@ -163,6 +163,25 @@ void Transact::on_destination_currentTextChanged(QString) |
// updateFee();
} |
static std::string toString(TransactionException _te) |
{ |
switch (_te) |
{ |
case TransactionException::Unknown: return "Unknown error"; |
case TransactionException::InvalidSignature: return "Permanent Abort: Invalid transaction signature"; |
case TransactionException::InvalidNonce: return "Transient Abort: Invalid transaction nonce"; |
case TransactionException::NotEnoughCash: return "Transient Abort: Not enough cash to pay for transaction"; |
case TransactionException::OutOfGasBase: return "Permanent Abort: Not enough gas to consider transaction"; |
case TransactionException::BlockGasLimitReached: return "Transient Abort: Gas limit of block reached"; |
case TransactionException::BadInstruction: return "VM Error: Attempt to execute invalid instruction"; |
case TransactionException::BadJumpDestination: return "VM Error: Attempt to jump to invalid destination"; |
case TransactionException::OutOfGas: return "VM Error: Out of gas"; |
case TransactionException::OutOfStack: return "VM Error: VM stack limit reached during execution"; |
case TransactionException::StackUnderflow: return "VM Error: Stack underflow"; |
default:; return std::string(); |
} |
} |
void Transact::rejigData() |
{ |
if (!ethereum()) |
@ -247,26 +266,11 @@ void Transact::rejigData() |
{ |
ExecutionResult er = ethereum()->create(s, value(), m_data, ethereum()->gasLimitRemaining(), gasPrice()); |
gasNeeded = (qint64)er.gasUsed; |
auto base = (qint64)Interface::txGas(m_data, 0); |
errs += QString("<div class=\"info\"><span class=\"icon\">INFO</span> Gas required: %1 base, %2 init</div>").arg(base).arg((qint64)er.gasUsed - base); |
if (er.excepted != TransactionException::None) |
{ |
string exErr; |
switch (er.excepted) |
{ |
case TransactionException::Unknown: exErr = "Unknown error"; break; |
case TransactionException::InvalidSignature: exErr = "Permanent Abort: Invalid transaction signature"; break; |
case TransactionException::InvalidNonce: exErr = "Transient Abort: Invalid transaction nonce"; break; |
case TransactionException::NotEnoughCash: exErr = "Transient Abort: Not enough cash to pay for transaction"; break; |
case TransactionException::OutOfGasBase: exErr = "Permanent Abort: Not enough gas to consider transaction"; break; |
case TransactionException::BlockGasLimitReached: exErr = "Transient Abort: Gas limit of block reached"; break; |
case TransactionException::BadInstruction: exErr = "VM Error: Attempt to execute invalid instruction"; break; |
case TransactionException::BadJumpDestination: exErr = "VM Error: Attempt to jump to invalid destination"; break; |
case TransactionException::OutOfGas: exErr = "VM Error: Out of gas"; break; |
case TransactionException::StackUnderflow: exErr = "VM Error: Stack underflow"; break; |
default:; |
} |
errs += "<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> " + QString::fromStdString(exErr) + "</div"; |
} |
errs += "<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> " + QString::fromStdString(toString(er.excepted)) + "</div>"; |
if (er.codeDeposit == CodeDeposit::Failed) |
errs += "<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> Code deposit failed due to insufficient gas</div>"; |
} |
@ -277,18 +281,26 @@ void Transact::rejigData() |
ui->code->setHtml(errs + lll + solidity + "<h4>Code</h4>" + QString::fromStdString(disassemble(m_data)).toHtmlEscaped() + "<h4>Hex</h4>" Div(Mono) + QString::fromStdString(toHex(m_data)) + "</div>"); |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasNeeded); |
if (!ui->gas->isEnabled()) |
ui->gas->setValue(m_backupGas); |
if (ui->gas->value() == ui->gas->minimum()) |
{ |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasNeeded); |
ui->gas->setValue(gasNeeded); |
} |
else |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasNeeded); |
// if (!ui->gas->isEnabled())
// ui->gas->setValue(m_backupGas);
ui->gas->setEnabled(true); |
// if (ui->gas->value() == ui->gas->minimum() && !src.empty())
// ui->gas->setValue((int)(m_ethereum->postState().gasLimitRemaining() / 10));
} |
else |
{ |
auto base = (qint64)Interface::txGas(m_data, 0); |
m_data = parseData(ui->data->toPlainText().toStdString()); |
auto to = m_context->fromString(ui->destination->currentText()); |
QString natspec; |
QString errs; |
if (ethereum()->codeAt(to, 0).size()) |
{ |
string userNotice = m_natSpecDB->getUserNotice(ethereum()->postState().codeHash(to), m_data); |
@ -299,7 +311,35 @@ void Transact::rejigData() |
NatspecExpressionEvaluator evaluator; |
natspec = evaluator.evalExpression(QString::fromStdString(userNotice)); |
} |
ui->gas->setMinimum((qint64)Interface::txGas(m_data, 1)); |
qint64 gasNeeded = 0; |
if (true) |
{ |
auto s = findSecret(value() + ethereum()->gasLimitRemaining() * gasPrice()); |
if (!s) |
errs += "<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> No single account contains enough gas.</div>"; |
// TODO: use account with most balance anyway.
else |
{ |
ExecutionResult er = ethereum()->call(s, value(), to, m_data, ethereum()->gasLimitRemaining(), gasPrice()); |
gasNeeded = (qint64)er.gasUsed; |
errs += QString("<div class=\"info\"><span class=\"icon\">INFO</span> Gas required: %1 base, %2 exec</div>").arg(base).arg((qint64)er.gasUsed - base); |
if (er.excepted != TransactionException::None) |
errs += "<div class=\"error\"><span class=\"icon\">ERROR</span> " + QString::fromStdString(toString(er.excepted)) + "</div>"; |
} |
} |
else |
gasNeeded = (qint64)Interface::txGas(m_data, 0); |
if (ui->gas->value() == ui->gas->minimum()) |
{ |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasNeeded); |
ui->gas->setValue(gasNeeded); |
} |
else |
ui->gas->setMinimum(gasNeeded); |
if (!ui->gas->isEnabled()) |
ui->gas->setValue(m_backupGas); |
ui->gas->setEnabled(true); |
@ -309,10 +349,11 @@ void Transact::rejigData() |
natspec += "Destination not a contract."; |
if (ui->gas->isEnabled()) |
m_backupGas = ui->gas->value(); |
ui->gas->setValue((qint64)Interface::txGas(m_data)); |
ui->gas->setMinimum(base); |
ui->gas->setValue(base); |
ui->gas->setEnabled(false); |
} |
ui->code->setHtml("<h3>NatSpec</h3>" + natspec + "<h3>Dump</h3>" + QString::fromStdString(dev::memDump(m_data, 8, true)) + "<h3>Hex</h3>" + Div(Mono) + QString::fromStdString(toHex(m_data)) + "</div>"); |
ui->code->setHtml(errs + "<h3>NatSpec</h3>" + natspec + "<h3>Dump</h3>" + QString::fromStdString(dev::memDump(m_data, 8, true)) + "<h3>Hex</h3>" + Div(Mono) + QString::fromStdString(toHex(m_data)) + "</div>"); |
} |
updateFee(); |
} |