd),
isProperty: !!prop,
isObjectKey: !!isKey,
completions: completions};
function findProperties(srv, query) {
var prefix = query.prefix, found = [];
for (var prop in
if (prop != "<i>" && (!prefix || prop.indexOf(prefix) === 0)) found.push(prop);
if (query.sort !== false) found.sort(compareCompletions);
return {completions: found};
var findExpr = exports.findQueryExpr = function(file, query, wide) {
if (query.end == null) throw ternError("missing .query.end field");
if (query.variable) {
var scope = infer.scopeAt(file.ast, resolvePos(file, query.end), file.scope);
return {node: {type: "Identifier", name: query.variable, start: query.end, end: query.end + 1},
state: scope};
} else {
var start = query.start && resolvePos(file, query.start), end = resolvePos(file, query.end);
var expr = infer.findExpressionAt(file.ast, start, end, file.scope);
if (expr) return expr;
expr = infer.findExpressionAround(file.ast, start, end, file.scope);
if (expr && (expr.node.type == "ObjectExpression" || wide ||
(start == null ? end : start) - expr.node.start < 20 || expr.node.end - end < 20))
return expr;
return null;
function findExprOrThrow(file, query, wide) {
var expr = findExpr(file, query, wide);
if (expr) return expr;
throw ternError("No expression at the given position.");
function ensureObj(tp) {
if (!tp || !(tp = tp.getType()) || !(tp instanceof infer.Obj)) return null;
return tp;
function findExprType(srv, query, file, expr) {
var type;
if (expr) {
type = infer.expressionType(expr);
if (srv.passes["typeAt"]) {
var pos = resolvePos(file, query.end);
srv.passes["typeAt"].forEach(function(hook) {
type = hook(file, pos, expr, type);
if (!type) throw ternError("No type found at the given position.");
var objProp;
if (expr.node.type == "ObjectExpression" && query.end != null &&
(objProp = pointInProp(expr.node, resolvePos(file, query.end)))) {
var name =;
var fromCx = ensureObj(infer.typeFromContext(file.ast, expr));
if (fromCx && fromCx.hasProp(name)) {
type = fromCx.hasProp(name);
} else {
var fromLocal = ensureObj(type);
if (fromLocal && fromLocal.hasProp(name))
type = fromLocal.hasProp(name);
return type;
function findTypeAt(srv, query, file) {
var expr = findExpr(file, query), exprName;
var type = findExprType(srv, query, file, expr), exprType = type;
if (query.preferFunction)
type = type.getFunctionType() || type.getType();
type = type.getType();
if (expr) {
if (expr.node.type == "Identifier")
exprName =;
else if (expr.node.type == "MemberExpression" && !expr.node.computed)
exprName =;
if (query.depth != null && typeof query.depth != "number")
throw ternError(".query.depth must be a number");
var result = {guess: infer.didGuess(),
type: infer.toString(exprType, query.depth),
name: type &&,
exprName: exprName};
if (type) storeTypeDocs(type, result);
if (!result.doc && exprType.doc) result.doc = exprType.doc;
return clean(result);
function findDocs(srv, query, file) {
var expr = findExpr(file, query);
var type = findExprType(srv, query, file, expr);
var result = {url: type.url, doc: type.doc, type: infer.toString(type)};
var inner = type.getType();
if (inner) storeTypeDocs(inner, result);
return clean(result);
function storeTypeDocs(type, out) {
if (!out.url) out.url = type.url;
if (!out.doc) out.doc = type.doc;
if (!out.origin) out.origin = type.origin;
var ctor, boring =;
if (!out.url && !out.doc && type.proto && (ctor = type.proto.hasCtor) &&
type.proto != boring.Object && type.proto != boring.Function && type.proto != boring.Array) {
out.url = ctor.url;
out.doc = ctor.doc;
var getSpan = exports.getSpan = function(obj) {
if (!obj.origin) return;
if (obj.originNode) {
var node = obj.originNode;
if (/^Function/.test(node.type) && node =;
return {origin: obj.origin, node: node};
if (obj.span) return {origin: obj.origin, span: obj.span};
var storeSpan = exports.storeSpan = function(srv, query, span, target) {
target.origin = span.origin;
if (span.span) {
var m = /^(\d+)\[(\d+):(\d+)\]-(\d+)\[(\d+):(\d+)\]$/.exec(span.span);
target.start = query.lineCharPositions ? {line: Number(m[2]), ch: Number(m[3])} : Number(m[1]);
target.end = query.lineCharPositions ? {line: Number(m[5]), ch: Number(m[6])} : Number(m[4]);
} else {
var file = srv.findFile(span.origin);
target.start = outputPos(query, file, span.node.start);
target.end = outputPos(query, file, span.node.end);
function findDef(srv, query, file) {
var expr = findExpr(file, query);
var type = findExprType(srv, query, file, expr);
if (infer.didGuess()) return {};
var span = getSpan(type);
var result = {url: type.url, doc: type.doc, origin: type.origin};
if (type.types) for (var i = type.types.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var tp = type.types[i];
storeTypeDocs(tp, result);
if (!span) span = getSpan(tp);
if (span && span.node) { // refers to a loaded file
var spanFile = span.node.sourceFile || srv.findFile(span.origin);
var start = outputPos(query, spanFile, span.node.start), end = outputPos(query, spanFile, span.node.end);
result.start = start; result.end = end;
result.file = span.origin;
var cxStart = Math.max(0, span.node.start - 50);
result.contextOffset = span.node.start - cxStart;
result.context = spanFile.text.slice(cxStart, cxStart + 50);
} else if (span) { // external
result.file = span.origin;
storeSpan(srv, query, span, result);
return clean(result);
function findRefsToVariable(srv, query, file, expr, checkShadowing) {
var name =;
for (var scope = expr.state; scope && !(name in scope.props); scope = scope.prev) {}
if (!scope) throw ternError("Could not find a definition for " + name + " " + !!;
var type, refs = [];
function storeRef(file) {
return function(node, scopeHere) {
if (checkShadowing) for (var s = scopeHere; s != scope; s = s.prev) {
var exists = s.hasProp(checkShadowing);
if (exists)
throw ternError("Renaming `" + name + "` to `" + checkShadowing + "` would make a variable at line " +
(asLineChar(file, node.start).line + 1) + " point to the definition at line " +
(asLineChar(file, + 1));
start: outputPos(query, file, node.start),
end: outputPos(query, file, node.end)});
if (scope.originNode) {
type = "local";
if (checkShadowing) {
for (var prev = scope.prev; prev; prev = prev.prev)
if (checkShadowing in prev.props) break;
if (prev) infer.findRefs(scope.originNode, scope, checkShadowing, prev, function(node) {
throw ternError("Renaming `" + name + "` to `" + checkShadowing + "` would shadow the definition used at line " +
(asLineChar(file, node.start).line + 1));
infer.findRefs(scope.originNode, scope, name, scope, storeRef(file));
} else {
type = "global";
for (var i = 0; i < srv.files.length; ++i) {
var cur = srv.files[i];
infer.findRefs(cur.ast, cur.scope, name, scope, storeRef(cur));
return {refs: refs, type: type, name: name};
function findRefsToProperty(srv, query, expr, prop) {
var objType = infer.expressionType(expr).getObjType();
if (!objType) throw ternError("Couldn't determine type of base object.");
var refs = [];
function storeRef(file) {
return function(node) {
start: outputPos(query, file, node.start),
end: outputPos(query, file, node.end)});
for (var i = 0; i < srv.files.length; ++i) {
var cur = srv.files[i];
infer.findPropRefs(cur.ast, cur.scope, objType,, storeRef(cur));
return {refs: refs, name:};
function findRefs(srv, query, file) {
var expr = findExprOrThrow(file, query, true);
if (expr && expr.node.type == "Identifier") {
return findRefsToVariable(srv, query, file, expr);
} else if (expr && expr.node.type == "MemberExpression" && !expr.node.computed) {
var p =;
expr.node = expr.node.object;
return findRefsToProperty(srv, query, expr, p);
} else if (expr && expr.node.type == "ObjectExpression") {
var pos = resolvePos(file, query.end);
for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {
var k =[i].key;
if (k.start <= pos && k.end >= pos)
return findRefsToProperty(srv, query, expr, k);
throw ternError("Not at a variable or property name.");
function buildRename(srv, query, file) {
if (typeof query.newName != "string") throw ternError(".query.newName should be a string");
var expr = findExprOrThrow(file, query);
if (!expr || expr.node.type != "Identifier") throw ternError("Not at a variable.");
var data = findRefsToVariable(srv, query, file, expr, query.newName), refs = data.refs;
delete data.refs;
data.files ={return;});
var changes = data.changes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; ++i) {
var use = refs[i];
use.text = query.newName;
return data;
function listFiles(srv) {
return {files:{return;})};
exports.version = "0.9.1";


@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
// AST walker module for Mozilla Parser API compatible trees
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") return mod(exports); // CommonJS
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) return define(["exports"], mod); // AMD
mod((this.acorn || (this.acorn = {})).walk = {}); // Plain browser env
})(function(exports) {
"use strict";
// A simple walk is one where you simply specify callbacks to be
// called on specific nodes. The last two arguments are optional. A
// simple use would be
// walk.simple(myTree, {
// Expression: function(node) { ... }
// });
// to do something with all expressions. All Parser API node types
// can be used to identify node types, as well as Expression,
// Statement, and ScopeBody, which denote categories of nodes.
// The base argument can be used to pass a custom (recursive)
// walker, and state can be used to give this walked an initial
// state.
exports.simple = function(node, visitors, base, state) {
if (!base) base = exports.base;
function c(node, st, override) {
var type = override || node.type, found = visitors[type];
base[type](node, st, c);
if (found) found(node, st);
c(node, state);
// An ancestor walk builds up an array of ancestor nodes (including
// the current node) and passes them to the callback as the state parameter.
exports.ancestor = function(node, visitors, base, state) {
if (!base) base = exports.base;
if (!state) state = [];
function c(node, st, override) {
var type = override || node.type, found = visitors[type];
if (node != st[st.length - 1]) {
st = st.slice();
base[type](node, st, c);
if (found) found(node, st);
c(node, state);
// A recursive walk is one where your functions override the default
// walkers. They can modify and replace the state parameter that's
// threaded through the walk, and can opt how and whether to walk
// their child nodes (by calling their third argument on these
// nodes).
exports.recursive = function(node, state, funcs, base) {
var visitor = funcs ? exports.make(funcs, base) : base;
function c(node, st, override) {
visitor[override || node.type](node, st, c);
c(node, state);
function makeTest(test) {
if (typeof test == "string")
return function(type) { return type == test; };
else if (!test)
return function() { return true; };
return test;
function Found(node, state) { this.node = node; this.state = state; }
// Find a node with a given start, end, and type (all are optional,
// null can be used as wildcard). Returns a {node, state} object, or
// undefined when it doesn't find a matching node.
exports.findNodeAt = function(node, start, end, test, base, state) {
test = makeTest(test);
try {
if (!base) base = exports.base;
var c = function(node, st, override) {
var type = override || node.type;
if ((start == null || node.start <= start) &&
(end == null || node.end >= end))
base[type](node, st, c);
if (test(type, node) &&
(start == null || node.start == start) &&
(end == null || node.end == end))
throw new Found(node, st);
c(node, state);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Found) return e;
throw e;
// Find the innermost node of a given type that contains the given
// position. Interface similar to findNodeAt.
exports.findNodeAround = function(node, pos, test, base, state) {
test = makeTest(test);
try {
if (!base) base = exports.base;
var c = function(node, st, override) {
var type = override || node.type;
if (node.start > pos || node.end < pos) return;
base[type](node, st, c);
if (test(type, node)) throw new Found(node, st);
c(node, state);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Found) return e;
throw e;
// Find the outermost matching node after a given position.
exports.findNodeAfter = function(node, pos, test, base, state) {
test = makeTest(test);
try {
if (!base) base = exports.base;
var c = function(node, st, override) {
if (node.end < pos) return;
var type = override || node.type;
if (node.start >= pos && test(type, node)) throw new Found(node, st);
base[type](node, st, c);
c(node, state);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Found) return e;
throw e;
// Find the outermost matching node before a given position.
exports.findNodeBefore = function(node, pos, test, base, state) {
test = makeTest(test);
if (!base) base = exports.base;
var max;
var c = function(node, st, override) {
if (node.start > pos) return;
var type = override || node.type;
if (node.end <= pos && (!max || max.node.end < node.end) && test(type, node))
max = new Found(node, st);
base[type](node, st, c);
c(node, state);
return max;
// Used to create a custom walker. Will fill in all missing node
// type properties with the defaults.
exports.make = function(funcs, base) {
if (!base) base = exports.base;
var visitor = {};
for (var type in base) visitor[type] = base[type];
for (var type in funcs) visitor[type] = funcs[type];
return visitor;
function skipThrough(node, st, c) { c(node, st); }
function ignore(_node, _st, _c) {}
// Node walkers.
var base = exports.base = {};
base.Program = base.BlockStatement = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.body.length; ++i)
c(node.body[i], st, "Statement");
base.Statement = skipThrough;
base.EmptyStatement = ignore;
base.ExpressionStatement = base.ParenthesizedExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.expression, st, "Expression");
base.IfStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.test, st, "Expression");
c(node.consequent, st, "Statement");
if (node.alternate) c(node.alternate, st, "Statement");
base.LabeledStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.body, st, "Statement");
base.BreakStatement = base.ContinueStatement = ignore;
base.WithStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.object, st, "Expression");
c(node.body, st, "Statement");
base.SwitchStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.discriminant, st, "Expression");
for (var i = 0; i < node.cases.length; ++i) {
var cs = node.cases[i];
if (cs.test) c(cs.test, st, "Expression");
for (var j = 0; j < cs.consequent.length; ++j)
c(cs.consequent[j], st, "Statement");
base.ReturnStatement = base.YieldExpression = function(node, st, c) {
if (node.argument) c(node.argument, st, "Expression");
base.ThrowStatement = base.SpreadElement = base.RestElement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.argument, st, "Expression");
base.TryStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.block, st, "Statement");
if (node.handler) c(node.handler.body, st, "ScopeBody");
if (node.finalizer) c(node.finalizer, st, "Statement");
base.WhileStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.test, st, "Expression");
c(node.body, st, "Statement");
base.DoWhileStatement = base.WhileStatement;
base.ForStatement = function(node, st, c) {
if (node.init) c(node.init, st, "ForInit");
if (node.test) c(node.test, st, "Expression");
if (node.update) c(node.update, st, "Expression");
c(node.body, st, "Statement");
base.ForInStatement = base.ForOfStatement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.left, st, "ForInit");
c(node.right, st, "Expression");
c(node.body, st, "Statement");
base.ForInit = function(node, st, c) {
if (node.type == "VariableDeclaration") c(node, st);
else c(node, st, "Expression");
base.DebuggerStatement = ignore;
base.FunctionDeclaration = function(node, st, c) {
c(node, st, "Function");
base.VariableDeclaration = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; ++i) {
var decl = node.declarations[i];
if (decl.init) c(decl.init, st, "Expression");
base.Function = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.body, st, "ScopeBody");
base.ScopeBody = function(node, st, c) {
c(node, st, "Statement");
base.Expression = skipThrough;
base.ThisExpression = ignore;
base.ArrayExpression = base.ArrayPattern = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.elements.length; ++i) {
var elt = node.elements[i];
if (elt) c(elt, st, "Expression");
base.ObjectExpression = base.ObjectPattern = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i <; ++i)
c([i], st);
base.FunctionExpression = base.ArrowFunctionExpression = base.FunctionDeclaration;
base.SequenceExpression = base.TemplateLiteral = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.expressions.length; ++i)
c(node.expressions[i], st, "Expression");
base.UnaryExpression = base.UpdateExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.argument, st, "Expression");
base.BinaryExpression = base.AssignmentExpression = base.AssignmentPattern = base.LogicalExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.left, st, "Expression");
c(node.right, st, "Expression");
base.ConditionalExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.test, st, "Expression");
c(node.consequent, st, "Expression");
c(node.alternate, st, "Expression");
base.NewExpression = base.CallExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.callee, st, "Expression");
if (node.arguments) for (var i = 0; i < node.arguments.length; ++i)
c(node.arguments[i], st, "Expression");
base.MemberExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.object, st, "Expression");
if (node.computed) c(, st, "Expression");
base.ExportDeclaration = function (node, st, c) {
c(node.declaration, st);
base.ImportDeclaration = function (node, st, c) {
node.specifiers.forEach(function (specifier) {
c(specifier, st);
base.ImportSpecifier = base.ImportBatchSpecifier = base.Identifier = base.Literal = ignore;
base.TaggedTemplateExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.tag, st, "Expression");
c(node.quasi, st);
base.ClassDeclaration = base.ClassExpression = function(node, st, c) {
if (node.superClass) c(node.superClass, st, "Expression");
for (var i = 0; i < node.body.body.length; i++)
c(node.body.body[i], st);
base.MethodDefinition = base.Property = function(node, st, c) {
if (node.computed) c(node.key, st, "Expression");
c(node.value, st, "Expression");
base.ComprehensionExpression = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.blocks.length; i++)
c(node.blocks[i].right, st, "Expression");
c(node.body, st, "Expression");
// NOTE: the stuff below is deprecated, and will be removed when 1.0 is released
// A custom walker that keeps track of the scope chain and the
// variables defined in it.
function makeScope(prev, isCatch) {
return {vars: Object.create(null), prev: prev, isCatch: isCatch};
function normalScope(scope) {
while (scope.isCatch) scope = scope.prev;
return scope;
exports.scopeVisitor = exports.make({
Function: function(node, scope, c) {
var inner = makeScope(scope);
for (var i = 0; i < node.params.length; ++i)
inner.vars[node.params[i].name] = {type: "argument", node: node.params[i]};
if ( {
var decl = node.type == "FunctionDeclaration";
(decl ? normalScope(scope) : inner).vars[] =
{type: decl ? "function" : "function name", node:};
c(node.body, inner, "ScopeBody");
TryStatement: function(node, scope, c) {
c(node.block, scope, "Statement");
if (node.handler) {
var inner = makeScope(scope, true);
inner.vars[] = {type: "catch clause", node: node.handler.param};
c(node.handler.body, inner, "ScopeBody");
if (node.finalizer) c(node.finalizer, scope, "Statement");
VariableDeclaration: function(node, scope, c) {
var target = normalScope(scope);
for (var i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; ++i) {
var decl = node.declarations[i];
target.vars[] = {type: "var", node:};
if (decl.init) c(decl.init, scope, "Expression");


@ -22,6 +22,17 @@
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CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.anyword); // TODO change to a proper JavaScript language completion
ternServer = new CodeMirror.TernServer({defs: [ ecma5Spec() ]});
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"Ctrl-Space": function(cm) { ternServer.complete(cm); },
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"Alt-.": function(cm) { ternServer.jumpToDef(cm); },
"Alt-,": function(cm) { ternServer.jumpBack(cm); },
"Ctrl-Q": function(cm) { ternServer.rename(cm); },
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"'.'": function(cm) { setTimeout(function() { ternServer.complete(cm); }, 100); throw CodeMirror.Pass; }
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@ -27,5 +27,16 @@
