@ -36,8 +36,54 @@ void doTransactionTests(json_spirit::mValue& _v, bool _fillin)
cerr < < i . first < < endl ;
mObject & o = i . second . get_obj ( ) ;
if ( _fillin = = false )
if ( _fillin )
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " transaction " ) > 0 ) ;
mObject tObj = o [ " transaction " ] . get_obj ( ) ;
//Construct Rlp of the given transaction
RLPStream rlpStream = createRLPStreamFromTransactionFields ( tObj ) ;
o [ " rlp " ] = " 0x " + toHex ( rlpStream . out ( ) ) ;
Transaction txFromFields ( rlpStream . out ( ) , CheckTransaction : : Everything ) ;
if ( ! txFromFields . signature ( ) . isValid ( ) )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( Exception ( ) < < errinfo_comment ( " transaction from RLP signature is invalid " ) ) ;
o [ " sender " ] = toString ( txFromFields . sender ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception const & _e )
//Transaction is InValid
cnote < < " Transaction Exception: " < < diagnostic_information ( _e ) ;
o . erase ( o . find ( " transaction " ) ) ;
if ( o . count ( " expect " ) > 0 )
bool expectInValid = ( o [ " expect " ] . get_str ( ) = = " invalid " ) ;
if ( Options : : get ( ) . checkState )
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( expectInValid , " Check state: Transaction " < < i . first < < " is not expected to be invalid! " ) ;
BOOST_WARN_MESSAGE ( expectInValid , " Check state: Transaction " < < i . first < < " is not expected to be invalid! " ) ;
o . erase ( o . find ( " expect " ) ) ;
//Transaction is Valid
if ( o . count ( " expect " ) > 0 )
bool expectValid = ( o [ " expect " ] . get_str ( ) = = " valid " ) ;
if ( Options : : get ( ) . checkState )
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( expectValid , " Check state: Transaction " < < i . first < < " is not expected to be valid! " ) ;
BOOST_WARN_MESSAGE ( expectValid , " Check state: Transaction " < < i . first < < " is not expected to be valid! " ) ;
o . erase ( o . find ( " expect " ) ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " rlp " ) > 0 ) ;
Transaction txFromRlp ;
@ -80,29 +126,6 @@ void doTransactionTests(json_spirit::mValue& _v, bool _fillin)
Address addressReaded = Address ( o [ " sender " ] . get_str ( ) ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( txFromFields . sender ( ) = = addressReaded | | txFromRlp . sender ( ) = = addressReaded , " Signature address of sender does not match given sender address! " ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " transaction " ) > 0 ) ;
mObject tObj = o [ " transaction " ] . get_obj ( ) ;
//Construct Rlp of the given transaction
RLPStream rlpStream = createRLPStreamFromTransactionFields ( tObj ) ;
o [ " rlp " ] = " 0x " + toHex ( rlpStream . out ( ) ) ;
Transaction txFromFields ( rlpStream . out ( ) , CheckTransaction : : Everything ) ;
if ( ! txFromFields . signature ( ) . isValid ( ) )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( Exception ( ) < < errinfo_comment ( " transaction from RLP signature is invalid " ) ) ;
o [ " sender " ] = toString ( txFromFields . sender ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception const & _e )
cnote < < " Transaction Exception: " < < diagnostic_information ( _e ) ;
o . erase ( o . find ( " transaction " ) ) ;
} //for
} //doTransactionTests