diff --git a/libethcore/BlockInfo.cpp b/libethcore/BlockInfo.cpp
index 62017796e..8465424a8 100644
--- a/libethcore/BlockInfo.cpp
+++ b/libethcore/BlockInfo.cpp
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void BlockInfo::populate(bytesConstRef _block, bool _checkNonce)
RLP header = root[0];
if (!header.isList())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidBlockFormat(0,header.data()));
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidBlockFormat(0,header.data()) << errinfo_comment("block header needs to be a list"));
populateFromHeader(header, _checkNonce);
if (!root[1].isList())
diff --git a/test/blValidBlockTestFiller.json b/test/blValidBlockTestFiller.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab0369fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/blValidBlockTestFiller.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "validBlock" : {
+ "block" : {
+ "parentHash": "0xefb4db878627027c81b3bb1c7dd3a18dae3914a49cdd24a3e40ab3bbfbb240c5",
+ "uncleHash": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
+ "coinbase": "0x8888f1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1",
+ "stateRoot": "0xf99eb1626cfa6db435c0836235942d7ccaa935f1ae247d3f1c21e495685f903a",
+ "transactionsTrie": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
+ "receiptTrie": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
+ "bloom": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "difficulty": "023101",
+ "number": "62",
+ "gasLimit": "0x0dddb6",
+ "gasUsed": "100",
+ "timestamp": "0x54c98c81",
+ "extraData": "42",
+ "nonce": "0x498e88f5c14b0b60d6e14ce9c6cc958cbe16a1df8dd90210e50d2d77562a348d"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/block.cpp b/test/block.cpp
index 974acbf6d..674c7c40d 100644
--- a/test/block.cpp
+++ b/test/block.cpp
@@ -14,8 +14,189 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
-/** @file state.cpp
+/** @file block.cpp
* @author Christoph Jentzsch
- * @date 2014
+ * @date 2015
* block test functions.
+#include "TestHelper.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace json_spirit;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+namespace dev { namespace test {
+bytes createBlockRLPFromFields(mObject& _tObj)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("parentHash") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("uncleHash") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("coinbase") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("stateRoot") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("transactionsTrie")> 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("receiptTrie") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("bloom") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("difficulty") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("number") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("gasLimit")> 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("gasUsed") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("timestamp") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("extraData") > 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(_tObj.count("nonce") > 0);
+ // construct RLP of the given block
+ cout << "done with require\n";
+ RLPStream rlpStream;
+ rlpStream.appendList(14);
+ cout << "increate aha1\n";
+ rlpStream << h256(_tObj["parentHash"].get_str()) << h256(_tObj["uncleHash"].get_str()) << Address(_tObj["coinbase"].get_str());
+ rlpStream << h256(_tObj["stateRoot"].get_str()) << h256(_tObj["transactionsTrie"].get_str()) << Address(_tObj["receiptTrie"].get_str());
+ rlpStream << LogBloom(_tObj["bloom"].get_str()) << u256(_tObj["difficulty"].get_str()) << u256(_tObj["number"].get_str());
+ rlpStream << u256(_tObj["gasLimit"].get_str()) << u256(_tObj["gasUsed"].get_str()) << u256(_tObj["timestamp"].get_str());
+ rlpStream << importByteArray(_tObj["extraData"].get_str()) << h256(_tObj["nonce"].get_str());
+ return rlpStream.out();
+void doBlockTests(json_spirit::mValue& _v, bool _fillin)
+ for (auto& i: _v.get_obj())
+ {
+ cerr << i.first << endl;
+ mObject& o = i.second.get_obj();
+ if (_fillin == false)
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("rlp") > 0);
+ const bytes rlpReaded = importByteArray(o["rlp"].get_str());
+ RLP myRLP(rlpReaded);
+ BlockInfo blockFromRlp;
+ try
+ {
+ blockFromRlp.populateFromHeader(myRLP, false);
+ //blockFromRlp.verifyInternals(rlpReaded);
+ }
+ catch(Exception const& _e)
+ {
+ cnote << "block construction did throw an exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e);
+ BOOST_ERROR("Failed block construction Test with Exception: " << _e.what());
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(o.count("block") == 0, "A block object should not be defined because the block RLP is invalid!");
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("block") > 0);
+ mObject tObj = o["block"].get_obj();
+ BlockInfo blockFromFields;
+ const bytes rlpreade2 = createBlockRLPFromFields(tObj);
+ RLP mysecondRLP(rlpreade2);
+ blockFromFields.populateFromHeader(mysecondRLP, false);
+ //Check the fields restored from RLP to original fields
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.hash == blockFromRlp.hash, "hash in given RLP not matching the block hash!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.parentHash == blockFromRlp.parentHash, "parentHash in given RLP not matching the block parentHash!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.sha3Uncles == blockFromRlp.sha3Uncles, "sha3Uncles in given RLP not matching the block sha3Uncles!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.coinbaseAddress == blockFromRlp.coinbaseAddress,"coinbaseAddress in given RLP not matching the block coinbaseAddress!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.stateRoot == blockFromRlp.stateRoot, "stateRoot in given RLP not matching the block stateRoot!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.transactionsRoot == blockFromRlp.transactionsRoot, "transactionsRoot in given RLP not matching the block transactionsRoot!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.logBloom == blockFromRlp.logBloom, "logBloom in given RLP not matching the block logBloom!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.difficulty == blockFromRlp.difficulty, "difficulty in given RLP not matching the block difficulty!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.number == blockFromRlp.number, "number in given RLP not matching the block number!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.gasLimit == blockFromRlp.gasLimit,"gasLimit in given RLP not matching the block gasLimit!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.gasUsed == blockFromRlp.gasUsed, "gasUsed in given RLP not matching the block gasUsed!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.timestamp == blockFromRlp.timestamp, "timestamp in given RLP not matching the block timestamp!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.extraData == blockFromRlp.extraData, "extraData in given RLP not matching the block extraData!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields.nonce == blockFromRlp.nonce, "nonce in given RLP not matching the block nonce!");
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(blockFromFields == blockFromRlp, "However, blockFromFields != blockFromRlp!");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("block") > 0);
+ // construct Rlp of the given block
+ bytes blockRLP = createBlockRLPFromFields(o["block"].get_obj());
+ RLP myRLP(blockRLP);
+ o["rlp"] = toHex(blockRLP);
+ try
+ {
+ BlockInfo blockFromFields;
+ blockFromFields.populateFromHeader(myRLP, false);
+ (void)blockFromFields;
+ //blockFromFields.verifyInternals(blockRLP);
+ }
+ catch (Exception const& _e)
+ {
+ cnote << "block construction did throw an exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e);
+ BOOST_ERROR("Failed block construction Test with Exception: " << _e.what());
+ o.erase(o.find("block"));
+ }
+ catch (std::exception const& _e)
+ {
+ cnote << "block construction did throw an exception: " << _e.what();
+ BOOST_ERROR("Failed block construction Test with Exception: " << _e.what());
+ o.erase(o.find("block"));
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ o.erase(o.find("block"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} }// Namespace Close
+ dev::test::executeTests("blValidBlockTest", "/BlockTests", dev::test::doBlockTests);
+ for (int i = 1; i < boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc; ++i)
+ {
+ string arg = boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv[i];
+ if (arg == "--createtest")
+ {
+ if (boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc <= i + 2)
+ {
+ cnote << "usage: ./testeth --createtest \n";
+ return;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ cnote << "Populating tests...";
+ json_spirit::mValue v;
+ string s = asString(dev::contents(boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv[i + 1]));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(s.length() > 0, "Content of " + (string)boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv[i + 1] + " is empty.");
+ json_spirit::read_string(s, v);
+ dev::test::doBlockTests(v, true);
+ writeFile(boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv[i + 2], asBytes(json_spirit::write_string(v, true)));
+ }
+ catch (Exception const& _e)
+ {
+ BOOST_ERROR("Failed block test with Exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e));
+ }
+ catch (std::exception const& _e)
+ {
+ BOOST_ERROR("Failed block test with Exception: " << _e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dev::test::userDefinedTest("--bltest", dev::test::doBlockTests);