diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index fac5bcfd8..ac2e8469f 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -509,10 +509,6 @@ if (GUI)
# add_subdirectory(third) // reenable once not qtwebkit.
- add_subdirectory(mix)
- endif ()
diff --git a/mix/.gitignore b/mix/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index f96209dc3..000000000
--- a/mix/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mix/CMakeLists.txt b/mix/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 06d9c2ecd..000000000
--- a/mix/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-cmake_policy(SET CMP0015 NEW)
-# let cmake autolink dependencies on windows
-cmake_policy(SET CMP0020 NEW)
-# this policy was introduced in cmake 3.0
-# remove if, once 3.0 will be used on unix
- cmake_policy(SET CMP0043 OLD)
-aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
-include_directories(BEFORE ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-include_directories(BEFORE ..)
- # Supress warnings for qt headers for clang+ccache
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override")
-endif ()
-#TODO: remove once qt 5.5.1 is out
-if (APPLE)
- qt5_add_resources(UI_RESOURCES osx.qrc)
-find_package (Qt5WebEngine)
-# TODO: remove indirect dependencies once macdeployqt is fixed
- find_package (Qt5WebEngineCore)
- find_package (Qt5DBus)
- find_package (Qt5PrintSupport)
-qt5_add_resources(UI_RESOURCES res.qrc qml.qrc)
-file(GLOB HEADERS "*.h")
-set(EXECUTABLE mix)
-if ("${Qt5WebEngine_VERSION_STRING}" VERSION_GREATER "5.3.0")
- qt5_add_resources(UI_RESOURCES web.qrc)
- qt5_add_resources(UI_RESOURCES noweb.qrc)
- add_definitions(-DQT_QML_DEBUG)
-# eth_add_executable is defined in cmake/EthExecutableHelper.cmake
- ICON mix
-set(LIBRARIES "Qt5::Core;Qt5::Gui;Qt5::Widgets;Qt5::Network;Qt5::Quick;Qt5::Qml;webthree;ethereum;evm;ethcore;devcrypto;solidity;evmcore;devcore;jsqrc;web3jsonrpc")
- add_definitions(-DETH_HAVE_WEBENGINE)
- list(APPEND LIBRARIES "Qt5::WebEngine")
- list(APPEND LIBRARIES "Qt5::WebEngineCore")
- list(APPEND LIBRARIES "Qt5::DBus")
- list(APPEND LIBRARIES "Qt5::PrintSupport")
-target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE} ${LIBRARIES})
-# eth_install_executable is defined in cmake/EthExecutableHelper.cmake
-#add qml asnd stdc files to project tree in Qt creator
-file(GLOB_RECURSE QMLFILES "qml/*.*")
-file(GLOB_RECURSE TESTFILES "test/qml/*.*")
-file(GLOB_RECURSE SOLFILES "stdc/*.*")
-add_custom_target(mix_qml SOURCES ${QMLFILES} ${SOLFILES} ${TESTFILES})
-#test target
-find_package(Qt5QuickTest REQUIRED)
-find_package(Qt5Test REQUIRED)
-set(TEST_EXECUTABLE mix_test)
-list(APPEND LIBRARIES "Qt5::QuickTest")
-list(APPEND LIBRARIES "Qt5::Test")
-list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC_LIST "./main.cpp")
-aux_source_directory(test SRC_LIST)
-file(GLOB HEADERS "test/*.h")
-target_link_libraries(${TEST_EXECUTABLE} ${LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/mix/ClientModel.cpp b/mix/ClientModel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d5973ce5e..000000000
--- a/mix/ClientModel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
-/** @file ClientModel.cpp
- * @author Yann yann@ethdev.com
- * @author Arkadiy Paronyan arkadiy@ethdev.com
- * @date 2015
- * Ethereum IDE client.
- */
-// Make sure boost/asio.hpp is included before windows.h.
-#include "ClientModel.h"
-#include "DebuggingStateWrapper.h"
-#include "Exceptions.h"
-#include "QContractDefinition.h"
-#include "QVariableDeclaration.h"
-#include "QVariableDefinition.h"
-#include "ContractCallDataEncoder.h"
-#include "CodeModel.h"
-#include "QEther.h"
-#include "Web3Server.h"
-#include "MixClient.h"
-using namespace dev;
-using namespace dev::eth;
-using namespace std;
-namespace dev
-namespace mix
-class RpcConnector: public jsonrpc::AbstractServerConnector
- virtual bool StartListening() override { return true; }
- virtual bool StopListening() override { return true; }
- virtual bool SendResponse(string const& _response, void*) override
- {
- m_response = QString::fromStdString(_response);
- return true;
- }
- QString response() const { return m_response; }
- QString m_response;
- m_running(false), m_rpcConnector(new RpcConnector())
- qRegisterMetaType("QBigInt*");
- qRegisterMetaType("QVariableDefinition*");
- qRegisterMetaType>("QList");
- qRegisterMetaType>("QList");
- qRegisterMetaType("QVariableDeclaration*");
- qRegisterMetaType("QSolidityType*");
- qRegisterMetaType("QMachineState");
- qRegisterMetaType("QInstruction");
- qRegisterMetaType("QCode");
- qRegisterMetaType("QCallData");
- qRegisterMetaType("RecordLogEntry*");
- m_runFuture.waitForFinished();
-void ClientModel::init(QString _dbpath)
- m_dbpath = _dbpath;
- if (m_dbpath.isEmpty())
- m_client.reset(new MixClient(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation).toStdString()));
- else
- m_client.reset(new MixClient(m_dbpath.toStdString()));
- m_ethAccounts = make_shared([=](){return m_client.get();}, std::vector());
- m_web3Server.reset(new Web3Server(*m_rpcConnector.get(), m_ethAccounts, std::vector(), m_client.get()));
- connect(m_web3Server.get(), &Web3Server::newTransaction, this, &ClientModel::onNewTransaction, Qt::DirectConnection);
-QString ClientModel::apiCall(QString const& _message)
- try
- {
- m_rpcConnector->OnRequest(_message.toStdString(), nullptr);
- return m_rpcConnector->response();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- cerr << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information();
- return QString();
- }
-void ClientModel::mine()
- if (m_mining)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExecutionStateException());
- m_mining = true;
- emit miningStarted();
- emit miningStateChanged();
- m_runFuture = QtConcurrent::run([=]()
- {
- try
- {
- m_client->mine();
- newBlock();
- m_mining = false;
- emit miningComplete();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- m_mining = false;
- cerr << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information();
- emit runFailed(QString::fromStdString(boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information()));
- }
- emit miningStateChanged();
- });
-QString ClientModel::newSecret()
- KeyPair a = KeyPair::create();
- return QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(a.secret().ref()));
-QString ClientModel::address(QString const& _secret)
- return QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(KeyPair(Secret(_secret.toStdString())).address().ref()));
-QString ClientModel::toHex(QString const& _int)
- return QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(dev::u256(_int.toStdString())));
-QString ClientModel::encodeAbiString(QString _string)
- ContractCallDataEncoder encoder;
- return QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(encoder.encodeBytes(_string)));
-QString ClientModel::encodeStringParam(QString const& _param)
- ContractCallDataEncoder encoder;
- return QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(encoder.encodeStringParam(_param, 32)));
-QStringList ClientModel::encodeParams(QVariant const& _param, QString const& _contract, QString const& _function)
- QStringList ret;
- CompiledContract const& compilerRes = m_codeModel->contract(_contract);
- QList paramsList;
- shared_ptr contractDef = compilerRes.sharedContract();
- if (_contract == _function)
- paramsList = contractDef->constructor()->parametersList();
- else
- for (QFunctionDefinition* tf: contractDef->functionsList())
- if (tf->name() == _function)
- {
- paramsList = tf->parametersList();
- break;
- }
- if (paramsList.length() > 0)
- for (QVariableDeclaration* var: paramsList)
- {
- ContractCallDataEncoder encoder;
- QSolidityType const* type = var->type();
- QVariant value = _param.toMap().value(var->name());
- encoder.encode(value, type->type());
- ret.push_back(QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(encoder.encodedData())));
- }
- return ret;
-QVariantMap ClientModel::contractAddresses() const
- QVariantMap res;
- for (auto const& c: m_contractAddresses)
- res.insert(c.first.first, QString::fromStdString(toJS(c.second)));
- return res;
-QVariantList ClientModel::gasCosts() const
- QVariantList res;
- for (auto const& c: m_gasCosts)
- res.append(QVariant::fromValue(static_cast(c)));
- return res;
-void ClientModel::addAccount(QString const& _secret)
- KeyPair key(Secret(_secret.toStdString()));
- m_accountsSecret.push_back(key);
- Address address = key.address();
- m_accounts[address] = Account(u256(0), Account::NormalCreation);
- m_ethAccounts->setAccounts(m_accountsSecret);
-QString ClientModel::resolveAddress(QString const& _secret)
- KeyPair key(Secret(_secret.toStdString()));
- return "0x" + QString::fromStdString(key.address().hex());
-void ClientModel::setupScenario(QVariantMap _scenario)
- onStateReset();
- WriteGuard(x_queueTransactions);
- m_running = true;
- QVariantList blocks = _scenario.value("blocks").toList();
- QVariantList stateAccounts = _scenario.value("accounts").toList();
- QVariantList stateContracts = _scenario.value("contracts").toList();
- m_accounts.clear();
- m_accountsSecret.clear();
- for (auto const& b: stateAccounts)
- {
- QVariantMap account = b.toMap();
- Address address = {};
- if (account.contains("secret"))
- {
- KeyPair key(Secret(account.value("secret").toString().toStdString()));
- m_accountsSecret.push_back(key);
- address = key.address();
- }
- else if (account.contains("address"))
- address = Address(fromHex(account.value("address").toString().toStdString()));
- if (!address)
- continue;
- m_accounts[address] = Account(qvariant_cast(account.value("balance"))->toU256Wei(), Account::NormalCreation);
- }
- m_ethAccounts->setAccounts(m_accountsSecret);
- for (auto const& c: stateContracts)
- {
- QVariantMap contract = c.toMap();
- Address address = Address(fromHex(contract.value("address").toString().toStdString()));
- Account account(qvariant_cast(contract.value("balance"))->toU256Wei(), Account::ContractConception);
- bytes code = fromHex(contract.value("code").toString().toStdString());
- account.setCode(std::move(code));
- QVariantMap storageMap = contract.value("storage").toMap();
- for(auto s = storageMap.cbegin(); s != storageMap.cend(); ++s)
- account.setStorage(fromBigEndian(fromHex(s.key().toStdString())), fromBigEndian(fromHex(s.value().toString().toStdString())));
- m_accounts[address] = account;
- }
- bool trToExecute = false;
- for (auto const& b: blocks)
- {
- QVariantList transactions = b.toMap().value("transactions").toList();
- m_queueTransactions.push_back(transactions);
- trToExecute = transactions.size() > 0;
- }
- m_client->resetState(m_accounts, Secret(_scenario.value("miner").toMap().value("secret").toString().toStdString()));
- if (m_queueTransactions.count() > 0 && trToExecute)
- {
- setupExecutionChain();
- processNextTransactions();
- }
- else
- m_running = false;
-void ClientModel::setupExecutionChain()
- connect(this, &ClientModel::newBlock, this, &ClientModel::processNextTransactions, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- connect(this, &ClientModel::runFailed, this, &ClientModel::stopExecution, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- connect(this, &ClientModel::runStateChanged, this, &ClientModel::finalizeBlock, Qt::QueuedConnection);
-void ClientModel::stopExecution()
- disconnect(this, &ClientModel::newBlock, this, &ClientModel::processNextTransactions);
- disconnect(this, &ClientModel::runStateChanged, this, &ClientModel::finalizeBlock);
- disconnect(this, &ClientModel::runFailed, this, &ClientModel::stopExecution);
- m_running = false;
-void ClientModel::finalizeBlock()
- m_queueTransactions.pop_front();// pop last execution group. The last block is never mined (pending block)
- if (m_queueTransactions.size() > 0)
- mine();
- else
- {
- stopExecution();
- emit runComplete();
- }
-TransactionSettings ClientModel::transaction(QVariant const& _tr) const
- QVariantMap transaction = _tr.toMap();
- QString contractId = transaction.value("contractId").toString();
- QString functionId = transaction.value("functionId").toString();
- bool gasAuto = transaction.value("gasAuto").toBool();
- u256 gas = 0;
- if (transaction.value("gas").data())
- gas = boost::get(qvariant_cast(transaction.value("gas"))->internalValue());
- else
- gasAuto = true;
- u256 value = (qvariant_cast(transaction.value("value")))->toU256Wei();
- u256 gasPrice = (qvariant_cast(transaction.value("gasPrice")))->toU256Wei();
- QString sender = transaction.value("sender").toString();
- bool isContractCreation = transaction.value("isContractCreation").toBool();
- bool isFunctionCall = transaction.value("isFunctionCall").toBool();
- if (contractId.isEmpty() && m_codeModel->hasContract()) //TODO: This is to support old project files, remove later
- contractId = m_codeModel->contracts().keys()[0];
- Secret f = Secret(sender.toStdString());
- TransactionSettings transactionSettings(contractId, functionId, value, gas, gasAuto, gasPrice, f, isContractCreation, isFunctionCall);
- transactionSettings.parameterValues = transaction.value("parameters").toMap();
- if (contractId == functionId || functionId == "Constructor")
- transactionSettings.functionId.clear();
- return transactionSettings;
-void ClientModel::processNextTransactions()
- WriteGuard(x_queueTransactions);
- vector transactionSequence;
- for (auto const& t: m_queueTransactions.front())
- {
- TransactionSettings transactionSettings = transaction(t);
- transactionSequence.push_back(transactionSettings);
- }
- executeSequence(transactionSequence);
-void ClientModel::executeSequence(vector const& _sequence)
- if (m_running)
- {
- qWarning() << "Waiting for current execution to complete";
- m_runFuture.waitForFinished();
- }
- emit runStarted();
- //run sequence
- m_runFuture = QtConcurrent::run([=]()
- {
- try
- {
- m_gasCosts.clear();
- for (TransactionSettings const& transaction: _sequence)
- {
- std::pair ctrInstance = resolvePair(transaction.contractId);
- QString address = resolveToken(ctrInstance);
- if (!transaction.isFunctionCall)
- {
- callAddress(Address(address.toStdString()), bytes(), transaction);
- onNewTransaction();
- continue;
- }
- ContractCallDataEncoder encoder;
- //encode data
- CompiledContract const& compilerRes = m_codeModel->contract(ctrInstance.first);
- QFunctionDefinition const* f = nullptr;
- bytes contractCode = compilerRes.bytes();
- shared_ptr contractDef = compilerRes.sharedContract();
- if (transaction.functionId.isEmpty())
- f = contractDef->constructor();
- else
- for (QFunctionDefinition const* tf: contractDef->functionsList())
- if (tf->name() == transaction.functionId)
- {
- f = tf;
- break;
- }
- if (!f)
- emit runFailed("Function '" + transaction.functionId + tr("' not found. Please check transactions or the contract code."));
- if (!transaction.functionId.isEmpty())
- encoder.encode(f);
- for (QVariableDeclaration const* p: f->parametersList())
- {
- QSolidityType const* type = p->type();
- QVariant value = transaction.parameterValues.value(p->name());
- if (type->type().type == SolidityType::Type::Address)
- {
- if (type->array())
- {
- QJsonArray jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(value.toString().toUtf8()).array();
- int k = 0;
- for (QJsonValue const& item: jsonDoc)
- {
- if (item.toString().startsWith("<"))
- {
- std::pair ctrParamInstance = resolvePair(item.toString());
- jsonDoc.replace(k, resolveToken(ctrParamInstance));
- }
- k++;
- }
- QJsonDocument doc(jsonDoc);
- value = QVariant(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
- }
- else if (value.toString().startsWith("<"))
- {
- std::pair ctrParamInstance = resolvePair(value.toString());
- value = QVariant(resolveToken(ctrParamInstance));
- }
- }
- encoder.encode(value, type->type());
- }
- if (transaction.functionId.isEmpty() || transaction.functionId == ctrInstance.first)
- {
- bytes param = encoder.encodedData();
- contractCode.insert(contractCode.end(), param.begin(), param.end());
- Address newAddress = deployContract(contractCode, transaction);
- std::pair contractToken = retrieveToken(transaction.contractId);
- m_contractAddresses[contractToken] = newAddress;
- m_contractNames[newAddress] = contractToken.first;
- contractAddressesChanged();
- gasCostsChanged();
- }
- else
- {
- auto contractAddressIter = m_contractAddresses.find(ctrInstance);
- if (contractAddressIter == m_contractAddresses.end())
- {
- emit runFailed("Contract '" + transaction.contractId + tr(" not deployed.") + "' " + tr(" Cannot call ") + transaction.functionId);
- Address fakeAddress = Address::random();
- std::pair contractToken = resolvePair(transaction.contractId);
- m_contractNames[fakeAddress] = contractToken.first;
- callAddress(fakeAddress, encoder.encodedData(), transaction); //Transact to a random fake address to that transaction is added to the list anyway
- }
- else
- callAddress(contractAddressIter->second, encoder.encodedData(), transaction);
- }
- m_gasCosts.append(m_client->lastExecution().gasUsed);
- onNewTransaction();
- TransactionException exception = m_client->lastExecution().excepted;
- if (exception != TransactionException::None)
- break;
- }
- emit runComplete();
- }
- catch(boost::exception const&)
- {
- cerr << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information();
- emit runFailed(QString::fromStdString(boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information()));
- }
- catch(exception const& e)
- {
- cerr << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information();
- emit runFailed(e.what());
- }
- emit runStateChanged();
- });
-void ClientModel::executeTr(QVariantMap _tr)
- WriteGuard(x_queueTransactions);
- QVariantList trs;
- trs.push_back(_tr);
- m_queueTransactions.push_back(trs);
- if (!m_running)
- {
- m_running = true;
- setupExecutionChain();
- processNextTransactions();
- }
-std::pair ClientModel::resolvePair(QString const& _contractId)
- std::pair ret = std::make_pair(_contractId, 0);
- if (_contractId.startsWith("<") && _contractId.endsWith(">"))
- {
- QStringList values = ret.first.remove("<").remove(">").split(" - ");
- ret = std::make_pair(values[0], values[1].toUInt());
- }
- if (_contractId.startsWith("0x"))
- ret = std::make_pair(_contractId, -2);
- return ret;
-QString ClientModel::resolveToken(std::pair const& _value)
- if (_value.second == -2) //-2: first contains a real address
- return _value.first;
- else if (m_contractAddresses.size() > 0)
- return QString::fromStdString("0x" + dev::toHex(m_contractAddresses[_value].ref()));
- else
- return _value.first;
-std::pair ClientModel::retrieveToken(QString const& _value)
- std::pair ret;
- ret.first = _value;
- ret.second = m_contractAddresses.size();
- return ret;
-void ClientModel::showDebugger()
- ExecutionResult last = m_client->lastExecution();
- showDebuggerForTransaction(last);
-void ClientModel::showDebuggerForTransaction(ExecutionResult const& _t)
- //we need to wrap states in a QObject before sending to QML.
- QDebugData* debugData = new QDebugData();
- QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(debugData, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership);
- QList codes;
- QList> codeMaps;
- QList codeItems;
- QList contracts;
- for (MachineCode const& code: _t.executionCode)
- {
- QHash codeMap;
- codes.push_back(QMachineState::getHumanReadableCode(debugData, code.address, code.code, codeMap));
- codeMaps.push_back(move(codeMap));
- //try to resolve contract for source level debugging
- auto nameIter = m_contractNames.find(code.address);
- CompiledContract const* compilerRes = nullptr;
- if (nameIter != m_contractNames.end() && (compilerRes = m_codeModel->tryGetContract(nameIter->second))) //returned object is guaranteed to live till the end of event handler in main thread
- {
- eth::AssemblyItems assemblyItems = !_t.isConstructor() ? compilerRes->assemblyItems() : compilerRes->constructorAssemblyItems();
- codes.back()->setDocument(compilerRes->documentId());
- codeItems.push_back(move(assemblyItems));
- contracts.push_back(compilerRes);
- }
- else
- {
- codeItems.push_back(AssemblyItems());
- contracts.push_back(nullptr);
- }
- }
- QList data;
- for (bytes const& d: _t.transactionData)
- data.push_back(QMachineState::getDebugCallData(debugData, d));
- QVariantList states;
- QVariantList solCallStack;
- map solLocals; //
- map storageDeclarations; //
- unsigned prevInstructionIndex = 0;
- for (MachineState const& s: _t.machineStates)
- {
- int instructionIndex = codeMaps[s.codeIndex][static_cast(s.curPC)];
- QSolState* solState = nullptr;
- if (!codeItems[s.codeIndex].empty() && contracts[s.codeIndex])
- {
- CompiledContract const* contract = contracts[s.codeIndex];
- AssemblyItem const& instruction = codeItems[s.codeIndex][instructionIndex];
- if (instruction.type() == eth::Push && !instruction.data())
- {
- //register new local variable initialization
- auto localIter = contract->locals().find(LocationPair(instruction.getLocation().start, instruction.getLocation().end));
- if (localIter != contract->locals().end())
- solLocals[s.stack.size()] = new QVariableDeclaration(debugData, localIter.value().name.toStdString(), localIter.value().type);
- }
- if (instruction.type() == eth::Tag)
- {
- //track calls into functions
- AssemblyItem const& prevInstruction = codeItems[s.codeIndex][prevInstructionIndex];
- QString functionName = m_codeModel->resolveFunctionName(instruction.getLocation());
- if (!functionName.isEmpty() && ((prevInstruction.getJumpType() == AssemblyItem::JumpType::IntoFunction) || solCallStack.empty()))
- solCallStack.push_front(QVariant::fromValue(functionName));
- else if (prevInstruction.getJumpType() == AssemblyItem::JumpType::OutOfFunction && !solCallStack.empty())
- {
- solCallStack.pop_front();
- solLocals.clear();
- }
- }
- //format solidity context values
- QVariantMap locals;
- QVariantList localDeclarations;
- QVariantMap localValues;
- for (auto l: solLocals)
- if (l.first < (int)s.stack.size())
- {
- if (l.second->type()->name().startsWith("mapping"))
- break; //mapping type not yet managed
- localDeclarations.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(l.second));
- localValues[l.second->name()] = formatValue(l.second->type()->type(), s.stack[l.first]);
- }
- locals["variables"] = localDeclarations;
- locals["values"] = localValues;
- QVariantMap storage;
- QVariantList storageDeclarationList;
- QVariantMap storageValues;
- for (auto st: s.storage)
- if (st.first < numeric_limits::max())
- {
- auto storageIter = contract->storage().find(static_cast(st.first));
- if (storageIter != contract->storage().end())
- {
- QVariableDeclaration* storageDec = nullptr;
- for (SolidityDeclaration const& codeDec : storageIter.value())
- {
- if (codeDec.type.name.startsWith("mapping"))
- continue; //mapping type not yet managed
- auto decIter = storageDeclarations.find(codeDec.name);
- if (decIter != storageDeclarations.end())
- storageDec = decIter->second;
- else
- {
- storageDec = new QVariableDeclaration(debugData, codeDec.name.toStdString(), codeDec.type);
- storageDeclarations[storageDec->name()] = storageDec;
- }
- storageDeclarationList.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(storageDec));
- storageValues[storageDec->name()] = formatStorageValue(storageDec->type()->type(), s.storage, codeDec.offset, codeDec.slot);
- }
- }
- }
- storage["variables"] = storageDeclarationList;
- storage["values"] = storageValues;
- prevInstructionIndex = instructionIndex;
- // filter out locations that match whole function or contract
- SourceLocation location = instruction.getLocation();
- QString source;
- if (location.sourceName)
- source = QString::fromUtf8(location.sourceName->c_str());
- if (m_codeModel->isContractOrFunctionLocation(location))
- location = dev::SourceLocation(-1, -1, location.sourceName);
- solState = new QSolState(debugData, move(storage), move(solCallStack), move(locals), location.start, location.end, source);
- }
- states.append(QVariant::fromValue(new QMachineState(debugData, instructionIndex, s, codes[s.codeIndex], data[s.dataIndex], solState)));
- }
- debugData->setStates(move(states));
- debugDataReady(debugData);
-QVariant ClientModel::formatValue(SolidityType const& _type, u256 const& _value)
- ContractCallDataEncoder decoder;
- bytes val = toBigEndian(_value);
- QVariant res = decoder.decode(_type, val);
- return res;
-QVariant ClientModel::formatStorageValue(SolidityType const& _type, unordered_map const& _storage, unsigned _offset, u256 const& _slot)
- u256 slot = _slot;
- QVariantList values;
- ContractCallDataEncoder decoder;
- u256 count = 1;
- if (_type.dynamicSize)
- {
- count = _storage.at(slot);
- slot = fromBigEndian(sha3(toBigEndian(slot)).asBytes());
- }
- else if (_type.array)
- count = _type.count;
- unsigned offset = _offset;
- while (count--)
- {
- auto slotIter = _storage.find(slot);
- u256 slotValue = slotIter != _storage.end() ? slotIter->second : u256();
- bytes slotBytes = toBigEndian(slotValue);
- auto start = slotBytes.end() - _type.size - offset;
- bytes val(32 - _type.size); //prepend with zeroes
- if (_type.type == SolidityType::SignedInteger && (*start & 0x80)) //extend sign
- std::fill(val.begin(), val.end(), 0xff);
- val.insert(val.end(), start, start + _type.size);
- values.append(decoder.decode(_type, val));
- offset += _type.size;
- if ((offset + _type.size) > 32)
- {
- slot++;
- offset = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!_type.array)
- return values[0];
- return QVariant::fromValue(values);
-void ClientModel::emptyRecord()
- debugDataReady(new QDebugData());
-void ClientModel::debugRecord(unsigned _index)
- ExecutionResult e = m_client->execution(_index);
- showDebuggerForTransaction(e);
-Address ClientModel::deployContract(bytes const& _code, TransactionSettings const& _ctrTransaction)
- eth::TransactionSkeleton ts;
- ts.creation = true;
- ts.value = _ctrTransaction.value;
- ts.data = _code;
- ts.gas = _ctrTransaction.gas;
- ts.gasPrice = _ctrTransaction.gasPrice;
- ts.from = toAddress(_ctrTransaction.sender);
- return m_client->submitTransaction(ts, _ctrTransaction.sender, _ctrTransaction.gasAuto).second;
-void ClientModel::callAddress(Address const& _contract, bytes const& _data, TransactionSettings const& _tr)
- eth::TransactionSkeleton ts;
- ts.creation = false;
- ts.value = _tr.value;
- ts.to = _contract;
- ts.data = _data;
- ts.gas = _tr.gas;
- ts.gasPrice = _tr.gasPrice;
- ts.from = toAddress(_tr.sender);
- m_client->submitTransaction(ts, _tr.sender, _tr.gasAuto);
-RecordLogEntry* ClientModel::lastBlock() const
- eth::BlockInfo blockInfo = m_client->blockInfo();
- stringstream strGas;
- strGas << blockInfo.gasUsed();
- stringstream strNumber;
- strNumber << blockInfo.number();
- RecordLogEntry* record = new RecordLogEntry(0, QString::fromStdString(strNumber.str()), tr(" - Block - "), tr("Hash: ") + QString(QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(blockInfo.hash().ref()))), QString(), QString(), QString(), false, RecordLogEntry::RecordType::Block, QString::fromStdString(strGas.str()), QString(), tr("Block"), QVariantMap(), QVariantMap(), QVariantList());
- QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(record, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership);
- return record;
-void ClientModel::onStateReset()
- m_contractAddresses.clear();
- m_contractNames.clear();
- m_stdContractAddresses.clear();
- m_stdContractNames.clear();
- m_queueTransactions.clear();
- emit stateCleared();
-void ClientModel::onNewTransaction()
- ExecutionResult const& tr = m_client->lastExecution();
- switch (tr.excepted)
- {
- case TransactionException::None:
- break;
- case TransactionException::NotEnoughCash:
- emit runFailed("Insufficient balance");
- break;
- case TransactionException::OutOfGasIntrinsic:
- case TransactionException::OutOfGasBase:
- case TransactionException::OutOfGas:
- emit runFailed("Not enough gas");
- break;
- case TransactionException::BlockGasLimitReached:
- emit runFailed("Block gas limit reached");
- break;
- case TransactionException::BadJumpDestination:
- emit runFailed("Solidity exception (bad jump)");
- break;
- case TransactionException::OutOfStack:
- emit runFailed("Out of stack");
- break;
- case TransactionException::StackUnderflow:
- emit runFailed("Stack underflow");
- //these should not happen in mix
- case TransactionException::Unknown:
- case TransactionException::BadInstruction:
- case TransactionException::InvalidSignature:
- case TransactionException::InvalidNonce:
- case TransactionException::InvalidFormat:
- case TransactionException::BadRLP:
- emit runFailed("Internal execution error");
- break;
- }
- unsigned block = m_client->number() + 1;
- unsigned recordIndex = tr.executonIndex;
- QString transactionIndex = tr.isCall() ? QObject::tr("Call") : QString("%1:%2").arg(block).arg(tr.transactionIndex);
- QString address = QString::fromStdString(toJS(tr.address));
- QString value = QString::fromStdString(toString(tr.value));
- QString contract = address;
- QString function;
- QString returned;
- QString gasUsed;
- bool creation = (bool)tr.contractAddress;
- if (!tr.isCall())
- gasUsed = QString::fromStdString(toString(tr.gasUsed));
- //TODO: handle value transfer
- FixedHash<4> functionHash;
- bool abi = false;
- if (creation)
- {
- //contract creation
- function = QObject::tr("Constructor");
- address = QObject::tr("(Create contract)");
- }
- else
- {
- //transaction/call
- if (tr.inputParameters.size() >= 4)
- {
- functionHash = FixedHash<4>(tr.inputParameters.data(), FixedHash<4>::ConstructFromPointer);
- function = QString::fromStdString(toJS(functionHash));
- abi = true;
- }
- else
- function = QObject::tr("");
- }
- if (creation)
- returned = QString::fromStdString(toJS(tr.contractAddress));
- Address contractAddress = (bool)tr.address ? tr.address : tr.contractAddress;
- auto contractAddressIter = m_contractNames.find(contractAddress);
- QVariantMap inputParameters;
- QVariantMap returnParameters;
- QVariantList logs;
- if (contractAddressIter != m_contractNames.end())
- {
- ContractCallDataEncoder encoder;
- CompiledContract const& compilerRes = m_codeModel->contract(contractAddressIter->second);
- const QContractDefinition* def = compilerRes.contract();
- contract = def->name();
- if (creation)
- function = contract;
- if (abi)
- {
- QFunctionDefinition const* funcDef = def->getFunction(functionHash);
- if (funcDef)
- {
- function = funcDef->name();
- QStringList returnValues = encoder.decode(funcDef->returnParameters(), tr.result.output);
- returned += "(";
- returned += returnValues.join(", ");
- returned += ")";
- QStringList returnParams = encoder.decode(funcDef->returnParameters(), tr.result.output);
- for (int k = 0; k < returnParams.length(); ++k)
- returnParameters.insert(funcDef->returnParameters().at(k)->name(), returnParams.at(k));
- bytes data = tr.inputParameters;
- data.erase(data.begin(), data.begin() + 4);
- QStringList parameters = encoder.decode(funcDef->parametersList(), data);
- for (int k = 0; k < parameters.length(); ++k)
- inputParameters.insert(funcDef->parametersList().at(k)->name(), parameters.at(k));
- }
- }
- // Fill generated logs and decode parameters
- for (auto const& log: tr.logs)
- {
- QVariantMap l;
- l.insert("address", QString::fromStdString(log.address.hex()));
- std::ostringstream s;
- s << log.data;
- l.insert("data", QString::fromStdString(s.str()));
- std::ostringstream streamTopic;
- streamTopic << log.topics;
- l.insert("topic", QString::fromStdString(streamTopic.str()));
- auto const& sign = log.topics.front(); // first hash supposed to be the event signature. To check
- auto dataIterator = log.data.begin();
- int topicDataIndex = 1;
- for (auto const& event: def->eventsList())
- {
- if (sign == event->fullHash())
- {
- QVariantList paramsList;
- l.insert("name", event->name());
- for (auto const& e: event->parametersList())
- {
- bytes data;
- QString param;
- if (!e->isIndexed())
- {
- data = bytes(dataIterator, dataIterator + 32);
- dataIterator = dataIterator + 32;
- }
- else
- {
- data = log.topics.at(topicDataIndex).asBytes();
- topicDataIndex++;
- }
- param = encoder.decode(e, data);
- QVariantMap p;
- p.insert("indexed", e->isIndexed());
- p.insert("value", param);
- p.insert("name", e->name());
- paramsList.push_back(p);
- }
- l.insert("param", paramsList);
- break;
- }
- }
- logs.push_back(l);
- }
- }
- QString sender;
- for (auto const& secret: m_accountsSecret)
- {
- if (secret.address() == tr.sender)
- {
- sender = QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(secret.secret().ref()));
- break;
- }
- }
- QString label;
- if (function != QObject::tr(""))
- label = contract + "." + function + "()";
- else
- label = contract;
- if (!creation)
- for (auto const& ctr: m_contractAddresses)
- {
- if (ctr.second == tr.address)
- {
- contract = "<" + ctr.first.first + " - " + QString::number(ctr.first.second) + ">";
- break;
- }
- }
- RecordLogEntry* log = new RecordLogEntry(recordIndex, transactionIndex, contract, function, value, address, returned, tr.isCall(), RecordLogEntry::RecordType::Transaction,
- gasUsed, sender, label, inputParameters, returnParameters, logs);
- QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(log, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership);
- emit newRecord(log);
- // retrieving all accounts balance
- QVariantMap state;
- QVariantMap accountBalances;
- for (auto const& ctr : m_contractAddresses)
- {
- u256 wei = m_client->balanceAt(ctr.second, PendingBlock);
- accountBalances.insert("0x" + QString::fromStdString(ctr.second.hex()), QEther(wei, QEther::Wei).format());
- }
- for (auto const& account : m_accounts)
- {
- u256 wei = m_client->balanceAt(account.first, PendingBlock);
- accountBalances.insert("0x" + QString::fromStdString(account.first.hex()), QEther(wei, QEther::Wei).format());
- }
- state.insert("accounts", accountBalances);
- emit newState(recordIndex, state);
diff --git a/mix/ClientModel.h b/mix/ClientModel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cff767dad..000000000
--- a/mix/ClientModel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
-/** @file ClientModel.h
- * @author Yann yann@ethdev.com
- * @author Arkadiy Paronyan arkadiy@ethdev.com
- * @date 2015
- * Ethereum IDE client.
- */
-#pragma once