@ -39,39 +39,56 @@ namespace test |
class ExecutionFramework |
{ |
public: |
ExecutionFramework() { g_logVerbosity = 0; } |
ExecutionFramework(): m_executive(m_state) { g_logVerbosity = 0; } |
bytes compileAndRun(std::string const& _sourceCode) |
{ |
bytes code = dev::solidity::CompilerStack::compile(_sourceCode); |
eth::Executive ex(m_state); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(!ex.create(Address(), 0, m_gasPrice, m_gas, &code, Address())); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(ex.go()); |
ex.finalize(); |
m_contractAddress = ex.newAddress(); |
return ex.out().toBytes(); |
sendMessage(code, true); |
m_contractAddress = m_executive.newAddress(); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(m_state.addressHasCode(m_contractAddress)); |
return m_output; |
} |
bytes callFunction(byte _index, bytes const& _data) |
{ |
bytes data = bytes(1, _index) + _data; |
eth::Executive ex(m_state); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(!ex.call(m_contractAddress, Address(), 0, m_gasPrice, &data, m_gas, Address())); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(ex.go()); |
ex.finalize(); |
return ex.out().toBytes(); |
sendMessage(bytes(1, _index) + _data, false); |
return m_output; |
} |
bytes callFunction(byte _index, u256 const& _argument) |
bytes callFunction(byte _index, u256 const& _argument1) |
{ |
return callFunction(_index, toBigEndian(_argument)); |
callFunction(_index, toBigEndian(_argument1)); |
return m_output; |
} |
private: |
void sendMessage(bytes const& _data, bool _isCreation) |
{ |
eth::Transaction t = _isCreation ? eth::Transaction(0, m_gasPrice, m_gas, _data) |
: eth::Transaction(0, m_gasPrice, m_gas, m_contractAddress, _data); |
bytes transactionRLP = t.rlp(); |
try |
{ |
// this will throw since the transaction is invalid, but it should nevertheless store the transaction
m_executive.setup(&transactionRLP); |
} |
catch (...) {} |
if (_isCreation) |
BOOST_REQUIRE(!m_executive.create(Address(), 0, m_gasPrice, m_gas, &_data, Address())); |
else |
BOOST_REQUIRE(!m_executive.call(m_contractAddress, Address(), 0, m_gasPrice, &_data, m_gas, Address())); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(m_executive.go()); |
m_executive.finalize(); |
m_output = m_executive.out().toBytes(); |
} |
Address m_contractAddress; |
eth::State m_state; |
eth::Executive m_executive; |
u256 const m_gasPrice = 100 * eth::szabo; |
u256 const m_gas = 1000000; |
bytes m_output; |
}; |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(SolidityCompilerEndToEndTest) |