Gav Wood
10 years ago
3 changed files with 487 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ |
This file is part of cpp-ethereum. |
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <>.
*/ |
* @author Christian <> |
* @date 2015 |
* Tests for a fixed fee registrar contract. |
*/ |
#include <string> |
#include <tuple> |
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> |
#include <libdevcore/Hash.h> |
#include <libethcore/ABI.h> |
#include <test/libsolidity/solidityExecutionFramework.h> |
using namespace std; |
namespace dev |
{ |
namespace solidity |
{ |
namespace test |
{ |
namespace |
{ |
static char const* registrarCode = R"DELIMITER( |
contract NameRegister { |
function addr(string _name) constant returns (address o_owner); |
function name(address _owner) constant returns (string o_name); |
} |
contract Registrar is NameRegister { |
event Changed(string indexed name); |
event PrimaryChanged(string indexed name, address indexed addr); |
function owner(string _name) constant returns (address o_owner); |
function addr(string _name) constant returns (address o_address); |
function subRegistrar(string _name) constant returns (address o_subRegistrar); |
function content(string _name) constant returns (bytes32 o_content); |
function name(address _owner) constant returns (string o_name); |
} |
contract AuctionSystem { |
event AuctionEnded(string indexed _name, address _winner); |
event NewBid(string indexed _name, address _bidder, uint _value); |
/// Function that is called once an auction ends.
function onAuctionEnd(string _name) internal; |
function bid(string _name, address _bidder, uint _value) internal { |
var auction = m_auctions[_name]; |
if (auction.endDate > 0 && now > auction.endDate) |
{ |
AuctionEnded(_name, auction.highestBidder); |
onAuctionEnd(_name); |
delete m_auctions[_name]; |
return; |
} |
if (msg.value > auction.highestBid) |
{ |
// new bid on auction
auction.secondHighestBid = auction.highestBid; |
auction.sumOfBids += _value; |
auction.highestBid = _value; |
auction.highestBidder = _bidder; |
auction.endDate = now + c_biddingTime; |
NewBid(_name, _bidder, _value); |
} |
} |
uint constant c_biddingTime = 7 days; |
struct Auction { |
address highestBidder; |
uint highestBid; |
uint secondHighestBid; |
uint sumOfBids; |
uint endDate; |
} |
mapping(string => Auction) m_auctions; |
} |
contract GlobalRegistrar is Registrar, AuctionSystem { |
struct Record { |
address owner; |
address primary; |
address subRegistrar; |
bytes32 content; |
uint renewalDate; |
} |
uint constant c_renewalInterval = 1 years; |
uint constant c_freeBytes = 12; |
function Registrar() { |
// TODO: Populate with hall-of-fame.
} |
function() { |
// prevent people from just sending funds to the registrar
__throw(); |
} |
function onAuctionEnd(string _name) internal { |
var auction = m_auctions[_name]; |
var record = m_toRecord[_name]; |
if (record.owner != 0) |
record.owner.send(auction.sumOfBids - auction.highestBid / 100); |
else |
auction.highestBidder.send(auction.highestBid - auction.secondHighestBid); |
record.renewalDate = now + c_renewalInterval; |
record.owner = auction.highestBidder; |
Changed(_name); |
} |
function reserve(string _name) external { |
if (bytes(_name).length == 0) |
__throw(); |
bool needAuction = requiresAuction(_name); |
if (needAuction) |
{ |
if (now < m_toRecord[_name].renewalDate) |
__throw(); |
bid(_name, msg.sender, msg.value); |
} |
else |
{ |
Record record = m_toRecord[_name]; |
if (record.owner != 0) |
__throw(); |
m_toRecord[_name].owner = msg.sender; |
Changed(_name); |
} |
} |
function requiresAuction(string _name) internal returns (bool) { |
return bytes(_name).length < c_freeBytes; |
} |
modifier onlyrecordowner(string _name) { if (m_toRecord[_name].owner == msg.sender) _ } |
function transfer(string _name, address _newOwner) onlyrecordowner(_name) { |
m_toRecord[_name].owner = _newOwner; |
Changed(_name); |
} |
function disown(string _name) onlyrecordowner(_name) { |
if (stringsEqual(m_toName[m_toRecord[_name].primary], _name)) |
{ |
PrimaryChanged(_name, m_toRecord[_name].primary); |
m_toName[m_toRecord[_name].primary] = ""; |
} |
delete m_toRecord[_name]; |
Changed(_name); |
} |
function setAddress(string _name, address _a, bool _primary) onlyrecordowner(_name) { |
m_toRecord[_name].primary = _a; |
if (_primary) |
{ |
PrimaryChanged(_name, _a); |
m_toName[_a] = _name; |
} |
Changed(_name); |
} |
function setSubRegistrar(string _name, address _registrar) onlyrecordowner(_name) { |
m_toRecord[_name].subRegistrar = _registrar; |
Changed(_name); |
} |
function setContent(string _name, bytes32 _content) onlyrecordowner(_name) { |
m_toRecord[_name].content = _content; |
Changed(_name); |
} |
function stringsEqual(string storage _a, string memory _b) internal returns (bool) { |
bytes storage a = bytes(_a); |
bytes memory b = bytes(_b); |
if (a.length != b.length) |
return false; |
// @todo unroll this loop
for (uint i = 0; i < a.length; i ++) |
if (a[i] != b[i]) |
return false; |
return true; |
} |
function owner(string _name) constant returns (address) { return m_toRecord[_name].owner; } |
function addr(string _name) constant returns (address) { return m_toRecord[_name].primary; } |
function subRegistrar(string _name) constant returns (address) { return m_toRecord[_name].subRegistrar; } |
function content(string _name) constant returns (bytes32) { return m_toRecord[_name].content; } |
function name(address _addr) constant returns (string o_name) { return m_toName[_addr]; } |
function __throw() internal { |
// workaround until we have "throw"
uint[] x; x[1]; |
} |
mapping (address => string) m_toName; |
mapping (string => Record) m_toRecord; |
} |
static unique_ptr<bytes> s_compiledRegistrar; |
class AuctionRegistrarTestFramework: public ExecutionFramework |
{ |
protected: |
void deployRegistrar() |
{ |
if (!s_compiledRegistrar) |
{ |
m_optimize = true; |
m_compiler.reset(false, m_addStandardSources); |
m_compiler.addSource("", registrarCode); |
ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(m_compiler.compile(m_optimize, m_optimizeRuns), "Compiling contract failed"); |
s_compiledRegistrar.reset(new bytes(m_compiler.getBytecode("GlobalRegistrar"))); |
} |
sendMessage(*s_compiledRegistrar, true); |
BOOST_REQUIRE(!m_output.empty()); |
} |
using ContractInterface = ExecutionFramework::ContractInterface; |
class RegistrarInterface: public ContractInterface |
{ |
public: |
RegistrarInterface(ExecutionFramework& _framework): ContractInterface(_framework) {} |
void reserve(string const& _name) |
{ |
callString("reserve", _name); |
} |
u160 owner(string const& _name) |
{ |
return callStringReturnsAddress("owner", _name); |
} |
void setAddress(string const& _name, u160 const& _address, bool _primary) |
{ |
callStringAddressBool("setAddress", _name, _address, _primary); |
} |
u160 addr(string const& _name) |
{ |
return callStringReturnsAddress("addr", _name); |
} |
string name(u160 const& _addr) |
{ |
return callAddressReturnsString("name", _addr); |
} |
void setSubRegistrar(string const& _name, u160 const& _address) |
{ |
callStringAddress("setSubRegistrar", _name, _address); |
} |
u160 subRegistrar(string const& _name) |
{ |
return callStringReturnsAddress("subRegistrar", _name); |
} |
void setContent(string const& _name, h256 const& _content) |
{ |
callStringBytes32("setContent", _name, _content); |
} |
h256 content(string const& _name) |
{ |
return callStringReturnsBytes32("content", _name); |
} |
void transfer(string const& _name, u160 const& _target) |
{ |
return callStringAddress("transfer", _name, _target); |
} |
void disown(string const& _name) |
{ |
return callString("disown", _name); |
} |
}; |
}; |
} |
/// This is a test suite that tests optimised code!
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(SolidityAuctionRegistrar, AuctionRegistrarTestFramework) |
{ |
deployRegistrar(); |
} |
{ |
// Test that reserving works for long strings
deployRegistrar(); |
vector<string> names{"abcabcabcabcabc", "defdefdefdefdef", "ghighighighighighighighighighighighighighighi"}; |
m_sender = Address(0x123); |
RegistrarInterface registrar(*this); |
// should not work
registrar.reserve(""); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(""), u160(0)); |
for (auto const& name: names) |
{ |
registrar.reserve(name); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), u160(0x123)); |
} |
} |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(double_reserve_long) |
{ |
// Test that it is not possible to re-reserve from a different address.
deployRegistrar(); |
string name = "abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabca"; |
m_sender = Address(0x123); |
RegistrarInterface registrar(*this); |
registrar.reserve(name); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), u160(0x123)); |
m_sender = Address(0x124); |
registrar.reserve(name); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), u160(0x123)); |
} |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(properties) |
{ |
// Test setting and retrieving the various properties works.
deployRegistrar(); |
RegistrarInterface registrar(*this); |
string names[] = {"abcaeouoeuaoeuaoeu", "defncboagufra,fui", "ghagpyajfbcuajouhaeoi"}; |
size_t addr = 0x9872543; |
for (string const& name: names) |
{ |
addr++; |
size_t sender = addr + 10007; |
m_sender = Address(sender); |
// setting by sender works
registrar.reserve(name); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), u160(sender)); |
registrar.setAddress(name, addr, true); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.addr(name), u160(addr)); |
registrar.setSubRegistrar(name, addr + 20); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.subRegistrar(name), u160(addr + 20)); |
registrar.setContent(name, h256(u256(addr + 90))); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.content(name), h256(u256(addr + 90))); |
// but not by someone else
m_sender = Address(h256(addr + 10007 - 1)); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), u160(sender)); |
registrar.setAddress(name, addr + 1, true); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.addr(name), u160(addr)); |
registrar.setSubRegistrar(name, addr + 20 + 1); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.subRegistrar(name), u160(addr + 20)); |
registrar.setContent(name, h256(u256(addr + 90 + 1))); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.content(name), h256(u256(addr + 90))); |
} |
} |
{ |
deployRegistrar(); |
string name = "abcaoeguaoucaeoduceo"; |
m_sender = Address(0x123); |
RegistrarInterface registrar(*this); |
registrar.reserve(name); |
registrar.setContent(name, h256(u256(123))); |
registrar.transfer(name, u160(555)); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), u160(555)); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.content(name), h256(u256(123))); |
} |
{ |
deployRegistrar(); |
string name = "abcaoeguaoucaeoduceo"; |
m_sender = Address(0x123); |
RegistrarInterface registrar(*this); |
registrar.reserve(name); |
registrar.setContent(name, h256(u256(123))); |
registrar.setAddress(name, u160(124), true); |
registrar.setSubRegistrar(name, u160(125)); |
// someone else tries disowning
m_sender = Address(0x128); |
registrar.disown(name); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), 0x123); |
m_sender = Address(0x123); |
registrar.disown(name); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.owner(name), 0); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.addr(name), 0); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.subRegistrar(name), 0); |
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(registrar.content(name), h256()); |
} |
// - reverse lookup
// - actual auction
} |
} |
} // end namespaces
Reference in new issue