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Gav Wood 10 years ago
  1. 31


@ -37,15 +37,23 @@ namespace eth
struct InvalidICAP: virtual public dev::Exception {};
static const std::string EmptyString;
class ICAP
/// Construct null ICAP object.
ICAP() = default;
ICAP(Address const& _a): m_direct(_a) {}
/// Construct a direct ICAP object for given target address. Must have a zero first byte.
ICAP(Address const& _target): m_direct(_target) {}
/// Construct an indirect ICAP object for given target name.
ICAP(std::string const& _target): m_client(_target), m_asset("ETH") {}
/// Construct an indirect ICAP object for given client and institution names.
ICAP(std::string const& _client, std::string const& _inst): m_client(_client), m_institution(_inst), m_asset("XET") {}
/// Construct an indirect ICAP object for given client, institution and asset names. You generally don't want to use this.
ICAP(std::string const& _c, std::string const& _i, std::string const& _a): m_client(_c), m_institution(_i), m_asset(_a) {}
/// Type of ICAP address.
enum Type
@ -53,16 +61,33 @@ public:
/// @returns IBAN encoding of client and data.
static std::string iban(std::string _c, std::string _d);
/// @returns Client and data from given IBAN address.
static std::pair<std::string, std::string> fromIBAN(std::string _iban);
/// @returns the ICAP object for the ICAP address given.
static ICAP decoded(std::string const& _encoded);
/// @returns the encoded ICAP address.
std::string encoded() const;
/// @returns type of ICAP.
Type type() const { return m_type; }
/// @returns target address. Only valid when type() == Direct.
Address const& direct() const { return m_type == Direct ? m_direct : Address(); }
/// @returns asset. Only valid when type() == Indirect.
std::string const& asset() const { return m_type == Indirect ? m_asset : EmptyString; }
/// @returns target name. Only valid when type() == Indirect and asset() == "ETH".
std::string const& target() const { return m_type == Indirect && m_asset == "ETH" ? m_client : EmptyString; }
/// @returns institution name. Only valid when type() == Indirect and asset() == "XET".
std::string const& institution() const { return m_type == Indirect && m_asset == "XET" ? m_institution : EmptyString; }
/// @returns client name. Only valid when type() == Indirect and asset() == "XET".
std::string const& client() const { return m_type == Indirect && m_asset == "XET" ? m_client : EmptyString; }
/// @returns target address. Always valid, but requires the Registry address and a function to make calls.
Address address(std::function<bytes(Address, bytes)> const& _call, Address const& _reg) const { return m_type == Direct ? direct() : m_type == Indirect ? lookup(_call, _reg) : Address(); }
Address const& direct() const { return m_direct; }
/// @returns target address. Looks up through the given Registry and call function. Only valid when type() == Indirect.
Address lookup(std::function<bytes(Address, bytes)> const& _call, Address const& _reg) const;
Address address(std::function<bytes(Address, bytes)> const& _call, Address const& _reg) const { return m_type == Direct ? direct() : lookup(_call, _reg); }
Type m_type = Invalid;
