@ -679,10 +679,13 @@ void State::execute(bytesConstRef _rlp) |
cnote << "Refunding" << formatBalance(gas * t.gasPrice) << "to sender (=" << gas << "*" << formatBalance(t.gasPrice) << ")"; |
cnote << "Refunding" << formatBalance(gas * t.gasPrice) << "to sender (=" << gas << "*" << formatBalance(t.gasPrice) << ")"; |
addBalance(sender, gas * t.gasPrice); |
addBalance(sender, gas * t.gasPrice); |
u256 gasSpent = (t.gas - gas) * t.gasPrice; |
unsigned c_feesKept = 8; |
u256 feesEarned = gasSpent - (gasSpent / c_feesKept); |
cnote << "Transferring" << (100.0 - 100.0 / c_feesKept) << "% of" << formatBalance(gasSpent) << "=" << formatBalance(feesEarned) << "to miner (" << formatBalance(gasSpent - feesEarned) << "is burnt)."; |
addBalance(m_currentBlock.coinbaseAddress, feesEarned); |
// Add to the user-originated transactions that we've executed.
// Add to the user-originated transactions that we've executed.
// NOTE: Here, contract-originated transactions will not get added to the transaction list.
// If this is wrong, move this line into execute(Transaction const& _t, Address _sender) and
// don't forget to allow unsigned transactions in the tx list if they concur with the script execution.
m_transactions.push_back(t); |
m_transactions.push_back(t); |
m_transactionSet.insert(t.sha3()); |
m_transactionSet.insert(t.sha3()); |
} |
} |