@ -40,18 +40,39 @@ namespace dev
namespace solidity
const map < string , string > StandardSources = map < string , string > {
{ " coin " , R " (import " CoinReg " ;import " Config " ;import " configUser " ;contract coin is configUser{function coin(string3 name, uint denom) {CoinReg(Config(configAddr()).lookup(3)).register(name, denom);}}) " } ,
{ " Coin " , R " (contract Coin{function isApprovedFor(address _target,address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function isApproved(address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function sendCoinFrom(address _from,uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalanceOf(address _a)constant returns(uint256 _r){}function sendCoin(uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalance()constant returns(uint256 _r){}function approve(address _a){}}) " } ,
{ " CoinReg " , R " (contract CoinReg{function count()constant returns(uint256 r){}function info(uint256 i)constant returns(address addr,string3 name,uint256 denom){}function register(string3 name,uint256 denom){}function unregister(){}}) " } ,
{ " configUser " , R " (contract configUser{function configAddr()constant returns(address a){ return 0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b;}}) " } ,
{ " Config " , R " (contract Config{function lookup(uint256 service)constant returns(address a){}function kill(){}function unregister(uint256 id){}function register(uint256 id,address service){}}) " } ,
{ " mortal " , R " (import " owned " ;contract mortal is owned {function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner); }}) " } ,
{ " named " , R " (import " Config " ;import " NameReg " ;import " configUser " ;contract named is configUser {function named(string32 name) {NameReg(Config(configAddr()).lookup(1)).register(name);}}) " } ,
{ " NameReg " , R " (contract NameReg{function register(string32 name){}function addressOf(string32 name)constant returns(address addr){}function unregister(){}function nameOf(address addr)constant returns(string32 name){}}) " } ,
{ " owned " , R " (contract owned{function owned(){owner = msg.sender;}modifier onlyowner(){if(msg.sender==owner)_}address owner;}) " } ,
{ " service " , R " (import " Config " ;import " configUser " ;contract service is configUser{function service(uint _n){Config(configAddr()).register(_n, this);}}) " } ,
{ " std " , R " (import " owned " ;import " mortal " ;import " Config " ;import " configUser " ;import " NameReg " ;import " named " ;) " }
} ;
CompilerStack : : CompilerStack ( bool _addStandardSources ) :
m_addStandardSources ( _addStandardSources ) , m_parseSuccessful ( false )
if ( m_addStandardSources )
addSources ( StandardSources ) ;
bool CompilerStack : : addSource ( string const & _name , string const & _content )
bool existed = m_sources . count ( _name ) ! = 0 ;
reset ( true ) ;
m_sources [ _name ] . scanner = make_shared < Scanner > ( CharStream ( expanded ( _content ) ) , _name ) ;
m_sources [ _name ] . scanner = make_shared < Scanner > ( CharStream ( _content ) , _name ) ;
return existed ;
void CompilerStack : : setSource ( string const & _sourceCode )
reset ( ) ;
addSource ( " " , expanded ( _sourceCode ) ) ;
addSource ( " " , _sourceCode ) ;
void CompilerStack : : parse ( )
@ -91,7 +112,6 @@ void CompilerStack::parse()
void CompilerStack : : parse ( string const & _sourceCode )
setSource ( _sourceCode ) ;
addSources ( StandardSources ) ;
parse ( ) ;
@ -125,64 +145,6 @@ void CompilerStack::compile(bool _optimize)
const map < string , string > StandardSources = map < string , string > {
/* { "Config", "contract Config{function lookup(uint256 service)constant returns(address a){}function kill(){}function unregister(uint256 id){}function register(uint256 id,address service){}}" },
{ " owned " , " contract owned{function owned(){owner = msg.sender;}address owner;} " } ,
{ " mortal " , " import \" owned \" ; \n contract mortal is owned {function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner); }} " } ,
{ " NameReg " , " contract NameReg{function register(string32 name){}function addressOf(string32 name)constant returns(address addr){}function unregister(){}function nameOf(address addr)constant returns(string32 name){}} " } ,
{ " named " , " import \" Config \" ; \n import \" NameReg \" ; \n contract named {function named(string32 name) {NameReg(Config().lookup(1)).register(name);}} " } ,
{ " std " , " import \" owned \" ; \n import \" mortal \" ; \n import \" Config \" ; \n import \" NameReg \" ; \n import \" named \" ; \n " } ,
*/ } ;
/// remove once import works properly and we have genesis contracts
string CompilerStack : : expanded ( string const & _sourceCode )
const map < string , string > c_standardSources = map < string , string > {
{ " Config " , " contract Config{function lookup(uint256 service)constant returns(address a){}function kill(){}function unregister(uint256 id){}function register(uint256 id,address service){}} " } ,
{ " Coin " , " contract Coin{function isApprovedFor(address _target,address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function isApproved(address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function sendCoinFrom(address _from,uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalanceOf(address _a)constant returns(uint256 _r){}function sendCoin(uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalance()constant returns(uint256 _r){}function approve(address _a){}} " } ,
{ " CoinReg " , " contract CoinReg{function count()constant returns(uint256 r){}function info(uint256 i)constant returns(address addr,string3 name,uint256 denom){}function register(string3 name,uint256 denom){}function unregister(){}} " } ,
{ " coin " , " #require CoinReg \n contract coin {function coin(string3 name, uint denom) {CoinReg(Config().lookup(3)).register(name, denom);}} " } ,
{ " service " , " #require Config \n contract service{function service(uint _n){Config().register(_n, this);}} " } ,
{ " owned " , " contract owned{function owned(){owner = msg.sender;}modifier onlyowner(){if(msg.sender==owner)_}address owner;} " } ,
{ " mortal " , " #require owned \n contract mortal is owned {function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner); }} " } ,
{ " NameReg " , " contract NameReg{function register(string32 name){}function addressOf(string32 name)constant returns(address addr){}function unregister(){}function nameOf(address addr)constant returns(string32 name){}} " } ,
{ " named " , " #require Config NameReg \n contract named {function named(string32 name) {NameReg(Config().lookup(1)).register(name);}} " } ,
{ " std " , " #require owned mortal Config NameReg named " } ,
} ;
string sub ;
set < string > got ;
function < string ( string const & ) > localExpanded ;
localExpanded = [ & ] ( string const & s ) - > string
string ret = s ;
for ( size_t p = 0 ; p ! = string : : npos ; )
if ( ( p = ret . find ( " #require " ) ) ! = string : : npos )
string n = ret . substr ( p + 9 , ret . find_first_of ( ' \n ' , p + 9 ) - p - 9 ) ;
ret . replace ( p , n . size ( ) + 9 , " " ) ;
vector < string > rs ;
boost : : split ( rs , n , boost : : is_any_of ( " \t , " ) , boost : : token_compress_on ) ;
for ( auto const & r : rs )
if ( ! got . count ( r ) )
if ( c_standardSources . count ( r ) )
sub . append ( " \n " + localExpanded ( c_standardSources . at ( r ) ) + " \n " ) ;
got . insert ( r ) ;
// TODO: remove once we have genesis contracts.
else if ( ( p = ret . find ( " Config() " ) ) ! = string : : npos )
ret . replace ( p , 8 , " Config(0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b) " ) ;
return ret ;
} ;
return sub + localExpanded ( _sourceCode ) ;
bytes const & CompilerStack : : compile ( string const & _sourceCode , bool _optimize )
parse ( _sourceCode ) ;
@ -278,7 +240,11 @@ void CompilerStack::reset(bool _keepSources)
for ( auto sourcePair : m_sources )
sourcePair . second . reset ( ) ;
m_sources . clear ( ) ;
if ( m_addStandardSources )
addSources ( StandardSources ) ;
m_globalContext . reset ( ) ;
m_sourceOrder . clear ( ) ;
m_contracts . clear ( ) ;