import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3 import org.ethereum.qml.QEther 1.0 import "js/QEtherHelper.js" as QEtherHelper import "js/TransactionHelper.js" as TransactionHelper import "." Dialog { id: modalStateDialog modality: Qt.ApplicationModal width: 630 height: 660 title: qsTr("Edit State") visible: false property alias stateTitle: titleField.text property alias isDefault: defaultCheckBox.checked property alias model: transactionsModel property alias transactionDialog: transactionDialog property alias minerComboBox: comboMiner property alias newAccAction: newAccountAction property int stateIndex property var stateTransactions: [] property var stateAccounts: [] property var stateContracts: [] signal accepted StateDialogStyle { id: stateDialogStyle } function open(index, item, setDefault) { stateIndex = index stateTitle = item.title transactionsModel.clear() stateTransactions = [] var transactions = item.transactions for (var t = 0; t < transactions.length; t++) { transactionsModel.append(item.transactions[t]) stateTransactions.push(item.transactions[t]) } accountsModel.clear() stateAccounts = [] var miner = 0 for (var k = 0; k < item.accounts.length; k++) { accountsModel.append(item.accounts[k]) stateAccounts.push(item.accounts[k]) if (item.miner && item.accounts[k].name === miner = k } stateContracts = [] if (item.contracts) { for (k = 0; k < item.contracts.length; k++) { contractsModel.append(item.contracts[k]) stateContracts.push(item.contracts[k]) } } visible = true isDefault = setDefault titleField.focus = true defaultCheckBox.enabled = !isDefault comboMiner.model = stateAccounts comboMiner.currentIndex = miner forceActiveFocus() } function acceptAndClose() { close() accepted() } function close() { visible = false } function getItem() { var item = { title: stateDialog.stateTitle, transactions: stateTransactions, accounts: stateAccounts, contracts: stateContracts } for (var k = 0; k < stateAccounts.length; k++) { if (stateAccounts[k].name === comboMiner.currentText) { item.miner = stateAccounts[k] break } } return item } contentItem: Rectangle { color: stateDialogStyle.generic.backgroundColor Rectangle { color: stateDialogStyle.generic.backgroundColor anchors.margins: 10 anchors.fill: parent ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 ColumnLayout { id: dialogContent RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true DefaultLabel { Layout.preferredWidth: 85 text: qsTr("Title") } DefaultTextField { id: titleField Layout.fillWidth: true } } CommonSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 85 DefaultLabel { id: contractsLabel Layout.preferredWidth: 85 wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere text: qsTr("Genesis\nContracts") } Button { id: importStateButton contractsLabel.bottom anchors.topMargin: 10 action: importStateAction } Action { id: importStateAction tooltip: qsTr("Import genesis state from JSON file") text: qsTr("Import...") onTriggered: { } } FileDialog { id: importJsonFileDialog visible: false title: qsTr("Select State File") nameFilters: Qt.platform.os === "osx" ? [] : [qsTr("JSON files (*.json)", "All files (*)")] //qt 5.4 segfaults with filter string on OSX onAccepted: { var path = importJsonFileDialog.fileUrl.toString() var jsonData = fileIo.readFile(path) if (jsonData) { var json = JSON.parse(jsonData) for (var address in json) { var account = { address: address, name: (json[address].name ? json[address].name : address), balance: QEtherHelper.createEther(json[address].wei, QEther.Wei), code: json[address].code, storage: json[address].storage } if (account.code) { contractsModel.append(account) stateContracts.push(account) } else { accountsModel.append(account) stateAccounts.push(account) } } } } } } TableView { id: genesisContractsView Layout.fillWidth: true model: contractsModel headerVisible: false TableViewColumn { role: "name" title: qsTr("Name") width: 230 delegate: Item { RowLayout { height: 25 width: parent.width anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Button { iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/delete_sign.png" action: deleteContractAction } Action { id: deleteContractAction tooltip: qsTr("Delete Contract") onTriggered: { stateContracts.splice(styleData.row, 1) contractsModel.remove(styleData.row) } } DefaultTextField { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter onTextChanged: { if (styleData.row > -1) stateContracts[styleData.row].name = text } text: styleData.value } } } } TableViewColumn { role: "balance" title: qsTr("Balance") width: 200 delegate: Item { Ether { edit: true displayFormattedValue: false value: styleData.value } } } rowDelegate: Rectangle { color: styleData.alternate ? "transparent" : "#f0f0f0" height: 30 } } } CommonSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 85 DefaultLabel { id: accountsLabel Layout.preferredWidth: 85 text: qsTr("Accounts") } Button { id: newAccountButton accountsLabel.bottom anchors.topMargin: 10 iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/plus.png" action: newAccountAction } Action { id: newAccountAction tooltip: qsTr("Add new Account") onTriggered: { add() } function add() { var account = stateListModel.newAccount( "1000000", QEther.Ether) stateAccounts.push(account) accountsModel.append(account) return account } } } MessageDialog { id: alertAlreadyUsed text: qsTr("This account is in use. You cannot remove it. The first account is used to deploy config contract and cannot be removed.") icon: StandardIcon.Warning standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } TableView { id: accountsView Layout.fillWidth: true model: accountsModel headerVisible: false TableViewColumn { role: "name" title: qsTr("Name") width: 230 delegate: Item { RowLayout { height: 25 width: parent.width Button { iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/delete_sign.png" action: deleteAccountAction } Action { id: deleteAccountAction tooltip: qsTr("Delete Account") onTriggered: { if (transactionsModel.isUsed( stateAccounts[styleData.row].secret)) else { if (stateAccounts[styleData.row].name === comboMiner.currentText) comboMiner.currentIndex = 0 stateAccounts.splice( styleData.row, 1) accountsModel.remove( styleData.row) comboMiner.model = stateAccounts //TODO: filter accounts wo private keys comboMiner.update() } } } DefaultTextField { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter onTextChanged: { if (styleData.row > -1) { stateAccounts[styleData.row].name = text var index = comboMiner.currentIndex comboMiner.model = stateAccounts comboMiner.currentIndex = index } } text: { return styleData.value } } } } } TableViewColumn { role: "balance" title: qsTr("Balance") width: 200 delegate: Item { Ether { edit: true displayFormattedValue: false value: styleData.value } } } rowDelegate: Rectangle { color: styleData.alternate ? "transparent" : "#f0f0f0" height: 30 } } } CommonSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true DefaultLabel { Layout.preferredWidth: 85 text: qsTr("Miner") } ComboBox { id: comboMiner textRole: "name" Layout.fillWidth: true } } CommonSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true DefaultLabel { Layout.preferredWidth: 85 text: qsTr("Default") } CheckBox { id: defaultCheckBox Layout.fillWidth: true } } CommonSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 85 DefaultLabel { id: transactionsLabel Layout.preferredWidth: 85 text: qsTr("Transactions") } Button { transactionsLabel.bottom anchors.topMargin: 10 iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/plus.png" action: newTrAction } Action { id: newTrAction tooltip: qsTr("Create a new transaction") onTriggered: transactionsModel.addTransaction() } } TableView { id: transactionsView Layout.fillWidth: true model: transactionsModel headerVisible: false TableViewColumn { role: "label" title: qsTr("Name") width: 150 delegate: Item { RowLayout { height: 30 width: parent.width Button { iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/delete_sign.png" action: deleteTransactionAction } Action { id: deleteTransactionAction tooltip: qsTr("Delete") onTriggered: transactionsModel.deleteTransaction( styleData.row) } Button { iconSource: "qrc:/qml/img/edit.png" action: editAction visible: styleData.row >= 0 ? !transactionsModel.get( styleData.row).stdContract : false width: 10 height: 10 Action { id: editAction tooltip: qsTr("Edit") onTriggered: transactionsModel.editTransaction( styleData.row) } } DefaultLabel { Layout.preferredWidth: 150 text: { if (styleData.row >= 0) return transactionsModel.get( styleData.row).label else return "" } } } } } rowDelegate: Rectangle { color: styleData.alternate ? "transparent" : "#f0f0f0" height: 30 } } } } RowLayout { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right Button { text: qsTr("Delete") enabled: !modalStateDialog.isDefault onClicked: { projectModel.stateListModel.deleteState(stateIndex) close() } } Button { text: qsTr("OK") onClicked: { if (titleField.text === "") else { close() accepted() } } } Button { text: qsTr("Cancel") onClicked: close() } } MessageDialog { id: alertDialog text: qsTr("Please provide a name.") } ListModel { id: accountsModel function removeAccount(_i) { accountsModel.remove(_i) stateAccounts.splice(_i, 1) } } ListModel { id: contractsModel function removeContract(_i) { contractsModel.remove(_i) stateContracts.splice(_i, 1) } } ListModel { id: transactionsModel function editTransaction(index) { transactionDialog.stateAccounts = stateAccounts, transactionsModel.get(index)) } function addTransaction() { // Set next id here to work around Qt bug // // Second call to signal handler would just edit the item that was just created, no harm done var item = TransactionHelper.defaultTransaction() transactionDialog.stateAccounts = stateAccounts, item) } function deleteTransaction(index) { stateTransactions.splice(index, 1) transactionsModel.remove(index) } function isUsed(secret) { for (var i in stateTransactions) { if (stateTransactions[i].sender === secret) return true } return false } } TransactionDialog { id: transactionDialog onAccepted: { var item = transactionDialog.getItem() if (transactionDialog.transactionIndex < transactionsModel.count) { transactionsModel.set( transactionDialog.transactionIndex, item) stateTransactions[transactionDialog.transactionIndex] = item } else { transactionsModel.append(item) stateTransactions.push(item) } } } } } } }