Browse Source

work in progress

Genoil 9 years ago
  1. 42
  2. 2
  3. 356


@ -401,7 +401,6 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::init(
ETHCL_LOG("Creating one big buffer for the DAG");
m_dagChunks.push_back(cl::Buffer(m_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, _dagSize));
ETHCL_LOG("Loading single big chunk kernels");
m_hashKernel = cl::Kernel(program, "ethash_hash");
m_searchKernel = cl::Kernel(program, "ethash_search");
ETHCL_LOG("Mapping one big chunk.");
m_queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(m_dagChunks[0], CL_TRUE, 0, _dagSize, _dag);
@ -410,46 +409,6 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::init(
ETHCL_LOG("Allocating/mapping single buffer failed with: " << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "). GPU can't allocate the DAG in a single chunk. Bailing.");
return false;
#if 0 // Disabling chunking for release since it seems not to work. Never manages to mine a block. TODO: Fix when time is found.
int errCode = err.err();
ETHCL_LOG("Allocating/mapping single buffer failed with: " << err.what() << "(" << errCode << ")");
cl_ulong result;
// if we fail midway on the try above make sure we start clean
device.getInfo(CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, &result);
"Failed to allocate 1 big chunk. Max allocateable memory is "
<< result << ". Trying to allocate 4 chunks."
// The OpenCL kernel has a hard coded number of 4 chunks at the moment
m_dagChunksCount = 4;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_dagChunksCount; i++)
// TODO Note: If we ever change to _dagChunksNum other than 4, then the size would need recalculation
ETHCL_LOG("Creating buffer for chunk " << i);
(i == 3) ? (_dagSize - 3 * ((_dagSize >> 9) << 7)) : (_dagSize >> 9) << 7
ETHCL_LOG("Loading chunk kernels");
m_hashKernel = cl::Kernel(program, "ethash_hash_chunks");
m_searchKernel = cl::Kernel(program, "ethash_search_chunks");
// TODO Note: If we ever change to _dagChunksNum other than 4, then the size would need recalculation
void* dag_ptr[4];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_dagChunksCount; i++)
ETHCL_LOG("Mapping chunk " << i);
dag_ptr[i] = m_queue.enqueueMapBuffer(m_dagChunks[i], true, m_openclOnePointOne ? CL_MAP_WRITE : CL_MAP_WRITE_INVALIDATE_REGION, 0, (i == 3) ? (_dagSize - 3 * ((_dagSize >> 9) << 7)) : (_dagSize >> 9) << 7);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_dagChunksCount; i++)
memcpy(dag_ptr[i], (char *)_dag + i*((_dagSize >> 9) << 7), (i == 3) ? (_dagSize - 3 * ((_dagSize >> 9) << 7)) : (_dagSize >> 9) << 7);
m_queue.enqueueUnmapMemObject(m_dagChunks[i], dag_ptr[i]);
// create buffer for header
ETHCL_LOG("Creating buffer for header.");
@ -459,7 +418,6 @@ bool ethash_cl_miner::init(
for (unsigned i = 0; i != c_bufferCount; ++i)
ETHCL_LOG("Creating mining buffer " << i);
m_hashBuffer[i] = cl::Buffer(m_context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | (!m_openclOnePointOne ? CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY : 0), 32 * c_hashBatchSize);
m_searchBuffer[i] = cl::Buffer(m_context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, (c_maxSearchResults + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));


@ -79,12 +79,10 @@ private:
cl::Context m_context;
cl::CommandQueue m_queue;
cl::Kernel m_hashKernel;
cl::Kernel m_searchKernel;
unsigned int m_dagChunksCount;
std::vector<cl::Buffer> m_dagChunks;
cl::Buffer m_header;
cl::Buffer m_hashBuffer[c_bufferCount];
cl::Buffer m_searchBuffer[c_bufferCount];
unsigned m_globalWorkSize;
bool m_openclOnePointOne;


@ -112,17 +112,18 @@ static void keccak_f1600_round(uint2* a, uint r, uint out_size)
// Chi
a[0] = bitselect(b[0] ^ b[2], b[0], b[1]);
a[1] = bitselect(b[1] ^ b[3], b[1], b[2]);
a[2] = bitselect(b[2] ^ b[4], b[2], b[3]);
a[3] = bitselect(b[3] ^ b[0], b[3], b[4]);
if (out_size >= 4)
if (out_size > 4)
a[1] = bitselect(b[1] ^ b[3], b[1], b[2]);
a[2] = bitselect(b[2] ^ b[4], b[2], b[3]);
a[3] = bitselect(b[3] ^ b[0], b[3], b[4]);
a[4] = bitselect(b[4] ^ b[1], b[4], b[0]);
a[5] = bitselect(b[5] ^ b[7], b[5], b[6]);
a[6] = bitselect(b[6] ^ b[8], b[6], b[7]);
a[7] = bitselect(b[7] ^ b[9], b[7], b[8]);
a[8] = bitselect(b[8] ^ b[5], b[8], b[9]);
if (out_size >= 8)
if (out_size > 8)
a[9] = bitselect(b[9] ^ b[6], b[9], b[5]);
a[10] = bitselect(b[10] ^ b[12], b[10], b[11]);
@ -227,163 +228,13 @@ typedef union
uint4 uint4s[128 / sizeof(uint4)];
} hash128_t;
static hash64_t init_hash(__constant hash32_t const* header, ulong nonce, uint isolate)
hash64_t init;
uint const init_size = countof(init.ulongs);
uint const hash_size = countof(header->ulongs);
// sha3_512(header .. nonce)
ulong state[25];
copy(state, header->ulongs, hash_size);
state[hash_size] = nonce;
keccak_f1600_no_absorb(state, hash_size + 1, init_size, isolate);
copy(init.ulongs, state, init_size);
return init;
static uint inner_loop_chunks(uint4 init, uint thread_id, __local uint* share, __global hash128_t const* g_dag, __global hash128_t const* g_dag1, __global hash128_t const* g_dag2, __global hash128_t const* g_dag3, uint isolate)
uint4 mix = init;
// share init0
if (thread_id == 0)
*share = mix.x;
uint init0 = *share;
uint a = 0;
bool update_share = thread_id == (a/4) % THREADS_PER_HASH;
#pragma unroll
for (uint i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
if (update_share)
uint m[4] = { mix.x, mix.y, mix.z, mix.w };
*share = fnv(init0 ^ (a+i), m[i]) % DAG_SIZE;
mix = fnv4(mix, *share>=3 * DAG_SIZE / 4 ? g_dag3[*share - 3 * DAG_SIZE / 4].uint4s[thread_id] : *share>=DAG_SIZE / 2 ? g_dag2[*share - DAG_SIZE / 2].uint4s[thread_id] : *share>=DAG_SIZE / 4 ? g_dag1[*share - DAG_SIZE / 4].uint4s[thread_id]:g_dag[*share].uint4s[thread_id]);
} while ((a += 4) != (ACCESSES & isolate));
return fnv_reduce(mix);
static uint inner_loop(uint4 init, uint thread_id, __local uint* share, __global hash128_t const* g_dag, uint isolate)
uint4 mix = init;
// share init0
if (thread_id == 0)
*share = mix.x;
uint init0 = *share;
uint a = 0;
bool update_share = thread_id == (a/4) % THREADS_PER_HASH;
#pragma unroll
for (uint i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
if (update_share)
uint m[4] = { mix.x, mix.y, mix.z, mix.w };
*share = fnv(init0 ^ (a+i), m[i]) % DAG_SIZE;
mix = fnv4(mix, g_dag[*share].uint4s[thread_id]);
while ((a += 4) != (ACCESSES & isolate));
return fnv_reduce(mix);
static hash32_t final_hash(hash64_t const* init, hash32_t const* mix, uint isolate)
ulong state[25];
hash32_t hash;
uint const hash_size = countof(hash.ulongs);
uint const init_size = countof(init->ulongs);
uint const mix_size = countof(mix->ulongs);
// keccak_256(keccak_512(header..nonce) .. mix);
copy(state, init->ulongs, init_size);
copy(state + init_size, mix->ulongs, mix_size);
keccak_f1600_no_absorb(state, init_size+mix_size, hash_size, isolate);
// copy out
copy(hash.ulongs, state, hash_size);
return hash;
static hash32_t compute_hash_simple(
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
ulong nonce,
uint isolate
hash64_t init = init_hash(g_header, nonce, isolate);
hash128_t mix;
for (uint i = 0; i != countof(mix.uint4s); ++i)
mix.uint4s[i] = init.uint4s[i % countof(init.uint4s)];
uint mix_val = mix.uints[0];
uint init0 = mix.uints[0];
uint a = 0;
uint pi = fnv(init0 ^ a, mix_val) % DAG_SIZE;
uint n = (a+1) % countof(mix.uints);
#pragma unroll
for (uint i = 0; i != countof(mix.uints); ++i)
mix.uints[i] = fnv(mix.uints[i], g_dag[pi].uints[i]);
mix_val = i == n ? mix.uints[i] : mix_val;
while (++a != (ACCESSES & isolate));
// reduce to output
hash32_t fnv_mix;
for (uint i = 0; i != countof(fnv_mix.uints); ++i)
fnv_mix.uints[i] = fnv_reduce(mix.uint4s[i]);
return final_hash(&init, &fnv_mix, isolate);
typedef union
hash64_t init;
uint pad; // avoid lds bank conflicts
hash32_t mix;
typedef union {
uint4 uint4s[4];
ulong ulongs[8];
uint uints[16];
} compute_hash_share;
static hash32_t compute_hash(
static ulong compute_hash(
__local compute_hash_share* share,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
@ -394,132 +245,70 @@ static hash32_t compute_hash(
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
// Compute one init hash per work item.
hash64_t init = init_hash(g_header, nonce, isolate);
// sha3_512(header .. nonce)
ulong state[25];
copy(state, g_header->ulongs, 4);
state[4] = nonce;
keccak_f1600_no_absorb(state, 5, 8, isolate);
// Threads work together in this phase in groups of 8.
uint const thread_id = gid % THREADS_PER_HASH;
uint const hash_id = (gid % GROUP_SIZE) / THREADS_PER_HASH;
uint const thread_id = gid & 7;
uint const hash_id = (gid & (GROUP_SIZE-1)) >> 3;
hash32_t mix;
uint i = 0;
// share init with other threads
if (i == thread_id)
share[hash_id].init = init;
uint4 thread_init = share[hash_id].init.uint4s[thread_id % (64 / sizeof(uint4))];
uint thread_mix = inner_loop(thread_init, thread_id, share[hash_id].mix.uints, g_dag, isolate);
copy(share[hash_id].uint4s, state, 4);
share[hash_id].mix.uints[thread_id] = thread_mix;
if (i == thread_id)
mix = share[hash_id].mix;
uint4 mix = share[hash_id].uint4s[thread_id & 3];
while (++i != (THREADS_PER_HASH & isolate));
return final_hash(&init, &mix, isolate);
static hash32_t compute_hash_chunks(
__local compute_hash_share* share,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag1,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag2,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag3,
ulong nonce,
uint isolate
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
// Compute one init hash per work item.
hash64_t init = init_hash(g_header, nonce, isolate);
// Threads work together in this phase in groups of 8.
uint const thread_id = gid % THREADS_PER_HASH;
uint const hash_id = (gid % GROUP_SIZE) / THREADS_PER_HASH;
__local uint *share0 = share[hash_id].uints;
hash32_t mix;
uint i = 0;
// share init with other threads
if (i == thread_id)
share[hash_id].init = init;
// share init0
if (thread_id == 0)
*share0 = mix.x;
uint init0 = *share0;
uint4 thread_init = share[hash_id].init.uint4s[thread_id % (64 / sizeof(uint4))];
uint a = 0;
bool update_share = thread_id == ((a >> 2) & (THREADS_PER_HASH - 1));
uint thread_mix = inner_loop_chunks(thread_init, thread_id, share[hash_id].mix.uints, g_dag, g_dag1, g_dag2, g_dag3, isolate);
#pragma unroll
for (uint i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
if (update_share)
*share0 = fnv(init0 ^ (a + i), ((uint *)&mix)[i]) % DAG_SIZE;
share[hash_id].mix.uints[thread_id] = thread_mix;
mix = fnv4(mix, g_dag[*share0].uint4s[thread_id]);
} while ((a += 4) != (ACCESSES & isolate));
share[hash_id].uints[thread_id] = fnv_reduce(mix);
if (i == thread_id)
mix = share[hash_id].mix;
copy(state + 8, share[hash_id].ulongs, 4);
while (++i != (THREADS_PER_HASH & isolate));
return final_hash(&init, &mix, isolate);
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
__kernel void ethash_hash_simple(
__global hash32_t* g_hashes,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
ulong start_nonce,
uint isolate
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
g_hashes[gid] = compute_hash_simple(g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
__kernel void ethash_search_simple(
__global volatile uint* restrict g_output,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
ulong start_nonce,
ulong target,
uint isolate
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
hash32_t hash = compute_hash_simple(g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
if (hash.ulongs[countof(hash.ulongs)-1] < target)
uint slot = min(convert_uint(MAX_OUTPUTS), convert_uint(atomic_inc(&g_output[0]) + 1));
g_output[slot] = gid;
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
__kernel void ethash_hash(
__global hash32_t* g_hashes,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
ulong start_nonce,
uint isolate
__local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
// keccak_256(keccak_512(header..nonce) .. mix);
keccak_f1600_no_absorb(state, 12, 4, isolate);
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
g_hashes[gid] = compute_hash(share, g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
return state[0];
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
@ -535,54 +324,11 @@ __kernel void ethash_search(
__local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
hash32_t hash = compute_hash(share, g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
ulong hash = compute_hash(share, g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
if (as_ulong(as_uchar8(hash.ulongs[0]).s76543210) < target)
if (as_ulong(as_uchar8(hash).s76543210) < target)
uint slot = min(MAX_OUTPUTS, atomic_inc(&g_output[0]) + 1);
g_output[slot] = gid;
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
__kernel void ethash_hash_chunks(
__global hash32_t* g_hashes,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag1,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag2,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag3,
ulong start_nonce,
uint isolate
__local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
g_hashes[gid] = compute_hash_chunks(share, g_header, g_dag, g_dag1, g_dag2, g_dag3,start_nonce + gid, isolate);
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
__kernel void ethash_search_chunks(
__global volatile uint* restrict g_output,
__constant hash32_t const* g_header,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag1,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag2,
__global hash128_t const* g_dag3,
ulong start_nonce,
ulong target,
uint isolate
__local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
hash32_t hash = compute_hash_chunks(share, g_header, g_dag, g_dag1, g_dag2, g_dag3, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
if (as_ulong(as_uchar8(hash.ulongs[0]).s76543210) < target)
uint slot = min(convert_uint(MAX_OUTPUTS), convert_uint(atomic_inc(&g_output[0]) + 1));
g_output[slot] = gid;
