Gav Wood
11 years ago
17 changed files with 1287 additions and 62 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
cmake_policy(SET CMP0015 NEW) |
cmake_policy(SET CMP0020 NEW) |
endif () |
aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST) |
include_directories(..) |
link_directories(../libethereum) |
# Find Qt5 for Apple and update src_list for windows |
if (APPLE) |
# homebrew defaults to qt4 and installs qt5 as 'keg-only' |
# which places it into /usr/local/opt insteadof /usr/local. |
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /usr/local/opt/qt5) |
include_directories(/usr/local/opt/qt5/include /usr/local/include) |
elseif (${TARGET_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "w64") |
set(SRC_LIST ${SRC_LIST} ../windows/qt_plugin_import.cpp) |
endif () |
find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED) |
find_package(Qt5Gui REQUIRED) |
find_package(Qt5Quick REQUIRED) |
find_package(Qt5Qml REQUIRED) |
find_package(Qt5Network REQUIRED) |
qt5_wrap_ui(ui_Main.h Main.ui) |
qt5_add_resources(RESOURCE_ADDED Resources.qrc) |
# Set name of binary and add_executable() |
if (APPLE) |
set(EXECUTEABLE Walleth) |
set(BIN_INSTALL_DIR ".") |
set(DOC_INSTALL_DIR ".") |
include(BundleUtilities) |
else () |
set(EXECUTEABLE walleth) |
add_executable(${EXECUTEABLE} Main.ui ${RESOURCE_ADDED} ${SRC_LIST}) |
endif () |
qt5_use_modules(${EXECUTEABLE} Core Gui Widgets Network Quick Qml) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} ethereum secp256k1 ${CRYPTOPP_LIBRARIES}) |
if (APPLE) |
# This is a workaround for when the build-type defaults to Debug, and when a multi-config generator like xcode is used, where the type |
# will not be set but defaults to release. |
set(generator_lowercase "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") |
string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" generator_lowercase) |
if (generator_lowercase STREQUAL "xcode") |
# TODO: Not sure how to resolve this. Possibly \${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} |
set(binary_build_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Debug") |
else () |
set(binary_build_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") |
endif () |
set(APPS ${binary_build_dir}/${EXECUTEABLE}.app) |
# This tool and the next will automatically looked at the linked libraries in order to determine what dependencies are required. Thus, target_link_libaries only needs to add ethereum and secp256k1 (above) |
install(CODE " |
include(BundleUtilities) |
fixup_bundle(\"${APPS}\" \"${BUNDLELIBS}\" \"../libethereum ../secp256k1\") |
add_custom_target(addframeworks ALL |
COMMAND /usr/local/opt/qt5/bin/macdeployqt ${binary_build_dir}/${EXECUTEABLE}.app |
) |
elseif (${TARGET_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "w64") |
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-keep-inline-dllexport -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -static") |
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,-s -Wl,-subsystem,windows -mthreads -L/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/plugins/platforms") |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} gcc) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} mingw32 qtmain mswsock iphlpapi qwindows shlwapi Qt5PlatformSupport gdi32 comdlg32 oleaut32 imm32 winmm ole32 uuid ws2_32) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} boost_system-mt-s) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} boost_filesystem-mt-s) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} boost_thread_win32-mt-s) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} Qt5PlatformSupport) |
else () |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} boost_system) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} boost_filesystem) |
find_package(Threads REQUIRED) |
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTEABLE} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) |
endif () |
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<ui version="4.0"> |
<class>Main</class> |
<widget class="QMainWindow" name="Main"> |
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<property name="windowTitle"> |
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<set>QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks|QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks|QMainWindow::VerticalTabs</set> |
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<widget class="QLabel" name="balance"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>0 wei</string> |
</property> |
</widget> |
</item> |
<item> |
<widget class="QLabel" name="peerCount"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>0 peers</string> |
</property> |
</widget> |
</item> |
<item> |
<widget class="QLabel" name="blockCount"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>1 block</string> |
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</widget> |
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<widget class="QMenu" name="menu_Network"> |
<property name="title"> |
<string>&Network</string> |
</property> |
<addaction name="upnp"/> |
<addaction name="net"/> |
<addaction name="connect"/> |
</widget> |
<widget class="QMenu" name="menu_Tools"> |
<property name="title"> |
<string>T&ools</string> |
</property> |
<addaction name="mine"/> |
<addaction name="create"/> |
<addaction name="preview"/> |
</widget> |
<widget class="QMenu" name="menu_Help"> |
<property name="title"> |
<string>&Help</string> |
</property> |
<addaction name="about"/> |
</widget> |
<addaction name="menu_File"/> |
<addaction name="menu_Network"/> |
<addaction name="menu_Tools"/> |
<addaction name="menu_Help"/> |
</widget> |
<widget class="QStatusBar" name="statusbar"/> |
<action name="quit"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>&Quit</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="upnp"> |
<property name="checkable"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</property> |
<property name="checked"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</property> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>Use &UPnP</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="connect"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>&Connect to Peer...</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="net"> |
<property name="checkable"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</property> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>Enable &Network</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="mine"> |
<property name="checkable"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</property> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>&Mine</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="create"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>&New Address</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="about"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>&About...</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
<action name="preview"> |
<property name="checkable"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</property> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>&Preview</string> |
</property> |
</action> |
</widget> |
<layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/> |
<resources/> |
<connections/> |
</ui> |
@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ |
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkReply> |
#include <QtQuick/QQuickView> |
//#include <QtQml/QQmlContext>
//#include <QtQml/QQmlEngine>
#include <QtQml/QtQml> |
#include <QtWidgets/QMessageBox> |
#include <QtWidgets/QInputDialog> |
#include <QtGui/QClipboard> |
#include <QtCore/QtCore> |
#include <libethereum/Dagger.h> |
#include <libethereum/Client.h> |
#include <libethereum/Instruction.h> |
#include <libethereum/FileSystem.h> |
#include <libethereum/PeerServer.h> |
#include "BuildInfo.h" |
#include "MainWin.h" |
#include "ui_Main.h" |
using namespace std; |
// types
using eth::bytes; |
using eth::bytesConstRef; |
using eth::h160; |
using eth::h256; |
using eth::u160; |
using eth::u256; |
using eth::Address; |
using eth::BlockInfo; |
using eth::Client; |
using eth::Instruction; |
using eth::KeyPair; |
using eth::NodeMode; |
using eth::PeerInfo; |
using eth::RLP; |
using eth::Secret; |
using eth::Transaction; |
// functions
using eth::toHex; |
using eth::assemble; |
using eth::compileLisp; |
using eth::disassemble; |
using eth::formatBalance; |
using eth::fromHex; |
using eth::right160; |
using eth::simpleDebugOut; |
using eth::toLog2; |
using eth::toString; |
using eth::units; |
// vars
using eth::g_logPost; |
using eth::g_logVerbosity; |
using eth::c_instructionInfo; |
// Horrible global for the mainwindow. Needed for the QEthereums to find the Main window which acts as multiplexer for now.
// Can get rid of this once we've sorted out ITC for signalling & multiplexed querying.
Main* g_main = nullptr; |
QEthereum::QEthereum(QObject* _p): QObject(_p) |
{ |
connect(g_main, SIGNAL(changed()), SIGNAL(changed())); |
} |
QEthereum::~QEthereum() |
{ |
} |
Client* QEthereum::client() const |
{ |
return g_main->client(); |
} |
Address QEthereum::coinbase() const |
{ |
return client()->address(); |
} |
void QEthereum::setCoinbase(Address _a) |
{ |
if (client()->address() != _a) |
{ |
client()->setAddress(_a); |
changed(); |
} |
} |
QAccount::QAccount(QObject* _p) |
{ |
} |
QAccount::~QAccount() |
{ |
} |
void QAccount::setEthereum(QEthereum* _eth) |
{ |
if (m_eth == _eth) |
return; |
if (m_eth) |
disconnect(m_eth, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed())); |
m_eth = _eth; |
if (m_eth) |
connect(m_eth, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed())); |
ethChanged(); |
changed(); |
} |
u256 QAccount::balance() const |
{ |
if (m_eth) |
return m_eth->balanceAt(m_address); |
return 0; |
} |
double QAccount::txCount() const |
{ |
if (m_eth) |
return m_eth->txCountAt(m_address); |
return 0; |
} |
bool QAccount::isContract() const |
{ |
if (m_eth) |
return m_eth->isContractAt(m_address); |
return 0; |
} |
u256 QEthereum::balanceAt(Address _a) const |
{ |
return client()->postState().balance(_a); |
} |
bool QEthereum::isContractAt(Address _a) const |
{ |
return client()->postState().isContractAddress(_a); |
} |
bool QEthereum::isMining() const |
{ |
return client()->isMining(); |
} |
bool QEthereum::isListening() const |
{ |
return client()->haveNetwork(); |
} |
void QEthereum::setMining(bool _l) |
{ |
if (_l) |
client()->startMining(); |
else |
client()->stopMining(); |
} |
void QEthereum::setListening(bool _l) |
{ |
if (_l) |
client()->startNetwork(); |
else |
client()->stopNetwork(); |
} |
double QEthereum::txCountAt(Address _a) const |
{ |
return (double)client()->postState().transactionsFrom(_a); |
} |
unsigned QEthereum::peerCount() const |
{ |
return client()->peerCount(); |
} |
void QEthereum::transact(Secret _secret, Address _dest, u256 _amount) |
{ |
client()->transact(_secret, _dest, _amount); |
} |
Main::Main(QWidget *parent) : |
QMainWindow(parent), |
ui(new Ui::Main) |
{ |
setWindowFlags(Qt::Window); |
ui->setupUi(this); |
setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/Ethereum.png")); |
g_main = this; |
m_client.reset(new Client("Walleth", Address(), eth::getDataDir() + "/Walleth")); |
qRegisterMetaType<eth::u256>("eth::u256"); |
qRegisterMetaType<eth::KeyPair>("eth::KeyPair"); |
qRegisterMetaType<eth::Secret>("eth::Secret"); |
qRegisterMetaType<eth::Address>("eth::Address"); |
qRegisterMetaType<QAccount*>("QAccount*"); |
qRegisterMetaType<QEthereum*>("QEthereum*"); |
qmlRegisterType<QEthereum>("org.ethereum", 1, 0, "Ethereum"); |
qmlRegisterType<QAccount>("org.ethereum", 1, 0, "Account"); |
qmlRegisterSingletonType<U256Helper>("org.ethereum", 1, 0, "Balance", QEthereum::constructU256Helper); |
qmlRegisterSingletonType<KeyHelper>("org.ethereum", 1, 0, "Key", QEthereum::constructKeyHelper); |
ui->librariesView->setModel(m_libraryMan); |
ui->graphsView->setModel(m_graphMan); |
*/ |
m_view = new QQuickView(); |
// QQmlContext* context = m_view->rootContext();
// context->setContextProperty("u256", new U256Helper(this));
m_view->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/Simple.qml")); |
QWidget* w = QWidget::createWindowContainer(m_view); |
m_view->setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); |
ui->fullDisplay->insertWidget(0, w); |
m_view->create(); |
// m_timelinesItem = m_view->rootObject()->findChild<TimelinesItem*>("timelines");
readSettings(); |
refresh(); |
m_refreshNetwork = new QTimer(this); |
connect(m_refreshNetwork, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(refreshNetwork())); |
m_refreshNetwork->start(1000); |
connect(this, SIGNAL(changed()), SLOT(refresh())); |
connect(&m_webCtrl, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, [&](QNetworkReply* _r) |
{ |
m_servers = QString::fromUtf8(_r->readAll()).split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); |
if (m_servers.size()) |
{ |
ui->net->setChecked(true); |
on_net_triggered(true); |
} |
}); |
QNetworkRequest r(QUrl("" + QString(ETH_QUOTED(ETH_VERSION)).section('.', 1, 1) + ".txt")); |
r.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1712.0 Safari/537.36"); |
m_webCtrl.get(r); |
srand(time(0)); |
startTimer(200); |
statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(ui->balance); |
statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(ui->peerCount); |
statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(ui->blockCount); |
} |
Main::~Main() |
{ |
writeSettings(); |
} |
void Main::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) |
{ |
if (m_client->changed()) |
changed(); |
} |
void Main::on_about_triggered() |
{ |
QMessageBox::about(this, "About Walleth PoC-" + QString(ETH_QUOTED(ETH_VERSION)).section('.', 1, 1), "Walleth/v" ETH_QUOTED(ETH_VERSION) "/" ETH_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_TYPE) "/" ETH_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM) " - " ETH_QUOTED(ETH_COMMIT_HASH) "\nBy Gav Wood, 2014.\nBased on a design by Vitalik Buterin.\n\nTeam Ethereum++ includes: Tim Hughes, Eric Lombrozo, Marko Simovic, Alex Leverington and several others."); |
} |
void Main::writeSettings() |
{ |
QSettings s("ethereum", "walleth"); |
QByteArray b; |
b.resize(sizeof(Secret) * m_myKeys.size()); |
auto p =; |
for (auto i: m_myKeys) |
{ |
memcpy(p, &(i.secret()), sizeof(Secret)); |
p += sizeof(Secret); |
} |
s.setValue("address", b); |
s.setValue("upnp", ui->upnp->isChecked()); |
s.setValue("clientName", m_clientName); |
s.setValue("idealPeers", m_idealPeers); |
s.setValue("port", m_port); |
if (client()->peerServer()) |
{ |
bytes d = client()->peerServer()->savePeers(); |
m_peers = QByteArray((char*), (int)d.size()); |
} |
s.setValue("peers", m_peers); |
s.setValue("geometry", saveGeometry()); |
s.setValue("windowState", saveState()); |
} |
void Main::readSettings() |
{ |
QSettings s("ethereum", "walleth"); |
restoreGeometry(s.value("geometry").toByteArray()); |
restoreState(s.value("windowState").toByteArray()); |
QByteArray b = s.value("address").toByteArray(); |
if (b.isEmpty()) |
m_myKeys.append(KeyPair::create()); |
else |
{ |
h256 k; |
for (unsigned i = 0; i < b.size() / sizeof(Secret); ++i) |
{ |
memcpy(&k, + i * sizeof(Secret), sizeof(Secret)); |
m_myKeys.append(KeyPair(k)); |
} |
} |
m_peers = s.value("peers").toByteArray(); |
ui->upnp->setChecked(s.value("upnp", true).toBool()); |
m_clientName = s.value("clientName", "").toString(); |
m_idealPeers = s.value("idealPeers", 5).toInt(); |
m_port = s.value("port", 30303).toInt(); |
} |
void Main::refreshNetwork() |
{ |
auto ps = client()->peers(); |
ui->peerCount->setText(QString::fromStdString(toString(ps.size())) + " peer(s)"); |
} |
eth::State const& Main::state() const |
{ |
return ui->preview->isChecked() ? client()->postState() : client()->state(); |
} |
void Main::refresh() |
{ |
eth::ClientGuard l(client()); |
auto const& st = state(); |
auto d = client()->blockChain().details(); |
auto diff = BlockInfo(client()->blockChain().block()).difficulty; |
ui->blockCount->setText(QString("#%1 @%3 T%2").arg(d.number).arg(toLog2(d.totalDifficulty)).arg(toLog2(diff))); |
m_keysChanged = false; |
u256 totalBalance = 0; |
for (auto i: m_myKeys) |
{ |
u256 b = st.balance(i.address()); |
totalBalance += b; |
} |
ui->balance->setText(QString::fromStdString(formatBalance(totalBalance))); |
} |
void Main::on_net_triggered(bool _auto) |
{ |
string n = "Walleth/v" ETH_QUOTED(ETH_VERSION); |
if (m_clientName.size()) |
n += "/" + m_clientName.toStdString(); |
client()->setClientVersion(n); |
if (ui->net->isChecked()) |
{ |
if (_auto) |
{ |
QString s = m_servers[rand() % m_servers.size()]; |
client()->startNetwork(m_port, s.section(':', 0, 0).toStdString(), s.section(':', 1).toInt(), NodeMode::Full, m_idealPeers, std::string(), ui->upnp->isChecked()); |
} |
else |
client()->startNetwork(m_port, string(), 0, NodeMode::Full, m_idealPeers, std::string(), ui->upnp->isChecked()); |
if (m_peers.size()) |
client()->peerServer()->restorePeers(bytesConstRef((byte*), m_peers.size())); |
} |
else |
client()->stopNetwork(); |
} |
void Main::on_connect_triggered() |
{ |
if (!ui->net->isChecked()) |
{ |
ui->net->setChecked(true); |
on_net_triggered(); |
} |
bool ok = false; |
QString s = QInputDialog::getItem(this, "Connect to a Network Peer", "Enter a peer to which a connection may be made:", m_servers, m_servers.count() ? rand() % m_servers.count() : 0, true, &ok); |
if (ok && s.contains(":")) |
{ |
string host = s.section(":", 0, 0).toStdString(); |
unsigned short port = s.section(":", 1).toInt(); |
client()->connect(host, port); |
} |
} |
void Main::on_mine_triggered() |
{ |
if (ui->mine->isChecked()) |
{ |
client()->setAddress(m_myKeys.last().address()); |
client()->startMining(); |
} |
else |
client()->stopMining(); |
} |
void Main::on_create_triggered() |
{ |
m_myKeys.append(KeyPair::create()); |
m_keysChanged = true; |
} |
// extra bits needed to link on VS
#ifdef _MSC_VER |
// include moc file, ofuscated to hide from automoc
#include\ |
"moc_MainWin.cpp" |
// specify library dependencies, it's easier to do here than in the project since we can control the "d" debug suffix
#ifdef _DEBUG |
#define QTLIB(x) x"d.lib" |
#else |
#define QTLIB(x) x".lib" |
#endif |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5PlatformSupport")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Core")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5GUI")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Widgets")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Network")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Quick")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Declarative")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("Qt5Qml")) |
#pragma comment(lib, QTLIB("qwindows")) |
#pragma comment(lib, "Imm32.lib") |
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib") |
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
#ifndef MAIN_H |
#define MAIN_H |
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager> |
#include <QtCore/QAbstractListModel> |
#include <QtCore/QMutex> |
#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow> |
#include <libethereum/CommonEth.h> |
namespace Ui { |
class Main; |
} |
namespace eth { |
class Client; |
class State; |
} |
class QQuickView; |
class QQmlEngine; |
class QJSEngine; |
class QEthereum; |
class QAccount; |
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(eth::Address) |
class U256Helper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
U256Helper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 add(eth::u256 _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a + _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 sub(eth::u256 _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a - _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 mul(eth::u256 _a, int _b) const { return _a * _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 mul(int _a, eth::u256 _b) const { return _a * _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 div(eth::u256 _a, int _b) const { return _a / _b; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 wei(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)_s; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 szabo(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::szabo); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 finney(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::finney); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 ether(double _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * (double)eth::ether); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 wei(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)_s; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 szabo(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::szabo); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 finney(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::finney); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 ether(unsigned _s) const { return (eth::u256)(_s * eth::ether); } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toWei(eth::u256 _t) const { return (double)_t; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toSzabo(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::szabo; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toFinney(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::finney; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double toEther(eth::u256 _t) const { return toWei(_t) / (double)eth::ether; } |
Q_INVOKABLE double value(eth::u256 _t) const { return (double)_t; } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(eth::u256 _t) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::formatBalance(_t)); } |
}; |
class KeyHelper: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
KeyHelper(QObject* _p = nullptr): QObject(_p) {} |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::KeyPair create() const { return eth::KeyPair::create(); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address address(eth::KeyPair _p) const { return _p.address(); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Secret secret(eth::KeyPair _p) const { return _p.secret(); } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::KeyPair keypair(eth::Secret _k) const { return eth::KeyPair(_k); } |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isNull(eth::Address _a) const { return !_a; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address addressOf(QString _s) const { return eth::Address(_s.toStdString()); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString stringOf(eth::Address _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(eth::toHex(_a.asArray())); } |
Q_INVOKABLE QString toAbridged(eth::Address _a) const { return QString::fromStdString(_a.abridged()); } |
}; |
class QAccount: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
QAccount(QObject* _p = nullptr); |
virtual ~QAccount(); |
Q_INVOKABLE QEthereum* ethereum() const { return m_eth; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 balance() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE double txCount() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isContract() const; |
// TODO: past transactions models.
public slots: |
void setEthereum(QEthereum* _eth); |
signals: |
void changed(); |
void ethChanged(); |
private: |
QEthereum* m_eth = nullptr; |
eth::Address m_address; |
Q_PROPERTY(eth::u256 balance READ balance NOTIFY changed STORED false) |
Q_PROPERTY(double txCount READ txCount NOTIFY changed STORED false) |
Q_PROPERTY(bool isContract READ isContract NOTIFY changed STORED false) |
Q_PROPERTY(eth::Address address MEMBER m_address NOTIFY changed) |
Q_PROPERTY(QEthereum* ethereum READ ethereum WRITE setEthereum NOTIFY ethChanged) |
}; |
class QEthereum: public QObject |
{ |
public: |
QEthereum(QObject* _p = nullptr); |
virtual ~QEthereum(); |
eth::Client* client() const; |
static QObject* constructU256Helper(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*) { return new U256Helper; } |
static QObject* constructKeyHelper(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*) { return new KeyHelper; } |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::Address coinbase() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isListening() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isMining() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE eth::u256 balanceAt(eth::Address _a) const; |
Q_INVOKABLE double txCountAt(eth::Address _a) const; |
Q_INVOKABLE bool isContractAt(eth::Address _a) const; |
Q_INVOKABLE unsigned peerCount() const; |
Q_INVOKABLE QEthereum* self() { return this; } |
public slots: |
void transact(eth::Secret _secret, eth::Address _dest, eth::u256 _amount); |
void setCoinbase(eth::Address); |
void setMining(bool _l); |
void setListening(bool _l); |
signals: |
void changed(); |
// void netChanged();
// void miningChanged();
private: |
Q_PROPERTY(eth::Address coinbase READ coinbase WRITE setCoinbase NOTIFY changed) |
Q_PROPERTY(bool listening READ isListening WRITE setListening) |
Q_PROPERTY(bool mining READ isMining WRITE setMining) |
}; |
class Main : public QMainWindow |
{ |
public: |
explicit Main(QWidget *parent = 0); |
~Main(); |
eth::Client* client() const { return m_client.get(); } |
private slots: |
void on_connect_triggered(); |
void on_mine_triggered(); |
void on_create_triggered(); |
void on_net_triggered(bool _auto = false); |
void on_about_triggered(); |
void on_preview_triggered() { refresh(); } |
void on_quit_triggered() { close(); } |
void refresh(); |
void refreshNetwork(); |
signals: |
void changed(); |
protected: |
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *); |
private: |
/* QString pretty(eth::Address _a) const;
QString render(eth::Address _a) const; |
eth::Address fromString(QString const& _a) const; |
*/ |
eth::State const& state() const; |
void updateFee(); |
void readSettings(); |
void writeSettings(); |
eth::u256 fee() const; |
eth::u256 total() const; |
eth::u256 value() const; |
std::unique_ptr<Ui::Main> ui; |
QByteArray m_peers; |
QMutex m_guiLock; |
QTimer* m_refresh; |
QTimer* m_refreshNetwork; |
QVector<eth::KeyPair> m_myKeys; |
bool m_keysChanged = false; |
int m_port; |
int m_idealPeers; |
QString m_clientName; |
QStringList m_servers; |
QQuickView* m_view; |
QNetworkAccessManager m_webCtrl; |
std::unique_ptr<eth::Client> m_client; |
}; |
#endif // MAIN_H
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
<RCC> |
<qresource prefix="/"> |
<file>Simple.qml</file> |
</qresource> |
</RCC> |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
import QtQml 2.2 |
import QtQuick 2.1 |
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 |
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 |
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 |
import org.ethereum 1.0 |
Item { |
id: main |
anchors.fill: parent |
anchors.margins: 9 |
// "Walleth" |
// Qt.application.organization: "Ethereum" |
// Qt.application.domain: "org.ethereum" |
Ethereum { |
id: eth |
} |
Account { |
id: myAccount |
address: Key.addressOf("84fc4ba9373c30bfe32d8c5a502854e7f1175878") |
ethereum: eth |
// TODO: state: eth.latest // could be eth.pending |
// will provide balance, txCount, isContract, incomingTransactions (list model), outgoingTransactions (list model). |
// transaction lists' items will provide value, from, to, final balance. |
} |
// KeyPair provides makeTransaction(recvAddress, value, data (array)) |
Text { |
text: "Balance: " + Balance.stringOf(myAccount.balance) + " [" + myAccount.txCount + "]" + "\nAccount: " + Key.stringOf(myAccount.address) |
Layout.minimumHeight: 30 |
Layout.fillHeight: true |
Layout.fillWidth: true |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
#include "MainWin.h" |
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication> |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
QApplication a(argc, argv); |
Main w; |
|||; |
return a.exec(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ |
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Reference in new issue