@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ public: |
virtual ~WhisperPeer(); |
WhisperHost* host() const; |
static std::string name() { return "shh"; } |
static u256 version() { return WhisperProtocolVersion; } |
static u256 version() { return c_whisperProtocolVersion; } |
static unsigned messageCount() { return PacketCount; } |
FixedHash<TopicBloomFilterSize> bloom() const { dev::Guard g(x_bloom); return m_bloom; } |
void sendTopicsOfInterest(FixedHash<TopicBloomFilterSize> const& _bloom); ///< sends our bloom filter to remote peer
TopicBloomFilterHash bloom() const { dev::Guard g(x_bloom); return m_bloom; } |
void sendTopicsOfInterest(TopicBloomFilterHash const& _bloom); ///< sends our bloom filter to remote peer
void noteAdvertiseTopicsOfInterest() { dev::Guard g(x_advertiseTopicsOfInterest); m_advertiseTopicsOfInterest = true; } |
private: |
@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ private: |
void sendMessages(); |
unsigned rating(Envelope const&) const { return 0; } // TODO
void noteNewMessage(h256 _h, Envelope const& _m); |
void setBloom(FixedHash<TopicBloomFilterSize> const& _b) { dev::Guard g(x_bloom); m_bloom = _b; } |
void setBloom(TopicBloomFilterHash const& _b) { dev::Guard g(x_bloom); m_bloom = _b; } |
mutable dev::Mutex x_unseen; |
std::multimap<unsigned, h256> m_unseen; ///< Rated according to what they want.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_timer = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); |
mutable dev::Mutex x_bloom; |
FixedHash<TopicBloomFilterSize> m_bloom; ///< Peer's topics of interest
TopicBloomFilterHash m_bloom; ///< Peer's topics of interest
mutable dev::Mutex x_advertiseTopicsOfInterest; |
bool m_advertiseTopicsOfInterest; |