@ -346,14 +346,14 @@ GasRequirements Transact::determineGasRequirements() |
bool haveUpperBound = false; |
qint64 lowerBound = baseGas; |
qint64 upperBound = (qint64)ethereum()->gasLimitRemaining(); |
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 20 && ((haveUpperBound && upperBound - lowerBound > 100) || !haveUpperBound); ++i) // get to with 100.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 30 && ((haveUpperBound && upperBound - lowerBound > 16) || !haveUpperBound); ++i) // get to with 100.
{ |
qint64 mid = haveUpperBound ? (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2 : upperBound; |
ExecutionResult er; |
if (isCreation()) |
er = ethereum()->create(from, value(), m_data, mid, gasPrice(), ethereum()->getDefault(), FudgeFactor::Lenient); |
er = ethereum()->create(from, value(), m_data, mid, gasPrice(), PendingBlock, FudgeFactor::Lenient); |
else |
er = ethereum()->call(from, value(), to, m_data, mid, gasPrice(), ethereum()->getDefault(), FudgeFactor::Lenient); |
er = ethereum()->call(from, value(), to, m_data, mid, gasPrice(), PendingBlock, FudgeFactor::Lenient); |
if (er.excepted == TransactionException::OutOfGas || er.excepted == TransactionException::OutOfGasBase || er.excepted == TransactionException::OutOfGasIntrinsic || er.codeDeposit == CodeDeposit::Failed) |
{ |
lowerBound = mid; |