@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public: |
explicit FixedHash(byte const* _bs, ConstructFromPointerType) { memcpy(m_data.data(), _bs, N); } |
explicit FixedHash(byte const* _bs, ConstructFromPointerType) { memcpy(m_data.data(), _bs, N); } |
/// Explicitly construct, copying from a string.
/// Explicitly construct, copying from a string.
explicit FixedHash(std::string const& _s, ConstructFromStringType _t = FromHex, ConstructFromHashType _ht = FailIfDifferent): FixedHash(_t == FromHex ? fromHex(_s) : dev::asBytes(_s), _ht) {} |
explicit FixedHash(std::string const& _s, ConstructFromStringType _t = FromHex, ConstructFromHashType _ht = FailIfDifferent): FixedHash(_t == FromHex ? fromHex(_s, WhenError::Throw) : dev::asBytes(_s), _ht) {} |
/// Convert to arithmetic type.
/// Convert to arithmetic type.
operator Arith() const { return fromBigEndian<Arith>(m_data); } |
operator Arith() const { return fromBigEndian<Arith>(m_data); } |