@ -11,91 +11,126 @@ import "js/TransactionHelper.js" as TransactionHelper |
import "js/QEtherHelper.js" as QEtherHelper |
import "." |
Column { |
ColumnLayout { |
id: blockChainPanel |
property variant model |
spacing: 5 |
spacing: 0 |
property int previousWidth |
onWidthChanged: |
{ |
if (width <= 630 || previousWidth <= 630) |
{ |
fromWidth = 100 |
toWidth = 100 |
valueWidth = 200 |
} |
else |
{ |
var diff = (width - previousWidth) / 3; |
fromWidth = fromWidth + diff < 100 ? 100 : fromWidth + diff |
toWidth = toWidth + diff < 100 ? 100 : toWidth + diff |
valueWidth = valueWidth + diff < 200 ? 200 : valueWidth + diff |
} |
previousWidth = width |
} |
function load(scenario) |
{ |
if (!scenario) |
return; |
model = scenario |
blockModel.clear() |
for (var b in model.blocks) |
blockModel.append(model.blocks[b]) |
previousWidth = width |
} |
property int statusWidth: 50 |
property int statusWidth: 30 |
property int fromWidth: 100 |
property int toWidth: 250 |
property int valueWidth: 50 |
property int toWidth: 100 |
property int valueWidth: 200 |
property int logsWidth: 50 |
property int debugActionWidth: 50 |
property int horizontalMargin: 10 |
property int cellSpacing: 10 |
Row |
RowLayout |
{ |
id: header |
width: parent.width |
Label |
{ |
text: "Status" |
width: statusWidth |
spacing: 0 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 25 |
Image { |
id: debugImage |
source: "qrc:/qml/img/recycle-icon@2x.png" |
Layout.preferredWidth: statusWidth |
Layout.preferredHeight: 25 |
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit |
} |
Label |
Rectangle |
{ |
text: "From" |
width: fromWidth |
Layout.preferredWidth: fromWidth + cellSpacing |
Label |
{ |
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter |
text: "From" |
anchors.left: parent.left |
anchors.leftMargin: horizontalMargin + 5 |
} |
} |
Label |
{ |
text: "To" |
width: toWidth |
Layout.preferredWidth: toWidth + cellSpacing |
} |
Label |
{ |
text: "Value" |
width: valueWidth |
Layout.preferredWidth: valueWidth + cellSpacing |
} |
Label |
{ |
text: "Logs" |
width: logsWidth |
Layout.preferredWidth: logsWidth + cellSpacing |
} |
Label |
{ |
text: "Action" |
width: debugActionWidth |
Layout.preferredWidth: debugActionWidth |
} |
} |
Rectangle |
{ |
width: parent.width |
height: 500 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 500 |
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width |
//height: 500 |
border.color: "#cccccc" |
border.width: 2 |
color: "white" |
ScrollView |
{ |
width: parent.width |
height: parent.height |
id: blockChainScrollView |
anchors.fill: parent |
anchors.topMargin: 10 |
ColumnLayout |
{ |
id: blockChainLayout |
width: parent.width |
spacing: 10 |
Repeater // List of blocks |
{ |
id: blockChainRepeater |
width: parent.width |
model: blockModel |
Block |
{ |
height: |
Layout.preferredWidth: blockChainScrollView.width |
Layout.preferredHeight: |
{ |
if (index >= 0) |
return 50 + 50 * blockModel.get(index).transactions.length |
return 30 + 30 * blockModel.get(index).transactions.count |
else |
return 0 |
return 50 |
} |
transactions: |
@ -143,8 +178,6 @@ Column { |
function removeTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex) |
{ |
console.log(blockIndex) |
console.log(trIndex) |
blockModel.get(blockIndex).transactions.remove(trIndex) |
} |
@ -160,139 +193,174 @@ Column { |
function getTransaction(block, tr) |
{ |
return blockModel.get(block - 1).transactions.get(tr) |
return blockModel.get(block).transactions.get(tr) |
} |
function setTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex, tr) |
{ |
blockModel.get(blockIndex).transactions.set(trIndex, tr) |
} |
function setTransactionProperty(blockIndex, trIndex, propertyName, value) |
{ |
blockModel.get(blockIndex).transactions.set(trIndex, { propertyName: value }) |
} |
} |
RowLayout |
Rectangle |
{ |
width: parent.width |
Button { |
id: rebuild |
text: qsTr("Rebuild") |
onClicked: |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < model.blocks.length; j++) |
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width |
RowLayout |
{ |
width: parent.width |
anchors.top: parent.top |
anchors.topMargin: 10 |
ScenarioButton { |
id: rebuild |
text: qsTr("Rebuild") |
onClicked: |
{ |
for (var k = 0; k < model.blocks[j].transactions.length; k++) |
for (var j = 0; j < model.blocks.length; j++) |
{ |
if (!blockModel.get(j).transactions.get(k).saveStatus) |
for (var k = 0; k < model.blocks[j].transactions.length; k++) |
{ |
model.blocks[j].transactions.splice(k, 1) |
blockModel.removeTransaction(j, k) |
if (model.blocks[j].transactions.length === 0) |
if (!blockModel.get(j).transactions.get(k).saveStatus) |
{ |
model.blocks[j].splice(j, 1); |
blockModel.removeBlock(j); |
model.blocks[j].transactions.splice(k, 1) |
blockModel.removeTransaction(j, k) |
if (model.blocks[j].transactions.length === 0) |
{ |
model.blocks.splice(j, 1); |
blockModel.removeBlock(j); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
clientModel.setupScenario(model); |
} |
clientModel.setupScenario(model); |
} |
} |
Button { |
id: addTransaction |
text: qsTr("Add Transaction") |
onClicked: |
{ |
var lastBlock = model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1]; |
if (lastBlock.status === "mined") |
model.blocks.push(projectModel.stateListModel.createEmptyBlock()); |
var item = TransactionHelper.defaultTransaction() |
transactionDialog.stateAccounts = model.accounts |
transactionDialog.open(model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1].transactions.length, model.blocks.length - 1, item) |
Layout.preferredWidth: 100 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 30 |
buttonShortcut: "" |
sourceImg: "qrc:/qml/img/recycle-icon@2x.png" |
} |
} |
Button { |
id: addBlockBtn |
text: qsTr("Add Block") |
onClicked: |
{ |
var lastBlock = model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1] |
if (lastBlock.status === "pending") |
clientModel.mine() |
else |
addNewBlock() |
} |
function addNewBlock() |
{ |
var block = projectModel.stateListModel.createEmptyBlock() |
model.blocks.push(block) |
blockModel.appendBlock(block) |
ScenarioButton { |
id: addTransaction |
text: qsTr("Add Transaction") |
onClicked: |
{ |
var lastBlock = model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1]; |
if (lastBlock.status === "mined") |
model.blocks.push(projectModel.stateListModel.createEmptyBlock()); |
var item = TransactionHelper.defaultTransaction() |
transactionDialog.stateAccounts = model.accounts |
transactionDialog.open(model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1].transactions.length, model.blocks.length - 1, item) |
} |
Layout.preferredWidth: 100 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 30 |
buttonShortcut: "" |
sourceImg: "qrc:/qml/img/recycle-icon@2x.png" |
} |
} |
Connections |
{ |
target: clientModel |
onNewBlock: |
{ |
if (!clientModel.running) |
ScenarioButton { |
id: addBlockBtn |
text: qsTr("Add Block") |
onClicked: |
{ |
var lastBlock = model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1] |
lastBlock.status = "mined" |
lastBlock.number = model.blocks.length |
var lastB = blockModel.get(model.blocks.length - 1) |
lastB.status = "mined" |
lastB.number = model.blocks.length |
addBlockBtn.addNewBlock() |
if (lastBlock.status === "pending") |
clientModel.mine() |
else |
addNewBlock() |
} |
function addNewBlock() |
{ |
var block = projectModel.stateListModel.createEmptyBlock() |
model.blocks.push(block) |
blockModel.appendBlock(block) |
} |
Layout.preferredWidth: 100 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 30 |
buttonShortcut: "" |
sourceImg: "qrc:/qml/img/recycle-icon@2x.png" |
} |
onStateCleared: |
{ |
} |
onNewRecord: |
Connections |
{ |
var blockIndex = _r.transactionIndex.split(":")[0] |
var trIndex = _r.transactionIndex.split(":")[1] |
if (parseInt(blockIndex) <= model.blocks.length) |
target: clientModel |
onNewBlock: |
{ |
var item = model.blocks[parseInt(blockIndex) - 1]; |
if (parseInt(trIndex) <= item.transactions.length) |
if (!clientModel.running) |
{ |
var tr = item.transactions[parseInt(trIndex)]; |
tr.returned = _r.returned; |
blockModel.getTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex).returned = _r.returned; |
tr.recordIndex = _r.recordIndex; |
blockModel.getTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex).recordIndex = _r.recordIndex; |
tr.logs = _r.logs; |
blockModel.getTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex).logs = _r.logs; |
return; |
var lastBlock = model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1] |
lastBlock.status = "mined" |
lastBlock.number = model.blocks.length |
var lastB = blockModel.get(model.blocks.length - 1) |
lastB.status = "mined" |
lastB.number = model.blocks.length |
addBlockBtn.addNewBlock() |
} |
} |
onStateCleared: |
{ |
} |
onNewRecord: |
{ |
var blockIndex = parseInt(_r.transactionIndex.split(":")[0]) - 1 |
var trIndex = parseInt(_r.transactionIndex.split(":")[1]) |
if (blockIndex <= model.blocks.length) |
{ |
var item = model.blocks[blockIndex] |
if (trIndex <= item.transactions.length) |
{ |
var tr = item.transactions[trIndex] |
tr.returned = _r.returned |
tr.recordIndex = _r.recordIndex |
tr.logs = _r.logs |
var trModel = blockModel.getTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex) |
trModel.returned = _r.returned |
trModel.recordIndex = _r.recordIndex |
trModel.logs = _r.logs |
blockModel.setTransaction(blockIndex, trIndex, trModel) |
return; |
} |
} |
// tr is not in the list. coming from JavaScript |
var itemTr = TransactionHelper.defaultTransaction() |
itemTr.functionId = _r.function |
itemTr.contractId = _r.contract |
itemTr.gasAuto = true |
itemTr.parameters = _r.parameters |
itemTr.isContractCreation = itemTr.functionId === itemTr.contractId |
itemTr.label = _r.label |
itemTr.isFunctionCall = itemTr.functionId !== "" |
itemTr.returned = _r.returned |
itemTr.value = QEtherHelper.createEther(_r.value, QEther.Wei) |
itemTr.sender = _r.sender |
itemTr.recordIndex = _r.recordIndex |
itemTr.logs = _r.logs |
model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1].transactions.push(itemTr) |
blockModel.appendTransaction(itemTr) |
} |
onMiningComplete: |
{ |
// tr is not in the list. coming from JavaScript |
var itemTr = TransactionHelper.defaultTransaction() |
itemTr.saveStatus = false |
itemTr.functionId = _r.function |
itemTr.contractId = _r.contract |
itemTr.gasAuto = true |
itemTr.parameters = _r.parameters |
itemTr.isContractCreation = itemTr.functionId === itemTr.contractId |
itemTr.label = _r.label |
itemTr.isFunctionCall = itemTr.functionId !== "" |
itemTr.returned = _r.returned |
itemTr.value = QEtherHelper.createEther(_r.value, QEther.Wei) |
itemTr.sender = _r.sender |
itemTr.recordIndex = _r.recordIndex |
itemTr.logs = _r.logs |
model.blocks[model.blocks.length - 1].transactions.push(itemTr) |
blockModel.appendTransaction(itemTr) |
} |
onMiningComplete: |
{ |
} |
} |
} |
Button { |
id: newAccount |
text: qsTr("New Account") |
onClicked: { |
model.accounts.push(projectModel.stateListModel.newAccount("1000000", QEther.Ether)) |
ScenarioButton { |
id: newAccount |
text: qsTr("New Account") |
onClicked: { |
model.accounts.push(projectModel.stateListModel.newAccount("1000000", QEther.Ether)) |
} |
Layout.preferredWidth: 100 |
Layout.preferredHeight: 30 |
buttonShortcut: "" |
sourceImg: "qrc:/qml/img/recycle-icon@2x.png" |
} |
} |
} |