@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ extern "C" |
using namespace dev::eth::jit; |
EXPORT void ext_store(Runtime* _rt, i256* _index, i256* _value) |
EXPORT void ext_store(Runtime* _rt, i256* _index, i256* o_value) |
{ |
auto index = llvm2eth(*_index); |
auto value = _rt->getExt().store(index); // Interface uses native endianness
*_value = eth2llvm(value); |
*o_value = eth2llvm(value); |
} |
EXPORT void ext_setStore(Runtime* _rt, i256* _index, i256* _value) |
@ -187,28 +187,28 @@ extern "C" |
ext.setStore(index, value); // Interface uses native endianness
} |
EXPORT void ext_calldataload(Runtime* _rt, i256* _index, i256* _value) |
EXPORT void ext_calldataload(Runtime* _rt, i256* _index, i256* o_value) |
{ |
auto index = static_cast<size_t>(llvm2eth(*_index)); |
assert(index + 31 > index); // TODO: Handle large index
auto b = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(_value); |
auto b = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(o_value); |
for (size_t i = index, j = 0; i <= index + 31; ++i, ++j) |
b[j] = i < _rt->getExt().data.size() ? _rt->getExt().data[i] : 0; // Keep Big Endian
// TODO: It all can be done by adding padding to data or by using min() algorithm without branch
} |
EXPORT void ext_balance(Runtime* _rt, h256* _address, i256* _value) |
EXPORT void ext_balance(Runtime* _rt, h256* _address, i256* o_value) |
{ |
auto u = _rt->getExt().balance(right160(*_address)); |
*_value = eth2llvm(u); |
*o_value = eth2llvm(u); |
} |
EXPORT void ext_suicide(Runtime* _rt, h256* _address) |
EXPORT void ext_suicide(Runtime* _rt, h256 const* _address) |
{ |
_rt->getExt().suicide(right160(*_address)); |
} |
EXPORT void ext_create(Runtime* _rt, i256* _endowment, i256* _initOff, i256* _initSize, h256* _address) |
EXPORT void ext_create(Runtime* _rt, i256* _endowment, i256* _initOff, i256* _initSize, h256* o_address) |
{ |
auto&& ext = _rt->getExt(); |
auto endowment = llvm2eth(*_endowment); |
@ -222,21 +222,21 @@ extern "C" |
auto&& initRef = bytesConstRef(_rt->getMemory().data() + initOff, initSize); |
OnOpFunc onOp {}; // TODO: Handle that thing
h256 address(ext.create(endowment, &gas, initRef, onOp), h256::AlignRight); |
*_address = address; |
*o_address = address; |
} |
else |
*_address = {}; |
*o_address = {}; |
} |
EXPORT void ext_call(Runtime* _rt, i256* _gas, h256* _receiveAddress, i256* _value, i256* _inOff, i256* _inSize, i256* _outOff, i256* _outSize, h256* _codeAddress, i256* _ret) |
EXPORT void ext_call(Runtime* _rt, i256* io_gas, h256* _receiveAddress, i256* _value, i256* _inOff, i256* _inSize, i256* _outOff, i256* _outSize, h256* _codeAddress, i256* o_ret) |
{ |
auto&& ext = _rt->getExt(); |
auto value = llvm2eth(*_value); |
auto ret = false; |
auto gas = llvm2eth(*_gas); |
auto gas = llvm2eth(*io_gas); |
if (ext.balance(ext.myAddress) >= value) |
{ |
ext.subBalance(value); |
@ -252,25 +252,25 @@ extern "C" |
ret = ext.call(receiveAddress, value, inRef, &gas, outRef, onOp, {}, codeAddress); |
} |
*_gas = eth2llvm(gas); |
_ret->a = ret ? 1 : 0; |
*io_gas = eth2llvm(gas); |
o_ret->a = ret ? 1 : 0; |
} |
EXPORT void ext_sha3(Runtime* _rt, i256* _inOff, i256* _inSize, i256* _ret) |
EXPORT void ext_sha3(Runtime* _rt, i256* _inOff, i256* _inSize, i256* o_ret) |
{ |
auto inOff = static_cast<size_t>(llvm2eth(*_inOff)); |
auto inSize = static_cast<size_t>(llvm2eth(*_inSize)); |
auto dataRef = bytesConstRef(_rt->getMemory().data() + inOff, inSize); |
auto hash = sha3(dataRef); |
*_ret = *reinterpret_cast<i256*>(&hash); |
*o_ret = *reinterpret_cast<i256*>(&hash); |
} |
EXPORT void ext_exp(Runtime*, i256* _left, i256* _right, i256* _ret) |
EXPORT void ext_exp(Runtime*, i256* _left, i256* _right, i256* o_ret) |
{ |
bigint left = llvm2eth(*_left); |
bigint right = llvm2eth(*_right); |
auto ret = static_cast<u256>(boost::multiprecision::powm(left, right, bigint(2) << 256)); |
*_ret = eth2llvm(ret); |
*o_ret = eth2llvm(ret); |
} |
EXPORT unsigned char* ext_codeAt(Runtime* _rt, h256* _addr256) |
@ -281,12 +281,12 @@ extern "C" |
return const_cast<unsigned char*>(code.data()); |
} |
EXPORT void ext_codesizeAt(Runtime* _rt, h256* _addr256, i256* _ret) |
EXPORT void ext_codesizeAt(Runtime* _rt, h256* _addr256, i256* o_ret) |
{ |
auto&& ext = _rt->getExt(); |
auto addr = right160(*_addr256); |
auto& code = ext.codeAt(addr); |
*_ret = eth2llvm(u256(code.size())); |
*o_ret = eth2llvm(u256(code.size())); |
} |
} |