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Make ExtVMFace polymorphic to give JIT hope for working

Paweł Bylica 11 years ago
  1. 22


@ -57,37 +57,37 @@ public:
ExtVMFace(Address _myAddress, Address _caller, Address _origin, u256 _value, u256 _gasPrice, bytesConstRef _data, bytesConstRef _code, BlockInfo const& _previousBlock, BlockInfo const& _currentBlock, unsigned _depth);
/// Get the code at the given location in code ROM.
byte getCode(u256 _n) const { return _n < code.size() ? code[(unsigned)_n] : 0; }
virtual byte getCode(u256 _n) const { return _n < code.size() ? code[(unsigned)_n] : 0; }
/// Read storage location.
u256 store(u256) { return 0; }
virtual u256 store(u256) { return 0; }
/// Write a value in storage.
void setStore(u256, u256) {}
virtual void setStore(u256, u256) {}
/// Read address's balance.
u256 balance(Address) { return 0; }
virtual u256 balance(Address) { return 0; }
/// Read address's code.
bytes const& codeAt(Address) { return NullBytes; }
virtual bytes const& codeAt(Address) { return NullBytes; }
/// Subtract amount from account's balance.
void subBalance(u256) {}
virtual void subBalance(u256) {}
/// Determine account's TX count.
u256 txCount(Address) { return 0; }
virtual u256 txCount(Address) { return 0; }
/// Suicide the associated contract and give proceeds to the given address.
void suicide(Address) { suicides.insert(myAddress); }
virtual void suicide(Address) { suicides.insert(myAddress); }
/// Create a new (contract) account.
h160 create(u256, u256*, bytesConstRef, bytesConstRef) { return h160(); }
virtual h160 create(u256, u256*, bytesConstRef, bytesConstRef) { return h160(); }
/// Make a new message call.
bool call(Address, u256, bytesConstRef, u256*, bytesRef, OnOpFunc const&, Address, Address) { return false; }
virtual bool call(Address, u256, bytesConstRef, u256*, bytesRef, OnOpFunc const&, Address, Address) { return false; }
/// Revert any changes made (by any of the other calls).
void revert() {}
virtual void revert() {}
Address myAddress; ///< Address associated with executing code (a contract, or contract-to-be).
Address caller; ///< Address which sent the message (either equal to origin or a contract).
