/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file KeyManager.cpp * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com> * @date 2014 */ #include "KeyManager.h" #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <libdevcore/Log.h> #include <libdevcore/Guards.h> #include <libdevcore/RLP.h> using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace eth; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; KeyManager::KeyManager(std::string const& _keysFile): m_keysFile(_keysFile) {} KeyManager::~KeyManager() {} bool KeyManager::exists() const { return !contents(m_keysFile + ".salt").empty() && !contents(m_keysFile).empty(); } void KeyManager::create(std::string const& _pass) { m_password = asString(h256::random().asBytes()); write(_pass, m_keysFile); } bool KeyManager::load(std::string const& _pass) { try { bytes salt = contents(m_keysFile + ".salt"); bytes encKeys = contents(m_keysFile); m_key = h128(pbkdf2(_pass, salt, 262144, 16)); bytes bs = decryptSymNoAuth(m_key, h128(), &encKeys); RLP s(bs); unsigned version = (unsigned)s[0]; if (version == 1) { for (auto const& i: s[1]) { m_keyInfo[m_addrLookup[(Address)i[0]] = (h128)i[1]] = KeyInfo((h256)i[2], (std::string)i[3]); cdebug << toString((Address)i[0]) << toString((h128)i[1]) << toString((h256)i[2]) << (std::string)i[3]; } for (auto const& i: s[2]) m_passwordInfo[(h256)i[0]] = (std::string)i[1]; m_password = (string)s[3]; } m_cachedPasswords[hashPassword(m_password)] = m_password; return true; } catch (...) { return false; } } Secret KeyManager::secret(Address const& _address, function<std::string()> const& _pass) const { auto it = m_addrLookup.find(_address); if (it == m_addrLookup.end()) return Secret(); return secret(it->second, _pass); } Secret KeyManager::secret(h128 const& _uuid, function<std::string()> const& _pass) const { return Secret(m_store.secret(_uuid, [&](){ auto kit = m_keyInfo.find(_uuid); if (kit != m_keyInfo.end()) { auto it = m_cachedPasswords.find(kit->second.passHash); if (it != m_cachedPasswords.end()) return it->second; } std::string p = _pass(); m_cachedPasswords[hashPassword(p)] = p; return p; })); } h128 KeyManager::uuid(Address const& _a) const { auto it = m_addrLookup.find(_a); if (it == m_addrLookup.end()) return h128(); return it->second; } Address KeyManager::address(h128 const& _uuid) const { for (auto const& i: m_addrLookup) if (i.second == _uuid) return i.first; return Address(); } h128 KeyManager::import(Secret const& _s, string const& _info, std::string const& _pass, string const& _passInfo) { Address addr = KeyPair(_s).address(); auto passHash = hashPassword(_pass); m_cachedPasswords[passHash] = _pass; m_passwordInfo[passHash] = _passInfo; auto uuid = m_store.importSecret(_s.asBytes(), _pass); m_keyInfo[uuid] = KeyInfo{passHash, _info}; m_addrLookup[addr] = uuid; write(m_keysFile); return uuid; } void KeyManager::importExisting(h128 const& _uuid, std::string const& _info, std::string const& _pass, std::string const& _passInfo) { bytes key = m_store.secret(_uuid, [&](){ return _pass; }); if (key.empty()) return; Address a = KeyPair(Secret(key)).address(); auto passHash = hashPassword(_pass); if (!m_passwordInfo.count(passHash)) m_passwordInfo[passHash] = _passInfo; if (!m_cachedPasswords.count(passHash)) m_cachedPasswords[passHash] = _pass; m_addrLookup[a] = _uuid; m_keyInfo[_uuid].passHash = passHash; m_keyInfo[_uuid].info = _info; write(m_keysFile); } void KeyManager::kill(Address const& _a) { auto id = m_addrLookup[_a]; m_addrLookup.erase(_a); m_keyInfo.erase(id); m_store.kill(id); } AddressHash KeyManager::accounts() const { AddressHash ret; for (auto const& i: m_addrLookup) if (m_keyInfo.count(i.second) > 0) ret.insert(i.first); return ret; } std::unordered_map<Address, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> KeyManager::accountDetails() const { std::unordered_map<Address, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> ret; for (auto const& i: m_addrLookup) if (m_keyInfo.count(i.second) > 0) ret[i.first] = make_pair(m_keyInfo.at(i.second).info, m_passwordInfo.at(m_keyInfo.at(i.second).passHash)); return ret; } h256 KeyManager::hashPassword(std::string const& _pass) const { // TODO SECURITY: store this a bit more securely; Scrypt perhaps? return h256(pbkdf2(_pass, asBytes(m_password), 262144, 32)); } bool KeyManager::write(std::string const& _keysFile) const { if (!m_key) return false; write(m_key, _keysFile); return true; } void KeyManager::write(std::string const& _pass, std::string const& _keysFile) const { bytes salt = h256::random().asBytes(); writeFile(_keysFile + ".salt", salt); auto key = h128(pbkdf2(_pass, salt, 262144, 16)); write(key, _keysFile); } void KeyManager::write(h128 const& _key, std::string const& _keysFile) const { RLPStream s(4); s << 1; s.appendList(m_addrLookup.size()); for (auto const& i: m_addrLookup) if (m_keyInfo.count(i.second)) { auto ki = m_keyInfo.at(i.second); s.appendList(4) << i.first << i.second << ki.passHash << ki.info; } s.appendList(m_passwordInfo.size()); for (auto const& i: m_passwordInfo) s.appendList(2) << i.first << i.second; s.append(m_password); writeFile(_keysFile, encryptSymNoAuth(_key, h128(), &s.out())); m_key = _key; }