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try to fix windows build

subtly 10 years ago
  1. 18
  2. 1


@ -38,11 +38,16 @@ namespace p2p
* Thread-safety is ensured by modifying NodeEntry details via
* shared_ptr replacement instead of mutating values.
* [Interface]
* [Integration]
* @todo deadline-timer which maintains tcp/peer connections
* @todo restore nodes: affects refreshbuckets
* @todo TCP endpoints
* @todo makeRequired: don't try to evict node if node isRequired.
* @todo makeRequired: exclude bucket from refresh if we have node as peer.
* [Optimization]
* @todo Pong to include ip:port where ping was received
* @todo expiration and sha3(id) 'to' for messages which are replies (prevents replay)
* @todo std::shared_ptr<PingNode> m_cachedPingPacket;
* @todo std::shared_ptr<FindNeighbors> m_cachedFindSelfPacket;
@ -57,7 +62,6 @@ namespace p2p
* @todo ^ s_bitsPerStep = 5; // Denoted by b in [Kademlia]. Bits by which address space is divided.
* @todo optimize (use tree for state and/or custom compare for cache)
* @todo reputation (aka universal siblings lists)
* @todo dht (aka siblings)
class NodeTable: UDPSocketEvents, public std::enable_shared_from_this<NodeTable>
@ -110,7 +114,7 @@ public:
/// Constants for Kademlia, mostly derived from address space.
static unsigned const s_addressByteSize = sizeof(NodeEntry::id); ///< Size of address type in bytes.
static unsigned const s_addressByteSize = sizeof(Node::id); ///< Size of address type in bytes.
static unsigned const s_bits = 8 * s_addressByteSize; ///< Denoted by n in [Kademlia].
static unsigned const s_bins = s_bits - 1; ///< Size of m_state (excludes root, which is us).
static unsigned const s_maxSteps = boost::static_log2<s_bits>::value; ///< Max iterations of discovery. (doFindNode)
@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, NodeTable const& _nodeTable)
struct PingNode: RLPXDatagram<PingNode>
using RLPXDatagram::RLPXDatagram;
using RLPXDatagram<PingNode>::RLPXDatagram;
PingNode(bi::udp::endpoint _ep, std::string _src, uint16_t _srcPort, std::chrono::seconds _expiration = std::chrono::seconds(60)): RLPXDatagram(_ep), ipAddress(_src), port(_srcPort), expiration(futureFromEpoch(_expiration)) {}
std::string ipAddress;
@ -253,7 +257,7 @@ struct PingNode: RLPXDatagram<PingNode>
struct Pong: RLPXDatagram<Pong>
using RLPXDatagram::RLPXDatagram;
using RLPXDatagram<Pong>::RLPXDatagram;
h256 replyTo; // hash of rlp of PingNode
unsigned expiration;
@ -277,7 +281,7 @@ struct Pong: RLPXDatagram<Pong>
struct FindNode: RLPXDatagram<FindNode>
using RLPXDatagram::RLPXDatagram;
using RLPXDatagram<FindNode>::RLPXDatagram;
FindNode(bi::udp::endpoint _ep, Address _target, std::chrono::seconds _expiration = std::chrono::seconds(30)): RLPXDatagram(_ep), target(_target), expiration(futureFromEpoch(_expiration)) {}
h160 target;
@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ struct Neighbors: RLPXDatagram<Neighbors>
using RLPXDatagram::RLPXDatagram;
using RLPXDatagram<Neighbors>::RLPXDatagram;
Neighbors(bi::udp::endpoint _to, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<NodeTable::NodeEntry>> const& _nearest, unsigned _offset = 0, unsigned _limit = 0): RLPXDatagram(_to)
auto limit = _limit ? std::min(_nearest.size(), (size_t)(_offset + _limit)) : _nearest.size();


@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
