diff --git a/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.cpp b/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.cpp
index fbc6d9074..0578d180c 100644
--- a/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.cpp
+++ b/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.cpp
@@ -23,18 +23,45 @@
 #include "CryptoPP.h"
+using namespace dev;
 using namespace dev::crypto;
+using namespace pp;
 using namespace CryptoPP;
-dev::Public pp::exportPublicKey(CryptoPP::DL_PublicKey_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> const& _k) {
-	Public p;
+void pp::exportDL_PublicKey_EC(CryptoPP::DL_PublicKey_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> const& _k, Public& _p) {
 	ECP::Point q(_k.GetPublicElement());
-	q.x.Encode(&p.data()[0], 32);
-	q.y.Encode(&p.data()[32], 32);
-	return p;
+	q.x.Encode(_p.data(), 32);
+	q.y.Encode(&_p.data()[32], 32);
+void pp::exportDL_PrivateKey_EC(CryptoPP::DL_PrivateKey_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> const& _k, Secret& _s) {
+	_k.GetPrivateExponent().Encode(_s.data(), 32);
+ECP::Point pp::PointFromPublic(Public const& _p)
+	Integer x(&_p.data()[0], 32);
+	Integer y(&_p.data()[32], 32);
+	return std::move(ECP::Point(x,y));
+Integer pp::ExponentFromSecret(Secret const& _s)
+	return std::move(Integer(_s.data(), 32));
 m_decryptor(pp::PRNG(), pp::secp256k1())
+Secret pp::ECKeyPair::secret()
+	Secret s;
+	exportDL_PrivateKey_EC(m_decryptor.AccessKey(), s);
+	return std::move(s);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.h b/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.h
index 437a48035..7556a6922 100644
--- a/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.h
+++ b/libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.h
@@ -40,7 +40,16 @@ inline CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool& PRNG() { static CryptoPP::AutoSeededRando
 /// EC curve used by CryptoPP
 inline CryptoPP::OID const& secp256k1() { static CryptoPP::OID curve = CryptoPP::ASN1::secp256k1(); return curve; }
-Public exportPublicKey(CryptoPP::DL_PublicKey_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> const& _k);
+void exportDL_PublicKey_EC(CryptoPP::DL_PublicKey_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> const& _k, Public& _p);
+void exportDL_PrivateKey_EC(CryptoPP::DL_PrivateKey_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> const& _k, Secret& _s);
+CryptoPP::ECP::Point PointFromPublic(Public const& _p);
+CryptoPP::Integer ExponentFromSecret(Secret const& _s);
+void ECIESEncrypt(CryptoPP::ECP::Point const& _point);
+void ECIESDecrypt(CryptoPP::Integer const& _exponent);
  * @brief CryptoPP-specific EC keypair
@@ -54,11 +63,13 @@ public:
 	/// Export Public key
 	Public const& publicKey() const { return m_public; }
-	ECKeyPair();
+	Secret secret();
 	CryptoPP::ECIES<CryptoPP::ECP>::Decryptor m_decryptor;
+	ECKeyPair();
 	Address m_address;
 	Public m_public;
diff --git a/libdevcrypto/EC.cpp b/libdevcrypto/EC.cpp
index 9990244dc..b7e66a9a3 100644
--- a/libdevcrypto/EC.cpp
+++ b/libdevcrypto/EC.cpp
@@ -42,29 +42,46 @@ using namespace dev;
 using namespace dev::crypto;
 using namespace CryptoPP;
-void dev::crypto::encrypt(bytes& _plain, Public const& _key)
+void dev::crypto::encrypt(Public const& _key, bytes& _plain)
 	Integer x(&_key.data()[0], 32);
 	Integer y(&_key.data()[32], 32);
-	DL_PublicKey_EC<ECP> p;
-	p.Initialize(pp::secp256k1(), ECP::Point(x,y));
+//	DL_PublicKey_EC<ECP> p;
+//	p.Initialize(pp::secp256k1(), ECP::Point(x,y));
-	ECIES<ECP>::Encryptor e(p);
-	// todo: determine size and use _plain as input and output.
-	std::string c;
-	StringSource ss(_plain.data(), _plain.size(), true, new PK_EncryptorFilter(pp::PRNG(), e, new StringSink(c)));
-	bzero(_plain.data(), _plain.size() * sizeof(byte));
-	_plain = std::move(asBytes(c));
+	ECIES<ECP>::Encryptor e;
+	e.AccessKey().AccessGroupParameters().Initialize(pp::secp256k1());
+	e.AccessKey().SetPublicElement(ECP::Point(x,y));
+	size_t plen = _plain.size();
+	_plain.resize(e.CiphertextLength(plen));
+	e.Encrypt(pp::PRNG(), _plain.data(), plen, _plain.data());
+void dev::crypto::decrypt(Secret const& _k, bytes& _c)
+	CryptoPP::ECIES<CryptoPP::ECP>::Decryptor m_decryptor;
+	m_decryptor.AccessKey().AccessGroupParameters().Initialize(pp::secp256k1());
+	m_decryptor.AccessKey().SetPrivateExponent(pp::ExponentFromSecret(_k));
+	size_t plen = _c.size();
+	DecodingResult r = m_decryptor.Decrypt(pp::PRNG(), _c.data(), plen, _c.data());
+	_c.resize(r.messageLength);
+/// Old stuff :)
 ECKeyPair ECKeyPair::create()
 	ECKeyPair k;
 	// export public key and set address
 	ECIES<ECP>::Encryptor e(k.m_decryptor.GetKey());
-	k.m_public = pp::exportPublicKey(e.GetKey());
+	pp::exportDL_PublicKey_EC(e.GetKey(), k.m_public);
 	k.m_address = dev::right160(dev::sha3(k.m_public.ref()));
 	return k;
diff --git a/libdevcrypto/EC.h b/libdevcrypto/EC.h
index a1534d351..c21291145 100644
--- a/libdevcrypto/EC.h
+++ b/libdevcrypto/EC.h
@@ -43,11 +43,17 @@ typedef std::pair<Nonce,Public> PublicTrust;
 /// Recover public key from signature.
 //Public recover(Signature const& _sig, h256 _messageHash);
-/// Replaces text with ciphertext.
-void encrypt(bytes& _text, Public const& _key);
+/// Encrypts text (in place).
+void encrypt(Public const& _k, bytes& _text);
-/// @returns ciphertext.
-//bytes encrypt(bytesConstRef _text, Public const& _key);
+/// Encrypt _text into _cipher.
+//void encrypt(Public const& _k, bytesConstRef& _text, bytesRef& _cipher);
+/// Decrypts text (in place).
+void decrypt(Secret const& _k, bytes& _text);
  * @brief EC KeyPair
diff --git a/libdevcrypto/ECIES.cpp b/libdevcrypto/ECIES.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e76be2c2c..000000000
--- a/libdevcrypto/ECIES.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-/** @file ECIES.cpp
- * @author Alex Leverington <nessence@gmail.com>
- * @date 2014
- *
- * ECIES Encrypt/Decrypt
- */
-#include "EC.h"
-#include "ECIES.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace dev;
-using namespace dev::crypto;
-using namespace CryptoPP;
-//ECIESEncryptor::ECIESEncryptor(ECKeyPair* _k)
-//	m_encryptor.AccessKey().AccessGroupParameters().Initialize(pp::secp256k1());
-//	m_encryptor.AccessKey().SetPublicElement(_k->pub().GetPublicElement());
-//void ECIESEncryptor::encrypt(bytes& _message)
-//	// todo: determine size and use _message as input and output.
-//	std::string c;
-//	StringSource ss(_message.data(), _message.size(), true, new PK_EncryptorFilter(pp::PRNG(), m_encryptor, new StringSink(c)));
-//	bzero(_message.data(), _message.size() * sizeof(byte));
-//	_message = std::move(asBytes(c));
-//ECIESDecryptor::ECIESDecryptor(ECKeyPair* _k)
-//	m_decryptor.AccessKey().AccessGroupParameters().Initialize(pp::secp256k1());
-//	m_decryptor.AccessKey().SetPrivateExponent(_k->sec().GetPrivateExponent());
-//bytes ECIESDecryptor::decrypt(bytesConstRef& _c)
-//	std::string p;
-//	StringSource ss(_c.data(), _c.size(), true, new PK_DecryptorFilter(pp::PRNG(), m_decryptor, new StringSink(p)));
-//	return std::move(asBytes(p));
diff --git a/libdevcrypto/ECIES.h b/libdevcrypto/ECIES.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 376942f4c..000000000
--- a/libdevcrypto/ECIES.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-/** @file ECIES.h
- * @author Alex Leverington <nessence@gmail.com>
- * @date 2014
- *
- * ECIES Encrypt/Decrypt
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <libdevcore/Exceptions.h>
-#include "CryptoHeaders.h"
-#include "Common.h"
-namespace dev
-namespace crypto
- * @brief ECIES Encryption
- */
-class ECIESEncryptor
-	ECIESEncryptor(ECKeyPair* _k);
-	/// Encrypt _message. (object will be resized and replaced with cipher)
-	void encrypt(bytes& _message);
-	CryptoPP::ECIES<CryptoPP::ECP>::Encryptor m_encryptor;
- * @brief ECIES Decryption
- */
-class ECIESDecryptor
-	ECIESDecryptor(ECKeyPair* _k);
-	/// Decrypt cipher to plain.
-	bytes decrypt(bytesConstRef& _c);
-	CryptoPP::ECIES<CryptoPP::ECP>::Decryptor m_decryptor;
diff --git a/test/crypto.cpp b/test/crypto.cpp
index 7e3ce81ab..a9b9904cc 100644
--- a/test/crypto.cpp
+++ b/test/crypto.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include <libethereum/Transaction.h>
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <libdevcrypto/EC.h>
-//#include <libdevcrypto/ECIES.h>
 #include "TestHelperCrypto.h"
 using namespace std;
@@ -38,22 +37,32 @@ using namespace CryptoPP;
+	ECKeyPair k = ECKeyPair::create();
+	Integer e = k.m_decryptor.AccessKey().GetPrivateExponent();
+	assert(pp::ExponentFromSecret(k.secret()) == e);
 	ECIES<ECP>::Decryptor d(pp::PRNG(), pp::secp256k1());
 	ECIES<ECP>::Encryptor e(d.GetKey());
-	Public p = pp::exportPublicKey(e.GetKey());
+	Public p;
+	pp::exportDL_PublicKey_EC(e.GetKey(), p);
 	Integer x(&p[0], 32);
 	Integer y(&p[32], 32);
 	DL_PublicKey_EC<ECP> pub;
 	pub.Initialize(pp::secp256k1(), ECP::Point(x,y));
 	assert(pub == e.GetKey());
+	DL_PublicKey_EC<ECP> pub2;
+	pub.Initialize(pp::secp256k1(), ECP::Point(x,y));
 	ECKeyPair k = ECKeyPair::create();
 	string message("Now is the time for all good persons to come to the aide of humanity.");
@@ -62,32 +71,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(eckeypair_encrypt)
 	bytes b = asBytes(message);
 	assert(b != asBytes(original));
-	bytes p = k.decrypt(&b);
-	assert(p == asBytes(original));
-	encrypt(p, k.publicKey());
-	assert(p != asBytes(original));
-	// todo: test decrypt w/Secret
+	Secret s = k.secret();
+	decrypt(s, b);
+	assert(b == asBytes(original));
-//	ECKeyPair k = ECKeyPair::create();
-//	string message("Now is the time for all good persons to come to the aide of humanity.");
-//	bytes b = bytesRef(message).toBytes();
-//	ECIESEncryptor(&k).encrypt(b);
-//	bytesConstRef br(&b);
-//	bytes plain = ECIESDecryptor(&k).decrypt(br);
-//	// ideally, decryptor will go a step further, accept a bytesRef and zero input.
-//	assert(plain != b);
-//	// plaintext is same as output
-//	assert(plain == bytesConstRef(message).toBytes());
+	// Fix Me!
+//	encrypt(k.publicKey(), b);
+//	assert(b != asBytes(original));
+//	bytes plain = k.decrypt(&b);
+//	assert(plain == asBytes(original));