@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ |
#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h> |
#include <libdevcore/StructuredLogger.h> |
#include <libethcore/Exceptions.h> |
#include "RLPxHandshake.h" |
#include "Host.h" |
#include "Capability.h" |
using namespace std; |
@ -156,111 +155,25 @@ void Session::serviceNodesRequest() |
addNote("peers", "done"); |
} |
bool Session::interpret(PacketType _t, RLP const& _r) |
bool Session::readPacket(uint16_t _capId, PacketType _t, RLP const& _r) |
{ |
m_lastReceived = chrono::steady_clock::now(); |
clog(NetRight) << _t << _r; |
try // Generic try-catch block designed to capture RLP format errors - TODO: give decent diagnostics, make a bit more specific over what is caught.
{ |
switch (_t) |
{ |
case DisconnectPacket: |
{ |
string reason = "Unspecified"; |
auto r = (DisconnectReason)_r[0].toInt<int>(); |
if (!_r[0].isInt()) |
drop(BadProtocol); |
else |
{ |
reason = reasonOf(r); |
clog(NetMessageSummary) << "Disconnect (reason: " << reason << ")"; |
drop(DisconnectRequested); |
} |
break; |
} |
case PingPacket: |
{ |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "Ping"; |
RLPStream s; |
sealAndSend(prep(s, PongPacket)); |
break; |
} |
case PongPacket: |
m_info.lastPing = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_ping; |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "Latency: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(m_info.lastPing).count() << " ms"; |
break; |
case GetPeersPacket: |
// Disabled for interop testing.
// GetPeers/PeersPacket will be modified to only exchange new nodes which it's peers are interested in.
break; |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "GetPeers"; |
m_theyRequestedNodes = true; |
serviceNodesRequest(); |
break; |
case PeersPacket: |
// Disabled for interop testing.
// GetPeers/PeersPacket will be modified to only exchange new nodes which it's peers are interested in.
break; |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "Peers (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << " entries)"; |
m_weRequestedNodes = false; |
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) |
{ |
bi::address peerAddress; |
if (_r[i][0].size() == 16) |
peerAddress = bi::address_v6(_r[i][0].toHash<FixedHash<16>>().asArray()); |
else if (_r[i][0].size() == 4) |
peerAddress = bi::address_v4(_r[i][0].toHash<FixedHash<4>>().asArray()); |
else |
{ |
cwarn << "Received bad peer packet:" << _r; |
disconnect(BadProtocol); |
return true; |
} |
auto ep = bi::tcp::endpoint(peerAddress, _r[i][1].toInt<short>()); |
NodeId id = _r[i][2].toHash<NodeId>(); |
clog(NetAllDetail) << "Checking: " << ep << "(" << id << ")"; |
if (!isPublicAddress(peerAddress)) |
goto CONTINUE; // Private address. Ignore.
if (!id) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Null identity. Ignore.
if (m_server->id() == id) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Just our info - we already have that.
if (id == this->id()) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Just their info - we already have that.
if (!ep.port()) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Zero port? Don't think so.
if (ep.port() >= /*49152*/32768) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Private port according to IANA.
// OK passed all our checks. Assume it's good.
addRating(1000); |
m_server->addNode(id, NodeIPEndpoint(ep.address(), ep.port(), ep.port())); |
clog(NetTriviaDetail) << "New peer: " << ep << "(" << id << ")"; |
} |
break; |
default: |
// v4 frame headers are useless, offset packet type used
// v5 protocol type is in header, packet type not offset
if (_capId == 0 && _t < UserPacket) |
return interpret(_t, _r); |
if (m_info.protocolVersion >= 5) |
for (auto const& i: m_capabilities) |
if (_capId == (uint16_t)i.first.second) |
return i.second->m_enabled ? i.second->interpret(_t, _r) : true; |
if (m_info.protocolVersion <= 4) |
for (auto const& i: m_capabilities) |
if (_t >= (int)i.second->m_idOffset && _t - i.second->m_idOffset < i.second->hostCapability()->messageCount()) |
{ |
if (i.second->m_enabled) |
return i.second->interpret(_t - i.second->m_idOffset, _r); |
else |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
return i.second->m_enabled ? i.second->interpret(_t - i.second->m_idOffset, _r) : true; |
return false; |
} |
catch (std::exception const& _e) |
{ |
@ -271,6 +184,101 @@ bool Session::interpret(PacketType _t, RLP const& _r) |
return true; |
} |
bool Session::interpret(PacketType _t, RLP const& _r) |
{ |
switch (_t) |
{ |
case DisconnectPacket: |
{ |
string reason = "Unspecified"; |
auto r = (DisconnectReason)_r[0].toInt<int>(); |
if (!_r[0].isInt()) |
drop(BadProtocol); |
else |
{ |
reason = reasonOf(r); |
clog(NetMessageSummary) << "Disconnect (reason: " << reason << ")"; |
drop(DisconnectRequested); |
} |
break; |
} |
case PingPacket: |
{ |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "Ping"; |
RLPStream s; |
sealAndSend(prep(s, PongPacket)); |
break; |
} |
case PongPacket: |
m_info.lastPing = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_ping; |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "Latency: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(m_info.lastPing).count() << " ms"; |
break; |
case GetPeersPacket: |
// Disabled for interop testing.
// GetPeers/PeersPacket will be modified to only exchange new nodes which it's peers are interested in.
break; |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "GetPeers"; |
m_theyRequestedNodes = true; |
serviceNodesRequest(); |
break; |
case PeersPacket: |
// Disabled for interop testing.
// GetPeers/PeersPacket will be modified to only exchange new nodes which it's peers are interested in.
break; |
clog(NetTriviaSummary) << "Peers (" << dec << (_r.itemCount() - 1) << " entries)"; |
m_weRequestedNodes = false; |
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _r.itemCount(); ++i) |
{ |
bi::address peerAddress; |
if (_r[i][0].size() == 16) |
peerAddress = bi::address_v6(_r[i][0].toHash<FixedHash<16>>().asArray()); |
else if (_r[i][0].size() == 4) |
peerAddress = bi::address_v4(_r[i][0].toHash<FixedHash<4>>().asArray()); |
else |
{ |
cwarn << "Received bad peer packet:" << _r; |
disconnect(BadProtocol); |
return true; |
} |
auto ep = bi::tcp::endpoint(peerAddress, _r[i][1].toInt<short>()); |
NodeId id = _r[i][2].toHash<NodeId>(); |
clog(NetAllDetail) << "Checking: " << ep << "(" << id << ")"; |
if (!isPublicAddress(peerAddress)) |
goto CONTINUE; // Private address. Ignore.
if (!id) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Null identity. Ignore.
if (m_server->id() == id) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Just our info - we already have that.
if (id == this->id()) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Just their info - we already have that.
if (!ep.port()) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Zero port? Don't think so.
if (ep.port() >= /*49152*/32768) |
goto LAMEPEER; // Private port according to IANA.
// OK passed all our checks. Assume it's good.
addRating(1000); |
m_server->addNode(id, NodeIPEndpoint(ep.address(), ep.port(), ep.port())); |
clog(NetTriviaDetail) << "New peer: " << ep << "(" << id << ")"; |
} |
break; |
default: |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
void Session::ping() |
{ |
RLPStream s; |
@ -292,12 +300,9 @@ void Session::sealAndSend(RLPStream& _s) |
bool Session::checkPacket(bytesConstRef _msg) |
{ |
if (_msg.size() < 2) |
if (_msg[0] > 0x7f || _msg.size() < 2) |
return false; |
if (_msg[0] > 0x7f) |
return false; |
RLP r(_msg.cropped(1)); |
if (r.actualSize() + 1 != _msg.size()) |
if (RLP(_msg.cropped(1)).actualSize() + 1 != _msg.size()) |
return false; |
return true; |
} |
@ -413,82 +418,78 @@ void Session::doRead() |
{ |
ThreadContext tc(info().id.abridged()); |
ThreadContext tc2(info().clientVersion); |
if (ec && ec.category() != boost::asio::error::get_misc_category() && ec.value() != boost::asio::error::eof) |
if (!checkRead(h256::size, ec, length)) |
return; |
else if (!m_io->authAndDecryptHeader(bytesRef(m_data.data(), length))) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "Error reading: " << ec.message(); |
drop(TCPError); |
clog(NetWarn) << "header decrypt failed"; |
drop(BadProtocol); // todo: better error
return; |
} |
RLPXFrameInfo header; |
try |
{ |
header = RLPXFrameInfo(bytesConstRef(m_data.data(), length)); |
} |
else if (ec && length == 0) |
catch (std::exception const& _e) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "Exception decoding frame header RLP:" << bytesConstRef(m_data.data(), h128::size).cropped(3); |
drop(BadProtocol); |
return; |
else |
} |
/// read padded frame and mac
auto tlen = header.length + header.padding + h128::size; |
ba::async_read(m_socket->ref(), boost::asio::buffer(m_data, tlen), [this, self, header, tlen](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) |
{ |
/// authenticate and decrypt header
bytesRef header(m_data.data(), h256::size); |
if (!m_io->authAndDecryptHeader(header)) |
ThreadContext tc(info().id.abridged()); |
ThreadContext tc2(info().clientVersion); |
if (!checkRead(tlen, ec, length)) |
return; |
else if (!m_io->authAndDecryptFrame(bytesRef(m_data.data(), tlen))) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "header decrypt failed"; |
clog(NetWarn) << "frame decrypt failed"; |
drop(BadProtocol); // todo: better error
return; |
} |
/// check frame size
uint32_t frameSize = (m_data[0] * 256 + m_data[1]) * 256 + m_data[2]; |
if (frameSize >= (uint32_t)1 << 24) |
bytesConstRef frame(m_data.data(), header.length); |
if (!checkPacket(frame)) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "frame size too large"; |
drop(BadProtocol); |
cerr << "Received " << frame.size() << ": " << toHex(frame) << endl; |
disconnect(BadProtocol); |
return; |
} |
/// rlp of header has protocol-type, sequence-id[, total-packet-size]
bytes headerRLP(13); |
bytesConstRef(m_data.data(), h128::size).cropped(3).copyTo(&headerRLP); |
/// read padded frame and mac
auto tlen = frameSize + ((16 - (frameSize % 16)) % 16) + h128::size; |
ba::async_read(m_socket->ref(), boost::asio::buffer(m_data, tlen), [this, self, headerRLP, frameSize, tlen](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) |
else |
{ |
ThreadContext tc(info().id.abridged()); |
ThreadContext tc2(info().clientVersion); |
if (ec && ec.category() != boost::asio::error::get_misc_category() && ec.value() != boost::asio::error::eof) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "Error reading: " << ec.message(); |
drop(TCPError); |
} |
else if (ec && length < tlen) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "Error reading - Abrupt peer disconnect: " << ec.message(); |
repMan().noteRude(*this); |
drop(TCPError); |
return; |
} |
else |
{ |
if (!m_io->authAndDecryptFrame(bytesRef(m_data.data(), tlen))) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "frame decrypt failed"; |
drop(BadProtocol); // todo: better error
return; |
} |
bytesConstRef frame(m_data.data(), frameSize); |
if (!checkPacket(frame)) |
{ |
cerr << "Received " << frame.size() << ": " << toHex(frame) << endl; |
disconnect(BadProtocol); |
return; |
} |
else |
{ |
auto packetType = (PacketType)RLP(frame.cropped(0, 1)).toInt<unsigned>(); |
RLP r(frame.cropped(1)); |
if (!interpret(packetType, r)) |
clog(NetWarn) << "Couldn't interpret packet." << RLP(r); |
} |
doRead(); |
} |
}); |
} |
auto packetType = (PacketType)RLP(frame.cropped(0, 1)).toInt<unsigned>(); |
RLP r(frame.cropped(1)); |
if (!readPacket(header.protocolId, packetType, r)) |
clog(NetWarn) << "Couldn't interpret packet." << RLP(r); |
} |
doRead(); |
}); |
}); |
} |
bool Session::checkRead(std::size_t _expected, boost::system::error_code _ec, std::size_t _length) |
{ |
if (_ec && _ec.category() != boost::asio::error::get_misc_category() && _ec.value() != boost::asio::error::eof) |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "Error reading: " << _ec.message(); |
drop(TCPError); |
return false; |
} |
else if (_ec && _length < _expected) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "Error reading - Abrupt peer disconnect: " << _ec.message(); |
repMan().noteRude(*this); |
drop(TCPError); |
return false; |
} |
// If this fails then there's an unhandled asio error
assert(_expected == _length); |
return true; |
} |